BL No. | Access Mode | Proposal No. | Category of Review field |
Title of experiment | Principal Investigator | Affiliation | Location of the affiliation | Adopted BT day(s) |
BL04 | IU | 2015I0004 | - | Research and development on accurate neutron-nucleus reaction measurement instrument (ANNRI) | Atsushi KIMURA | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | 28.00 | |
BL04 | PU | 2015P0801 | - | Neutron source development for high intense cold neutron | Masahide HARADA | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | 1.50 | |
BL04 | PU | 2015P1001 | - | Research on nuclear data and trace-element analysis using the highest intensity pulsed neutrons | Atsushi KIMURA | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | 25.00 | |
BL05 | S-type | 2014S03 | - | Fundamental Physics with Pulsed Cold Neutrons | Hiroyuki SHIMIZU | Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University | Japan | 104.00 | |
BL10 | IU | 2015I0010 | - | Study on Neutronic Performance of JSNS | Kenichi OIKAWA | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | 8.00 | |
BL10 | PU | 2015P0301 | - | Development and Application of Neutron Optical devices and Detection System at BL10 | Takayuki OKU | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | 20.00 | |
BL10 | PU | 2015P0702 | - | Improvement of Magnetic Field Vector Imaging Techniques using Polarized Neutron with NOBORU. | Kosuke HIROI | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | 8.50 | |
BL10 | PU | 2015P0802 | - | Neutron source development for high intense cold neutron | Masahide HARADA | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | 2.50 | |
BL22 | IU | 2015I0022 | - | On-beam commissioning of RADEN and developments of Energy-resolved neutron imaging techniques | Takenao SHINOHARA | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | 50.00 | |
BL22 | PU | 2015P0305 | - | Development and application of on-beam SEOP based 3He spin filter at BL22 | Takayuki OKU | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | 5.00 | |
BL22 | PU | 2015P0701 | - | Pulsed neutron imaging of the temperature, structure, magnetic field, and elemental identification of a practical product with Energy Resolved Neutron Imaging System | Kenichi OIKAWA | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Japan | 14.00 |