===================================================================== J-PARC Project Newsletter No.60, October 2015 Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under operation jointly by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html ===================================================================== HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. [Overview] J-PARC PRIMED FOR MORE SCIENCE AND USER COMFORT. 2. [Accelerator Division] MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT WORK DURING SUMMER SHUTDOWN. 3. [Particle and Nuclear Physics Division] BEAM TIME AND MAINTENANCE WORKS AT HADRON HALL. FIRST LOOK AT ANTINEUTRINO APPEARANCE FROM T2K. 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] MERCURY TARGET VESSEL HAS BEEN REPLACED. CKORJ-PARC AND J-PARC HOSTED THE 1ST JAPAN-KOREAN JOINT WORKSHOP. CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW INSTRUMENT AND MAINTENANCE FOR EXISTING INSTRUMENTS. BRAND-NEW SOLENOID AND SCRAPER ARE IN PLACE. CONCLUDED ARRANGEMENT ON COOPERATION WITH THE AUSTRALIAN NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ORGANIZATION (ANSTO). 5. [Nuclear Transmutation Division] NATIONAL REVIEW WORKING PARTY ENDORSED RESEARCH ACTIVITIES FOR PARTITIONING AND TRANSMUTATION. 6. [Safety Division] THE FIRST MEETING OF THE LIAISON COMMITTEE ON SAFETY AND HEALTH FOR CONTRACTORS WORKING AT J-PARC. 7. [Editorial Note] --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. [Overview] by Naohito SAITO --------------------------------------------------------------------- J-PARC PRIMED FOR MORE SCIENCE AND USER COMFORT We are very happy to begin this message with congratulations to Prof. Takaaki Kajita of University of Tokyo, who will be awarded the Nobel Prize in physics together with Prof. Arthur B. McDonald of Queen's University. This moment has been hoped for by many collaborators and relevant people including us. We are proud of ourselves for carrying out the T2K experiment at J-PARC, the precision measurements of neutrino oscillations which are the subject of the award. We will continue our efforts to provide more beam power and more protons onto the T2K target to solidify a hint for CP violation in the neutrino sector. Our summer was very busy as usual for maintenance and improvement work in all facilities. A major challenge was the replacement of the mercury target at MLF, which had a minor water leak from the protection layer surrounding the mercury vessel. As reported in the previous newsletter, the problem led to two months of beam time loss. We have formed a dedicated review committee for the target vessel issues comprising experts external to J-PARC. Our investigation of the causes of the leak and preventive measures were evaluated and endorsed by the committee. In addition, we have received many useful suggestions for upcoming replacements. We are very grateful to the committee members for their dedicated work even with a short notice. As for the lost beam time for users at the MLF, we decided to provide the beam to all users based on the 2015A proposal evaluations. Consequently, we will not call for proposals in the period of 2015B, while emergency proposals are always accepted as in the past. We will continue to operate the facility with special care for stable and reliable operation, balancing the beam power upgrade and careful inspection of target health. We aim to achieve more than 90% beam availability, which was achieved in the past with lower beam power. We are also open to any suggestions from users so that we can provide more convenient and comfortable research environment to the users. There were many other work activities during the summer shutdown period, including the neutrino facility, hadron facility, and accelerator facilities. Those are covered in the following articles. We also worked hard on the budget negotiations with MEXT through KEK and JAEA, and we hope to hear better news towards the end of the calendar year. In the end of this message, we announce the start of a series of workshops, "J-PARC workshop", especially to stimulate more scientific discussions under the J-PARC organization. There are already several proposals for interesting topics of science. We hope that various scientific outputs would emerge from the discussions in and after the workshops. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. [Accelerator Division] by Kazuo HASEGAWA --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT WORK DURING SUMMER SHUTDOWN Beam operation was suspended for maintenance during the summer shutdown from July to September. Maintenance of the components and various improvement work were made in the accelerator facilities. At the linac, some multipacting regions, where the radio frequency (RF) reflection is rather high, are observed at some of the separated type drift tube linac (SDTL) cavities after the great earthquake in 2011. In particular, the region of the SDTL5#B cavity has been shifted to the operation point. We attempted vacuum property improvement by degassing with warm water, etc., but they were not so effective. In this maintenance period, we took more active measures such as cleaning of the inside of the cavity with a cloth that was dipped with an organic solvent. A certain improvement of the RF characteristics is observed so far at the high-power conditioning and beam tuning. At the 3 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS), we have several items for improvement. One is to reinforce the Anode power supplies for the acceleration cavity system. The cause of the insufficient power supply capacity was revealed at the 1 MW trial study. This improvement will lead to more stable acceleration at the higher power beam operation. Another is to improve the power supplies of the horizontal shift bump magnets. This will be expected to improve the flatness of the bump magnetic fields and less beam loss during beam injection. In the Main Ring synchrotron (MR), we have a plan to have a double accelerating voltage with approximately 1 second period for the fast extraction. A high impedance metal magnetic alloy core (FT3L) which has been newly developed is used for it. In 2014, one prototype cavity was installed and has already been used for user operation. Based on the operational results, we have made a plan to replace 8 existing cavities in 2015 and 2016. In this summer, we finished replacement of 4 of those cavities as scheduled. We have studied and tested a shortening of the acceleration period at the slow extraction for the hadron experiment facility. As a result, it will be feasible to reduce the period from 6 seconds to 5.52 seconds. The J-PARC accelerator facilities resumed beam operation on September 29 as scheduled. After beam tuning and study of the accelerator facilities, the user operation with the new period is expected to start from middle of October 2015. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. [Particle and Nuclear Physics Division] by T. TAKAHASHI, K. AOKI AND T. TSUKAMOTO --------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAM TIME AND MAINTENANCE WORKS AT HADRON HALL (by T. TAKAHASHI and K. AOKI) Slow extraction (SX) beam was delivered for user operation during April 24 to May 7 and June 5 to July 1. In the beam time, several experiments were executed after the Hadron Hall renovations. Measurement of neutral Kaon rare decays was successfully resumed. A new experiment for testing muon-electron universality was started in good shape. In addition, an experiment to study energy levels of hypernuclei by precise measurement of gamma-rays was successfully carried out. Gamma-rays from 4-Lambda-He and 19-Lambda-F hypernuclei were measured by a Ge-array detector, which is called Hyperball-J. The results were reported at the HYP2015 conference. It is one of the major conferences in this field and was held at Sendai in September (http://lambda.phys.tohoku.ac.jp/hyp2015). During the summer shutdown, maintenance work in the hadron primary beam line room was performed for the vacuum system of the beam line and the cooling water line of the beam dump. In addition, the emergency collection system was improved and no longer requires frequent repumping during the beam operation. Thermo-switches were installed to the beam dump and implemented as Machine Protection System (MPS). Before and after the maintenance work, the double layer gas-tight sheets, which cover the primary beam line room, were successfully removed and restored. They passed the airtight test and are ready to accept the beam. FIRST LOOK AT ANTINEUTRINO APPEARANCE FROM T2K (by T. TSUKAMOTO) The T2K collaboration observed 3 candidate electron antineutrino events in the muon antineutrino beam from J-PARC at Super-Kamiokande. http://www2.kek.jp/ipns/articles/t2k-antinue-first-result/index.html http://t2k-experiment.org/2015/07/first-look-at-antineutrino-appearance-from-t2k/ As reported in the last newsletter issue No.59, T2K started antineutrino beam operation from May 2014 and accumulated about 4x10^20 POT (protons on target) so far, and released its first measurement of muon-antineutrino disappearance in May. The result of appearance of electron antineutrino was obtained with the same antineutrino beam data set. T2K would expect to observe 3.8 events, with 1.8 coming from backgrounds and 3 events were observed. The search for electron antineutrino appearance with more antineutrino beam data is the next step in the exploration of charge-parity (CP) symmetry. The result was presented at several international conferences etc. The details are as follows: https://indico.cern.ch/event/356420/session/10/contribution/322 https://www2.kek.jp/physics-seminar/files2015/20150724_T2K.pdf https://indico.fnal.gov/getFile.py/access?contribId=60&sessionId=17&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=9771 http://theory.fnal.gov/jetp/ http://www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/ssi/2015/ http://www.icas.ru/english/index.htm https://indico.cern.ch/event/344173/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] by Toshiji KANAYA --------------------------------------------------------------------- MERCURY TARGET VESSEL HAS BEEN REPLACED 1) Neutron Source In July, we concluded the cause of the trouble on the target vessel as follows. A part of the welded surface between two steel plates which were used to form a shroud of the target vessel for the cooling channel was incomplete in the fabrication process, and then a crack occurred with repetitive thermal stress induced by beam trips during the operating period. As a countermeasure against this defect, we changed the welding method for the shroud of a spare target vessel. The fabrication of the spare target vessel was completed in September 2015. We replaced the target vessel with new one from late September to October 7. Regular maintenance from the spallation neutron source components to the 3-GeV proton beam transport facility was done. Periodic inspection and an overhaul of a hydrogen pump were conducted for the cryogenic hydrogen system. Survey and alignment of the 3-GeV proton beam transport components were also carried out. Pressure wave mitigation technology by using microbubbles, which had been developed for improving the performance of the mercury spallation target at J-PARC won the 2014 Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) Medal for New Technology, and the mercury target vessel was displayed at the exhibition booth of the National Museum of Nature and Science from July 28 to August 10, 2015. CKORJ-PARC AND J-PARC HOSTED THE 1ST JAPAN-KOREAN JOINT WORKSHOP CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW INSTRUMENT AND MAINTENANCE FOR EXISTING INSTRUMENTS 2) Neutron Instruments and Science The 1st Japan-Korean Joint Workshop on Polarized Neutron Reflectometry was held at J-PARC on July 30, 2015. It was organized by the Center for Korean J-PARC Users (CKorJ-PARC) and MLF. 18 participants (Japan: 11, Korea: 7) joined this workshop. In the workshop, both Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) and J-PARC sides reported the current status of neutron reflectometers and development work on neutron optical devices including polarizing supermirrors and He-3 polarizing filters. Also, extensive discussion on future collaboration between Korea and Japan was held. The workshop provided a good opportunity for information exchange on this field, and hence CKorJ-PARC and J-PARC center agreed to enhance collaboration continuously. In this summer shutdown period, construction work of BL23 (POLANO, Polarized Neutron Spectrometer) was carried out. The beam- transport section and a slow chopper are being installed and tested. The existing instruments and auxiliary devices (choppers, optical devices and vacuum pumps, etc.) are being maintained and upgraded. Additional Si111 analyzer banks of BL02 (DNA, near-backscattering spectrometer) have been installed. BRAND-NEW SOLENOID AND SCRAPER ARE IN PLACE 3) Muon Science Facility (MUSE) One of the major tasks for Muon staff in this summer shutdown period was the replacement of superconducting solenoid coils (SSC) on the D-line. The SSC and its cooling system were partially damaged in the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred in 2011 and were temporally fixed for quick restoration. Since then, Muon staff have been working in a stepwise fashion with the aim of the complete recovery of the whole system. Following the replacement of the helium compressor system in last summer, they proceeded to the final step of replacing SSC. In last July, the cannon-shaped gigantic cryostat containing old SSC (~6 m long) was pulled out from the channel on the wall separating the experimental hall from the M2 tunnel, and the brand-new SSC in an orange-colored cryostat was finally set up in the fixed position and connected to the cooling system. The soundness of the entire system was proven by the subsequent test operation for cooling and magnet excitation conducted in collaboration with J-PARC Cryogenics Section and thus is ready for beam operation this coming fall. Another major task was replacement of the beam scraper system on the primary proton beamline. The scraper, consisting of a set of water-cooled massive copper collimators, is placed just behind the muon production target to clean up the beam halo induced by scattering in the muon target. It turned out that one of the thermometers monitoring the local temperature was not operating properly, which led to the decision to replace the entire system considering the scheduled beam power increment towards the end of FY2015. The replacement work was successfully conducted with special precaution to prevent the radiation hazard early in September. The used scraper is now safely stored in one of the storage pits for highly radioactive instruments. CONCLUDED ARRANGEMENT ON COOPERATION WITH THE AUSTRALIAN NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ORGANIZATION (ANSTO) (4) International agreement The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), and ANSTO concluded an arrangement on cooperation in the field of neutron science at Manly, Sydney, on 20th July at the opening of the 2nd Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering. Dr. Adi Paterson, the CEO of ANSTO, visited J-PARC on 18th August and extensively discussed future cooperation with the Director of J-PARC Center and MLF staff. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. [Nuclear Transmutation Division] by Toshinobu SASA --------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL REVIEW WORKING PARTY ENDORSED RESEARCH ACTIVITIES FOR PARTITIONING AND TRANSMUTATION In August 2015, the 8th and 9th meetings of national review working party were held in Tokyo. The meetings were called to review current research and development (R&D) activities for overall partitioning and transmutation technologies for accelerator-driven systems (ADS). In the meeting, J-PARC Center introduced the latest result of technology development for construction of Transmutation Experimental Facility, specifically for the ADS Target Test Facility, TEF-T. R&D activities for partitioning, minor actinide bearing fuel fabrication, and Transmutation Physics Experimental Facility, TEF-P, were also presented by Partitioning and Transmutation Technology Division of JAEA. Though official recommendation has not been issued, the working party expressed its recognition of the proper progress in our activities and had opinions to endorse the R&Ds to establish transmutation technologies by ADS together with the technologies for partitioning and handling of fuels for transmutation in the meetings. From the technical point of view of the R&D for TEF-T, increasing operation temperature, temperature gradient of target mockup loop and management of oxygen potential control in flowing high temperature liquid metal are identified as the most pressing concerns. The preparation of mockup loop operation including refurbishment of the loop components is underway. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. [Safety Division] by Yukihiro MIYAMOTO and Kotaro BESSHO --------------------------------------------------------------------- THE FIRST MEETING OF THE LIAISON COMMITTEE ON SAFETY AND HEALTH FOR CONTRACTORS WORKING AT J-PARC The Liaison Committee on Safety and Health for Contractors Working at J-PARC was established in order to share a common safety mindset and information concerning safe work at J-PARC. The first meeting of the committee was held on July 24 at an exhibition hall of JAEA, Atom World, with 80 participants from 75 companies. At the meeting, there were reports on recent accidents and troubles in J-PARC, and also lessons learned from them and precautions were presented. Based on these reports, some opinions were given by contractors for ensuring a safe work environment. We believe that these reports and discussions should be helpful to raising safety awareness for the contractors working at J-PARC. Furthermore, the latest safety information on J-PARC has been continuously shared through e-mail after the meeting. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. [Editorial Note] --------------------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe. If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe. You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Editorial Board: Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO (Chair): toshifumi.tsukamoto@kek.jp Kaoru SHIBATA: shibata.kaoru@ jaea.go.jp Takashi ITO: itou.takashi@jaea.go.jp Dick MISCHKE (English Editor): mischke@triumf.ca Junko BEANBLOSSOM (Secretary): beanblossom.junko@jaea.go.jp ++++++++++++++++End of Letter++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++