=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- J-PARC Project Newsletter _______ No. 23 January, 2006_______ High Intensity Proton Accelerator Project proposed jointly by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. <<Overview>> BUDGET FOR JFY2006 WAS ANNOUNCED. CALL FOR THE 50 GEV PROPOSALS WAS SENT. CALL FOR MUON LETTERS OF INTENT WAS SENT. J-PARC CENTER STARTS ITS OPERATION IN FEBRUARY, 2006. APPLICATIONS FOR THE RADIATION SAFETY FOR J-PARC WERE REVIEWED. ANNUAL IAC and A-TAC MEETINGS ARE SCHEDULED IN FEBRUARY. 2. <<Accelerator Group>> THE INSTALLATION OF THE ACCELERATOR COMPONENTS IS IN PROGRESS FOR ALL THREE ACCELERATORS, WHILE SOME R&D IS STILL NECESSARY FOR SOME COMPONENTS. INSTALLATION OF CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR LINAC IS IN PROGRESS. 3. <<Exotic Nuclear Science Group>> REACTION CROSS SECTIONS OF 8LI(D, T) AND 8LI(D, ALPHA) IN THE ENERGY REGION OF ASTROPHYSICAL INTEREST WERE MEASURED AT THE TRIAC FACILITY. A PROJECT OF THE FURTHER ACCELERATION OF RADIOACTIVE NUCLEAR BEAMS IS IN PROGRESS. 4. <<Nuclear and Particle Physics Group>> FACILITY CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 5. <<Neutron Science Group>> PROPOSED FUNDING FOR TWO INSTRUMENTS, I.E., A CHOPPER SPECTROMETER OF LOW ENERGY NEUTRONS AND A RESIDUAL STRESS ANALYSIS DIFFRACTOMETER HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENT. ALSO A PROPOSAL FOR THE INSTRUMENTS INTENDED FOR DATA ACQUISITION OF THE NUCLEAR DATA FOR ADS IS FUNDED THROUGH THE JST COMPETITIVE FUNDING PROGRAM. INCLUDING TWO INSTRUMENTS BY IBARAKI-PREFECTURE, AND THE PREVIOUSLY REPORTED INELASTIC SPECTROMETER, AT LEAST SIX INSTRUMENTS ARE TO BE INSTALLED AT DAY-ONE TIME. 6. <<Muon Science Group>> THE DEADLINE OF SUBMITTING LOI FOR THE MUON EXPERIMENTS AT THE MLF-MUON FACILITY IS POSTPONED FOR ONE MONTH, UNTIL JANUARY 31,2006. 7. <<Nuclear Transmutation Group>> THE 7TH WORSHOP ON SPALLATION MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ON DECEMBER 14TH AND 15TH, 2005. 8. <<Radiation Safety Group>> ADVISORY COMMITTEE MET FOR RADIATION SAFETY OF LINAC. 9. <<Information >> J-PARC WEB SERVER AND NEW JLAN STRUCTURE STARTED. 10. <<Announcement of Symposia and Meetings>> 11. <<Editorial Note>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. <<Overview>> By Shoji NAGAMIYA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BUDGET FOR JFY2006 WAS ANNOUNCED. At the end of December, the budget for JFY2006 was announced by the Government. Our funding agency made an enormous effort to secure the budget for J-PARC. Thus we will have the largest budget in the history of the J-PARC construction. For the construction, the announced budget is 281.6 Oku Yen. An additional 51.8 Oku Yen will be funded for items related to J-PARC, such as neutron scattering instruments, operational funding for the accelerators, expenses for movement from KEK-Tsukuba to KEK-Tokai, and other needed instruments at J-PARC, etc. With regard to the construction fund, the next year's funding will be the highest for the project. We need a smaller amount of the money (at least for construction) from JFY2007 as compared to that of JFY2006. Therefore, we expect that the completion of the Phase 1 project within JFY2008 is most likely possible, unless we face major technological difficulties. Last fall, we received many letters that were addressed to the KEK Director, JAEA President, myself, et al., to encourage the timely completion of the project. I thank all the people who sent these letters. I am sure that these letters significantly influenced the final decision of funding, which is favorable to the J-PARC. CALL FOR THE 50 GEV PROPOSALS WAS SENT. CALL FOR MUON LETTERS OF INTENT WAS SENT. Recently, the call for proposals for experiments at 50 GeV, in particular, those for Day-1 experiments was mailed to the communities. Applications are welcome from all over the world. The deadline for the submission is April 28, 2006. If you need detailed information, or consultation, please write jun.imazato@kek.jp. Also, the call for letters of intent for muon experiments at 3 GeV was mailed to the communities. The deadline for submission is the end of January, 2006. If you need detailed information, or consultation, please write yasuhiro.miyake@kek.jp. J-PARC CENTER STARTS ITS OPERATION IN FEBRUARY, 2006. In February this year, the J-PARC Center will become functional, as this Center has been designed to operate the J-PARC at the operational stage. Since it is expected that the Linac will deliver the first beams in JFY2006, this Center will start partial operation from this year. The Agreement between KEK and JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) was created and it will be signed in February. The first director of this Center will be myself for the term of three years. APPLICATIONS FOR THE RADIATION SAFETY FOR J-PARC WERE REVIEWED. The most urgent task that the J-PARC Center must start in February is to establish a management structure for the safety control. An application on the method of how to control radiation safety at J- PARC was submitted last summer. The Government created a special committee to review the application. At the end of December, the final meeting for this Committee was held. It is expected that the approval for our applications will be given soon. ANNUAL IAC and A-TAC MEETINGS ARE SCHEDULED IN FEBRUARY. At the end of February the annual meeting of the International Advisory Committee (chair; John White) as well as the annual meeting of the Accelerator Technical Advisory Committee (chair: Steve Holmes) will be held. From the next meeting, the IAC will send its advice to the Director General of KEK and to the President of JAEA instead of sending its advice to the J-PARC Project Director. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. <<Accelerator Group>> by Yoshishige YAMAZAKI and Tadahiko KATOH ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INSTALLATION OF THE ACCELERATOR COMPONENTS IS IN PROGRESS FOR ALL THREE ACCELERATORS, WHILE SOME R&D IS STILL NECESSARY FOR SOME COMPONENTS. The linac beam commissioning is planned from next December. All three Drift-Tube Linac (DTL) tanks up to 50 MeV have been already installed following the Radio-Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) linac and the Medium-Energy Beam Transport (MEBT). Several tanks of the Separated type DTL (SDTL) have been also installed. The linac installation is thus on schedule. The field measurement has been finished for all twenty four bending magnets (BM's) of the 3-GeV Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) and the field qualities were within the specified errors. The field measurement for the quadrupole magnets (QM's) has been just started. The ceramics vacuum chambers will be installed in all the BM's outside the tunnel, and will then be carried into the tunnel from next March to April. The mass production of the vacuum chambers is on schedule for this plan. Since the QM's are much lighter than BM's, the vacuum chambers will be installed in the QM's in the tunnel by the end of this October. The installation of the BM's in the tunnel for the 50-GeV Main Ring (MR) has been started. In this way, the production, the field measurement and the installation of the magnets and magnet power supplies are in general on schedule for both rings. However, the injection/extraction components and the RF systems require more effort than expected in order to satisfy the specification for both the rings. Photographs of accelerator installation are shown in the homepage of http://j-parc.jp/Acc/en/index.html. INSTALLATION OF CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR LINAC IS IN PROGRESS. The control systems for linac and L3BT (linac to 3-GeV synchrotron beam transport) are under installation and testing with the control network equipment installed in the local control rooms and the central control building. The racks for control equipment have been placed in the linac klystron gallery. The final set-up is now underway. We have decided to use EPICS 3.14.7 as the controls environment for J-PARC. EPICS record support routines have been developed for various WE-7000 series instrumentation modules. Personnel Protection System equipment is also being installed for linac and L3BT, and will be finished by the end of next February. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. <<Exotic Nuclear Science Group>> By Hiroari Miyatake ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REACTION CROSS SECTIONS OF 8Li(D, T) AND 8Li(D, ALPHA) IN THE ENERGY REGION OF ASTROPHYSICAL INTEREST WERE MEASURED AT THE TRIAC FACILITY. The 8Li(d, t) and 8Li(d, alpha) are important paths for the estimation of the heavy element abundance in the inhomogeneous Big-Bang model. These reaction cross sections were directly measured in the low energy region from 0.4 MeV to 1.2 MeV, which corresponds the Gamow-peak of 3 Giga-Kelvin. The typical 8Li-beam intensity was 100 kHz. Emitted tritons and alpha particles were detected by large solid-angle double-sided striped-Silicon telescope to measure simultaneously their angular distributions. A PROJECT OF THE FURTHER ACCELERATION OF RADIOACTIVE NUCLEAR BEAMS IS IN PROGRESS. The 1.09 MeV/u beams from Inter digital H-type (IH-) linac will be further accelerated with an already existing superconducting (SC-) linac at JAEA Tandem facility. Construction of the beam line from the IH-linac to the SC-linac has been started at the end of this year. Ion-optical elements will be installed in the next year. The additional two beam bunchers as well as eight low-beta SC-cavities are necessary for efficient RNB (Radioactive Nuclei Beam) acceleration for the higher energy than 5 MeV/u. Performance test of these elements are also in progress. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. <<Nuclear and Particle Physics Group>> by Takashi Kobayashi and Toru Ogitsu ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FACILITY CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. The construction of the experimental facilities made progress last year for both the neutrino facility and the hadron (slow beam) facility. Preceding the proton line tunnel a part of the pion decay section has already been completed for the neutrino facility to enable the over-crossing construction of a 3-GeV extraction line to MLF. Steel boxes were embedded in a 6m thick concrete wall to form the 50 m upstream half of the decay volume with an inclination of 3.6 degrees for the generation of a 2-3 degree off-axis neutrino beam toward Super-Kamiokande. The connected steel decay pipe will be water-cooled; the cooling tubes were connected from box to box, tested for tightness, and the whole volume was successfully evacuated in December. In operation the volume will be filled with 1 atm helium gas. The length of 180 m for the extraction line of the slow beam to the hadron experimental hall is a requirement met for beam optics to raise the beam from the accelerator level to the hall level by 2.9 m and also to branch the 50 GeV beam into possibly 3 primary lines. The tunnel construction, which started two years ago, is now approaching completion. The tunnel is formed by thick concrete walls for radiation shielding. Along with this tunnel, the main hall construction is proceeding. Civil work for the base of the building is now being made. The completion by the end of Japanese fiscal year 2006 is scheduled. In March the installation of beamline magnets along the extraction line will begin by transferring magnets from the KEK 12-GeV beam lines. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. <<Neutron Science Group>> by Yujiro IKEDA (Materials & Life Science Experimental Facility Group) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPOSED FUNDING FOR TWO INSTRUMENTS, I.E., A LOW ENERGY NEUTRON CHOPPER SPECTROMETER AND A RESIDUAL STRESS ANALYSIS DIFFRACTOMETER HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENT. ALSO A PROPOSAL FOR THE INSTRUMENTS INTENDED FOR DATA ACQUISITION OF THE NUCLEAR DATA FOR ADS IS FUNDED THROUGH THE JST COMPETITIVE FUNDING PROGRAM. INCLUDING TWO INSTRUMENTS BY IBARAKI-PREFECTURE, AND THE PREVIOUSLY REPORTED INELASTIC SPECTROMETER, AT LEAST SIX INSTRUMENTS ARE TO BE INSTALLED AT DAY-ONE TIME. The building of the MLF conventional facility is in progress on schedule. The beam line tunnel of the 3GeV beam transport line was connected to the downstream part, which leads the line to the neutron target station in MLF. Alignment of magnets with the vacuum ducts is being carried out. Up to now, the overall accuracy of installation is confirmed within 0.5 mm. In the MLF experimental hall, cranes of 130, 50 and 30 tons are hooked over the garters. To demonstrate the fabrication method for a five layered thin moderator vessel structure, a trial model was fabricated. It is found that we still need very high skill of welding. A seal material for the mercury containment was identified after stringent tests using a full size mockup test stand. Shutter gates and special shaped shielding blocks are under fabrication. A loop with He bubble injector was attached to MIMTM to investigate the effect of micro He bubble in mercury for the pitting damage mitigation. The budget for two instruments proposed by JAEA has been approved by the government. A low energy neutron chopper spectrometer and a residual stress analysis diffractometer are to be constructed during three years from 2006 to 2008 within a fund of 27 Oku yen. Also a proposal for the instruments intended for data acquisition of the nuclear data for ADS is funded through the JST competitive funding program. Including two instruments by Ibaraki-prefecture, and the previously reported inelastic spectrometer, at least six instruments are to be installed at Day-one time. The fourth N-TAC (Neutron Source Technical Advisory Committee) meeting was held at Tokai-site. Neutron source safety, maintenance scenario, beam-commissioning were highlighted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. <<Muon Science Group>> by Yasuhiro MIYAKE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DEADLINE OF SUBMITTING LOI FOR THE MUON EXPERIMENTS AT THE MLF-MUON FACILITY IS POSTPONED FOR ONE MONTH, UNTIL JANUARY 31, 2006. The deadline of submitting LoI for the muon experiments at the MLF-Muon Facility is postponed for one month, until January 31, 2006. The Project Team has been calling for the Letters of Intent, based on the recommendation of the Muon Science Advisory Committee (MuSAC), for muon experiments requiring major instrumental installation at the MLF-Muon Facility. In the M2 tunnel in the vicinity of the muon target, all the components such as magnets, target chamber, and profile monitor etc. are placed on the individual alignment plate associated with a pair of knock pins. In order to allow remote handling installation, all the alignment plates are planned to be flat on the top surface and each position of the knock pins has to be located with a precision of 0.1 mm. Since all the alignment plates are placed on the 70 mm thick iron base plates, level measurements were done on the base plate at the locations for the each corners and center positions of the alignment plates to determine the thickness of the shim plates underneath the alignment plates. Also the location of the muon target was determined and marked precisely referred from a pair of the alignment base station #8 and #9, which were prepared by the neutron group. Then, proton beam line and 4 sets of the secondary lines were determined by using a laser tracker within a precision of 0.05 mm. By utilizing these measurements, all the alignments plates are planned to be installed on the base plates with a precision of 0.1 mm in XY directions and 0.1 mm in height in February, 2006. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. <<Nuclear Transmutation Group>> by Hiroyuki OIGAWA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE 7TH WORSHOP ON SPALLATION MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ON DECEMBER 14TH AND 15TH, 2005. The 7th workshop on spallation materials science and technology was held on December 14 and 15, 2005, near the J-PARC construction site. Japan Atomic Energy Agency and High-Energy Accelerator Research Organization organized this workshop. Nineteen topics on materials issues, including those for Pb-Bi spallation target of Accelerator- Driven System (ADS), were presented, and about fifty researchers participated from outside and inside the J-PARC project. The feasibility of a small beam dump that can accept a 400MeV- 26kW proton beam was confirmed by temperature and structural analysis. This dump will be located adjacent to the Transmutation Physics Experimental Facility (TEF-P) to receive residual protons after the beam extraction by the laser charge exchange technique. The extracted low power (10W) proton beam will be introduced to the TEF-P. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. <<Radiation Safety Group>> by Hideo HIRAYAMA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVISORY COMMITTEE MET FOR RADIATION SAFETY OF LINAC. An advisory committee was organized after the application for the license of the radiation facilities of the LINAC and the Switchyard in the Hadron Facility was submitted to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on 31st, August. In the first committee meeting on 8th, November, the facility overview of J-PARC and the technical details about the safety design of LINAC were presented to MEXT. The second and the last committee met on 7th, and 28th, December, respectively. In the committee, a radiation and control safety scheme, the fire accident, beam loss, and interlock system of LINAC were discussed in detail. Through these discussions, the committee will report the summary of the radiation safety aspects of the LINAC to MEXT. The Switchyard in the Hadron facility will be a radiation controlled area only for activated magnets brought from KEK and an inspection conducted for accelerator facilities will not be applied to this facility. The MEXT suggested that we submit the application as a part of the 50GeV MR facility. The controlled area is scheduled to be implemented around 15th, March, 2006. The details of the activated equipment were explained to the Tokai-mura office and the Ibaraki prefectural office, in November and December. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. <<Information System Group>> by Toshio HIRAYAMA and Setsuya KAWABATA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- J-PARC WEB SERVER AND NEW JLAN STRUCTURE STARTED. J-PARC INFORMATION SYSYTEM GROUP started two Web servers since this October. One is for announcements of the projects to the world and is opened to the internet. Official Web pages of the project are expected to be moved to the server. The other is used for internal communication between JAEA, KEK and J-PARC people and is opened only between the three organizations. JLAN is a backbone LAN for the J-PARC and also connects Tokai and Tsukuba campuses which are about 70km apart. So far JLAN used global IP addresses for all network terminals. However since the global addresses are a limited resource, the JLAN address structure was rearranged on this October so as to use private address and NAT (Network Address Translation) mechanism for internal users. JLAN does not stand alone but cooperation with JAEA and KEK LAN is clearly important. This was considered in designing the new JLAN. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Announcement of Symposia and Meetings ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) International Workshop on Neutron Total Scattering Instrument 24 Jan at KEK 2) International Workshop on Small Angle Scattering Instrument 25 Jan at JAEA 3) International Workshop on Reflectometer 26 Jan at KEK 4) Accelerator Technical Advisory Committee (A-TAC)23-25 Feb. 5) International Advisory Committee (IAC) 27-28 Feb. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Editorial Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Editorial Board: Masatoshi ARAI (chair): masatoshi.arai@j-parc.jp Koji YOSHIMURA: koji.yoshimura@kek.jp Yujiro IKEDA: yujiro.ikeda@jaea.go.jp Nobuo OUCHI: nobuo.ouchi@jaea.go.jp Shinya SAWADA: shinya.sawada@kek.jp English Editor: Dick Mischke mischke@triumf.ca =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= End of Letter -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=