=============================================================== J-PARC Project Newsletter No.36, April 2009 Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under construction jointly by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html =============================================================== HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. [Overview] NEW FISCAL YEAR STARTED IAC, A-TAC, N-TAC, MUSAC, 50 GEV PAC HELD FROM FEBRUARY TO MARCH GRAND DESIGN FOR J-PARC INAUGURATION FOR J-PARC 2. [Accelerator Division] EXTRACTION OF 30 GEV PROTON BEAM TO HADRON BEAM DUMP 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] THE FIRST BEAM EXTRACTED TO THE HADRON HALL AND THE "FIRST-BEAM WORKSHOP AT THE J-PARC HADRON EXPERIMENTAL HALL" CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEUTRINO FACILITY THE FIRST PRODUCTION OF NEUTRINOS 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] THE FIRST USER PROGRAM HAS BEEN CONDUCTED WITH A STABLE OPERATION OF THE TARGET STATION FOR ABOUT 25 DAYS IN A PERIOD FROM DEC. 23, 2008 TO FEB. 27, 2009. THE PROPOSALS FOR THE USER PROGRAM IN THE FIRST HALF OF 2009 WERE REVIEWED BY PROGRAM REVIEW COMMITTEES OF NEUTRON AND MUON IN FEB. 2009 5. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] THE ENDURANCE OF AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL 6. [Safety Division] THE SAFETY INSPECTION OF NEUTRINO EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCTED BY NUSTEC 7. [Information System Division] NEW SERVICES FOR J-PARC USERS HAVE STARTED 8. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] 9. [Editorial Note] ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. [Overview] by Shoji NAGAMIYA ----------------------------------------------------------- NEW FISCAL YEAR STARTED The new fiscal year started on April 1. This year is a special year for us, since the Phase 1 Project of the entire J-PARC was completed at the end of the previous fiscal year. In other words, the construction of the neutrino facility was completed. Facing a new phase of operation, though we are still struggling with many accelerator elements to complete, the headquarter members have been changed in the following way. J-PARC Director: Shoji NAGAMIYA (unchanged) J-PARC Deputy Director for KEK: Hitoshi KOBAYASHI J-PARC Deputy Director for JAEA: Yujiro IKEDA Namely, both Yoshishige YAMAZAKI (for KEK Deputy) and Yukio OYAMA (for JAEA Deputy) have stepped down from their positions. I would like to send my greatest thanks to these two. The financial situation for this year will be as follows. For the operational fund we shall have about 60 Oku Yen for JAEA and 65 Oku Yen for KEK. This will let us run for 110 days for the users program. In addition, 43 Oku Yen was approved for the energy recovery of the Linac (to 400 MeV), 5 Oku Yen for two additional neutron beam lines (first year of the 3 years) and 5 Oku Yen for the K=1.1 beamline for the hadron facility. An additional fund at the Government level is under discussion. IAC, A-TAC, N-TAC, MUSAC, 50GEV PAC HELD FROM FEBRUARY TO MARCH From the end of February to the beginning of March, many review committees were held, anticipating the fact the IAC (International Advisory Committee) was held on March 9 and 10. This time, although all the committees congratulated the success of the J-PARC, the main issue was to warrant the stability of the accelerator, since we are facing many problems in RFQ, RF System, the Power Station, etc. The IAC Report as well as other reports are about to be finalized. GRAND DESIGN FOR J-PARC The J-PARC Grand Design after the completion of Phase 1 is now being published, although the final draft is still under discussion by the communities. Professor Taku YAMANAKA at Osaka University is the chair of this committee and presented their work at the IAC meeting on March 10. According to this report, the plan was separated into three phases, the first 5 years, the second 5 years and beyond. The first 5 year plan includes: 1) intensity growth of the main ring accelerator primarily for neutrinos, 2) completion of the hadron beamlines which are not yet fabricated, 3) construction of muon beamlines including ultra soft muon beamline, etc. The detailed report is still under discussion and will be published soon. INAUGURATION FOR J-PARC The J-PARC Inauguration Ceremony will be scheduled for July 6. We invite all the related persons, including major people, foreign guests, industries that contributed to us, and our participants. The total number of guests will be over 1,000. If you are interested in joining this inauguration, please write me directly. ----------------------------------------------------------- 2. [Accelerator Division] by Ainosuke ANDO ----------------------------------------------------------- EXTRACTION OF 30 GEV PROTON BEAM TO HADRON BEAM DUMP The 30 GeV proton beam in MR (50 GeV Synchrotron) was extracted by the third order resonance (3Qx =67, Qx: horizontal tune of betatron oscillation) to the Hadron beam dump at 19:35, Jan. 25, 2009. This is the first trial of slow extraction before using the beam de-bunching techniques to obtain coasting beam and the beam spill feedback which will be installed this summer. Because the current stability of the power supplies of main magnets was (1.0 ~ 3.0)E-4, the beam extracted suddenly when Qx reached near 67/3 due to the tune ripple caused by the current ripples. The improvement toward the current stability in ppm order is essential for real slow extraction. The extraction efficiency was roughly estimated as 90 %. The beam loss monitors were calibrated by scraping the beam with the local bump near the extraction septa. The output voltage is almost linear to the number of the lost protons. Taking into account the residual radiation level measured after the beam operation, the guideline that the beam loss at local area must be less than 20 W to keep the residual radiation level less than 1 mSv/h for the safe maintenance are well confirmed. The loss information gave the extraction efficiency as about 90 %, which was confirmed by the comparison with the beam current monitor in the Hadron beam line. After almost continuous operation for more than one year, the many troubles exposed the fragile elements of the accelerator systems. The most serious problems are the discharge of the RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole linac), buckling or stress deformation of MA (magnetic alloy) cores for the RF cavities of RCS (3 GeV Synchrotron) and the breakdown of the IEGT's (Injection Enhanced Gate Transistor) of the power supply for one family of MR quadrupole magnets. The RFQ problem, which was already reported in the previous letter, limited not only the beam power but also the schedule in the beam operation since last September. The backup machine is now in design and will be ordered to companies for construction. The installation of this new RFQ is planned to be done in the summer, 2010, the conditioning of the present RFQ has been carefully and frequently performed to provide beams for the 20 kW RCS output at least until the installation of the backup. The IEGT breakdown is caused by the surge voltage higher than 4.5 kV at the turn-off timing of not only the corresponding IEGT but also the others. This should be overcome by the improvement of the installed protection circuit (the work will take more than one month), and solutions are not clearly found at present, so that phenomenological treatments have been tried such as the change of pulse width of the gate and the reduction of the primary line voltage. Some of them seem effective before the improvement of the protection circuit, which is scheduled for this summer. The routine work of impedance monitoring found the significant reduction at the tank #6 in the seventh cavity of RCS. The stress deformation was supposed from the R&D experience and then the cavity was dismantled. The deformations at the center were found in twelve cores out of the total eighteen. There is no way to release stresses due to thermal cycle because cores are made by winding. Fortunately the trouble of only one core resulted in the impedance reduction, which was replaced with a spare. The essential improvements such as introducing radial cut, new inventions in winding process, or material selection of molding are now in discussion. For the moment spares will be prepared because the present cores are treated as consumables. If a significant impedance reduction is found and the gap short operation for the corresponding tank is not allowable to keep the enough acceleration voltage, the cores will be replaced. The budget for the energy upgrade to 400 MeV of linac was approved by the end of fiscal year 2008. The ACS (Annular Coupling Structure) linac has been in R&D phase for these several years, and there is almost no fatal problem in technology. But it is very tight in cost and schedule. Anyway a new linac will be installed at the summer, 2012 at the latest. The eighth A-TAC (Accelerator Technological Advisory Committee) was held from 5th to 7th in this March. There were many encouraging comments especially about the cure of the present RFQ and the ACS linac. ----------------------------------------------------------- 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] by Shinya SAWADA, Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO ----------------------------------------------------------- THE FIRST BEAM EXTRACTED TO THE HADRON HALL AND THE "FIRST-BEAM WORKSHOP AT THE J-PARC HADRON EXPERIMENTAL HALL" (by Shinya SAWADA) As was announced by a press release and was also informed by a Special Issue of the Newsletter, the first proton beam was successfully accelerated to 30 GeV in the 50 GeV synchrotron (MR), extracted, and transported to the beam dump of the Hadron Hall on January 27th. On that day, both the accelerator and the hadron teams started an attempt to slow-extract a proton beam for the first time, and only after a few hours of the effort, a proton beam was successfully observed at the beam dump with a monitor at 19:35. After a scheduled maintenance of the accelerator, on February 10th, the production target, T1, was inserted into the proton beam to produce secondary beams. The first secondary beam was observed by the E15/E17 experiment team, headed by Prof. Ryugo HAYANO (Tokyo) and Prof. Masahiko IWASAKI (RIKEN), at the K1.8BR beamline. The "First-Beam Workshop at the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Hall" was held at the Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center, located just next to the J-PARC site, on March 25th and 26th. About 100 researchers attended the meeting. They discussed reports on the first beam from the accelerator team, the hadron beamline team, and the E15/E17 team, as well as the reports by the experimental groups who expect to use the beams in this fall at the K1.8 beamline and the KL beamline. In addition, they were encouraged by the talks from noted theorists, Prof. Tetsuo HATSUDA and Prof. Yasuhiro OKADA, hearing physics opportunities in the Hadron Hall. In the afternoon of March 26th, a tour to the Hadron Hall and a general assembly of the Hadron Hall Users Association (HUA) also took place. We are very much excited on the beginning of the new era with the Hadron Hall. CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEUTRINO FACILITY (by Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO) Installation of components in the neutrino beam line is finished. Many tests and inspections are being carried out for the neutrino beam commissioning in April and May. The superconducting magnet system is being tested from January and the main magnet tests such as 48 hours operation with 30 GeV nominal operation current 4400A and excitation test up to 5000A were successfully completed. Inspection of the cryogenic system by the local government was done in March and the system is officially approved. The most downstream part of neutrino beam line including the pit of BD (Beam Dump) and MUMON (Muon Monitor) was completed in March, and then the government inspection of TS (Target Station) and NU3 for radiation shield, interlock (Personal Protection System) and water/air discharge equipment was carried out and it passed successfully. The first horn excitation test was performed successfully after installation. The second and third horn will be installed after the first neutrino beam commissioning in April and May. The first module of the on-axis neutrino detector (INGRID) was Installed in NM (Neutrino Monitor building) and the INGRID DAQ (Data Acquisition) system is being carried out with connection to the neutrino beam line control/DAQ system which gives beam information to INGRID DAQ system. The neutrino beam commissioning in April and May aims at the transportation of proton beam to the target and measurement of muons from decay pions produced at the target. THE FIRST PRODUCTION OF NEUTRINOS As was already informed by a special issue of the newsletter, on April 23, 2009, during editing this newsletter, the first beam commissioning of the neutrino beam line was started. At 19:09(JST), the first neutrino beam production is confirmed by observing muons by a muon monitor system installed at the most downstream of the neutrino beam line of J-PARC. ----------------------------------------------------------- 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] by Yujiro IKEDA ----------------------------------------------------------- THE FIRST USER PROGRAM HAS BEEN CONDUCTED WITH A STABLE OPERATION OF THE TARGET STATION FOR ABOUT 25 DAYS IN A PERIOD FROM DEC.23, 2008 TO FEB 27, 2009. THE PROPOSALS FOR THE USER PROGRAM IN THE FIRST HALF OF 2009 WERE REVIEWED BY PROGRAM REVIEW COMMITTEES OF NEUTRON AND MUON IN FEB. 2009. 1. Neutron Source and Proton Beam Transport The proton beam transport line, mercury target and ancillary systems had been stably operated for MLF user programs, except for the hydrogen pump to supply super critical hydrogen into the moderators. At the end of the Run in January, the hydrogen pumps have exhibited the problems: that is, unexpected vibrations at rotors of the pumps were observed. Reason of the vibration is under investigation. Neutronic performance data, i.e., spectrum, intensity and pulse shapes, have been measured for the three types of moderators. The measured data agreed well with design values with suggesting adequacy of neutronics design of JSNS. A cutting machine for irradiated components was moved from the hot cell to the cold area in order to perform cold tests for its future modification. As for R&D on pressure wave mitigation technology, SNS team visited to carry out the off-beam cavitation damage tests by using MIMTM mercury loop. 2. Neutron Science User's program and commissioning were carried out under the beam power of about 20 kW in February, at the 11 instruments of 4SEASONS (BL01), iBIX (BL03), NNRI (BL04), NOP (BL05), S-HRPD (BL08), NOBORU (BL10), HRC (BL12), H-REF (BL16), TAKUMI (BL19), iMATERIA (BL20), and NOVA (BL21). Full-scale construction of Biomolecular Dynamics Spectrometer, DNA (BL02) and Smaller-Angle Scattering Instrument, TAIKAN (BL15) renamed from HI-SANS was approved. Neutron guide tubes to be installed in their biological shields have been already fabricated. The high-pressure neutron diffractometer was decided to be constructed at the BL11 installed on a decoupled moderator. The International Workshop on Nanostructural Analysis with Wide-q Data was held in January 27, 2009 in Tokai for discussing analysis technique of wide-q data to be obtained by TAIKAN. The International Advisory Committee on the Smaller-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument of J-PARC was held in January 28-29, 2009 in Tokai for reviewing the project of TAIKAN. The 7th Neutron Technical Advisory Committee (N-TAC-7) was held in March 5-6, 2009 in Tokai. Current status of the development of neutron instruments and devices, management of experimental halls, system for user support, international activities and collaborations, and future plans were presented by members of MLF and then reviewed by the committee. The committee reported valuable recommendations such as an increase of staff to be consistent with international best practice. 3. Neutron Optics and beam control A new photon-counting two-dimensional detector system using scintillator sheets and wavelength-shifting (WLS) fiber arrays has been delivered for a single-crystal neutron diffractometer for biological and chemical crystallography named "iBIX". An ENGIN-X-type linear scintillation neutron detector system has been fabricated for the engineering materials diffractometer "TAKUMI". 4. Muon Science In January, 2009, a new cabin which is equipped with two sets of DAQ electronics systems and user's desks was constructed forrunning the user's programs. And in the end of January, there started several user's programs. The Saitama-University /JAEA group identified an anti-ferromagnetic state below 20K in the (BEDT-TTF)2 IBrCl compound, an organic superconductor. The KEK group obtained results on Iron-Oxypnictide Superconductors and the Toyota group obtained new results on lithium diffusion. Muon Science Advisory Committee (MUSAC VII) was held at TOKAI on March 6 and 7th 2009 just as the first muon beam user period was ending successfully. The main overall recommendation was that Ultra Slow Muon beams is the future for this facility and the group should position itself to take advantage of new funding opportunities being pursued by users while maintaining a strong scientific vision. The Program Review Committees of both neutron and muon user programs were held to select proposals to be allocated with beam time in the campaign of the first half in 2009 JFY. About 50 proposals were accepted to be performed in MLF. ----------------------------------------------------------- 5. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] by Kenji KIKUCHI ----------------------------------------------------------- THE ENDURANCE OF AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL High-energy proton irradiation effect on mechanical strength of austenitic stainless steel has been investigated at Tokai hot laboratory facilities under the research frame of STIP/PSI program. Hardening and reduction of ductility were saturated around 10 dpa/800appmHe, and maintained almost the same property by 19 dpa/1600appmHe. Fracture surface showed ductile manner in those specimens but not intergranular feature. Tiny bubbles with a size of 2-3nm existed homogeneously as well as dislocation density was not clearly changed in the materials. There is no data over 19dpa currently. ----------------------------------------------------------- 6. [Safety Division] by Minoru TAKASAKI, Taichi MIURA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ----------------------------------------------------------- THE SAFETY INSPECTION OF NEUTRINO EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCTED BY NUSTEC The inspection of the Neutrino Experimental Facility before the operation was conducted on March 27, 2009, by the Nuclear Safety Technology Center (NUSTEC): the inspection items were working conditions of emergency and interlock signals, shielding structures and radiation signs posted around the radiation controlled areas. This was the last facility in J-PARC to get the inspection for the beam operation. In this inspection, the fast extraction part of 50 GeV proton synchrotron (MR) ring and the arc line for the superconducting magnets were included. The designed energy and power were 30 GeV and 1.2kW, respectively. The first beam to the Neutrino Facility is expected to be in the beginning of April for the test operation and the next inspection during the operation with the beam intensity of about 10 to 20 % of the design value is scheduled to be in the second half of May. On January 13, shielding structures of Nuclear and Particle Physics Facility (HD) were inspected by NUSTEC: other items of this facility were inspected on December 1, 2008. Also, the secondary beam lines of the Materials and Life Science Facility (MLF) were inspected to check shielding structures and interlocks. After the testing operation of these facilities, the inspections during operation of HD, MR, and MLF were conducted successfully on February 19 with about 10% beam operation of the design values. The 6th Radiation Safety Committee of J-PARC (the 12th Safety Deliberative Committee on Radiation Safety of J-PARC) met on March 26, 2009, to discuss following items: (1) completion reports of J-PARC facilities; (2) the internal rules radiation protection of J-PARC and its details; (3) the report from Expert Committee of J-PARC on the Interlock System. The seminar for the J-PARC safety and health was held on February 26 with 191 participants. Other staff who missed the seminar watched the video program. The J-PARC Center Safety and Health Committee met on March 17. An educational video about the general safety for workers from companies was completed: the video for experimental users is in the process of production according to the video for workers. In the next step, the English version is under consideration. ----------------------------------------------------------- 7. [Information Sytem Division] by Atsushi MANABE ----------------------------------------------------------- NEW SERVICES FOR J-PARC USERS HAVE STARTED Guest network is a wireless LAN service for short-term visitors available in almost all J-PARC buildings since last fall. Soon after their arrival at J-PARC, visitors can connect to internet without any prior registration. Users Office plans to have a one-stop Web portal site where users can do almost all required registration and application procedure on line. As a first step, 'Proposal submission system' (https://gamusha1.j-parc.jp/) and 'User support system' (https://mercury.j-parc.jp/usjparc/) were started since last May and December. Proposal submission system gives public advertisements of J-PARC experiments and accepts those proposal submissions. In User support system, users can do registrations, applications and reservations needed to stay and carry out experiments in J-PARC. As the next step, Proposal Review System to review submitted proposals is under development. ----------------------------------------------------------- 8. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] ----------------------------------------------------------- The J-PARC Ceremony for the completion of the project, July 6 in Tokyo ----------------------------------------------------------- 9. [Editorial Note] ----------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Editorial Board: Masatoshi ARAI (chair): masatoshi.arai@j-parc.jp Yujiro IKEDA: ikeda.yujiro@jaea.go.jp Nobuo OUCHI: ouchi.nobuo@jaea.go.jp Shinya SAWADA: shinya.sawada@kek.jp Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO: toshifumi.tsukamoto@kek.jp English Editor: Dick MISCHKE mischke@triumf.ca Secretary: Chikako KAIBARA kaibara.chikako@jaea.go.jp ++++++++++++++++End of Letter+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++