=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- J-PARC Project Newsletter _______ No.26,October 2006_______ Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under construction jointly by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. <<Overview>> LINAC AREA IS NOW CLOSED. BUDGET NEGOTIATION AND BUDGET REVIEWS. RESULTS FROM THE J-PARC PAC FOR 50 GEV EXPANSION OF THE J-PARC CENTER. 2. <<Accelerator Group and Control Group>> THE RADIATION SAFETY AUTHORITY ISSUED THE PERMISSION FOR THE J-PARC CENTER TO START THE BEAM COMMISSIONING. THE RCS RF SYSTEM WAS SUCCESSFULLY POWER-TESTED FOR 1,000 HOURS. 3.<<Nuclear and Particle Physics Group>> HADRON HALL CONSTRUCTION IS GOING ON 4. <<Neutron Science Group>> THE MERCURY TARGET VESSEL WAS FABRICATED SPECIFICATIONS OF DAY-ONE INSTRUMENTS HAVE BEEN FINALIZED DETECTOR DEVELOPMENTS PROGRESSED 5. << Muon Science Group>> INSTALLATION OF THE MUON TARGET CHAMBER 6. <<Nuclear Transmutation Group>> INTERIM REPORT OF PRELIMINARY LETTERS OF INTENT FOR TRANSMUTATION EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY (TEF) AND PROGRESS OF R&D ON SPALLATION TARGET 7. <<Radiation Safety Group>> THE APPROVAL OF RECYCLED IRON FOR SHIELDING CAME THROUGH 8.<<Information System Group>> 9. <<Announcement of Symposia and Meetings>> 10. <<Editorial Note>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. <<Overview>> By Shoji NAGAMIYA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LINAC AREA IS NOW CLOSED. The Linac installation is over. The final inspection for the radiation safety was conducted at the beginning of October. Now, the area is closed so that it will not be allowed for general users to enter into the Linac tunnel without obtaining radiation safety permission. We shall start beam tests from December this year. The plan is to finish the test for Linac operation by the middle of the next fiscal year so that the 3 GeV beam test can be started in the fall of 2007. The 50 GeV beam test is scheduled in the spring of 2008. BUDGET NEGOTIATION AND BUDGET REVIEWS. The project team sent the budget proposal to the funding agency through JAEA and KEK. The same amount of the request went to the Ministry of Finance from the funding agency called the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science. and Technology (MEXT). The Advisory Boards of MEXT as well as the Council of Science and Technology Policy (CSTP) have conducted serious reviews on the proposal. The final decision will be made at the end of December. The key issues for the next year are: 1) timely completion of the project and 2) a smooth start of the beam test of the 3 GeV Synchrotron. In addition, we request funding for equipment for experimental devices. The funding agency, MEXT, is very supportive to us. RESULTS FROM THE J-PARC PAC FOR 50 GEV At the end of April 20 experimental proposals for the upcoming 50 GeV beam were submitted to the J-PARC Center. The PAC meeting selected three proposals for full approval. They are a neutrino experiment (to use the fast extracted neutrino beamline) and two experiments on hypernuclei (to use one of slow extracted kaon beamlines). The scientific merits for several other experiments at the slow-extracted beamlines were evaluated as high by the PAC, while further studies on practical issues including technological studies, funding search, etc. have been encouraged by the PAC. EXPANSION OF THE J-PARC CENTER. The J-PARC Center started its operation since February of 2006 with a small number of members of the order of 60. An expansion of this Center is currently discussed at several places at JAEA and KEK. The anticipated size in the next fiscal year would be about 200 permanent staff members, with an eventual goal of about 300 permanent staff members plus 300 temporary members. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.<<Accelerator Group and Control Group>> by Yoshishige Yamazaki and Tadahiko Katoh ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE RADIATION SAFETY AUTHORITY ISSUED THE PERMISSION FOR THE J-PARC CENTER TO START THE BEAM COMMISSIONING. THE RCS RF SYSTEM WAS SUCCESSFULLY POWER-TESTED FOR 1,000 HOURS. All the linac components were installed, and precisely aligned if necessary. The Personnel Protection System (PPS), which is a beam interlock system required for the linac radiation safety system, has been completed and tested by the radiation safety group of J-PARC prior to the official inspection. The authority issued the permission for the J-PARC center to start the beam commissioning on October 10th after its inspection, while the access-controlled area was set on October 11th. The start of the linac beam commissioning is planned in December. Construction of the control system for the linac beam commissioning is the current focus. The timing system for the linac is available now. Record structure for the linac control database has been almost fixed. Connection of the control system with each component and its remote control test are being carried out now, as well as the connection and test of the Machine Protection System (MPS), which is another beam interlock system. On September 29th a 1,000-hour power test of the RF system for the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) was also finished. Eighteen cores in total were tested with three accelerating gaps. The six cores installed nearest the accelerating gaps were those manufactured with special control to prevent the cores from damaging the 2-micron silica insulator layers. After the 300-hour power test we had found tiny brown-colored spots with a diameter less than 1mm on five cores. Although these are not core damage (the coatings looks colored), it had been still a big worry that these brown spots would grow during the course of long-term power loading, resulting in serious damage to the cores. A careful inspection of the cores after the 1,000-hour operation showed no growth of any brown-colored spots, although we found one new brown spot. On the basis of these power tests we can expect that the RF system can be barely prepared in time for the RCS beam commissioning planned next September. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.<<Nuclear and Particle Physics Group>> by Jun IMAZATO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HADRON HALL CONSTRUCTION IS GOING ON The civil construction of the slow extracted beam tunnel and the construction for the Hadron Experimental Facility started in 2003, the third year of the J-PARC project. Now in the fourth year of cash flow, the facility construction is nearing completion. The extraction tunnel has been completed with its total length, it is now ready for installation of magnets down to the hall. The building construction of the hall with a size of 60m width and 56m length is now reaching its peak. The structure of pillars and roof has long been erected, the walls for semi-underground and lower part of the building have already been concreted, and wall panels are now being attached. A crane bridge with a 60m span will be soon erected. In the hall also shielding walls sandwiching the primary beamline with 7m thickness are being deposited with concrete and appearing their shape. The building is scheduled to be completed next spring together with small buildings for services and magnet power supplies. The installation of beamlines will start in June aiming for the first proton beam acceptance in December 2008. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. <<Neutron Science Group>> by Yujiro IKEDA (Materials & Life Science Experimental Facility Group) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE MERCURY TARGET VESSEL WAS FABRICATED MLF building construction has progressed on schedule. The exterior of the building is almost finished. Interior construction such as electricity cabling, air-conditioning, and so on is scheduled for completion at the end of this year. Many of components of the target station are in the final stage of manufacturing. The target vessel and the target trolley fabrications were finished and a test interfacing them to each other was successfully performed in the factory. A power manipulator system, a moderator system, and a cryogenic hydrogen system have almost been completed. Some of them were shipped and installed in the site. A neutron shutter system, transfer lines of the cryogenic hydrogen system, and a neutron pre-shield system have progressed in their installations as scheduled. All the construction work of the neutron source is now about 50% completed and the installation at the site will be completed by the end of this fiscal year. SPECIFICATIONS OF DAY-ONE INSTRUMENTS HAVE BEEN FINALIZED As announced, we have obtained a construction budget of about 27-Oku-Yen for two instruments of JAEA, a Low Energy Disc-Chopper Instrument and a Residual Stress Analysis Diffractometer. We are now in preparation for specification documents for bidding including the scattering vacuum tank, neutron transport guides, shielding, and detectors etc. Since the budget for other instruments came from various sources, we need some efforts to organize the construction scheme to coordinate among them. We are now working with seven instruments to be constructed as the Day-One instrument suite. In addition to the two of JAEA, these are the Bio-crystal diffractometer and the High intensity powder diffractometer, which are owned by Ibaraki Prefecture, a high intensity chopper instrument, an instrument to study neutron cross-sections of minor-actinide, and a spin-echo instrument, which are awarded by grants, respectively. The spin echo instrument will be tested in JRR3 reactor before installing in J-PARC. DETECTOR DEVELOPMENTS PROGRESSED We are developing the two-dimensional position sensitive neutron gas detector system with individual readouts in order to fulfil detector specifications for neutron small angle scattering and reflectometry and so on. A micro-pixel (MP) gas chamber, which has the characteristics that exhibit reproducibility of the fabrication and mechanical stability of the readout strips, has been developed. We constructed the detector system that has a gas vessel with 541 channel feed- through directly connecting to the data processing circuits. Two dimensional readout with anode and cathode strips is formed with a pitch of 400 microns. The developed detector system exhibited a temporal response of 200 ns, stable operation and a spatial resolution of about 2.3 mm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. << Muon Science Group>> by Yasuhiro Miyake ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION OF THE MUON TARGET CHAMBER For the Phase 1, one graphite target is planned to be installed, from which secondary lines (one decay muon channel, one high momentum line and two surface muon channels) extend into two experimental halls. Each experimental hall will receive two of the above secondary lines. In order to satisfy the requirements of the spatial constraints of the six ports (inlet and outlet of the primary 3 GeV line and 4 sets of the secondary lines), we fabricated a specialized target and scraper chamber. In our design concept, taking into account the ease of remote handling during maintenance work, two sets of scrapers and a muon production target are to be contained in one large vacuum chamber. All the water and cable connections will be located at the top of the target chamber accessible from the maintenance area. Consideration is being given to the means of mounting the target, how to move and insert the target with the required precision, cooling, monitoring, and changing the target in the hot-cell. Its design was completed by September 2005, with submission to international bidding and placement of order completed by December 2004 and May 2005, respectively. We finally completed installation of the chamber on the M2 line (between the muon target and the neutron target) just before a temporal MLF gate was closed in the end of June, 2006. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. <<Nuclear Transmutation Group>> by Hiroyuki OIGAWA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERIM REPORT OF PRELIMINARY LETTERS OF INTENT FOR TRANSMUTATION EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY (TEF) AND PROGRESS OF R&D ON SPALLATION TARGET An interim report of Preliminary Letters Of Intent (Pre-LOI) for the Transmutation Experimental Facility (TEF) was presented at the Fall Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan. Up to now, 34 themes are being proposed. The gross number of applicants exceeds one hundred. Proposed experiments can be categorized into (1) accelerator-driven systems (ADS), (2) innovative nuclear systems and (3) basic science. Additional submission of Pre-LOI is still acceptable, but must arrive by November 30, 2006. Please refer to the web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html, and click "call for the preliminary Letters of Intent" in the column of "News & Topics". As for the development of the lead-bismuth spallation target, there was great progress in the international collaborative program "MEGAPIE" (MEGAwatt PIlot Experiment) conducted at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland. The irradiation of 700 kW (1200 micro-A, 600 MeV) proton beam started successfully for user operation on August 21, 2006. This is the first megawatt class liquid metal target in the world. JAEA is one of MEGAPIE partners. Please refer to the web site: http://megapie.web.psi.ch/ . As a basic technology to deal with lead-bismuth, the research and development on flow velocity profile is under way in JAEA. The lead-bismuth velocity distribution in the target model loop (JLBL-2) was successfully measured by controlling wetting of lead-bismuth with structural materials. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.<<Radiation Safety Group>> by Taichi MIURA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE APPROVAL OF RECYCLED IRON FOR SHIELDING CAME THROUGH In the last a few years, a possibility of the use of recycled-iron for shielding at the Nuclear and Particle Physics Facility has been discussed from the point of view of cost and radiation regulations. The plan was brought to the Ibaraki Prefecture Government and the Tokai-mura Municipal Government in July, 2006. After several meetings with these Governments, the plan was finally approved on September 4th, 2006; also, the plan and the approval were reported to Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). After the approval, the purchase order to import the recycled iron was sent to Duratek Inc., USA. It is compulsory for the LINAC to be inspected by the Nuclear Safety Technology Center(NUSTEC) before using the LINAC as a radiation facility; the inspection before the operation was conducted on October 4th and 5th. After receiving the permission, the radiation controlled area will be enforced around October 11th. The 2nd Expert Committee on the safety of the J-PARC neutrino production target was held on October 3rd. In the committee, the following two items were mainly reviewed: (1) the super-conducting magnet system and (2) radioactivity induced in cooling water and He gas used in the secondary beam line and the exchange scheme. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.<<Information System Group>> by Toshio HIRAYAMA and Setsuya KAWABATA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Since JAERI and KEK successfully invited Super-SINET node to Tokai Campus, the J-PARC information system group proceeded to connect JLAN (J-PARC infrastructure network) directly to the Super-SINET on 2nd August. (Super-SINET is the ultrahigh-speed network for Japanese academic research institutions.) By this new connection, the network bandwidth between JLAN and the Internet has been improved by a factor of 10, from 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps. At the same time the route from J-PARC to the Internet was rearranged from the route via KEK to a direct connection. It also means JLAN has a router switch and a network firewall independent of KEK and JAEA network facilities. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Announcement of Symposia and Meetings ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N-TAC (neutron technical advisory committee meeting) 20-22 November. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. <<Editorial Note>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html ERROR CORRECTION In the last issue we mistyped "exotic neutron science group" instead of "exotic nuclear science group". Here, we correct our mistake. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Editorial Board: Masatoshi ARAI (chair): masatoshi.arai@j-parc.jp Koji YOSHIMURA: koji.yoshimura@kek.jp Yujiro IKEDA: yujiro.ikeda@jaea.go.jp Nobuo OUCHI: nobuo.ouchi@jaea.go.jp Shinya SAWADA: shinya.sawada@kek.jp English Editor: Dick Mischke mischke@triumf.ca =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= End of Letter -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=