=============================================================== J-PARC Project Newsletter No. 39, March 2010 Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under operation jointly by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html =============================================================== HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. [Overview] 3 GeV RING MARKED 300 kW. BUDGET DECIDED AT THE GOVERNMENT. NEW IAC MEMBERS WERE APPOINTED. THE NUMBER OF USERS INCREASES STEADILY. J-PARC APPEARS ON SAZAE-SAN COMIC MOVIE ON TV. 2. [Accelerator Division] SUCCESS IN 300 kW TEST OPERATION OF RCS. 120 kW OPERATION FOR MLF USER PROGRAM. HIGH POWER TEST OF MR. 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] SECONDARY BEAM COMMISSIONING STARTED. 9TH PAC MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 15-17. STATUS OF THE NEUTRINO FACILITY. 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] THE WORLD STRONGEST NEUTRON PULSE WAS PRODUCED. THE USER OPERATION FOR 2008B PERIOD HAS BEEN STARTED. THE WORLD STRONGEST PULSED MUON BEAM WAS ACHIEVED AT J-PARC MUSE ON THE NOVEMBER, 2009 BEAM CYCLE. 5. [Exotic Nuclear Science Group] A COMPACT TWO-GAP PRE-BUNCHER WAS NEWLY INSTALLED UPSTREAM OF THE LINAC OF THE TOKAI RADIOACTIVE ION ACCELERATOR COMPLEX (TRIAC) FOR NUCLEAR ASTROPHYSICS EXPERIMENTS. 6. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] INTERNATIONAL ADS WORKSHOP WAS ORGANIZED 7. [Safety Division] THE SAFETY INSPECTION OF THE HADRON EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCTED BY NUSTEC. 8. [Information System Division] HIGH SPEED NETWORK SINET SUPPORTS J-PARC EXPERIMENTS 9. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] 10. [Editorial Note] ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. [Overview] by Shoji NAGAMIYA ----------------------------------------------------------- 3 GeV RING MARKED 300 kW In November we reached 120 kW, as announced in the previous Newsletter. Subsequently in December of 2009 the acceleration of 300 kW was successfully achieved for one hour. This implies that beam intensity per pulse reached for a short time the highest in the world, since pulse interval is longer at J-PARC than at SNS. Currently, we returned back to a standard 120 kW operation and it has been very stable. The run is very smooth during the past three months. Please note that the power at KEK-Booster ring was 3 kW. We thus obtained 40 times the intensity as compared to the KEK-Booster ring, though we are still very far from the goal of 1 MW power. BUDGET DECIDED AT THE GOVERNMENT At the end of December and at the beginning of January a new budget for JFY2010 was announced. We were allowed to run 6 Cycles (10 Cycles is the maximum). As compared with the goal for a budget at full intensity and full beam time, the allocation of the operation budget in JFY2010 is 71 % of this full amount. Namely, the total operation budget that will be granted is 67.7 Oku Yen for KEK and 65.3 Oku Yen for JAEA. In addition, the Linac Upgrade and neutron beamlines were approved at JAEA (total of 25.0 Oku Yen for JFY2010 plus JFY2009 Supplemental). You may know that the government revitalization unit in the new cabinet tried to make a large cut in the science budget for JFY2010. However, the actual cut was not very dramatic. Our J-PARC received even an increased operational budget as compared to the corresponding one in the previous year. NEW IAC MEMBERS WERE APPOINTED From the spring of 2010 members of IAC, A-TAC, etc, were renewed. New International Advisory Committee (IAC) members are as follows: J. White (Australian U., Chair for 2010), J.-M.Poutissou (TRIUMF, Chair after 2011), A. Taylor (RAL), B. Frois (CEA), S. Henderson (ORNL), S. Tanaka (U. Tokyo), H. Fukuyama (Tokyo U. of Science), I. Anderson (ORNL)*, S. Bertolucci (CERN)*, Y.-K. Kim (FNAL)*, H. Montgomery(JLab)*, T. Roser (BNL)*, H. Stoecker (GSI)*, E. Torikai (U. Yamanashi)*, T. Shintake (SPring-8)*, with an asterisk are new members. THE NUMBER OF USERS INCREASES STEADILY The number of users is steadily increasing. Last November the number exceeded 3000 persons*day in a month, which is about 100 persons/day. Fifty percent are non Japanese (this is a registered number at the Users Office so that the number of visitors could be much more). The lack of lodging space is now a big issue. As announced before, KEK is constructing about 50 lodgings (to start its operation from December of 2010). Other efforts to increase lodging capability are also in progress. The Tokai Village is cooperating to construct a hotel. This village is also cooperating with us to construct an access road which is directly connected to J-PARC from a public main road, Rt. 245. J-PARC APPEARS ON SAZAE-SAN COMIC MOVIE ON TV Sazae-san is a very popular TV comic. It is broadcast at 6:30 pm on every Sunday. In the opening screen of this comic, a scene of J-PARC appears (though, only for a very short time alone) from January to the end of March. ------------------------------------------------------------- 2. [Accelerator Division] by Ainosuke ANDO ------------------------------------------------------------- SUCCESS IN 300 kW TEST OPERATION OF RCS (3-GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron) On December 10th, the 300-kW proton beam was guided to the Hg-target of MLF (Material and Life science Facility) to produce neutron beams for almost one hour. This high power test was started at 10:45 because the official permission of the maximum intensity is 250 kW*hour in every hour. The peak power is considered as the highest in the world. 120 kW OPERATION FOR MLF USER PROGRAM Since November 10th, the operation at 120 kW has been started for the MLF user program. This is the expected achievement after the drastic improvement and careful conditioning of the RFQ linac. Since there are still some issues to be solved for the power higher than 120 kW, for example, beam loss due to multi-passage of the charge exchange foil at injection to RCS and the huge energy deposit on the Hg-target, the user program of MLF has been carried out with the 120 kW operation. For the future an operation around 200 kW is now under discussion for the MLF user programs. HIGH POWER TEST OF MR (50-GeV Synchrotron) The MR is now operated with the cycle period of 3.52 sec and with six bunches (three batches) for the fast extraction mode to produce a neutrino beam. In the one-shot operation mode, 3.1E13 protons per pulse were successfully extracted to an abort dump. This is equivalent of 42 kW beam power if it is operated continuously, and also corresponds to 60 kW for the design level of eight bunches with a period of 3.3 sec. The dominant beam loss is ~2 % occurring at collimators during about 20 ms just after each batch injection. A simple estimation leads to a 200 W loss for a 100 kW operation, which is well acceptable for the present limit of 400 W. The high power operation has revealed many issues. For example, non-negligible beam losses at regions with a large momentum dispersion and at components for injection and extraction and a large out-gas in the kicker magnets. The latter one is sensitive to the peak beam current and occurs often during acceleration, when the bunch length becomes shorter. We admit afresh that observations and controls of bunch shapes in both longitudinal and transverse directions are extremely essential to realize stable high intensity beams. ----------------------------------------------------------- 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] by T.TAKAHASHI and J.IMAZATO by Y.FUJII, Y.YAMADA and T.TSUKAMOTO ----------------------------------------------------------- SECONDARY BEAM COMMISSIONING STARTED (by T.TAKAHASHI and J.IMAZATO) Following the first delivery of a secondary beam in K1.8BR in the fall of last year, the K1.8 beamline has been commissioned during December. This beamline, taken off the T1 production target and equipped with two stages of electro-static separators (ESS), should deliver separated K and pi beams up to 2.0 GeV/c. After confirming good performance of the beam instruments such as MWPCs and hodoscopes, all the beam line elements were started to be tuned. By switching on the two ESS high voltages, the enrichment of K+ to more than 80% content could be successfully observed. This was, however, only the first step toward full commissioning in the upcoming beam period this year. During the beam tuning, the SKS spectrometer, which had gone through cooling and an excitation test earlier, was set in operation, and the basic performance of tracking and particle identification was confirmed. Unfortunately, the beam intensity of the slow extraction beam was still weak and the beam spill structure has not yet been optimized for carrying out high rate experiments. The E19 experiment (pentaquark search) is now being prepared as the first SKS experiment. At the same time, the neutral kaon KL beamline, which is the K1.8 counterpart of T1, was commissioned and made progress. For the beam tuning, efforts have been made to survey KL and measure its beam profile using fiber hodoscopes etc. KL could be confirmed successfully by the three-pion decays, with a yield consistent with expectations from simulation. The collimator system, one of the key elements of this beamline, was found to function satisfactorily and was optimized for its position. These studies were also an opening act for the following full beam survey planned this year, in which neutron backgrounds should be investigated in detail towards the E14 KOTO experiment (KL -> p0 nu nu-bar rare decay). The K1.8BR beamline, which had been commissioned and reported before, turned out to show a sufficiently high K/pi ratio also in the subsequent beam study in December, enough to start the E17 (He-3 kaonic X-ray) experiment this year. 9TH PAC MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 15-17 (by J.IMAZATO) The 9th PAC meeting was held on January 15-17 at the KEK Tsukuba campus. Since half of the committee members come to the end of their terms now, new appointed members joined the meeting this time. Also, at the occasion of the first beam delivery to T2K and the Hadron Hall, the status of the J-PARC and the accelerator was reviewed. In addition to four new experimental proposals, the currently running experiments and preparing experiments were reported and discussed for evaluation. The results will be published soon as the meeting minutes. STATUS OF THE NEUTRINO FACILITY (by Y.FUJII, Y.YAMADA and T.TSUKAMOTO) Based on the first beam experience in May, we performed major improvements such as installation of wide-aperture beam pipes and semi-remote vacuum equipment, as well as re-alignment of magnets during the summer shut-down. With all those countermeasures, we were ready for the next beam by Oct.13. During the second beam period from October to December, we carried out beam commissioning with higher- intensity beam of typically 20kW. We also tried 50kW-equivalent beam power operation for a short time without significant beam loss. The OTR (Optical Transition Radiation) monitor successfully measured the beam profile with a Ti-foil with 50kW intensity. These are very encouraging results toward yet higher beam intensity. In the winter shut-down, we installed a collimator to be prepared for beam power of more than 100kW. The primary proton beam line is now ready for the beam. After the installation of the 2nd and 3rd horns into the helium vessel, the vessel was evacuated before filling with helium gas. Small vacuum leaks were observed, but were confirmed to be no problem for the operation by measuring the oxygen contamination after filling with 1500 m3 of helium gas into the vessel in November. Then, the test operation of the horns started. A small discharge was observed somewhere in the helium vessel, but it could be overcome by modifying the voltage level of the horn electrodes. Then, three horns were successfully operated during the 20 kW beam run in December. In the continuous beam operation at 20 kW, the radiation level in the air in the surface building (NU3) over the beam dump became not-negligible, and it limited the beam operation time. Some air-leaking points from underground rooms in NU3 were found and are being closed now in order to have more continuous beam operation in the future. The commissioning and calibration of the on-axis near detector INGRID was carried out after the installation in August; then it operated for the neutrino beam from November. Sub-detectors of the near detector, the P0D (Pi-zero Detector), the FGD (Fine Grained Detector), and the DSECAL (Down Stream Electromagnetic CALorimeter) were installed in the Basket which is sitting in the magnet and the off-axis detector operated for the neutrino beam also from November. INGRID observed the first neutrino event on November 22 and Following this observation the off-axis detector also observed a neutrino event on December 19. ----------------------------------------------------------- 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] by Yujiro IKEDA ----------------------------------------------------------- THE WORLD STRONGEST NEUTRON PULSE WAS PRODUCED THE USER OPERATION FOR 2008B PERIOD HAS BEEN STARTED THE WORLD STRONGEST PULSED MUON BEAM WAS ACHIEVED AT J-PARC MUSE ON THE NOVEMBER, 2009 BEAM CYCLE 1. Neutron Source In the 300 kW high power operation in December 2009, the world record in pulse neutron intensity among spallation neutron sources in the world was achieved probably. The number of cold+thermal neutrons below 0.4 eV leaking from the coupled moderator surface for each pulse is estimated to be 5E12 n/sr/pulse. This value amounts to a neutron flux of 5E6 n/cm^2/pulse at 10 m from the moderator without a neutron guide tube. International workshop on pulsed spallation neutron sources was held on 9th to 12th Nov. 2009 at J-PARC center and in parallel the satellite workshop on cavitation damage mitigation technology for mercury target on 11th and 12th. It was a good timing for SNS/US and JSNS/J-PARC to discuss on the common issues that they noticed through experienced operations, and for the European Spallation Source and the China Spallation Neutron Source to learn for their expecting facilities. 2. Neutron Science User operation for the 2009B period (the second half of FY2009) has been started on Dec. 18. 61 accepted general proposals for 8 neutron instruments are being carried out during the period before the end of March. The High- Performance Neutron Reflectometer with a Horizontal Sample Geometry (BL16) has newly accepted general users from this period. 4 instruments are under on-beam commissioning. The 120 kW stable operation has inspired both instrumental scientists and users. Experiments with small-size samples and/ or higher resolution experiments, etc., which cannot be carried out with 20 kW, have been started. The 120 kW operation also resulted in the increase of users from December as well as the speed-up of commissioning for the 4 instruments under commissioning. A completion ceremony for the High Intensity Chopper Spectrometer (4SEASONS, BL01) was held at the MLF on December 25. The feature, construction process, software development, and scientific goal of 4SEASONS were explained in the ceremony. The ceremony finished with a group photograph of about 60 participants stood on the shield of 4SEASONS. 3. Muon Science By undergoing the beam tuning at the D2 area, we were able to extract, at present, surface muons (positive muons) rate of 1.7E6/s with use of 120 kW of proton from RCS, which is calibrated to be 1.5E7/s surface muons when future proton beam reached at the intensity of 1MW. Even at the D1 area, we observed 0.3E6/s of the decayed positron with use of a collimator with a hole of 40 mm in diameter, with use of the 300 kW of proton from RCS, which was calibrated to be 1.2E7/s surface muons when future proton beam reached at the intensity of 1MW. These intensities, at the future 1 MW operation, will correspond to more than ten times those at the RIKEN/RAL Muon facility. ----------------------------------------------------------- 5. [Exotic Nuclear Science Group] by Hiroari MIYATAKE ----------------------------------------------------------- A COMPACT TWO-GAP PRE-BUNCHER WAS NEWLY INSTALLED UPSTREAM OF THE LINAC OF THE TOKAI RADIOACTIVE ION ACCELERATOR COMPLEX (TRIAC) FOR NUCLEAR ASTROPHYSICS EXPERIMENTS A brand-new pseudo saw-tooth wave pre-buncher with non-pi mode has been developed and installed downstream of a beam chopper. The pre-buncher has two gaps, to which two rf-waves, being combined together into the saw-tooth for beam-bunching, are respectively applied. It makes it possible to bunch continuous beams to 2-4 MHz pulsed beams with a width of less than 38 ns, which corresponds to the acceleration frequency of the Split Coaxial RFQ linac just downstream the buncher. A typical pulse width of the beam after acceleration (1.1 MeV/nucleon) was achieved to have a 2 ns standard deviation at the target position 10m away from the exit of TRIAC. The beam chopper consists of 20 foil-electrodes with a 2 mm gap stacked vertically to the beam direction. The beam particles of out-of-bunch phase are deflected by these electrodes. The ratio of pulsed-beam particles to background ones has been further improved by the beam chopper from the order of 10^3 to 10^5 at the target position. This S/N-ratio was almost constant, irrespective of the output energies ranging from 0.17 to 1.1 MeV/nucleon. As a result, this system bunched 40% of continuous beam particles, i.e., bunching gain was found to be 6.53. The system will be utilized for the measurement of 12C (alpha, gamma) reaction cross-sections at the stellar energy, which is one of important reactions describing element- synthesis in the evolution of massive stars. The improved S/N-ratio is supposed to be good enough for cross-section measurements at the 10 pb/sr level. ----------------------------------------------------------- 6. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] by Hirofumi TSUJIMOTO ----------------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL ADS WORKSHOP WAS ORGANIZED A workshop related to Accelerator-Driven System (ADS), "Accelerator-driven Transmutation System for European and Asian Young Scientists and Engineers", was held on December 1-4 at Tokai-site of JAEA in cooperation with J-PARC, Nuclear Science and Energy Directorate, and Nuclear Technology and Education Center. This workshop was organized as part of a research cooperation with the IP-EUROTRANS project and JAEA, and also as a part of a training course of the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) with which the Nuclear Technology and Education Center of JAEA has a cooperative relationship. It was opened for young scientists in Asian and European countries, and there were 55 participants including 32 foreign participants from 15 countries. In the workshop, four lectures for research fields related to ADS and research activities for ADS in Japan, China, Korea, and Europe were provided. Moreover, 20 presentations from young participants were presented, and important issues for ADS and international collaborations were actively discussed. In a technical tour, the participants visited MLF and Hadron Hall in J-PARC. ----------------------------------------------------------- 7. [Safety Division] by Taichi MIURA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ----------------------------------------------------------- THE SAFETY INSPECTION OF THE HADRON EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCTED BY NUSTEC The inspections of the Hadron Experimental Facility (HD) were conducted successfully on December 16, 2009, by the Nuclear Safety Technology Center (NUSTEC): the inspection items were working conditions of emergency and interlock signals from secondary beam lines (K1.8 and KL) and shielding structures, and were measurements of ambient doses around the radiation control areas and at the boundary of the J-PARC facility. The 8th Radiation Safety Committee of J-PARC met on December 15, 2009, to discuss the application of HD. The main change point is the enlargement of two secondary beam lines in HD: K1.1BR and KL. ----------------------------------------------------------- 8. [Information Sytem Division] by Atsushi MANABE ----------------------------------------------------------- HIGH SPEED NETWORK SINET SUPPORTS J-PARC EXPERIMENTS The SINET3 information network (http://www.sinet.ad.jp/) has linked the J-PARC Tokai site and the KEK Tsukuba site with 1Gbps bandwidth since Oct. 2008. Thanks to the support of the Japan National Institute of Informatics (NII) which manages the SINET network, the link bandwidth was doubled to 2Gbps just before the 2009 autumn RUN and in JFY2011 it will be expanded up to about 10Gbps. J-PARC provides computing resources of 1600 SPECint06 computing power, 150TBytes RAID disks and 2PBytes tape libraries in the KEK Central computer system at the Tokai site. The link speed-up of the two sites is expected to enhance the data analysis for J-PARC experiments. ----------------------------------------------------------- 9. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] ----------------------------------------------------------- 1) NIAC (Neutron International Advisory Committee), Feb.24-26,2010 2) A-TAC(Accelerator Technology Advisory Committee), Mar.11-13,2010 3) IAC(International Advisory Committee), Mar.15-17,2010 4) MLF symposium, March 29-31, 2010 in Tokai ----------------------------------------------------------- 10. [Editorial Note] ----------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Editorial Board: Masatoshi ARAI (chair): masatoshi.arai@j-parc.jp Fujio MAEKAWA: maekawa.fujio@jaea.go.jp Nobuo OUCHI: ouchi.nobuo@jaea.go.jp Shinya SAWADA: shinya.sawada@kek.jp Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO: toshifumi.tsukamoto@kek.jp English Editor: Dick MISCHKE mischke@triumf.ca Secretary: Chikako KAIBARA kaibara.chikako@jaea.go.jp ++++++++++++++++End of Letter+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++