J-PARC Seminar

J-PARC Seminar is J-PARC related scientific/engineering talk intended for scientists/engineers including PhD studnents. Speakers try to explain audience from different fields, for example, particle and nuclear physics talk should be understandable by researchers from material/life science or engineers or vice versa.
Normaly presented in English unless otherwise stated.

Date SpeakerTitleRoom
第3回 2017/6/30 13:30-15:00 Prof. Peter Geltenbort (Institut Laue Langevin) News from the ILL ultracold neutron physics program (In ENGLISH) 研究棟2F会議室/J-PARC Research Bld 2F Meeeting Room
第2回 2017/3/22 16:00- Prof. Louis Lyons (Imperial College London, Professor Emeritus of Oxford University) Practical Statistics for Experimental Scientists (In ENGLISH) 研究棟2F会議室/J-PARC Research Bld 2F Meeeting Room
第1回 2016/3/17 14:15- 藤田 玲子(ImPACTプログラムマネージャー)/Reiko FUJITA Program Manager, Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT) 核変換による高レベル放 射性廃棄物の大幅な低減・資源化 / Reduction and Resource Recycling of High-level Radioactive Wastes through Nuclear Transformation (In JAPANESE) 研究棟2F会議室/J-PARC Research Bld 2F Meeeting Room

世話人/Organizer: Mail to

加速器 金正倫計
JAEA先端研 伊藤孝
CROSS 舟越賢一
MLF 横尾哲也
PN Muon 西口創
PN Hadron 武藤亮太郎
PN Neutrino 丸山和純
PN 小松原健
