====================================================================== J-PARC Project Newsletter No. 46, Oct. 2011 Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under operation jointly by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html ====================================================================== HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. [Overview] BUDGET REQUEST FOR JFY2012. RESTORATION WORK CONTINUES WITH AN ANTICIPATION TO HAVE BEAMS IN DECEMBER. J-PARC REVIEW WILL BE HELD FROM THE NEXT YEAR. J-PARC IAC WILL BE SCHEDULED IN FEBRUARY. 2. [Accelerator Division] RECOVERY STATUS OF THE ACCELERATOR FROM THE EARTHQUAKE DISASTER. J-PARC HOSTED THE 4TH ACFA HPPA MINIWORKSHOP. 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] NEW PRODUCTION TARGET FOR HADRON HALL. T2K STATUS: RECOVERY FROM EARTHQUAKE DAMAGES FOR BEAM IN DECEMBER. 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] STEADY-GOING RECOVERY AND PROGRESS FOR RESUMING OPERATION. RECOVERY OF MLF INSTRUMENTS HAS PROGRESSED. 1ST AOCNS WILL BE HELD ON NOV. 20-24 AT TSUKUBA, JAPAN. DEVELOPED A 1-DIMENSIONAL ELLIPTIC MIRROR. A KICKER-SEPTUM SYSTEM IS UNDER INSTALLATION. 5. [Exotic Nuclear Science Group] TOKAI RADIOACTIVE ION ACCELERATOR COMPLEX (TRIAC) WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO KOREA. 6. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] DEVELOPMENT OF ULTRASONIC TRANSDUCER FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE CONDITION 7. [Safety Division] APPLICATION FOR LICENSES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE FACILITY WERE SUBMITTED TO THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, SPORTS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (MEXT) ON SEP. 16. 8. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] 9. [Editorial Note] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. [Overview] by Shoji NAGAMIYA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BUDGET REQUEST FOR JFY2012. Our funding agency, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, and Technology (MEXT), submitted a budget request for us to the Ministry of Finance in September/October. The final decision will be made in December, so that nobody knows what would happen at this moment. However, the requested budget is to operate 9 cycles in the JFY2012, whereas the 9 cycles correspond to approximately a 200-day operation for users that means the full usage of the J-PARC. In addition, the budget to install a 400 MeV Linac (as we planned in the fourth year and the final year) and budgets to power up the MR and to construct a neutron beam line are also included. Furthermore, already approved amount of 17 Oku (1.7 billion) Yen for the Linac + 3 GeV Upgrade will be available in JFY2012. From the next year, the operational budget for the Linac and 3 GeV will be covered entirely by a new budget scheme that is directly controlled by the Government instead of JAEA. This change certainly guarantees all J-PARC facilities to be open to all domestic and international users, such as universities, institutions, and industry. RESTORATION WORK CONTINUES WITH AN ANTICIPATION TO HAVE BEAMS IN DECEMBER. Our recovery work is steadily and smoothly in progress. However, we had faced serious difficulties on the shortage of budget in summer. We had a number of discussions in order to minimize effects in the anticipated beam schedule, and rearranged work plans for item by item. Finally, we succeeded in postponing some elements in November or later without changing the beam schedule of December and maintain the original budget. For example, the road repair in front of the Linac building has been postponed later. We expect to have the 3rd supplemental budget for J-PARC soon. If this budget comes in, then, we will start restoration work of the elements, which had been postponed in so far, for the J-PARC full recovery. J-PARC REVIEW WILL BE HELD FROM THE NEXT YEAR. The review of the J-PARC activity has been conducted by eminent review panels approximately every four to five years. The first one was held in 1999-2000 before the project started. The previous one, which was the third one, was held in 2007, just before the operation of J-PARC started. The next one is the fourth major review. It is anticipated that the 4th review will be held for, at least, 6 months from January of 2012 through the end of June of 2012. The review issues will be 1) past achievements, 2) effects from the earthquake, 3) a roadmap toward power-up to 1 MW, 4) future plans, 5) organization for operations, etc. Inside the J-PARC Center a special team has been created to prepare this review. Also, this team will interact frequently with our funding agencies, MEXT. J-PARC IAC WILL BE SCHEDULED IN FEBRUARY. The next International Advisory Committee (IAC) will be held on February 27(Mon)- 28(Tue). Around that time, many committees such as Accelerator Technical Advisory Committee (A-TAC) and other committees will also be held. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. [Accelerator Division] by Kazuo HASEGAWA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOVERY STATUS OF THE ACCELERATOR FROM THE EARTHQUAKE DISASTER. The restoration of the accelerator from the earthquake disaster is proceeding on schedule in general, and resumption of beam is in prospect from the middle of December. In the linac, the cooling water system began operating by using a temporary water supply system and it permitted a full-scale test of the ion source and the electromagnet power supplies. As a result of this, progress was made to confirm the soundness of the components. Precision alignment of the acceleration cavities such as Drift Tube Linac (DTL) and Separated-type Drift Tube Linac (SDTL) has been completed and it has aligned at 0.1 mm or less to the beam line. As a next step, reinstallation of vacuum pumps and waveguide is underway. A PPS (Personnel Protection System) inspection has been passed by the radiation safety manager of J-PARC for high-power conditioning of acceleration cavities. The high power conditioning of the RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole linac) will be followed by that of the DTL and SDTL cavities. On the restoration construction work, repair on partitioning wall, doors, fire extinguisher water tank, ducts and plumbing have been advanced. An oil leak is found in all three turbo refrigerators for air-conditioning and a repair plan is under arrangement. In the RCS (3-GeV synchrotron), repair work by the construction company has been completed and operation test of air conditioning and pumps has started. As a result, it was found that one of three turbo refrigerators had faults and repair work is needed. Test operations of some of the accelerator components have been performed for 24 hours continuously. As a result, four of 24 units of dry scroll pumps stopped although there were no vacuum leaks. For this reason, we decided to perform total maintenance check of the pumps. The restoration work of the cooling water system has been completed and the test operation will be finished by the end of October. Then, we will perform the power test of accelerator components. In the MR (50-GeV synchrotron), alignment work of magnets has continued. The skill level has been going up gradually, and work will be expected to be finished by the end of October. In addition to the earthquake restoration, some work for performance improvement has been carried out. The cooling water of RF system was together with the electromagnet system until now. The separation work in order to avoid the influence of corrosion by copper ions has been underway. A pump system has been installed in the machine room No.2 and the piping work to the cavity has been finished. A test operation will be expected early in November. In addition to that, layout change has been advanced as a part of power upgrade of the ring collimator. A movable type shield and new two absorbers have been installed. The further improvement in beam power will be expected with additional collimators installed next year. J-PARC HOSTED THE 4TH ACFA HPPA MINIWORKSHOP. The 4th ACFA (Asian Committee for Future Accelerators) HPPA (High Power Proton Accelerator) mini-workshop was held at IQBRC (Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center) on October 5-6 (http://www-conf.kek.jp/acfa-hppa11/). Nearly 50 accelerator experts from Korea, China and Japan attended the workshop. The main topic of this workshop was commissioning and operation of HPPA. The 16 talks were presented on Korean PEFP (Proton Engineering Frontier Project), Chinese ADS (Accelerator Driven System) and CSNS (Chinese Spallation Neutron Source), and J-PARC. The lively discussion was carried out and we shared knowledge and experiences on the Asian HPPA activities. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] by Y. YAMANOI & T.TSUKAMOTO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW PRODUCTION TARGET FOR HADRON HALL. (by Y. YAMANOI) The T1 target is the only production target in the Hadron Experimental Hall at present. The present production target designed for the beam power of 750 kW is a rotating nickel disk of direct water-cooling and assumes beam loss of 30%. However, even before the Great East Japan Earthquake, the proton beam extracted from MR to the Hadron Hall was approximately 3.0 kW because of the difficulty of reducing beam loss at the extraction devices. The radiation shield structure around the T1 was, however, designed and constructed against the 30% loss of 750kW beam, which means the absolute loss of 250kW at the T1 target. The yield of secondary particles can be increased if we can use a thicker and heavier target even for the present relatively low primary proton intensity. Therefore, we decided to install the platinum square bar target with indirect water-cooling. The thickness of this Pt target is equivalent to 50% beam loss, and is known from the preliminary experiment to provide approximately twice as many kaons to experiments than the rotating nickel target. The temperature of this Pt target will reach approximately 850 degree Celsius at the primary proton beam power of 50 kW. Then large shear stress by thermal expansion occurs in the bonding plane of Pt target and Cu block prepared for the indirect cooling. In order to avoid this problem, a nickel sheet was put between the Pt bar and the Cu block, and the bond of Pt, Ni, Cu was made by the hot isostatic pressing (H.I.P) method. In the next period (the first beam time after the Great Earthquake), we are going to use this Pt target to supply secondary beams to experiments. T2K STATUS: RECOVERY FROM EARTHQUAKE DAMAGES FOR BEAM IN DECEMBER. (by T. TSUKAMOTO) The repair work of neutrino facility and neutrino beam line to recover from the earthquake damages is continuing for beam expected in December. Facility for recovery work of the neutrino beam line is almost ready and there remains some civil engineering work to recover subsided ground, which will be started in October or in the beginning of November. Re-alignment of superconducting magnets is finished and normal conduction magnets will be re-aligned until the middle of October. Inspection of beam monitors confirmed that they are healthy (not broken) and there remains small works for recommissioning them. Test operation of the horns was done successfully. Detailed inspection of T2K near detector ND280 found a problem in P0D (pi-zero detector) readout electronics. We will open the ND280 magnet in November for repair of P0D readout electronics, then will close it by the end of December. Inspection of the cooling water system for the ND280 magnet by engineers of the German company was finished in the beginning of October and then test operation of the magnet is done successfully. T2K collaboration meeting was held at Tokai from September 26 to October 1, where not only status of recovery but also progress of analysis were reported, and there were discussions to finalize the analysis based on the data taken until the earthquake. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] by Masatoshi ARAI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- STEADY-GOING RECOVERY AND PROGRESS FOR RESUMING OPERATION. 1. Neutron Source The Materials and Life science experimental Facility (MLF) building and its surrounding grounds have been repaired and conventional facilities in MLF have been restored almost to their original conditions. Vacuum breaks found in aluminum neutron beam ducts of neutron beam shutter blocks is under smooth recovery. Measures to prevent loosening of bolts for the duct flanges by impulsive force are being taken for all the 17 ducts that are currently in use. A liquid nitrogen storage tank and a helium buffer tank for the cryogenic hydrogen system, both of which are 2.5 m in diameter and 10 m in height and were leaned by ground subsidence, were made upright. The first operation of the system after the earthquake is scheduled in November. A gas supplying system for a new target vessel with a bubbler that is able to generate microbubbles expected to mitigate the pressure waves is being installed onto the target trolley. A cutting device to get PIE (Post Irradiation Examination) specimens from the first target vessel was tested and improved to have enough power to cut it out. RECOVERY OF MLF INSTRUMENTS HAS PROGRESSED. 1ST AOCNS WILL BE HELD ON NOV. 20-24 AT TSUKUBA, JAPAN. 2. Neutron Science Re-installing many of beamline front shields, which are stacked at the upstream position in each beamline and some of which severely moved and leaned, has been carried out for three months from June, and completed in the middle of September. Thousands of clasps to protect slips of the front shield blocks were attached. The subsidence of the annex buildings reached as large as 15 cm. In the west annex building where BL18 (SENJU), BL19 (TAKUMI) and BL20 (iMATERIA) are located, all of the shielding and instruments were removed from the building before August, and then the building was elevated by a concrete injection method. From the beginning of October, the shielding and instruments once taken away will be brought back and realignment and offline commissioning will be started. For the user operation of the 2011B period (January to March, 2012), 50 neutron proposals have been submitted for 2 cycles in February and March; after evaluation by four referees, all the proposals will be reviewed by the neutron science proposal review committee (NSPRC) held on November 4th, and the results will be approved by the MLF advisory board on November 14th. We are collaborating extensively for the 1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering (AOCNS) to be held on Nov. 20-24, 2011 at Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, organized by the Japanese Society for Neutron Science (JSNS) and the Asia-Oceania Neutron Scattering Association (AONSA). Please visit the web site below for details. http://j-parc.jp/MatLife/en/meetings/1stAOCNS DEVELOPED A 1-DIMENSIONAL ELLIPTIC MIRROR. 3. Neutron Instrument A 1-dimensional elliptic mirror has been developed in combination with a supermirror (m=4) coated with ion-beam sputtering and precise elliptic surface figured with numerically-controlled local wet etching process. Neutrons in wideband wavelength were focused with a focal spot size down to 0.1 mm and peak intensity gain up to 52 without significant diffuse scattering. A KICKER-SEPTUM SYSTEM IS UNDER INSTALLATION. 4. Muon Science Facility (MUSE) MUSE staff have been working on fixing damage caused by the earthquake on March 11, 2011. The helium ducts, control cables, power cables, compressed air piping, and support stand for the on-line refrigerator system were damaged, due to a settlement, about 10 cm around at 1.5 m outside the MLF building. They were replaced in accordance with the high pressure gas regulations and the systems are now under the process of inspection. The proton beam transport line from the 3-GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron to MLF (3NBT) was severely damaged at the expansion joint to MLF. For the repairing of the wall, water ducts for the air circulation systems for the proton beam tunnels in the vicinity of the muon target were removed and are planned to be re-installed in October. Anchor bolts split out from the concrete blocks above the Decay-Surface Muon Line (D-line) ceiling were fixed. We are planning to recover from all the damage by the end of November, 2011, anticipating the beam time planned on this December 12th, 2011. We are now working on installation of a kicker and septum system to allow a single bunched muon beam up to 60 MeV/c towards Decay- Surface Muon Instruments (D1 and D2 Instruments) area in the MUSE secondary D-line. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. [Exotic Nuclear Science Group] by Hiroari MIYATAKE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TOKAI RADIOACTIVE ION ACCELERATOR COMPLEX (TRIAC) WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO KOREA. TRIAC is an ISOL based radioactive ion beam (RIB) facility at the Tokai campus. It was shut down this March after five years of operation for users, and the exotic nuclear science group has been moving to RIKEN for a new project relevant to the ISOL facility of the second generation. Existing accelerators, charge breeder, and beam lines of TRIAC will be transferred to the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) within this year. These devices will be reconstructed there under the collaboration with the exotic nuclear science group for R&D works of the future large facility. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] by Hiroyuki OIGAWA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DEVELOPMENT OF ULTRASONIC TRANSDUCER FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE CONDITION. Technology acquisition for liquid metal as a spallation target and core coolant is one of the critical challenges in the development of an accelerator-driven system (ADS) for transmutation of long-lived nuclear waste. From this viewpoint, the flow measurement of the liquid metal is very important to validate the feasibility of a design and to know the local corrosion of materials, but such a measurement in a high temperature condition is not so easy because of its physical characteristics. In the Transmutation Section, a flow visualization technique has been developed by using the ultrasonic velocity profiler method. The maximum temperature of the conventional transducer for the flow measurement is about 250 degrees Celsius, though the required temperature range is about 300 to 500 degrees in ADS. Thus, development of a new transducer has been started, where comprehensive investigation for structure and material is underway. One of the prototype transducers adopts a Li oxide element, which is expected to show good adaptability to the maximum temperature condition. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. [Safety Division] by Taichi MIURA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION FOR LICENSES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE FACILITY WERE SUBMITTED TO THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, SPORTS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (MEXT) ON SEP. 16. The 11th Radiation Safety Committee of J-PARC met on July 29 and discussed the alterative application of J-PARC facilities. The main topics are the new secondary beam lines including the muon beam line in the Materials and Life Science Facility. These applications were submitted to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on September 16. The operation license is expected to be issued in December. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) 1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering (AOCNS), Nov. 20-24, 2011, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Language: English) http://j-parc.jp/MatLife/en/meetings/1stAOCNS 2) 3rd MLF Symposium, Jan. 19-20, 2012, Tokai, Ibaraki (Language: Japanese) http://j-parc.jp/MatLife/ja/meetings/MLFsympo/index.html 3) 3rd Japan Spallation Neutron Source (JSNS) International Advisory Committee (NIAC-3), Feb. 8-10, 2012, Tokai, Ibaraki (Language: English) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. [Editorial Note] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Editorial Board: Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO (Chair): toshifumi.tsukamoto@kek.jp Fujio MAEKAWA: maekawa.fujio@jaea.go.jp Takashi ITO: itou.takashi@jaea.go.jp Dick MISCHKE (English Editor): mischke@triumf.ca Chikako KAIBARA (Secretary): kaibara.chikako@jaea.go.jp ++++++++++++++++End of Letter++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++