=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- J-PARC Project Newsletter _______ No.25,July 2006_______ High Intensity Proton Accelerator Project proposed jointly by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. <<Overview>> .FURTHER DISCUSSIONS ABOUT THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. .BUDGET NEGOTIATION STARTED FOR JFY2007. .J-PARC PAC FOR 50 GEV HELD IN JUNE-JULY OF 2006. .50-GEV TUNNEL WAS COMPLETED. 2. <<Accelerator Group>> .THE J-PARC RING RF TEAM IS BREAKING THROUGH MANY TECHNOLOGICAL DIFFICULTIES 3. <<Nuclear and Particle Physics Group>> .FIRST PAC MEETING WAS HELD .NEUTRINO FIRST HORN SUCCESSFULLY TESTED 4. <<Exotic Neutron Science Group>> .THE 2nd PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) APPROVED 5 PROPOSALS .THE THERMAL DIFFUSION STUDIES ON LITHIUM-BATTERY BY MEANS OF 8Li-RNB 5. <<Neutron Science Group>> .MORE THAN 80 % OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE MATERIALS & LIFE EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY HAS BEEN COMPLETED. 6. <<Muon Science Group>> .ALIGNING PLATES AND GUIDE SHIELDS FOR REMOTE-HANDLING INSTALLATION HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. 7. <<Nuclear Transmutation Group>> .PRELIMINARY LETTERS OF INTENT FOR TRANSMUTATION EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY (TEF) WERE RECEIVED 8. <<Radiation Safety Group>> .THE FIRST EXPERT COMMITTEE MET FOR THE RADIATION SAFETY ON THE J-PARK NEUTRINO PRODUCTION TARGET 9. <<Control Group>> .MPS AND PPS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED FOR THE LINAC COMMISSIONING 10. <<Announcement of Symposia and Meetings>> 11. <<Editorial Note>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. <<Overview>> By Shoji NAGAMIYA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .FURTHER DISCUSSIONS ABOUT THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. According to the present construction schedule, the Linac beam test will start in December of 2006, followed by the 3 GeV beam test in September of 2007 and the 50 GeV beam test in May of 2008. All the facilities including neutrons, muons and hadrons will start their operational runs within JFY2008, whereas the neutrinos will start at the beginning of JFY2009 (April of 2009). Concerning the above schedule, a series of discussions were held during the past three months. The discussions have been focused on both technical and financial aspects of the project. The present conclusion after these discussions is that both KEK and JAEA take full responsibility to keep the proposed schedule. It was commonly agreed not only within the J-PARC group but also at the top levels of both institutions that the highest priority is to keep the planned schedule for J-PARC. In addition, the Management Council of J-PARC held in June strongly endorsed the present scenario for the schedule of the project. Thus, unless the Government changes dramatically the future funding for J-PARC, the project shall be completed on schedule in 2008. .BUDGET NEGOTIATION STARTED FOR JFY2007. Every year, the July-August period is the busiest season for the budget negotiation for the next fiscal year, JFY2007. The highlight of the budget request this time is to keep the construction budget at KEK and to keep the pre-operational fund at JAEA. Many reviews have been started from this month. The project team has been undergoing an extremely busy time for the preparation of budget materials towards the next year. .J-PARC PAC FOR 50 GEV HELD IN JUNE-JULY OF 2006. The end of April was the deadline for the first call of proposals for experiments at 50 GeV. About 20 proposals including a few Letters of Intent were submitted to the J-PARC Center. The PAC was formed under the Director of the Institut Of Particle and Nuclear Studies(INPS) at KEK, and the PAC meeting was held on June 30 - July 2. The result will be transmitted first to the Director of INPS and, then to the Director of the J-PARC, before it is announced in public. .50-GEV TUNNEL WAS COMPLETED. The construction is still moving vigorously on site. Concerning the civil construction, the 50 GeV tunnel was completed at the end of June. Overall, 70% of the construction was completed for the entire J-PARC. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. <Accelerator Group> by Yoshishige Yamazaki ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .THE J-PARC RING RF TEAM IS BREAKING THROUGH MANY TECHNOLOGICAL DIFFICULTIES The fast energy ramping is an important feature for both the J-PARC rings, which should provide high average beam power by their high repetition rates. For this reason the accelerating field gradient amounts to 25 kV/m with high duty factors (50% for RCS and maximum 50 % for MR, respectively) in contrast to that of typically 10 kV/m in conventional ferrite-loaded cavities. For this performance the J-PARC is making use of the accelerating cavities loaded with the magnetic alloy (MA) rather than conventional ferrite. The J-PARC ring RF team is breaking through some of the most difficult problems in order to complete the development in time. Although the MA has been used in several institutes, either the field gradient or the average power (sometimes both) is much less than those for J-PARC. Also, both the resonant frequency and the Q value of the cavities are optimized by radially cutting the MA cores and by adjusting the distance between the two cores. After a long painstaking development, the cores with the cut surface polished by diamond powder could stand the RF power loading (by 30 % higher average power than required and the same field gradient) for several hundred hours. The test is still ongoing, approaching the tentative goal of 1,000-hour power test. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. < Nuclear and Particle Physics Group > by Jun Imazato ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .FIRST PAC MEETING WAS HELD The first meeting of the Program Advisory Committee for experiments at the J-PARC 50-GeV proton synchrotron was held from June 30 to July 2 at the KEK Tsukuba campus. Presentations were made for 15 proposals both at the Hadron Experimental Facility and Neutrino Experimental Facility. The committee evaluated these proposals from the point of view of scientific merit. Secondary beamlines in the Hadron Hall were also discussed and day-1 experiments were appointed. .NEUTRINO FIRST HORN SUCCESSFULLY TESTED At the neutrino facility, a neutrino beam is generated from the decay of pions that are produced when the primary proton beam from the accelerator hits a graphite target. The intensity of the neutrino beam is magnified by 15 times with an electromagnetic horn system by focusing pions parallel. The system consists of three horns and will be operated with 320kA peak current generating 2.1 Tesla maximum field. The assembly of the 1st horn prototype was completed in May. Since then, it has been tested with a pulsed current. The current was increased step by step while checking the temperature rise due to Joule's heating, and distortion by Lorentz force. The rated current of 320kA has recently been achieved without any serious trouble. This met one of the big milestones of the neutrino beam project. (The sound produced by the Lorentz force is so big that one cannot stand nearby without ear-plugs.) A long-term test to check troubles caused by fatigue will start soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. < Exotic Nuclear Science Group > by Hiroari Miyatake ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .THE 2nd PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) APPROVED 5 PROPOSALS. The Tokai Radioactive Ion Accelerator Complex (TRIAC) PAC was held this January and approved continuations of following 4 subjects: (1) A study of the heavy element synthesis in the early universe using 8Li-radioactive nuclear beams (RNB). (2) Nuclear spectroscopy of spin-polarized nuclei in the region of 132Sn. (3) Spin-polarization of indium, cesium, barium isotopes with a tilted-foil method and measurements of their nuclear magnetic moments. (4) Coulomb excitation spectroscopy of radioactive xenon. In addition, a new proposal on (5)the study of lithium-ion diffusion in superionic conductors was also approved. KEK and JAEA will jointly steer the TRIAC machine-time schedule for those subjects up to the end of FY2006. Please visit[http://triac.kek.jp] or contact [sunchan.jeong@kek.jp] for further submission of experimental proposals. .THE THERMAL DIFFUSION STUDIES ON LITHIUM-BATTERY BY MEANS OF 8Li-RNB After the measurement of the Li-ion diffusion constant in the beta-LiGa, which is one of possible electrode materials, experiments have moved to the measurements of lanthanum lithium titan oxide (LLTO), which is an important material as a possible solid electrolyte in the lithium-ion battery. In the first measurement, the typical 8Li-RNB intensity was 20 kHz and measured temperature range was 20 to 80 Celsius. The sample materials containing various atomic compositions of lanthanum and lithium will be measured in the further experiments. .THE 24Sn(d,p)125Sn* REACTION AS A FEASIBILITY TEST OF THE NEUTRON CAPTURE REACTIONS HAS BEEB PERFORMED. The neutron capture reactions of around 132Sn are key to determine the path of the astrophysical rapid neutron capture process. In the case of the direct radiative neutron capture reaction, the cross section can be determined by a corresponding neutron transfer reaction. As a test of the experiment, 124Sn(d,p)125Sn* reactions in the inverse kinematics by using CD2 target and 3.7 MeV/u 124Sn beams has been performed at the JAEA tandem facility. Obtained proton energy spectrum was almost free from the background to assign excited states in 125Sn. Further analysis is in progress. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. <<Neutron Science Group>> by Yujiro IKEDA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .MORE THAN 80 % OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MATERIALS & LIFE EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY HAS BEEN COMPLETED In the 1MW spallation neutron source facility construction, the following items have progressed almost on schedule; 23 shutter gates have been installed; inserts of the Helium vessel beam windows were placed by using a remote handling device; a factory test of the low temperature hydrogen circulation pump was made successfully; cryogenic moderator prototype fabrication test was carried out with reasonable performance; the mercury target inner and outer vessel manufacturing has been in progress, etc. More than 80 % of the Materials & Life Experimental Facility building has been completed. The temporary opening at the central section, which separates two experimental halls, is now to be closed after finishing all scheduled heavy components installation. To assure requested accuracy in the pulse timing, a scheme was investigated by the neutron group in close communication with the accelerator group. The extended buildings for a residual stress analysis diffractometer is funded and under design. The development of a high speed disc chopper has been underway. To keep the cost as low as possible, the neutron beam line shielding criteria were re-evaluated. A prototype of the data acquisition system was tested for 6 months by users before the shutdown of the KENS facility in KEK. The result was satisfactory. The MSGC development has progressed remarkably achieving the worlds highest performance in terms of the spatial resolution. It was confirmed that a newly developed ZnS:Ag/B2O3 scintillator has twice as much neutron detection efficiency as compared to the existing ZnS:Ag/LiF. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. < Muon Science Group > by Yasuhiro Miyake ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . ALIGNING PLATES AND GUIDE SHIELDS FOR REMOTE-HANDLING INSTALLATION HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. In the M2 line, taking into account the alignment of the heavy and tall magnets and the target chamber by remote handling from the maintenance area at 4 m above the floor level, we installed 40 sets of alignment plates with a precision XY +-0.1 mm and Level +-0.1 mm, from the beginning of February 2006 to the beginning of April 2006 on the 70 mm thick baseplates. The alignments plates are equipped with knock pins which allow precise positioning of the beam line components such as magnets, guide shields, target chamber and pillow seals. Due to strong requirements from the safety group, all the holes and gap were epoxy coated to prevent any water leakage. We are now installing 32 sets of guide shields towards the knock pins on the alignment plates. The guide shields are made of iron and equipped with a guiding rail structure for the installation of each of the heavy components as well as guide rails for the pillow seal assembly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. <<Nuclear Transmutation Group>> by Hiroyuki OIGAWA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .PRELIMINARY LETTERS OF INTENT FOR TRANSMUTATION EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY (TEF) WERE RECEIVED The Project Team has received about 30 of "Preliminary Letters of Intent (Pre-LOIs)" for experiments at the Transmutation Experimental Facility (TEF). They are now being tallied and categorized. Additional submission of Pre-LOI is still acceptable. Please refer to the web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html , and click "call for the preliminary Letters of Intent" in the column of "News & Topics". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. <Radiation Safety Group> by Taichi MIURA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .THE FIRST EXPERT COMMITTEE MET FOR THE RADIATION SAFETY ON THE J-PARK NEUTRINO PRODUCTION TARGET The 1st Expert Committee on the safety of the J-PARC neutrino production target was held on 28th June, 2006. In the committee, overviews of the neutrino project, facilities, and the construction schedule were presented. The committee has concluded that the safety aspects of the following 7 items will be mainly reviewed: (1)superconducting magnet system; (2)radioactivity induced in cooling water and He gas used in the secondary beam line and the exchange process; (3)carbon target system; (4)maintenance and replacement of the target and the horn, and the storage scheme; (5)interlock scheme for neutrino production system; (6)the safety system management and safety control system for the neutrino experimental facility; (7) radiation safety during the commissioning of the 50 GeV synchrotron. This committee is scheduled to meet about 6 times until May, 2007. From the 2nd through 5th committees, 7 items above will be examined, and in the 6th committee the final report will be brought out. In the past, the Safety Deliberative Committee on Radiation Safety has been held as the advisory committee for two organizations of JAEA and KEK. The Safety Deliberative Committee will also play the role of the committee for J-PARC radiation-safety and is planning to be held on 4th July. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. <Control Group>by Tadahiko Katoh ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .MPS AND PPS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED FOR THE LINAC COMMISSIONING The progress in the control system seem to be very slow and it is very difficult to put an end to the work. The system construction is being done steadily. Machine protection System (MPS) and Personnel Protection System (PPS) have been installed and inspected for the coming commissioning of the linac. MPS and PPS are both key systems to protect the accelerator itself and personnel from radiation hazards. These systems should be completed before the accelerator operations begin due to the legal regulations. Software installation for the linac commissioning have also been done by defining relational database structure and entering necessary information into the database. Some application programs are generated by using the database successfully. Software for the operations is expected to be accumulated as the commissioning progresses. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Announcement of Symposia and Meetings ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Advisory Workshop for Engineering Diffractometer, 11-12 October contact: suzuya.kentaro@jaea.go.jp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. <<Editorial Note>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Editorial Board: Masatoshi ARAI (chair): masatoshi.arai@j-parc.jp Koji YOSHIMURA: koji.yoshimura@kek.jp Yujiro IKEDA: yujiro.ikeda@jaea.go.jp Nobuo OUCHI: nobuo.ouchi@jaea.go.jp Shinya SAWADA: shinya.sawada@kek.jp English Editor: Dick Mischke mischke@triumf.ca =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= End of Letter -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=