=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- J-PARC Project Newsletter _______ No.30 , October 2007_______ Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under construction jointly by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. <<Overview>> NEW ROLE FOR THE USERS CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE. FOLLOW UP OF THE BUDGET REQUEST FOR JFY2008. RESPONSE TO THE THIRD REVIEW ON J-PARC BY THE GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE. OFFICE SPACE IN FRONT OF JAEA. NEW TRUSTEES WERE APPOINTED AT JAEA. PROGRESS IN THE ACCELERATOR DEVELOPMENT. 2. <<Accelerator Group>> THE RCS STARTED THE BEAM COMMISSIONING AS SCHEDULED 3. <<Control Group>> INTERLOCK SYSTEMS ARE READY FOR THE BEAM COMMISSIONING OF THE RCS 4. <<Neutron Science Group >> (Materials & Life Science Experimental Facility Group) ACHIEVEMENT OF THE MAXIMUM FLOW RATE OF 50m^3/hr IN THE MERCURY CIRCULATION TEST OF THE TARGET SYSTEM. A LARGE VACUUM SCATTERING CHAMBER ( 22m^3) FOR 4SEASONS WAS CARRIED IN THE MLF FACILITY 5. <<Nuclear Transmutation Group>> LIQUID LEAD BISMUTH PUMPED OUT FROM JLBL-1 AND INSUFFICIENT RELIABILITY OF NUCLEAR DATA ON MA FOR ADS - FR DESIGNS 6. <<Radiation Safety Group>> APPLICATION FOR 50 GeV SYNCHROTRON OPERATION LICENSE SUBMITTED TO MEXT 7. <<Announcement of Symposia and Meetings>> 8. <<Editorial Note>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. <<Overview>> By Shoji NAGAMIYA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW ROLE FOR THE USERS CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE. During the summer time, active discussions were held on the issue of how to include the voice from the communities in the master plan of J-PARC after the start of J-PARC operation. In each community discussions were held. The high energy physics committee proposed to create a new committee under the J-PARC Council to discuss this issue. After extensive discussions among the communities, the final conclusion is to conduct this type of discussion at the existing User Consultative Committee, by adding a new function to this committee. Selection of new committee members is underway. After the members are solicited ( which will occur by the end of October ), this committee will start discussions of a grand design ( master plan ) of the J-PARC after its completion in 2008. FOLLOW UP OF THE BUDGET REQUEST FOR JFY2008. After we submitted our budget request to the funding agency, the Ministry of Education, etc. and Technology ( MEXT ) sent almost our full budget request to the Finance Department at the end of August. Presently, the review at the Finance Department is underway. This year an oral presentation to the Council of Science and Technology Policy (CSTP) was not held for J-PARC, since this CSTP ranked the J-PARC at "A" last year. On the other hand, the above news does not mean that our budget status for JFY2008 is smooth. Instead, a significant and severe evaluation will be made within a month or so. The final answer will be given at the end of December. Since we requested a significant increase in the operational budget for the next year, the funding agency is presently working very hard to accommodate out request. RESPONSE TO THE THIRD REVIEW ON J-PARC BY THE GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE. As described in the previous Newsletter, a long review on the J-PARC by the Government Committee was held. The J-PARC Center read its report carefully and started to list action items. For example, the J-PARC Center must start to prepare a detailed plan for the usage of the neutron and muon beam lines. The J-PARC also has to start a reevaluation of a long-term operational budget. The J-PARC Center created many working groups to discuss action items in response to the Committee report. OFFICE SPACE IN FRONT OF JAEA. The Local Government, Ibaraki Prefecture, is now working very hard to prepare a new office space for users of J-PARC in front of the JAEA campus. The floor plan is under discussion. If everything goes well, a large office space will be available from the end of 2008. More news will come in a later issue of this Newsletter. NEW TRUSTEES WERE APPOINTED AT JAEA. On October 1st a few trustees were replaced by new members. Among them, the J-PARC related persons are as follows: Dr. H. Yokomizo is now responsible to J-PARC and Dr. S. Okada is responsible to the Quantum Beam Directorate that includes the neutron research at J-PARC. PROGRESS IN THE ACCELERATOR DEVELOPMENT. The most important highlight during the last month is an impressive development of the accelerator. The accelerator group is now trying to inject beams from the Linac to 3 GeV. At around the time when this Newsletter is published, the injection of the beams might have already succeeded. For details, see the article written by Y. Yamazaki in this Newsletter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. <<Accelerator Group>> by Yoshishige YAMAZAKI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE RCS STARTED THE BEAM COMMISSIONING AS SCHEDULED We are now at one of the most exciting times in the project. Exactly as scheduled, we started the beam commissioning of the 3-GeV Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron ( RCS ) in the run starting September 10th. All of the accelerator components of the RCS were ready by that time, although the two ceramic vacuum chambers had some problems at the last moment. One of them was repaired, while the other can be used for the time being, that is, during the low beam current stage. The linac was again in operation and the beam was successfully transported from the linac to the RCS on October 2nd. During that time, one incident happened at the charge-exchange foil system. The gate valve was abnormally closed and did not detect the remaining foil-replacement system, which was broken in the incident. While this system is under repair, we resumed the beam commissioning as follows. First, the H-minus beam was transported to the H-0 dump located at the injection section of the RCS on October 4th without the broken foil system, well simulating the behavior of the H-minus beam. Then, making use of the two week scheduled shut down, the foil with fixed support system instead of the broken replacing mechanism will be installed, and the charge-exchange injection to the RCS will be tested in the run starting on October 22nd. In parallel with the ongoing beam tests, the foil-replacement system will be repaired for beam power increase. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. <<Control Group>> by Noboru YAMAMOTO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERLOCK SYSTEMS ARE READY FOR THE BEAM COMMISSIONING OF THE RCS PPS ( Personnel Protection System ) is an interlock system to protect a person from radiation hazard during the accelerator operation. Prior to the beam commissioning of the RCS ( 3GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron ), the PPS of the RCS has been integrated during the shutdown period this summer with that of the Linac, which is already in operation since last year. This interlock system was inspected by the authority on September 5 and 6, and permission was issued for the radiation controlled area and the beam commissioning of the RCS. The controlled area was set on Sep. 25 as scheduled. The MPS ( Machine Protection System ) is another interlock system for the prevention of unexpected beam loss and troubles of the accelerator components. The MPS of the RCS needs to handle thousands of signals from the accelerator components. The proper operation of the MPS was confirmed by the start of the beam commissioning on Oct. 1. Consoles have been set up in the RCS timing equipment room for the beam commissioning of the RCS. The software development is being focused for data acquisition of the beam instruments of the RCS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. <<Neutron Science Group>> by Yujiro IKEDA (Materials & Life Science Experimental Facility Group) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ACHIEVEMENT OF THE MAXIMUM FLOW RATE OF 50m^3/hr IN THE MERCURY CIRCULATION TEST OF THE TARGET SYSTEM. A LARGE VACUUM SCATTERING CHAMBER ( 22m^3) FOR 4SEASONS WAS CARRIED IN THE MLF FACILITY 1) Neutron Source Facility Construction and Test For the proton beam transport from the 3GeV synchrotron to the MLF facility, all the beam line components have been aligned within �0.1mm precision, assuring the readiness requirements for beam acceptance. Also, in an integrated test with the 3GeV synchrotron on August 19, 2007, all systems for the beam transport, e.g. beam monitors, diagnostics, electric power system, water cooling system, and vacuum system, have satisfied the design specifications. After installation of the mercury target system, we have started the functional tests for system. Each step of the remote handling movement for the target container exchange has been demonstrated to operate as designed. In the mercury circulation test, we have achieved the maximum flow rate of 50m^3/hr, and demonstrated continuous operation for 12 hrs with a normal operation condition of 41m^3/hr. The airtight confinement of the target station with ceiling shield blocks was achieved by putting silicon filler into gaps. We have also started a demonstration test of the remote handling procedure for the moderators and reflector exchange. 2) Neutron Instrumentation Construction is underway on the IBARAKI Materials Design Diffractometer ( BL20 ), Super High Resolution Powder Diffractometer ( BL08,~100m length ) and 4D Space Access Neutron Spectrometer ( 4SEASONS, BL01). A vacuum scattering chamber ( 22m^3 ) for 4SEASONS was moved into the MLF facility. Development of data analysis software for inelastic neutron scattering was started between JAEA and a Korean group ( HANARO ). Development of pulsed high magnetic fields equipment was started mainly by the Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research. The power supply was moved into the MLF facility. Characteristic experiments of a mortar shield including boron carbide, which is thought to have better absorbing properties than prior shielding, is proceeding with a private company. The application of licensing for radiation protection for the neutron scattering instruments ( IBARAKI Biological Crystal Diffractometer ( Ibaraki pref. ), IBARAKI Materials Design Diffractometer ( Ibaraki pref. ), 4D Space Access Neutron Spectrometer ( JAEA ), Nuclear Engineering Instrument ( Hokkaido University ), Super High Resolution Powder Diffractometer ( KEK ), Test Beam Line ( NOBORU, JAEA ), Engineering Diffractometer ( JAEA ), Cold-Neutron Double-Disk Chopper Spectrometer ( JAEA ) is proceeding for the first beam of May, 2008. Versatile High Intensity Total Diffractometer to study hydrogen storage alloys was funded by the New Energy Development Organization(NEDO). It is a program of five years from 2007. 3) Neutron Device Development As for the neutron scintillator detectors for the engineering diffractometer in J-PARC, which is developed under collaboration with ISIS, a novel method to connect PMTs to the main body of the detector was tested from the viewpoint of optical and electric shielding. The overall design for the detector was drafted and manufacturing of the first detector has been started. A two-dimensional position sensitive gas detector using a micro-pixel detection head was tested at a californium-252 neutron source facility. The developed detector system exhibited a spatial resolution of about 2mm with a gas pressure of 4.5 atm helium with 0.5 atm CF4. A load-lock chamber which allows the deposition chamber to be kept at high vacuum and assure high quality of neutron mirrors, has been installed on the large scale ion beam sputtering instrument. This equipment allows for shorter deposition and the production rate can be increased. NiC/Ti supermirrors with large critical angles of m=3, 4, and 6 and large area of 40cm x 10cm have been successfully deposited. The reflectivities of the supermirrors ( Si substrates ) are 0.87, 0.80 and 0.43 at each critical angle. The installation and alignment plan of neutron guide tubes is being studied for the design of the neutron guide jackets. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. <<Nuclear Transmutation Group>>by Kenji Kikuchi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LIQUID LEAD BISMUTH PUMPED OUT FROM JLBL-1 AND INSUFFICIENT RELIABILITY OF NUCLEAR DATA ON MA FOR ADS - FR DESIGNS As for the lead bismuth eutectic spallation target development, a liquid lead bismuth in the material corrosion loop ( JLBL-1: JAEA Lead Bismuth Loop-1 ) was evacuated from the loop and solidified in the pans successfully in order to prepare sampling for examining the diluted main elements from the steel after eighteen thousand hours run. Chemical analyses will quantify dissolved and precipitated impurities in lead bismuth. Hitherto precipitated elements or mass transfer in the circulating closed loop was reported but more comprehensive data will be shown. As for the Transmutation Physics Experimental Facility ( TEF-P ), the effectiveness of critical and subcritical experiments using minor actinide fuels are being investigated in terms of the design accuracy of accelerator-driven systems ( ADS ) and fast reactors ( FR ) for the transmutation of long-lived radioactive wastes. The integral validation of the nuclear data of minor actinides ( MA ) seems necessary for both ADS and FR because of the insufficient reliability of nuclear data. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. <<Radiation Safety Group>> by Taichi MIURA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION FOR 50 GeV SYNCHROTRON OPERATION LICENSE SUBMITTED TO MEXT Applications for licenses of the 50 GeV synchrotron operation and the Materials and Life Science Facility ( MLF ) were submitted to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ( MEXT ) on September 27, 2007. For these applications and the regulations on protection from radiation hazards of J-PARC, the 9th Safety Deliberative Committee on Radiation Safety of J-PARC and the 3rd Radiation Safety Committee of J-PARC met to discuss the radiation safety scheme, on July 30. Before the submission, these applications were approved by the Tokai-Village Municipal and Ibaraki Prefecture Governments on September 20. After receiving the license for 3GeV synchrotron operation on June 29, the approval for the operation was also granted from the local governments on July 30. Together with this license, other applications: LINAC power increase, radiation controlled areas for radioactive materials in the neutron, muon, hadron, and neutrino beam line facilities, were also granted. Before accelerating beam in the 3GeV synchrotron, an inspection by the Nuclear Safety Technology Center ( NUSTEC ) was conducted on September 5 and 6, and the certificate was issued. The beam acceleration is ready now at any time from the point of view of the operation license. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Announcement of Symposia and Meetings ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Neutron Target Technology Advisory Committee (NTAC) 27-29 February 2008 International Advisory Committee (IAC) 3-4 March 2008 The First J-PARC International Symposium International Symposium on Pulsed Neutron and Muon Sciences (IPS 08) March 5-7, 2008 Contact: H Takada, K Nakajima e-mail: IPS08@ml.j-parc.jp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. <<Editorial Note>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Editorial Board: Masatoshi ARAI (chair): masatoshi.arai@j-parc.jp Yujiro IKEDA: yujiro.ikeda@jaea.go.jp Nobuo OUCHI: nobuo.ouchi@jaea.go.jp Shinya SAWADA: shinya.sawada@kek.jp Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO toshifumi.tsukamoto@kek.jp English Editor: Dick Mischke mischke@triumf.ca =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= End of Letter -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=