J-PARC Center Aug. 1, 2016
Beam Operation at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF), J-PARC
We had to stop beam operation at MLF because of the defect of the neutron target (hereinafter referred to as target) last November. Using the spare target, we started operation this February with the beam power around 200kW. Since then, we have been able to make stable operation.
We will continue to explore the cause of the defect diligently. At the same time, we strive to provide a new target. The results of the exploration of the last defect will be reflected and taken into consideration in developing full-fledged countermeasures for designing, inspecting and constructing the new target. The new target will be introduced at an earliest maintenance period.
Until the time the new target is introduced, we have to operate with the present target, maintaining its soundness. Please note that there might be beam power reduction to some degrees.
We continue our effort to inform you promptly if there is any development. We ask for your kind understanding and cooperation.
J-PARC Center Director, Naohito SAITO