====================================================================== J-PARC Project Newsletter No. 48, Apr. 2012 Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under operation jointly by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html ====================================================================== HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. [Overview] J-PARC IS RUNNING WELL. J-PARC REVIEW IN PROGRESS. INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND OTHER COMMITTEE MEETINGS WERE HELD. RISE IN ELECTRICITY POWER COST ANNOUNCED BY TEPCO. 2. [Accelerator Division] STATUS OF THE ACCELERATOR FACILITIES: USER SERVICE WAS STARTED. A-TAC (ACCELERATOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE) MEETING. 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] SLOW EXTRACTION RESUMES AFTER EARTHQUAKE. T2K STATUS: STABLE DATA TAKING RESTARTED AFTER 1 YEAR OF RECOVERY FROM THE EARTHQUAKE. 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] RESUMING USER OPERATION. EIGHTEEN NEUTRON INSTRUMENTS INCLUDING SIX NEW ONES HAVE BEEN STARTED. COMMISSIONING OF NEW DETECTORS. THE REGULAR USERS' PROGRAM AT MUSE WERE RESTARTED FROM FEB. 2ND, 2012. 5. [Exotic Nuclear Science Group] SELECTIVELY IONIZED ATOMS EXTRACTED AT KISS. CROSS SECTION MEASUREMENTS WERE PERFORMED FOR MULTI-NUCLEON TRANSFER REACTIONS. 6. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FUTURE OF ACCELERATOR DRIVEN SYSTEM WAS ORGANIZED. 7. [Safety Division] THE SAFETY INSPECTIONS OF MLF AND HD WERE SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCTED BY NUSTEC. 8. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] 9. [Editorial Note] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. [Overview] by Shoji NAGAMIYA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- J-PARC IS RUNNNING WELL A new fiscal year started on April 1st. After the recovery from the damage due to the earthquake, the J-PARC has been running reasonably well. In January we had troubles in the power supply for the neutrino horn (horn = focusing device to narrow down the pion beam toward Super-Kamiokande). At the end of March we had another trouble in the power supply for klystrons at an early stage of Linac and this trouble created shutdown of the entire beams for over a week. It was recovered by swithcing a power supply. Otherwise, we had a smooth running for user operation. Both neutron and muon took data. Hadron also took data while the neutrino program was off. In addition, the neutrino group started to take data from March and they added statistics. In JFY2012 we plan to run user programs up to about 180 days. J-PARC REVIEW IN PROGRESS The Government started their review of J-PARC on March 7, 2012. At the first meeting, the status of the J-PARC was reported. Also, many discussions were held on how to proceed with reviews of the entire project. In April there are two review meetings. Here, 1) the organization for the J-PARC operation, 2) internationalization, and 3) future scope of all facilities will be reviewed. A particular emphasis is the point 3). The review of materials and life science is planned at the first meeting and other reviews on accelerator, hadron, neutrino, and nuclear transmutation will be held at the second meeting in April. In May, two meetings are also planned. At the first meeting in May, all future plans will be discussed and prioritized. At the second meeting in May the writing of the recommendations will be discussed. The chair of the review committee is Professor Hide Fukuyama. INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND OTHER COMMITTEE MEETINGS WERE HELD The International Advisory Committee (Chair: Jean-Michel Poutissou) was held on February 27 and 28. Prior to this meeting, Neutron Advisory Committee (Chair: Uschi Steigenberger) and Muon Advisory Committee (Chair: Elvezio Morenzon) were held in early to middle of February. All committees discussed seriously the present performance as well as future prospects of J-PARC. Reports are being prepared. Also, on March 16-18 the Particle and Nuclear Physics PAC was held. The discussion at this time focused on the future five year plan in both particle physics and nuclear physics. Results will be presented at the Review Committee by the Government. RISE IN ELECTRICITY POWER COST ANNOUNCED BY TEPCO The TEPCO announced a large (about 30%) increase for J-PARC electricity bill from JFY2014. We are very disappointed with it and will have a negotiation with TEPCO and the Government. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. [Accelerator Division] by Kazuo HASEGAWA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUS OF THE ACCELERATOR FACILITIES: USER SERVICE WAS STARTED In December 2011, operations were low duty such as single-shots or 1 to 2.5 Hz for beam tuning at the linac, the 3 GeV rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS), the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF), the Main Ring (MR) and the Neutrino Experimental Facility (NU). At the beginning of January 2012, we started beam tuning at the full repetition rate of 25 Hz at the linac and the RCS. During the tuning, we performed the 300 kW test from the RCS and confirmed that we could increase the power when the neutron target would be ready. After the tuning, the user program of the MLF and the NU started at 120kW and 60 to 87 kW, respectively. In February, since a power supply for the electromagnetic horn at the NU broke down, the beam from the MR was tuned and delivered to the Hadron Experimental Facility (HD). As a result of the tuning, beam power of 10 kW was attained in the demonstration, and beam of 3.3 kW with duty factor of 30 % was delivered to the hadron users successfully. At the start-up after the maintenance period in February, the beam current from the linac was increased from 15 to 20 mA and a 420 kW tuning with the RCS was carried out. This condition was also performed in January 2011, and the impact of misalignment of the RCS magnets due to the earthquake was examined. As a result, by adjusting the operating parameters of the RCS, we can reduce beam loss in the RCS and in the downstream beam transport line. The beam loss is still higher than that before the earthquake, but the amount is at an acceptable level. Therefore, we decided to perform realignment of the RCS magnets, which will take several months, in the summer of 2013 according to the shutdown for an energy upgrade of the linac. The beam to the NU was delivered at 140 to 150 kW in March. By shortening the cycle time from 2.8 to 2.6 seconds, the beam power was increased to 170 to 180 kW. In addition, 200 kW user operation to the MLF was started by increasing pulse length on March 15. The J-PARC accelerator facilities have been operating successfully until March 22, however, operation stopped at 4:10 am by the trouble of the linac klystron power supply. The cause was due to the diode breakdown in the high voltage transformation unit. Finally, we replaced the transformation unit and the user operation to the MLF and the NU was resumed on April 8. Because the user program was stopped by this trouble for more than two weeks, the operation schedule in the 2012 fiscal year was modified to reduce this influence. A-TAC (ACCELERATOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE) MEETING The 11th A-TAC (Accelerator Technical Advisory Committee) was held at Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center on February 23 to 25. Eight committee members attended and about 20 reports were presented such as the recovery from the earthquake, current situation, performance upgrade, etc. The committee deliberated and argued about the improvement points, future directivity, etc., and advice and recommendations were received from the committee. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] by M. NARUKI & T.TSUKAMOTO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOW EXTRACTION RESUMES AFTER EARTHQUAKE (by M. NARUKI) The slow extraction resumed at the end of January 2012 after the recovery work. The primary beam has been successfully extracted to the Hadron Hall and transported into the beam dump. The typical beam power was 3.3kW. The new Pt production target with the indirect water- cooling system was successfully operated to find that it coped with the beam intensity of 30kW. The secondary particles were delivered to the K1.8, K1.8BR and KL beam lines. The E19 experiment searched for the Theta+ pentaquark in the p(pi-,K-)X reaction with the maximum momentum of 2 GeV/c at K1.8. They accumulated the beam pions of 8.7x10^10 to reach the sensitivity of 0.3 micro-barn/sr. All the detector components worked well, and especially the beam tracking devices were able to operate stably under the typical intensity of 1.7M/spill with improved duty factor of 18%. At the K1.8BR area, beam tuning of 1.0 GeV/c for the E15 experiment (kaonic-nuclei search) was successfully completed; the obtained yield of 1.0 GeV/c K- was 10k/spill/1kW with good K/pi ratio of 0.4. In addition, the commissioning of the cylindrical detector system (CDS) was conducted with a liquid-4He target in order to study the background to the kaonic-nuclei search. Target images and invariant mass of Lambda -> ppi- have been successfully reconstructed by the CDS in the preliminary results. The KOTO group performed a detector study to establish the calibration method for the electromagnetic calorimeter at the KL beam line. They successfully accumulated the events of neutral kaons decaying into charged pion, electron, neutrino and into three neutral pions. The next beam time for the Hadron Hall is expected in June. T2K STATUS: STABLE DATA TAKING RESTARTED AFTER 1 YEAR OF RECOVERY FROM THE EARTHQUAKE (by T.TSUKAMOTO) As reported in the previous issue of J-PARC newsletter, a serious trouble in the horn power supply arose on December 22 during final operation test. Switching devices called IGBTs in the horn power supply were broken. Since it turned out that it takes a few months to get new IGBTs, we decided to use the old horn power supply which had been used until June, 2010 and was moved to KEK Tsukuba campus. Everything was finished in time for the beam but unfortunately a trouble of thyristor arose. We lowered the horn operation current from 250kA to 200kA for safety until we will investigate the cause and fix it. We are also working to repair the new power supply. Detailed checks for repair are being performed. We confirmed with use of beams that the alignment of magnets etc. in the neutrino beam line is OK, which were re-aligned after the earthquake. Beam tuning was carried out and the beam power reached 150kW which is almost the same as before the earthquake. The commissioning of the neutrino beam has been successfully carried out and the T2K experiment has started normal data acquisition and collected data for the delivered POT (proton on target) is 2.19 x 10^19 in this beam run #41 (by the end of March). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] by Masatoshi ARAI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESUMING USER OPERATION 1. Neutron Source The conventional facilities resumed for beam operation without any serious problems. The first proton beam pulse was successfully transported from the RCS to the MLF target with an initial magnet setting. Then the beam line was tuned and optimized to the operation for user programs. The beam power was started with 100 kW and raised to 200 kW to recover the previous power right before the disaster in the middle of March. A helium gas purification unit was newly installed to the cryogenic hydrogen system in order to drastically reduce a problem from adsorbed moisture caused in 2011 in parallel with restoration work. This upgrading solved an impurity issue of the system, and made the system operation in this winter much more stable. The surface roughness of the PIE (Post Irradiation Examination) specimens cut out from the first target was measured and the maximum pit depth of ca. 250 micro meter was found, which will be the important data to estimate the target vessel lifetime. The 2nd target vessel has been working without any troubles. EIGHTEEN NEUTRON INSTRUMENTS INCLUDING SIX NEW ONES HAVE BEEN STARTED 2. Neutron Science Eighteen neutron instruments were successfully started. Six new instruments are DNA (BL02, Inverted Geometry Spectrometer), SPICA (BL09, Powder), PLANET (BL11, High Pressure Diffractometer), TAIKAN (BL15, Small Angle Neutron Scattering), SHARAKU (BL17, Vertical Reflectometer) and SENJU (BL18, Single Crystal Diffractometer). For the user operation of the 2012A period (April to November, 2012), 127 general neutron proposals have been submitted; after evaluation by four referees for each proposal followed by the review in the neutron science proposal review committee (NSPRC) held on March 1st, 100 proposals were approved and 18 were reserved. The results were approved by the MLF advisory board on March 13th. QENS2012/WINS2012 Nikko Joint Conference between 10th International Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering (QENS 2012) & 5th Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometer (WINS2012) will be held in Nikko Public Meeting Hall from 30th Sep. to 4th Oct. which is hosted by J-PARC Center with achair of Masatoshi Arai, MLF Division Leader. http://j-parc.jp/researcher/MatLife/en/meetings/QENS-WINS2012/index.html COMMISSIONING OF NEW DETECTORS 3. Neutron Instrument New types of a two-dimensional large area scintillator detector and a two-dimensional multi-wire proportional chamber with individual readout system have been successfully developed for BL18, SENJU, and BL17, SHARAKU. The scintillator detectors with 33 modules were made based on the scintillator/wavelength shifting fiber technology. These were delivered to the beamlines by the end of March and the detector commissioning is currently underway. THE REGULAR USERS' PROGRAM AT MUSE WERE RESTARTED FROM FEB. 2ND, 2012 4. Muon Science Facility (MUSE) We managed to recover from all the damage induced by the earthquake on March 11th, 2011 by the end of December, 2011. It is our great pleasure to report we could deliver again, surface & decay muons up to 60 MeV/c beam towards D1 and D2 in the commissioning beam time held at Jan. 17th, 2012. The regular users of experiments were also restarted from Feb. 2nd. During a period of fixing, we installed a kicker magnet associated with a septum magnet to allow a single bunched muon beam cut out from the two bunched structure up to 60 MeV/c towards D1 and D2 areas in the MUSE secondary Decay-Surface Muon Beamline (D-line). It worked well, but it turned out we need further R&D in order to reduce noise signals that appeared in the Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance (muSR) spectrum. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. [Exotic Nuclear Science Group] by Y. HIRAHARA and Y.X. WATANABE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECTIVELY IONIZED ATOMS EXTRACTED AT KISS (by Y. HIRAYAMA) We have been constructing the KEK Isotope Separation System (KISS) at RIKEN to study unexplored neutron-rich isotopes with neutron number N=126 for astrophysical interest. Using the KISS, isotopes of interest are produced by nuclear reactions and collected in a gas-cell filled with the argon gas. At the exit of the gas-cell, isotopes as neutral atoms are ionized by applying the laser resonant ionization technique. The selectively ionized atoms are then mass- separated. As an offline test, neutral atoms of nickel evaporated from a filament inside the gas-cell were selectively ionized and extracted as nickel ion-beams at the KISS. CROSS SECTION MEASUREMENTS WERE PERFORMED FOR MULTI-NUCLEON TRANSFER REACTIONS (by Y.X. WATANABE) Neutron-rich nuclei around neutron number of 126, which are expected to be difficult for production by the uranium fission, will be synthesized as TLF's (target-like fragments) of multi-nucleon transfer reactions between a Pt-198 target and a Xe-136 beam of around 8 MeV/nucleon at the KISS project. In order to estimate the yields, we have performed an experiment at GANIL (Grand Accelerateur National d'Ions Lourds) to measure the cross-sections of PLF's (projectile-like fragments) produced by the reactions. The PLF's were clearly separated and collected by the VAMOS (variable mode high acceptance spectrometer), and gamma-rays emitted from TLF's as well as PLF's were simultaneously detected. Detailed analysis is in progress. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] by Hiroyuki OIGAWA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FUTURE OF ACCELERATOR DRIVEN SYSTEM WAS ORGANIZED The International Symposium on Future of Accelerator Driven System (ADS) was held on Feb. 29th, 2012 at Gakushi-kaikan, Tokyo, hosted by J-PARC Center and Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate of JAEA. The objectives of this symposium are to discuss the role of ADS in the future nuclear utilization and to make participants acquainted with the current status and future plans for research and development of ADS in the world. There were about 100 participants. At the beginning of the symposium, Dr. Arima, former Minister of Education, provided a special talk about the expectation for transmutation technology. In the general sessions, current activities and future plans for R&D of ADS were presented from Japan, China, Korea, India, and Belgium. There were presentations for future plans of nuclear utilization and the role of partitioning and transmutation in Japan and Europe. After these presentations, a panel discussion was organized with regard to the prospective international collaboration and multidisciplinary synergy effect. Through the discussion, common understanding was promoted concerning the importance of international collaboration and appropriate sharing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. [Safety Division] by Taichi MIURA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SAFETY INSPECTIONS OF MLF AND HD WERE SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCTED BY NUSTEC The inspection of the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) was conducted successfully on Feb. 6,7 by the Nuclear Safety Technology Center (NUSTEC): the inspection items were working conditions of emergency and interlock signals from the new secondary beam lines and shielding structures and measurements of ambient doses around the radiation control areas. The inspection of the Hadron Experimental Facility (HD) was conducted successfully on Feb. 21, 2012, by the NUSTEC: the inspection items were shielding structures and measurements of ambient doses around the radiation control areas. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Nikko Joint Conference between 10th International Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering (QENS 2012) & 5th Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers (WINS 2012), Sep. 30th - Oct. 4th, 2012, Nikko, Japan (Language: English) http://j-parc.jp/researcher/MatLife/en/meetings/QENS-WINS2012/index.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. [Editorial Note] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Editorial Board: Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO (Chair): toshifumi.tsukamoto@kek.jp Nobuaki TAKAHASHI: nobuaki.takahashi@jaea.go.jp Takashi ITO: itou.takashi@jaea.go.jp Dick MISCHKE (English Editor): mischke@triumf.ca Toshiko MACHIDA (Secretary): machida.toshiko@jaea.go.jp ++++++++++++++++End of Letter++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++