============================================================ J-PARC Project Newsletter No. 40, May 2010 Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under operation jointly by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html ================================================================ HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. [Overview] SUPER-KAMIOKANDE DETECTED THE FIRST NEUTRINO EVENT. THE FIRST MLF SYMPOSIUM HELD AT THE END OF MARCH. IAC, A-TAC, NIAC, AND MUSAC WERE HELD. USERS STEERING COMMITTEE JOINS DISCUSSION ON JFY22 AND JFY23 BUDGETS. LIQUID HYDROGEN PROBLEM SOLVED. 2. [Accelerator Division] AVAILABILITY EXCEEDS 92 % IN 120 KW OPERATION FOR THE COMMON USE OF MLF (MATERIAL AND LIFE SCIENCE FACILITY). RECOVERY OF RFQ LINAC AND HIGH AVAILABILITY IN MLF COMMON USE OPERATION. ATAC 2010. 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] INSTALLATION OF THE K1.1BR IN THE HADRON EXPERIMENTAL HALL. WORKSHOP ON "PHYSICS WITH THE EXTENDED HADRON HALL". T2K IS ACCUMULATING PHYSICS DATA WITH INCREASING BEAM POWER TO SEARCH FOR ELECTRON NEUTRINO APPEARANCE. 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] THE USER OPERATION IN FEBRUARY AND MARCH WAS CANCELLED DUE TO A TROUBLE IN THE CRYOGENIC HYDROGEN SYSTEM, AND RESUMED ON MAY 9. THE FIRST MLF SYMPOSIUM WAS HELD ON MARCH 29-31, 2010. A CLEAR EVIDENCE FOR THE MAGNETIC ORDERING IN CeRu_2Al_10 WAS OBSERVED BY MUON SPIN ROTATION MEASUREMENTS. 5. [Exotic Nuclear Science Group] FIRST MEASUREMENT OF SINGLE PARTICLE STATES IN NEUTRON RICH NUCLEUS 35SI. 6. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] JOINT WORKSHOP EUROTRANS-JAEA ON ACCELERATOR DRIVEN- SYSTEM (ADS) ACTIVITIES 7. [Safety Division] APPLICATION FOR OPERATION OF K1.1 BEAM LINE IN HADRON EXPERIMENTAL HALL WAS GRANTED BY MEXT (MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, SPORTS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY). 8. [Editorial Note] ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. [Overview] by Shoji NAGAMIYA ----------------------------------------------------------- SUPER-KAMIOKANDE DETECTED THE FIRST NEUTRINO EVENT Although it was already reported, Super-Kamiokande detected the first neutrino event on February 24th. This proved that the neutrino detector system is now working very well. Presently an effort to increase the beam power is underway. See the accelerator section in this Newsletter. THE FIRST MLF SYMPOSIUM HELD AT THE END OF MARCH At the end of March the first domestic MLF Symposium was held. At this meeting many new results were reported. Currently 12 neutron beam lines are working, 9 of them are for open usage and 3 of them are at the commissioning stage. See the neutron and muon sections in this Newsletter for the exciting results presented at this symposium. Note that 6 additional neutron beam lines were budgeted so that a total of 18 beam lines are either working or budgeted out of 23 available ports. IAC, ATAC, NIAC, AND MUSAC WERE HELD From the end of February a series of committee meetings were held. First, the Neutron International Advisory Committee (NIAC) meeting was held, followed by Muon Science Advisory Committee (MUSAC) and Accelerator Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) meetings. Finally, on March 15 and 16 the J-PARC International Advisory Committee (IAC) meetings were held including new members. Since this year was the first year for J-PARC to run for the users program, the main discussion was on how to move into the operational stage efficiently. Many useful recommendations came to the J-PARC Center as well as to KEK and JAEA. USERS STEERING COMMITTEE JOINS DISCUSSION ON JFY22 AND JFY23 BUDGETS The Users Steering Committee for which the members are elected by the communities has recently joined discussions on the usage of JFY22 budget and the proposed JFY23 budget. On the latter, the ultra slow muon channel and high momentum beam line, together with a neutron beam line have been discussed. Also, the completion of the 400 MeV linac as well as the request of lodging were proposed. Concerning the operational budget, the J-PARC Center proposed an 8 cycle operation for JFY23 (note 9 cycles are a full 200 days). This request was endorsed by the Users Steering Committee. The final budget proposal was agreed also by the J-PARC Steering Committee which was held at the end of April. LIQUID HYDROGEN PROBLEM SOLVED In late February helium was leaked into liquid hydrogen and the entire neutron source operation had to be stopped. However, this problem has been solved. It took about two months to fix it. See the report for neutrons. ------------------------------------------------------------- 2. [Accelerator Division] by Ainosuke ANDO ------------------------------------------------------------- AVAILABILITY EXCEEDS 92 % IN 120 KW OPERATION FOR THE COMMON USE OF MLF (MATERIAL AND LIFE SCIENCE FACILITY) RECOVERY OF RFQ LINAC AND HIGH AVAILABILITY IN MLF COMMON USE OPERATION The RFQ LINAC has almost recovered from the discharge problem and the 120 kW operation for the MLF common use has stably been successful from November 2009 (Run #27). The availability was ~ 92.4 % for the total operation time of 842.3 hours by January 2010 (Run #29). In particular, we are very proud of the stable operation of the DC power supplies of high voltage for the LINAC klystrons (HV -DC). The time lost due to troubles of the HV-DC was only ~ 2.5 hours. The dominant part of troubles (~ 32.5 hours) was caused by the power supplies of the RCS (3 GeV Synchrotron, Rapid Cycling Synchrotron) extraction kickers. But this problem has been steadily improved as deepening understanding of the system and the conditioning method of Thyratrons; the loss times in each run were ~16 hours in Run #27, ~10 hours in Run #28 and ~6 hours in Run #29. Unfortunately the progress stopped because of the suspension of the MLF common use due to the leakage problems of hydrogen gas in the modulator system. 40 KW OPERATION FOR THE NEUTRINO EXPERIMENT The user run for the neutrino experiment started from January 2009 and 40 kW beam of MR (50 GeV synchrotron) is now delivered to the neutrino target by the fast extraction with six bunches and the repetition period of 3.52 seconds. The beam loss ratio at injection was drastically improved to less than 0.2 % by adjusting the excitation timing of the injection kicker. There are no serious problems in injection and acceleration for power higher than 40 kW, say, 65 kW. But when operated with the beam power larger than 40 kW, a drift of the horizontal position of the extracted beam at the neutrino target appears. This drift is corrected by increasing the excitation current of kickers. The strength of magnetic field in the extraction kickers is reduced by heating due to the wake field. An increase of vacuum pressure is also observed. On the other hand, there is no such a problem in the injection kickers. There is a difference of circuit type and matching; lumped constant without a matched load for extraction and distributed constant with a matched load for injection. An intensive study and analysis has just started to avoid this problem in new kickers, which will be installed in this summer shut down referring to the preceding study in the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) injection system. ATAC 2010 The ninth meeting of ATAC (Accelerator Technical Advisory Committee) was held from 11 to 13 March 2010. Thomas Roser of BNL succeeds Stephen Holmes of FNAL as the chair. The other members are David Findlay (RAL), John Galambos (SNS), Roland Garoby (CERN), Akira Noda (Kyoto U.), Peter Ostroumov (ANL) and Jie Wei (Tsinghua U.). Uli Ratzinger (U. Frankfurt) could not attend. Following the presentations by the accelerator members, enthusiastic and frank discussions were made, in particular, towards a steady and fast realization of 1 MW (RCS) and 0.75 MW (MR fast extraction). The importance of a comprehensive scheduling was also pointed out because the common use of both MLF and MR must proceed with an approval of machine time for users consistent with the construction and the beam commissioning of the LINAC energy upgrade to 400 MeV. ----------------------------------------------------------- 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] by K.TANAKA and J.IMAZATO / by T.TSUKAMOTO ----------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION OF THE K1.1BR IN THE HADRON EXPERIMENTAL HALL (by K.TANAKA and J.IMAZATO ) The Installation of the K1.1BR beam line has been started in the Hadron Experimental Hall. The K1.1BR is a low momentum separated beam line up to 0.8 GeV/c taken off the production target T1, and was designed as a short branch line of the future extension to K1.1 for stopped kaon beam experiments. Although K1.1BR is equipped with only one stage of electrostatic separation, as the upstream part of the K1.1 beam line, a considerably good K/pi separation can be expected due to the presence of an intermediate vertical focus before the single-stage separation. Particle physics experiments are planned there using a stopped K+ beam. In order to reduce the cost of the beam line, most elements of K1.1BR are recycled ones from the old beam lines of KEK-PS except for the very upstream part of the beam line. However, those recycled magnets, power supplies and an electrostatic separator are "combat proven" soldiers. The most upstream part of the beam line is constructed with new "radiation resistant" elements since they experience very high radiation generated at the production target. The beam commissioning of K1.1BR will start in the autumn run of the Hadron Experimental Hall allocated in upcoming October. Following the first beam commissioning the beam will be used for the moment for "test experiments". The first experiment approved is the test of a small prototype for the large scale liquid argon detector for the next generation neutrino detector. WORKSHOP ON "PHYSICS WITH THE EXTENDED HADRON HALL" The workshop on "Physics with the Extension of the Hadron Hall" was held on March 6 and 7 at KEK Tsukuba. The workshop was hosted by Hadron Hall Users Association (HUA) and co-hosted by the J-PARC Center, the IPNS of KEK, and the Nishina Center of RIKEN. The participants from universities and the research institutions (mainly users) were more than 70 people, and active discussions were undertaken. The current Hadron Hall is just half in its size of the original plan, where there is only one production target and the number of the beam lines is limited. It will take at least a few years to complete the already approved experiments with the current number of the beam lines. The workshop was intended to focus on physics programs in the 5 or 10 year range, which can be realized in the extended experimental hall. Physics in the present Hadron Hall was also be discussed to have a perspective from the current Hadron Hall to the extended one. This kind of a bottom-up discussion by users who aim to make fruits of physics at the Hadron Hall is indispensable. The slides of the talks are available on the web. Please contact HUA secretariats at hua-sec@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp. T2K IS ACCUMULATING PHYSICS DATA WITH INCREASING BEAM POWER TO SEARCH FOR ELECTRON NEUTRINO APPEARANCE (by T.TSUKAMOTO) For high beam power operation, several projects in the neutrino beam line were done such as installation of the beam collimator, beam tuning etc. Following the neutrino beam line operation with 20kW beam power last year, T2K is accumulating physics data with increasing beam power, about 60kW has been achieved until now, and accumulated beam by T2K is 1.37e+19 PTO (protons on target). The T2K near detector ND280 is complete except for the barrel ECAL(electromagnetic calorimeter) of the off-axis detector, which will be installed during this summer shutdown, and commissioning of the detector was finished last year. Physics data are being collected by ND280 and also SK (Super-Kamiokande). T2K detected neutrinos at ND280 in Nov. 2009, and on Feb.24, 2010 detected the first neutrino interaction at SK (http://www.kek.jp/ja/news/press/2010/T2KfirstEvent.html, http://www.kek.jp/intra-e/press/2010/T2KfirstEvent.html A T2K collaboration meeting is being held every 4months. Recently it was held in Apr. (Apr.21-24) where there were discussions about data analysis to get physics results for conferences in this summer. ----------------------------------------------------------- 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] by Masatoshi ARAI ----------------------------------------------------------- THE USER OPERATION IN FEBRUARY AND MARCH WAS CANCELLED DUE TO A TROUBLE IN THE CRYOGENIC HYDROGEN SYSTEM, AND RESUMED ON MAY 9 THE FIRST MLF SYMPOSIUM WAS HELD ON MARCH 29-31, 2010 A CLEAR EVIDENCE FOR THE MAGNETIC ORDERING IN CeRu_2Al_10 WAS OBSERVED BY MUON SPIN ROTATION MEASUREMENTS 1. Neutron International Advisory Committee (NIAC) The NIAC meeting was held on February 24-26, which is lead by Dr. Dan Neumann (National Institute of Standards and Technology,US). Previously this was a technical advisory committee for the neutron target technology/engineering. Because MLF has started the user program since 2008, the mission of the committee has been changed so that it gives advice on organization, operation, safety, instrumentation and target station. 2. Neutron Source During starting up the cryogenic hydrogen system for the Run#30 on February 10, a trouble was found in the accumulator, which is one of important components to absorb the pressure fluctuation in the super-critical hydrogen due to proton beam injection. The user service operation in February and March was cancelled to take emergency measures against the trouble for restarting the operation as quick as possible. On-beam commissioning of the cryogenic hydrogen system without the function of the accumulator was completed in April, and the user service operation was resumed on May 9. Replacement of the accumulator with a new one is planned in the summer maintenance period. New spares of the proton beam window assembly and the target vessel were manufactured and set on-site. The new proton beam window has a non-destructive beam profile monitor, which detects secondary electrons from the interactions of the proton beam with the helium gas in the helium vessel. The replacement procedures for the spares were examined carefully and confirmed respectively. 3. Neutron Science Since the MLF user operation stopped due to the trouble in the cryogenic hydrogen system in February, some of the remaining experimental proposals in the 2009B term (the second half of FY2009) were rescheduled, and are being carried out in May. The first MLF symposium was held on March 29-31 at IQBRC (Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center). Over 220 participants from universities, academic institutes, and companies attended and discussed many topics, such as superconductivity, Li-ion batteries, mechanical engineering, protein structures, etc. A completion ceremony for the High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer (HRC, BL12) was held at the MLF on March 26, with the Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP), University of Tokyo, who oversees the construction and operation of HRC under the contract between KEK-ISSP. The features, construction process, software development, and scientific goals were explained in the ceremony. The ceremony was finished with a group photograph of over 50 participants standing on the shield of the HRC. 4. Muon Science At the Muon Science Facility (MUSE), we had several user's programs during the beamtime of January, 2010. Among them, Dr. Kambe discovered clear evidence for the magnetic ordering in CeRu_2Al_10, in the zero field muon spin rotation measurements, in spite of the fact that no evidence of the internal field was observed by the nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) measurement under zero field. The 8th Muon Science Advisory Committee (MUSAC VIII) was held at Tokai on March 11 and 12, 2010, just as MUSE became the world's most intense pulsed muon beam facility and demonstrated that unprecedented fluxes of 10^7-10^8 surface muons per second will be available when the ultimate design value of 1 MW beam power is achieved. The main overall recommendation was that the highest priority should be to secure funding for fully developing the ultra slow muon beam line, as it promises to be a unique tool for novel experiments in nano-materials research. ----------------------------------------------------------- 5. [Exotic Nuclear Science Group] by Hiroari MIYATAKE ----------------------------------------------------------- FIRST MEASUREMENT OF SINGLE PARTICLE STATES IN NEUTRON RICH NUCLEUS 35SI A neutron-rich nucleus 35Si is located in the transition region from normal to anomalous shell structure. Single particle states of 35Si, which were key quantities to disentangle the anomaly, were sought by measuring proton resonance elastic scattering in inverse kinematics with around 4 MeV/nucleon 34Si beams at the RIKEN Nishina center. Isospin-different single particle states called isobaric analog resonances (IARs) were clearly observed. This was the world first measurement for IARs of bound states in neutron-rich nuclei. ----------------------------------------------------------- 6. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] by Hirofumi TSUJIMOTO ----------------------------------------------------------- JOINT WORKSHOP EUROTRANS-JAEA ON ADS ACTIVITIES The joint workshop between a European project called "EUROTRANS" and JAEA on Accelerator-Driven System (ADS) was held in Karlsruhe, Germany on March 18-19. The EUROTRANS project was launched in 2005 under the EURATOM 6th Framework Programme. The objective of the project is the design and the feasibility assessment of an industrial ADS dedicated to transmutation. A wide range of R&D activity has been carried out by a consortium consisting of 29 partners from 14 countries. The JAEA also joined the project in 2007. This workshop was the second one with EUROTRANS. In the workshop, the design study for an experimental and a demonstration ADS, and experimental results for coupling of a subcritical system with an external neutron source were discussed. Moreover, research results for associated technologies, such as fuels, heavy liquid metal technologies and nuclear data, were presented and discussed. ----------------------------------------------------------- 7. [Safety Division] by Taichi MIURA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ----------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION FOR OPERATION OF K1.1 BEAM LINE IN HADRON EXPERIMENTAL HALL WAS GRANTED BY MEXT The application for the operation of a secondary beam line (K1.1) at the Hadron Experimental Hall in Nuclear and Particle Physics Facility was granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on April 1. The 9th Radiation Safety Committee of J-PARC will meet on May 27,2010 to discuss the alterative application of all J-PARC facilities. The main topics are the power-up for the whole facilities (except Hadron Facility(HD)), the new secondary beam lines in Materials and Life Science Facility, and shielding reinforcement for a primary-beam dump and the shielding re-arrangement procedure for the experimental areas in HD. ----------------------------------------------------------- 8. [Editorial Note] ----------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Editorial Board: Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO (Chair): toshifumi.tsukamoto@kek.jp Fujio MAEKAWA: maekawa.fujio@jaea.go.jp Takashi ITO: itou.takashi@jaea.go.jp Dick MISCHKE (English Editor): mischke@triumf.ca Chikako KAIBARA (Secretary): kaibara.chikako@jaea.go.jp ++++++++++++++++End of Letter+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++