=============================================================== J-PARC Project Newsletter No. 37, July 2009 Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under operation jointly by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html =============================================================== HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. [Overview] BEAM TO NEUTRINO AND INAUGURATION CEREMONY FROM THE FIRST RUN THE SCOPE OF RESEARCH DIRECTIONS PUBLISHED BY USER COMMUNITIES NEW LAW FOR JAEA ON OPERATONAL BUDGET BUDGET REQUEST FOR JFY2010 STARTED 2. [Accelerator Division] SUCCESS OF EXTRACTION TO NEUTRINO TARGET FROM MR (50GEV SYNCHROTRON) 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] BEAMLINE FOR NEUTRAL KAON IN PREPARATION NEUTRINO BEAM LINE COMMISSIONING AND STATUS OF NEAR DETECTOR (ND280) 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] THE USER PROGRAM OF 2009A STARTED FROM MAY 30, AND 18 DAYS BEAM TIME HAS BEEN PROVIDED FOR USERS BY JUNE 21. TWO CHOPPER INSTRUMENTS HAVE MONOCHROMATED NEUTRONS BY UTILIZING EITHER A FERMI CHOPPER OR A FAST DISK CHOPPER FOR THE FIRST TIME. THE REPETITION RATE MULTIPLICITY TECHNIQUE BY USING VARIOUS INCIDENT ENERGIES IN ONE TIME-FRAME HAS DEMONSTRATED ITS HIGH PERFORMANCE FOR INELASTIC SCATTERING EXPERIMENTS. NEUTRON EXPERTS VISITED MLF ON 7 JULY AND ENJOYED A FULL DAY TOUR 5. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] REVIEW OF PARTITIONING AND TRANSMUTATION TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING ADS 6. [Safety Division] THE SAFETY INSPECTION OF NEUTRINO EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCTED BY NUSTEC 7. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] 8. [Editorial Note] ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. [Overview] by Shoji NAGAMIYA ----------------------------------------------------------- BEAM TO NEUTRINO AND INAUGURATION CEREMONY As reported earlier, we succeeded in accelerating proton beams to produce neutrino beams at the fast extraction line on April 23. This brings the total to four beams from J-PARC: neutron beams in May of 2008, muon beams in September of 2008, kaon beams in February of 2009 and the neutrino beams in April of 2009. To celebrate this achievement we organized an inauguration ceremony of J-PARC on July 6. Many important people joined this ceremony. We had about 900 people participating. Over 60 eminent figures from abroad joined this ceremony. Two ministers, many from Diet members, past presidents of JAEA, past Directors of the Institute of Nuclear Studies at University of Tokyo, top managers from economical societies, past Presidents of the University of Tokyo, the local Governor, Mayor of Tokai Village, President of Science Council of Japan, etc. also joined the ceremony. Two Nobel Laureates, Makoto Kobayashi and Masatoshi Koshiba, also participated in it. The Director General at CERN and the Undersecretary of DOE joined via Video. FROM THE FIRST RUN During these two months, May and June of 2009, we have had nice runs for muons and neutrons. Many data have been accumulated through these two months. Already the first paper (from muon) was accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. More analysis will take place in the summer of this year. THE SCOPE OF RESEARCH DIRECTIONS PUBLISHED BY USER COMMUNITIES The User Communities finally published a 50-page document to describe the scope of the research direction for J-PARC. The communities participating in this document are: 1) high-energy physics, 2) nuclear physics, 3) neutron science, 4) muon science, 5) nuclear transformation, 6) industry and 7) accelerator. Individual descriptions for seven different areas are given first and, then, the chapter was concluded by the description of the first five years, the second ten years and beyond for the entire J-PARC. Professor Taku Yamanaka (Osaka Univ.) is the chair of this committee. This document will provide us with the most useful guideline for the future of the J-PARC. It was distributed widely in the community. English publication (at least part of it) is under discussion. NEW LAW FOR JAEA ON OPERATONAL BUDGET A new law was passed by the Congress to grant the operation scheme including the operational budget for the portion of J-PARC built by JAEA. This new law was created for the purpose of allowing a broad usage of J-PARC, since JAEA does not carry the function of a user program as a mission of JAEA. By having this new law, the J-PARC will be completely open to universities, institutions, internationals and industries. Accordingly, the JAEA portion of the operational budget shall be controlled directly by the Government from JFY2011. The law is effective from July 1st of 2009. The KEK portion of the operational budget remains the same as it was. BUDGET REQUEST FOR JFY2010 STARTED The budget request for JFY2010 has been started. J-PARC will request 7 cycle operations (5 cycle operations this fiscal year while a full-year operation amounts to 9 cycles). In addition, many requests for construction of equipment have been sent to the Government, including 1) energy recovery of Linac, 2) ultra-slow muon channel, 3) power upgrade for main ring, 4) high momentum beam line for hadrons, 5) neutron instrumentations, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------- 2. [Accelerator Division] by Ainosuke ANDO ------------------------------------------------------------- SUCCESS OF EXTRACTION TO NEUTRINO TARGET FROM MR (50GEV SYNCHROTRON) The 30 GeV proton beam in MR was successfully extracted to the neutrino target by " FX: fast extraction " (one turn extraction by kickers and septum-magnets) at 19:09 on April 23, and this operation was approved by the Radiation Safety Authority of the Government on May 28 through passing the official investigation. MR can accept eight bunches (or four batches) from RCS (3GeV Rapid Cycle Synchrotron). After checking the hardware status and the timing system, six-bunch operation in FX mode was successfully demonstrated with 4.3E12 protons in the single-shot operation and found no problems. This intensity corresponds to 5.6 kW, if operated at 1/3.6Hz. MR will be operated in six-bunch mode from this October and much effort will be extended to serve the beam with the maximum power of 100 kW at 1/3.6 Hz operation. This can be achieved when the RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole linac) is ready to produce 300kW in the RCS. Because of the RFQ problem, the MLF (Materials and Life Science Facility) user operation with 20kW beam power was performed with the cyclic operation of 2-day user-operation and one-day RFQ conditioning from May 29 to June 22. The MR tuning was also done in parallel with the MLF user operation. After the improvement of the vacuum system and a new conditioning scheme of the RFQ, stable 100kW operation is expected from this October (next common use run). ----------------------------------------------------------- 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] by Tadashi NOMURA, Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO, Yoshikazu YAMADA ----------------------------------------------------------- BEAMLINE FOR NEUTRAL KAON IN PREPARATION A high intensity accelerator opens up an opportunity to study extremely rare processes, which may include contributions from physics beyond the Standard Model. A study of the CP-violating rare decay, a long-lived neutral kaon (KL) decays into a neutral pion and two neutrinos, is scheduled to be performed in the Hadron Experimental Hall. The KOTO experiment, whose name stands for "K0 at TOKAI", is now constructing a new neutral beamline. Since the predicted probability of the process is an order of 10ppt (parts per trillion), a challenge of the experiment is to reduce backgrounds below that level. A well-collimated beam is one of the key points in the experiment. The beamline was carefully designed to prevent unwanted beam particles from invading the detector region surrounding the beam. It basically consists of two long collimators (4m and 5m) and a sweeping magnet between them. Fabrication of the beamline components has been done in the last fiscal year, and now, the construction of the beamline is ongoing. It will continue during this summer, and will be ready to operate by this autumn. As a first step of the experiment, various properties of the beamline, such as a beam profile, KL yield and spectrum, and neutron yield, will be measured in the autumn and winter machine times in FY2009. The 2009 Kaon International Conference (KAON09) was held at EPOCHAL TSUKUBA from June 9 to 12 with 69 participants (including 35 from abroad). Recent topics and future prospects related to K mesons were discussed. Participants also took a tour of J-PARC and looked at the construction of the beamline. See the conference web site: http://kaon09.kek.jp/ NEUTRINO BEAM LINE COMMISSIONING AND STATUS OF NEAR DETECTOR (ND280) After the first beam in April, the second beam commissioning of the neutrino beam facility commenced on May 22nd and continued until May 28th. In this period, the functionality of the beam monitors and the response function of the magnets were checked. Based on this investigation, the orbit and profile of the primary proton beam were fine-tuned. Radiation safety inspection by the authority of the government was undertaken during continuous beam operation on May 28th. The inspection was passed resulting in the granting of a license to operate the neutrino facility with up to 1.2 kW beam power. Higher beam power operation with a fully equipped target station is planed following the installation of the second and third horns during this summer. Components of the near detector, ND280, are currently arriving at J-PARC. Newly delivered detectors are the pi-zero detector (P0D), one of two Fine Grained Detector (FGD) modules and one of three Time Projection Chamber (TPC) modules. Assembly, checks and tests are underway. One on-axis neutrino monitor (INGRID) module is already under operation in the Neutrino Monitor (NM) building and the remaining modules under assembly will be installed in July and August. The Side Muon Range Detector (SMRD) installation has been ongoing since March. ----------------------------------------------------------- 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] by Yujiro IKEDA ----------------------------------------------------------- THE USER PROGRAM OF 2009A STARTED FROM MAY 30, AND 18 DAYS BEAM TIME HAS BEEN PROVIDED FOR USERS BY JUNE 21. TWO CHOPPER INSTRUMENTS HAVE MONOCHROMATED NEUTRONS BY UTILIZING EITHER A FERMI CHOPPER OR A FAST DISK CHOPPER FOR THE FIRST TIME. THE REPETITION RATE MULTIPLICITY TECHNIQUE BY USING VARIOUS INCIDENT ENERGIES IN ONE TIME-FRAME HAS DEMONSTRATED ITS HIGH PERFORMANCE FOR INELASTIC SCATTERING EXPERIMENTS. NEUTRON EXPERTS VISITED MLF ON 7 JULY AND ENJOYED A FULL DAY TOUR 1.Neutron Source The proton beam transport line, the conventional facility and the control system were operated normally during beam operation runs from April to June. The hydrogen pump to supply super-critical hydrogen to moderators was tripped several times by abnormal vibration of the rotor shaft. During the summer shutdown period, an investigation will be carried out on the event. Corrosion damage was found on the electroformed nickel piece attached on the outside surface of the mercury target container, which is used to measure the vibration induced by protons bombarding the mercury target. The corrosion might be caused by nitric acid, which is a radio-chemical product from residual air with moisture in a He-gas atmosphere. Introduction of a He-gas circulation system with moisture absorbent has been installed to prevent the corrosion. A spare target vessel is being fabricated. The beam window of the mercury target vessel was welded without any detrimental residual strain along welding lines. 2. Neutron Science Commissioning of instruments has been carried out quite well in May and June. Two chopper instruments have monochromated neutrons by utilizing either a Fermi chopper or a fast disk chopper for the first time, and we have obtained quite good results. Especially the achievement of a Repetition Rate Multiplicity technique by using various incident energies in one time-frame has been demonstrated, and we are convinced that such a new technique can give great efficiencies for inelastic scattering experiments. Not only the cutting edge technology of the instruments, but an event recording technique, which has been introduced to Materials and Life Science Facility (MLF) for the first time as a data acquisition system for a neutron facility as was taken in Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) too, turns out to be of great importance for achieving the new innovative technique. As for diffraction instruments, most of them have accumulated statistics from standard samples in preparation for full analysis for real measurements. In addition to the currently operational/under- construction instruments, a construction budget has been funded for two more instruments. These are a back-scattering instrument, DNA, and a wide-Q SANS (Small-angle Neutron Scattering), Taikan, and will be operational in 2011. Now 15 instruments have been funded and 8 of them are operational and open for users. 3. Neutron Optics and Detectors A 1-dimensional elliptic mirror has been developed in combination with a supermirror (m=4) coated with ion-beam sputtering and precise elliptic surface figured with numerically-controlled local wet etching process. Wideband neutrons of lambda were focused with focal spot size down to 0.25 mm, peak intensity gain up to 6 without significant diffuse scattering. A new photon-counting two-dimensional detector system using new ZnS/B scintillator sheets and wavelength-shifting (WLS) fiber arrays has been installed and is in stable operation at a single-crystal neutron diffractometer for biological and chemical crystallography named "iBIX". An ENGIN-X-type linear scintillation neutron detector system has been installed and is in stable operation for the engineering materials diffractometer "TAKUMI". 4. Neutron Experts Visited MLF After the J-PARC Inaugural Ceremony in Tokyo, neutron experts visited MLF on 7 July and enjoyed a full day tour. Those are Andrew Harrison, Ruep Lechner, Thom Mason, Feri Mezei, Abdul Aziz Mohamed, Christina Oyon, Je-Geun Park, Mike Rowe, Rita Russina, Andrew Taylor, John White and other distinguished guests. 5. Muon Science From March to April, 2009, we have installed the front-end components of the super-omega muon beam channel adjacent to the graphite production target in the 3 GeV proton beamline. They consist of the radiation resistant solenoid magnet made of MIC, which has a large acceptance of 400 msr to capture surface muons efficiently and a gate valve having a kapton window to prevent condensation of tritium on the superconducting curved solenoid magnet. Those installations were successfully completed and evacuation tests through the pillow seal vacuum connection demonstrated no leakage finally. From May to June, 2009, we have had a beam commissioning and four users programs to use pulsed muon beam at MUSE at the D1 and D2 area. ----------------------------------------------------------- 5. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] by Tsujimoto Hirofumi ----------------------------------------------------------- REVIEW OF PARTITIONING AND TRANSMUTATION TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING ADS The Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) reviewed the Partitioning and Transmutation (P&T) technologies including the accelerator driven system (ADS). The JAEC issued a report entitled "Current Status and a Way Forward to Promote the Research and Development of Partitioning and Transmutation Technologies" in April. The report summarized that P&T technologies will contribute to the rational design of a nuclear waste disposal system, and the research and development should be undertaken steadily to build up basic data for the discussion of its feasibility. For the Transmutation Physics Experimental Facility (TEF-P) planned in the second phase of the J-PARC project, the report recommended that it should be discussed continuously as the integral experimental facility to study the transmutation system not only for ADS but also for FBR (fast breeder reactor). ----------------------------------------------------------- 6. [Safety Division] by Minoru TAKASAKI, Taichi MIURA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ----------------------------------------------------------- THE SAFETY INSPECTION OF NEUTRINO EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCTED BY NUSTEC The inspection of the Neutrino Experimental Facility (NU) during the beam operation was conducted on May 28, 2009, by the Nuclear Safety Technology Center (NUSTEC): the inspection items were measurements of ambient doses around the radiation control areas and at the boundary of the J-PARC facility. In this inspection, the fast extraction part of 50GeV proton synchrotron (MR) ring and the arc line for the superconducting magnets were included. The designed energy and power were 30 GeV and 1.2 kW, respectively. The beam intensity was about 10% of the design value. All measured doses did not exceed the dose limits specified by law owing to the sufficient shielding having been designed properly. The 7th Radiation Safety Committee of J-PARC met on June 2, 2009, to discuss the application of 3GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron, Materials and Life Science Facility, MR, Nuclear and Particle Physics Facility (HD), and NU. The main change points are the enlargement of two secondary beam lines in HD: K1.8 and KL, and the beam-intensity upgrade in MR and NU. ----------------------------------------------------------- 7. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 8. [Editorial Note] ----------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Editorial Board: Masatoshi ARAI (chair): masatoshi.arai@j-parc.jp Yujiro IKEDA: ikeda.yujiro@jaea.go.jp Nobuo OUCHI: ouchi.nobuo@jaea.go.jp Shinya SAWADA: shinya.sawada@kek.jp Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO: toshifumi.tsukamoto@kek.jp English Editor: Dick MISCHKE mischke@triumf.ca Secretary: Chikako KAIBARA kaibara.chikako@jaea.go.jp ++++++++++++++++End of Letter+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++