J-PARC Center
January 18, 2013
  Excellent photos: three photos by 
  Yasuhiro Miyake, Shinichi Sakamoto, Taku Yamanaka
  (photos were judged by limiting one entry from every entrant)
  Good photos : twelve photos by 
  Junko Beanblossom, Junko Kitagishi, Patrick de Perio, Taku Yamanaka

  Judges : Tokio Ohska, Taichi Miura, Yujiro Ikeda
  Total entries: 35 photos (8 entrants) 
  Points of judgment : 
  full of life, art of form, unbiased, appealing to public, etc

  I express my gratitude to all the entrants.
  The J-PARC photo contest is planed this year. I am looking forward to your entry.
  Yujiro Ikeda J-PARC Center Director

* Click here to enlarge.
* Click here to enlarge.

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