#!../../bin/linux-x86_64/streamApp ## You may have to change DSO6014 to something else ## Register all support components dbLoadDatabase "../../dbd/streamApp.dbd" streamApp_registerRecordDeviceDriver epicsEnvSet "STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH", "../Db/:../../db/:protocols:../protocols/:./" epicsEnvSet "EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST", "" epicsEnvSet "EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES", "2000000" ############################################################################### # Configure hardware ## for IP network(VXI11) ##vxi11Configure "portName", "host name" ## (no SRQ : lock devices : recover with IFC) ## "default timeout", "vxiName", priority, ## asyn/asyn/vxi11/devVXI11.c ## int vxi11Configure( ## char *dn, char *hostName, int flags, ## char *defTimeoutString, # default= DEFAULT_RPC_TIMEOUT 4 ## char *vxiName, ## unsigned int priority, ## int noAutoConnect) ## define FLAG_RECOVER_WITH_IFC 0x1 ## define FLAG_LOCK_DEVICES 0x2 ## define FLAG_NO_SRQ 0x4 # #vxi11Configure "OSC", "", 0, "0.0", "inst0", 0, 0 # ## ## for USB (USBTMC) ## for usbtmc support you need to enable DRV_USBTMC option in asyn/configure/CONFIG_SITE. ## Add "streamApp_DBD += drvAsynUSBTMC.dbd" to streamApp/Makefile, too. ## Then compile asyn library and streamDevApp. ## usbtmcConfigure(port, vendorNum, productNum, serialNumberStr, priority, flags) usbtmcConfigure("OSC", 0x0957, 0x1724,"MY48260329",0,0) ## first device with idVendor/idProduct # #usbtmcConfigure("OSC", 0x0957, 0x1724) # ## # 0x0957:Agilent Technology Inc.a # 0x1724: DSO6014(?) ## IPPORT ## ## drvAsynIPPortConfigure(const char *portName, ## const char *hostInfo, ## unsigned int priority, ## int noAutoConnect, ## int noProcessEos) ## # #drvAsynIPPortConfigure("OSC", "", 0, 0, 0); # ## 5025:no prompt/raw socket ## 5024:telnet port with prompt. sending "reboo\n" to this port will reboot the oscillo scope. # #drvAsynIPPortConfigure("OSCT", "", 0, 0, 0); # ## ## asynSetTrace[IO]Mask portnName:String, addr:Int, mask:String(int or masknames[\|maskname|\+maskname]*) ## mask:String {ERROR(1)|DEVICE(2)|FILTER(4)|DRIVER(8)|FLOW|WARNING} for SetTraceMask ## {NODATA(0)|ASCII(1)|ESCAPE(2)|HEX(4)} fro SetTraceIOMask asynSetTraceIOMask("OSC",0,0x2) # asynSetTraceIOMask("OSC",0,"ESCAPE") # asynSetTraceIOMask("OSC",0,"ASCII+ESCAPE+HEX") asynSetTraceMask("OSC",0,0x03) #asynSetTraceMask("OSC",0,"0x03") #asynSetTraceMask("OSC",0,"ERROR|DEVICE") ## asynSetTraceMask("OSC",0,"ERROR|DEVICE|FILTER|DRIVER|FLOW|WARNING") # ## Load record instances dbLoadRecords("../Db/devDSO6014.db","P=noboruHost:,R=0:,OSC=OSC,ascan=Passive,NELM=200000") #cd ${TOP}/iocBoot/${IOC} var streamDebug 0 iocInit() ## Start any sequence programs #seq sncExample,"user=noboruHost" #enable debug output var streamDebug 0