Here is a revised version of the J-PARC Newsletter No. 24. Now news on muon science in included as the section 5. We are sorry about our multiple posting. Best regards, Editors of the J-PARC Newsletter =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- J-PARC Project Newsletter _______ No.24,April 2006_______ High Intensity Proton Accelerator Project proposed jointly by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. <<Overview>> .J-PARC CENTER STARTED ITS OPERATION. .ANNUAL IAC and A-TAC MEETINGS WERE HELD IN FEBRUARY. .TOP MANAGEMENT CHANGED AT KEK FROM APRIL OF 2006. .SYMBOL MARK FOR J-PARC WAS SELECTED. 2.<<Accelerator Group>> .THE RING RF TEAM IS FOCUSING ON FINDING A METHOD OF CUTTING THE MAGNETIC ALLOY CORES, WHICH CAN STAND LONG-TERM HIGH POWER LOADING. 3. <<Nuclear and Particle Physics Group>> .MAGNET INSTALLATION STARTED AT THE SWITCHYARD OF THE HADRON FACILITY .FIRST 2 PRODUCTION SC-MAGNETS FOR THE NEUTRINO BEAM HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND SUCCESFULLY EXCITED 4. <<Neutron Science Group>> .PRODUCTION OF SUPER MIRROR GUIDE TUBES HAS BEEN STARTED USING A LARGE SCALE ION BEAM SPUTTERING SYSTEM. 5. <<Muon Science Group>> .THE 4TH J-PARC MUON SCIENCE EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE, SO CALLED "MUSAC-IV" WAS HELD ON 2006, FEB. 25-26 AT KEK. 6. <<Nuclear Transmutation Group>> .PRELIMINARY LETTERS OF INTENT FOR THE TRANSMUTATION EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY (TEF) ARE BEING SOLICITED 7. <<Radiation Safety Group>> .THE FIRST CERTIFICATE OF PERMISSION FOR THE RADIATION FACILITY WAS ISSUED BY MEXT 8. <<Announcement of Symposia and Meetings>> 9. <<Editorial Note>> --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. <<Overview>> By Shoji NAGAMIYA --------------------------------------------------------------------- .J-PARC CENTER STARTED ITS OPERATION. The start of the J-PARC Center marked another major milestone for J-PARC. The Center was started officially on February 17, and the celebration ceremony was held on March 16 by having over 200 important guests from the Government, Local Government, Village, Universities, Institutions, User Communities, and many other places. The J-PARC Center was designed as an organization for the operation of J-PARC. The major difference between the "construction team" and the "J-PARC Center" is as follows. The joint construction team between JAEA and KEK was formed under the explicit agreement between the two institutions such that each institution takes the entire responsibility for the facilities that were (or, are) constructed by its budget. For example, since JAEA constructed the Linac and 3 GeV accelerator, JAEA is responsible for the Linac and 3 GeV accelerator, not only for construction but also for pre-operation and other necessary management issues such as safety. On the other hand, the J-PARC Center was established under the agreement that two institutions let one organization, the J-PARC Center, to take the entire responsibility for the items that two institutions agreed. For example, since the two institutions decided to ask the J-PARC Center to manage and control the safety of the entire J-PARC facilities, this portion of the task of the J-PARC will move to the J-PARC Center. Eventually, when the J-PARC constructions completed, it is expected that tasks of the entire J-PARC operation will be moved to this J-PARC Center. For the coming three years it is expected that the J-PARC Center gradually grows to a size of 330 permanent employees and 280 temporary (outsourcing). In February, the Center started with 62 permanent members. The Director of the J-PARC is myself and Deputy Directors are Yoshi Yamazaki from KEK and Yukio Oyama from JAEA. Three Divisions were created to start with: Accelerator (Leader: Y. Yamazaki), Safety (Leader: M. Takasaki), and Administration (Leader: M . Murasawa). Six to seven other divisions will be added within a year or two. .ANNUAL IAC and A-TAC MEETINGS WERE HELD IN FEBRUARY. At the end of February the annual meeting of the International Advisory Committee (IAC) chaired by John White as well as the annual meeting of the Accelerator Technical Advisory Committee (A-TAC) chaired by Steve Holmes were held. Many pressing and important technical issues were discussed at the A-TAC meeting, details of which will be described elsewhere in this newsletter. The IAC reaffirms the importance of the timely completion of the project and celebrated the success of obtaining excellent funding in JFY2006 as well as the start of the official J-PARC Center. However, for details of the project the IAC pointed to many different technical issues that must be solved now. The IAC thus recommended creating a position of Technical Coordinator for the J-PARC project, to oversee practical details of the project. The IAC also encouraged starting work to obtain a reasonable amount of operational funds for J-PARC. Note that the J-PARC operationnwill start in JFY2008. .TOP MANAGEMENT CHANGED AT KEK FROM APRIL OF 2006. In association with the change of Director General of KEK from Yoji Totsuka to Atsuto Suzuki, the members of board of directors at KEK have been changed significantly. Accordingly, the members of the Management Council of the J-PARC have also been changed. Major changes are: M. Kobayashi to F.Takasaki, A.Koma to O.Shimomura, and K.Kondo to H.Hirayama. .SYMBOL MARK FOR J-PARC WAS SELECTED. Out of over one hundred applications, the symbol mark for the J-PARC was selected. It will be posted at the J-PARC homepage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.<<Accelerator Group>> by Yoshishige YAMAZAKI --------------------------------------------------------------------- .THE RING RF TEAM IS FOCUSING ON FINDING THE METHOD OF CUTTING THE MAGNETIC ALLOY CORES, WHICH CAN STAND THE LONG-TERM HIGH POWER LOADING. In the Radio-Frequency (RF) Accelerating Systems of both the 3-GeV Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) and the 50-GeV Main Ring (MR) Synchrotron, cavities loaded with magnetic alloy (MA), some of which are called FINEMET, will be fully utilized. The advantages of MA cavities over conventional ferrite-loaded cavities are their high impedance at high magnetic flux (that is, high accelerating electric field) and their very low Q values, eliminating any trouble of some frequency tuning mechanisms. In order to optimize both the Q value and the resonant frequency of a cavity, we devised a method to cut theMA. Among various cutting methods, cutting by the use of grindstone tools looked very promising. However, the cut core with acryl-molding was seriously damaged after 50 hour high-power test of 60 kW per gap, which is by 30 per cent higher than design value. In the next test of those with epoxy molding, a small damage with a diameter of 2 mm was observed after 120-hour run. Both events looked damaged at the points where the nitric acid used to etch the cut surface emerged from inside. Thus, another method is under development to cut the surface without acid, for example, by use of the diamond cutting. Since the time limit is coming close for starting the mass production of the cavities, a task force was formed to reinforce the development team. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.<<Nuclear and Particle Physics Group>> by K.TANAKA, T.KOBOYASHI, T.OGITSU ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .MAGNET INSTALLATION STARTED AT THE SWITCHYARD OF THE HADRON FACILITY The 150m-long underground tunnel of the slow extraction beamline from the 50 GeV synchrotron to the Hadron Experimental Facility, i.e. the switchyard (SY) was completed, and the installation of the beamline was immediately started on March 20 by transferring the first KEK-PS recycledvmagnets from KEK Tsukuba Campus. A total of 19 magnets were transferred by the end of the month. Pending the setting of those magnets, the next 17 magnets will be transported soon. This is the first milestone of the equipment installation in the Hadron Facility. Because the recycled magnets are slightly activated, the SY is now under the zone control as the first radiation area of J-PARC. Just downstream, the hall building construction is proceeding, with a goal of completion at the end of this fiscal year. FIRST 2 PRODUCTION SC-MAGNETS FOR THE NEUTRINO BEAM HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND SUCCESFULLY EXCITED In the neutrino facility, 28 superconducting combined function magnets are employed to bend the primary proton beam and transport it to the production target. In FY2005, the major milestone of starting mass production has been cleared. So far, two production magnets have been fabricated smoothly. Both of them have been successfully cooled down and excited; the nominal current of 50GeV operation was exceeded by 5% without quenching. In order to minimize costs and risks, the LHC magnet design was adopted for the cryostat as much as possible. The vacuum vessels were fabricated in Europe (by a Spanish company) and all of them have been delivered to KEK. The first full unit (~10m long, 1m diameter, ~20 tons) with 2 magnets in a cryostat has also been successfully assembled and delivered to KEK. For more information, see (Japanese) (English) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. <<Neutron Science Group>> by Yujiro IKEDA (Materials & Life Science Experimental Facility Group) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .PRODUCTION OF SUPER MIRROR GUIDE TUBES HAS BEEN STARTED USING A LARGE SCALE ION BEAM SPUTTERING SYSTEM A mockup model of the coupled moderator was fabricated and tested at cryogenic temperature. Seal performance tests for the connection flanges between the mercury target and the circulation system gave a good seal performance of 10-8 Pa m3/s. Fabrication of two cryogenic circulation pumps was also completed. In the MLF building, 130t, 65t, 50t, and 30t cranes became operational to install heavy shielding blocks around the helium vessel. Up to now, about 90% of the shielding blocks were installed. Construction of the MLF accessory buildings including a secondary cooling system pump building, No.1 and No.2 helium compressor buildings and an H2 and He cylinders storage yard were completed. The proton beam transport tunnel has been completed and connected to the 3-GeV Synchrotron tunnel and the Materials and Life Science Facility building. A cooling water system and a personnel protection system are now being installed. To monitor and adjust the neutron guide system against sinking of the MLF ground level, we decided to adopt an entubed liquid surface monitoring system, which can give enough accuracy for re-alignment. Two types of detector systems were identified to be developed: a wave-shift fibre system to be installed in the Ibaraki bio-crystal diffractometer(BIX-P1) and the ISIS-type ZnS scintillation detector system to be installed in the Residual Stress Analysis Diffractometer (RAD). Along with those an Anger Camera is to be developed by RIKEN for other purposes. We held a series of workshops on SANS, the total scattering instruments and reflectometer. Extension of the MLF building is under discussion for installing RAD and the high resolution powder diffractometer. Geometrical conflict between BL3 (BIX-P1) and BL4 (nuclear engineering instrument) is under discussion. Reconsideration of the scenario for the radiation safety level for instruments is underway, which will save a lot of over-shielding yet keeping satisfactory safety. Production of supermirror guide tubes has been started using a large scale ion beam sputtering system. Improvement of neutron reflectivity has been achieved using this system, and a 3Qc supermirror with a reflectivity of 90% has been developed. Prototype systems of data-acquisition for J-PARC were successfully operated at KENS for 6-month user-programs. The server-client type DAQ system, both of "histogram" and "event" modes, will be integrated with data-analysis components. Software development for each day-1 instrument will be started in FY2006. The Neutron Group Board (KEK-JAEA neutron working group) which is formulated under the MLFG leader has been working on showing the 'impact of neutrons on both science and industry' to get financial support from the Government. It has also been discussing the organization of the neutron and muon groups after the neutron beam will be operational. The beam line working group (BLWG) is also organized under the J-PARC steering committee to discuss the treatment of instruments being developed by organizations outside the project team, especially two Ibaraki prefecture instruments. The hot issue is the charging scheme for their proprietary use. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. <<Muon Science Group>> by Y. Miyake ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .THE 4TH J-PARC MUON SCIENCE EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE, SO CALLED "MUSAC-IV" WAS HELD ON 2006, FEB. 25-26 AT KEK. The 4th J-PARC Muon Science Experimental Facility Advisory Committee, so called “MuSAC” was held on 2006, Feb.25-26 at KEK, which is settled under the J-PARC Project Director during construction period. Committee members were J. Akimitsu (Aoyama Gakuin U), Y. Hatano (JAEA), R. H. Heffner (JAEA), S. Ikeda (KEK), Y. Ikeda (JAEA), M. Iwasaki (RIKEN), Y. Miyake (KEK), N. Nishida (Tokyo Inst. Tech.), K. Nishiyama (KEK), C. Petitjean (Paul Scherrer Inst.), L. I. Ponomarev (Kurchatov Inst.), J. M. Poutissou (Chair; TRIUMF Lab.) and Y. Yamazaki (KEK). As guest member, K. Nagamine and R. Kadono attended the meeting. In the committee meeting, one-year progress and topics of the project J-PARC muon facility were reported, in particular, with a response for the 1st M-TAC(Muon Source Technical Advisory Committee). Then the committee reviewed several of the 24 letters of Intent that had been received by the 31st of January, 2006 deadline. Brief comments were presented at the international advisory committee meeting by Dr. J. M. Poutissou, chair of the committee. The final committee report will be submitted to the Project Director shortly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. <<Nuclear Transmutation Group>> by Hiroyuki OIGAWA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .PRELIMINARY LETTERS OF INTENT FOR THE TRANSMUTATION EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY (TEF) ARE BEING SOLICITED The Project Team is now calling for "Preliminary Letters of Intent (Pre-LOIs)" for experiments at the Transmutation Experimental Facility (TEF). Although the TEF program has not yet been officially approved by the government, the Pre-LOIs from all over the world are needed to facilitate the initiation of the program from the following viewpoints: 1) To know which groups have an interest in this activity and what contributions from the collaboration can be expected. 2) To reflect the proposals on the specifications and layout of the facility. 3) To establish an appropriate collaboration scheme between J-PARC and the anticipated outside users. Please obtain detailed information from the web site: , by clicking "call for the preliminary Letters of Intent" in the column of "News & Topics". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.<<Radiation Safety Group>> by Hideo HIRAYAMA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .THE FIRST CERTIFICATE OF PERMISSION FOR THE RADIATION FACILITY WAS ISSUED BY MEXT The application for the license of the radiation facilities of the Linac and the Switchyard in the Hadron Facility was submitted to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on 31 August, 2005. Since that time, the radiation-safety aspects of these facilities had been examined. The certificate of permission for the LINAC and the Switchyard was finally issued to the Director of J-PARC Center on March 7. Before using these facilities as a radiation facility, an inspection by the Nuclear Safety Technology Center(NUSTEC) was compulsory: the first inspection was conducted on March 13 for the Switchyard to check items written in the application (shielding, fence, radiation markings). The certificate of inspection was issued on March 14, and the radiation controlled area of the Switchyard was setup on March 20. Activated magnets were scheduled to be delivered to the controlled area from KEK on March 20 just after the setup of the radiation controlled area. Before the setup of the radiation controlled area, the certificates from the Tokai-mura municipal government and the Ibaraki prefecture government were issued under the Ibaraki prefecture nuclear safety agreement; a supervisor of radiation protection of J-PARC and the regulations on protection from radiation hazards were reported to MEXT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. <<Announcement of Symposia and Meetings>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. <<Editorial Note>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Editorial Board: Masatoshi ARAI (chair): Koji YOSHIMURA: Yujiro IKEDA: Nobuo OUCHI: Shinya SAWADA: English Editor: Dick Mischke =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= End of Letter -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=