*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- J-PARC Project Newsletter _______ No.31, February 2008 _______ Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under construction jointly by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. [Overview] THE YEAR OF 2008 BUDGET FOR JFY2008 INFORMED NEW USERS STEERING COMMITTEE STARTED MEETING WITH GOVERNOR AND MAYOR 2. [Accelerator Division] RADIATION SAFETY INSPECTION FOR THE RCS WAS CLEARED, BEING READY FOR THE NEXT STEP TO INJECT THE TEST BEAM TO BOTH THE NEUTRON PRODUCTION TARGET IN THE MLF AND MR 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] CONSTRUCTION OF HADRON EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY CONSTRUCTION OF NEUTRINO FACILITY 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] IPS08 AND J-PARC SYMPOSIUM WILL BE HELD ON MARCH 5 TO MARCH 7 (http://www.ips08.com) HYDROGEN GAS CIRCULATION SYSTEM WAS COOLED DOWN TO A NOMINAL OPERATION TEMPERATURE AT 20 K SUCCESSFULLY 5. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] A SYMPOSIUM ON "REACTOR PHYSICS AND FUTURE EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES FOR ACTINIDE MANAGEMENT" 6. [Radiation Safety Division] 3GEV BEAM ACCELERATION STARTED AT RCS 7. [Information System Section] WIDER J-PARC NETWORK (JLAN) CONNECTION BETWEEN TOKAI AND TSUKUBA SUPPORTS J-PARC ACTIVITIES 8. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] 9. [Editorial Note] ===================================================================== 1. [Overview] By Shoji NAGAMIYA ===================================================================== THE YEAR OF 2008 The year of 2008 has started. Last year, the project had two exciting events: a successful acceleration of proton beams at the Linac in January and a successful acceleration at the 3 GeV in October. This year, we plan to inject beams to the 50 GeV ring in May, which is the next major milestone. We also plan to open a facility to materials and life science users for their experiments by the end of the year. In addition, we expect to have "extracted" beams from the 50 GeV within this year. After the project team established the construction schedule two years ago, no schedule changes have been observed in so far. In other words, everything has been on an exact schedule since then. I hope very much that this trend can be kept in 2008, so that we can complete the Phase 1 project within JFY2008. BUDGET FOR JFY2008 INFORMED At the end of December of 2007, the budget for JFY2008 was announced. The total budget for J-PARC in JFY2008 will be over 180 Oku Yen. About half goes to construction and the rest goes to operation. With the approved operational budget a 2 cycle operation for neutron and muon experiments will be possible in JFY2008, where the "1 cycle" is approximately equal to one-month beamtime. The Phase 1 construction will be finished within JFY2008. Therefore, two new construction items were requested for JFY2008: 1) an energy boost of the Linac to 400 MeV and 2) construction of two new neutron instruments. A small but very important initiation budget for these items was also approved for JFY2008. A significant increase of the operation budget will be needed in JFY2009, as the J-PARC will enter into a full operational mode in JFY2009. We started to discuss with the funding agency on mechanisms of how to create an operational budget for J-PARC. NEW USERS STEERING COMMITTEE STARTED Since the J-PARC will soon move from a construction phase to an operational phase, the J-PARC Center decided to reform the previous "J- PARC Users Consultative Committee" to "J-PARC Users Steering Committee" by having many new committee members. This new committee will discuss a future roadmap of the J-PARC after its operation begins. Many items to improve the J-PARC have already been proposed from five communities: high-energy physics, nuclear physics, neutron science, muon science, and nuclear transmutation. Also, industries are proposing an expansion of the J-PARC to industrial users. At the end of the December 2007, the new committee members had the first meeting on how to create a roadmap for J-PARC for the coming 5-10 years. It was decided to hold a meeting, which is open to related community members, having presentations by representatives of individual communities. In March this meeting will be held in Tokyo. The members of this new Users Steering Committee include chairs of the important committees at the individual communities. Therefore, the decision at this Users Steering Committee will have a heavy weight for deciding a future direction of the J-PARC. MEETING WITH GOVERNOR AND MAYOR Since the year of 2008 is important for J-PARC, the Director of the J-PARC Center visited the Governor of the Ibaraki Prefecture and the Mayor of the Tokai Village. Already, the Ibaraki Prefecture has two major contributions to the J-PARC by giving funds to 1) two neutron experimental instruments by occupying two beamlines and 2) a new office space in front of the JAEA campus for users at J-PARC. The J-PARC Director appreciated support for both. Also, the Tokai Village has been supportive to the J-PARC in many aspects. Many important facilities that will be needed for the J-PARC operation were discussed with the Mayor, including lodging for users. ===================================================================== 2. [Accelerator Division] by Yoshishige YAMAZAKI ===================================================================== RADIATION SAFETY INSPECTION FOR THE RCS WAS CLEARED, BEING READY FOR THE NEXT STEP TO INJECT THE TEST BEAM TO BOTH THE MLF AND THE MR As already reported, the Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) accelerated the beam to its design energy of 3 GeV on October 31st, 2007. Afterwards, the measurement of the radiation levels has been carried out by the authority on November 28th and December 20th at the beam dumps for the extracted beam at 3 GeV and the H0 beam at 180 MeV, respectively. The latter dump is used in case of a failure to strip two electrons from a negative hydrogen ion at the first charge exchange foil. Both the beam dumps can accept beams up to 4 kW and the inspections were conducted at a quarter of the beam power, that is, 0.8 kW. Note that the inspections have been successfully passed with very stable operation of the linac and the RCS for several hours. Then, we obtained the official permission to operate the RCS. (Officially speaking, the operation so far is a test run for this inspection.) This implies that the J-PARC can submit the request for the permission of the next step of the beam commissioning for the Materials and Life Science experimental Facility (MLF) and the Main Ring (MR), which is scheduled for this May. The beam commissioning beyond 4 kW will be conducted at this stage using the neutron-production target at the MLF. In the MR, the test powering of the main magnets started last December towards the beam commissioning in May. In the operation of the MLF and MR, the beams will be mainly delivered to the MLF and four bunch-train beams will be delivered to the MR every three seconds, while it is necessary to deliver the beams flexibly to both facilities during the beam commissioning. Therefore, the timing system provided by the control group is very important to realize flexible and reliable beam sharing for the next beam commissioning. In contrast to the beam commissioning scheduled for May, the RCS will have to provide the beams to the MLF with a beam power of several 10 kW towards user operation scheduled at the end of this year. Therefore, we just started to take data on the beam parameters to optimize them towards much higher beam power operation. This kind of beam study will be conducted in January and February. As for the hardware problems in the RCS, we have already replaced the broken ceramics vacuum chamber located at the injection area during the winter shutdown. However, we can complete the repair of the foil exchange system by this summer. One of the biggest issues is how to solve the problem of the injection shift bump; the condensers, with which Radio Frequency (RF) shields and flanges of the ceramic chamber are connected, were burned out due to the voltage induced by the bump field during operation with high repetition rate of 25 Hz. ===================================================================== 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] by Jun IMAZATO and Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO ===================================================================== CONSTRUCTION OF HADRON EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY Towards the first beam extraction to the Hadron Experimental Facility, the construction of beam lines is now in the busiest phase. Recently, the magnet installation in the 180-m long extraction line tunnel has been completed, and the vacuum beam pipes have been connected together with beam monitors. The alignment of all the elements was carefully repeated to adjust to the initial level shift of the building. After wiring to the power supplies the magnet test will start and the extraction line must be ready for operation, before the start of the main ring (MR) commissioning in May. After the hall building was handed over to the facility group from the KEK construction department in the last summer, equipment installation has been proceeding in the hall. About 5000-tons of concrete shielding blocks as well as iron blocks were transported from the KEK-Proton Synchrotron Facility(PS). Ninety pieces of recycled iron blocks from DURATEK co. ltd were also brought into the hall. The primary line magnets, most of which are radiation hard ones made of mineral insulation cables, are now being equipped with a "chimney", the service feeding top structure, and ready for installation on the alignment base-plates. The assembling of the beam dump and the installation of the T1 target follow. The installation of the K1.8 secondary beamline upstream part will also start soon. CONSTRUCTION OF NEUTRINO FACILITY The Helium vessel of the Target Station (TS) was completed on November 30, 2007 and building construction which surrounds the TS vessel is going on. Neutrino buildings for utility (NU1, NU2) and loading (NC) are also being build around the TS. The NC building will be available soon to carry in some superconducting magnets into the neutrino beam line in February. The neutrino 3rd horn system is being built with real length bus bars and support system including remote maintenance system for cables and pipes. The height of the 3rd horn system is about 9m. Tests for handling (for building and maintenance) are done and preparation for the operation test is being carried out, which will be done in February. Assembly work of the Beam Dump (BD) for the neutrino beam line is started. Graphite cores and aluminum cooling plates are being delivered to J-PARC and the setup for the assembly work was built in December, 2007. Core modules will be built with graphite core and aluminum cooling plates and core modules will be assembled into the BD. Underground wall construction of the Neutrino Monitor (NM) pit was completed in December, 2007. Excavation is being carried out and will be completed in January. Then the floor construction will follow, which will be finished by the end of March. ===================================================================== 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] by Yujiro IKEDA ===================================================================== IPS08 AND J-PARC SYMPOSIUM WILL BE HELD ON MARCH 5 TO MARCH 7 (http://www.ips08.com) HYDROGEN GAS CIRCULATION SYSTEM WAS COOLED DOWN TO A NOMINAL OPERATION TEMPERATURE AT 20 K SUCCESSFULLY 1) Neutron Source The proton beam transport line successfully accepted the first 3-GeV proton beam pulse extracted from the 3-GeV synchrotron and transported it to the beam dump on 31 October 2007. All the beam transport line magnets and the beam monitors worked very well. The beam line components are now being tuned for better beam monitoring and less beam loss. The exchange processes of the mercury target and the components of the mercury circulation system were successfully confirmed by using the robotic power manipulator that learned certain positions needed for each movement. Air-tightness of the helium-vessel was demonstrated. It can be evacuated down to 100 Pa for gas exchange, and it can contain He gas at slight positive pressure at 2 kPaG without meaningful leakage. Commissioning of the cryogenic hydrogen circulation system has started. Helium gas instead of hydrogen gas was circulated in the system, and cooled down to a nominal operation temperature at 20 K successfully. The three moderators were cooled down to 20 K by He, and the integrity of the moderators at the cryogenic temperature was confirmed. Thermal heat load of each moderator was about 100 W, which is very close to the design value. 2) Neutron Science Extension buildings for the Engineering Diffractometer (Takumi, JAEA ) and for the Super Resolution Powder Diffractometer (SHRPD,KEK) have been finished in November and December, respectively. Those buildings can extend the flight paths of those instruments to 32m and 100m. Shielding for TAKUMI has been already delivered in the buildings. A vacuum tank (25m^3) for 4D Space Access Neutron Spectrometer ( JAEA ) has been also delivered in the main experimental hall and is waiting for installation in January. Beam line alignment of the supermirror guides for the IBARAKI Materials Design Diffractometer ( Ibaraki pref. ) has also been started recently. We will make 6 instruments to be ready for accepting the first neutrons in May, hence, a very busy construction by many companies is underway during January to March. Those instruments are, 4D Space Access Neutron Spectrometer ( JAEA ), Nuclear Engineering Instrument ( Hokkaido University ), Super High Resolution Powder Diffractometer ( KEK ), Engineering Diffractometer ( JAEA ), IBARAKI Biological Crystal Diffractometer ( Ibaraki pref. ), IBARAKI Materials Design Diffractometer ( Ibaraki pref. ) 3) Muon science The construction of the decay muon beam line in the 2nd Hall in the MLF building was started. To transport pions efficiently from the production target and to collect decayed muons in flight, a long solenoid magnetic field is needed. The superconducting solenoid (SCS) used for 28 years at the Muon Science Laboratory (KEK-MSL) was tested for its durability under high pressure in Tsukuba and was transported to Tokai for installation into the tunnel of the decay beam line after being reassembled in the thermal shield and vacuum chamber. Since the SCS was located very close to the beam dump and production target and so highly activated, it was transported in a container with a radiation shield partly of 10cm lead thickness. Also a part of the 2nd Hall where the SCS was installed must be declared as a radiation-safety-regulated area. The installation of the radiation shield surrounding the muon beam line is now started. The major part of the beam transport elements, namely quadrupole magnets and bending magnets will be reused from previous beam lines at KEK-MSL. They are now refabricated in the factory and will be installed in this spring. On January 15-16 the VIth Muon Science Experimental Facility Advisory Committee Meeting (MuSAC) was held at meeting room of JRR1 in JAEA under the chair of J-M Poutissou (TRIUMF). The status of construction related to the muon facility and science proposed was presented and discussed. The importance of the 1st Day experiment as well as an early start of the 2nd phase program was recognized. 4) IPS08 and J-PARC Symposium will be held on March 5 to March 7. Please visit the WEB site. (http://www.ips08.com) ===================================================================== 5. [Nuclear Transmutaion Section] by Kenji KIKUCHI ===================================================================== A SYMPOSIUM ON "REACTOR PHYSICS AND FUTURE EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES FOR ACTINIDE MANAGEMENT" 1) Voice of Users in Transmutation Physics To activate the user community for the Transmutation Physics Experimental Facility (TEF-P) in J-PARC, a Symposium on "Reactor Physics and Future Experimental Facilities for Actinide Management" was held in Tokyo on December 6, hosted by the Reactor Physics Division and the Nuclear Data Division of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The requirements and the perspectives of the reactor physics experiments on light water reactors, fast breeder reactors, accelerator driven system(ADS), and so on were discussed in the Symposium. It was recognized that the existing experimental facilities in Japan are not sufficient to meet the increasing demands on advanced and innovative nuclear systems such as transmutation systems and higher burn-up reactors. It was also recognized that the TEF-P should be designed to satisfy these future demands and more discussions by user community are necessary to fix the facility concept. 2) Lead Bismuth Technology and International Collaboration JLBL-1 (JAEA Lead Bismuth Loop -1) operation in 2007 was ended last December after 3000 hrs run. Material corrosion analysis of Grain Boundary Controlled stainless steels, provided by Tohoku University, is scheduled. The steels are expected to have a function to suppress damage along grain boundaries in liquid lead bismuth. Measurement of a new oxygen probe with a solid oxide reference electrode in solid electrolyte, was also done in this run. It is intended for use at JLBL-1. MEGAwatt PIlot Experiment (MEGAPIE) steering committee was held at Paul Sherrer Institut (PSI), Switzerland, on Nov. 27-28, 2007. Follow-up works after lead-bismuth spallation-target irradiation in 2006 are going ahead. 3) Meeting report The 5th Workshop on Asia ADS Network was held at Seoul, Korea, on Nov.1-2, 2007. Topics covered innovative nuclear systems including ADS, reactor physics, nuclear data, fast reactor, lead-bismuth technology, and proton accelerators. ===================================================================== 6. [Radiation Safety Division] by Minoru TAKASAKI, Taichi MIURA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ===================================================================== 3GEV BEAM ACCELERATION STARTED AT RCS The application for the 3GeV-Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) facility was granted on June 29, 2007. Before accelerating beam in the 3 GeV RCS, inspections by the Nuclear Safety Technology Center (NUSTEC) were compulsory. The first inspection before the operation was conducted on September 6, the second inspection during the operation was conducted on November 28 and December 20, and the operation license was issued on December 27. Then the beam acceleration was started at the 3GeV-RCS. Applications for licenses of the 50GeV-Main Ring synchrotron (MR) operation and the Materials and Life Science Facility (MLF) have been deliberated by the advisory committee established by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT): the committee members made an inspection of J-PARC on November 15. The 5th Expert Committee on the safety of the J-PARC neutrino production target met on December 4. In the committee, the following items were reviewed: safety aspects of the neutrino production target, maintenance scheme of horns and other instruments, the safety design of the liquid He cooling system, interlock system, handling of radioactive cooling water for secondary beam lines, and operation of facilities and its safety control system. ===================================================================== 7. [Information System Section] by Toshio HIRAYAMA and Setsuya KAWABATA ===================================================================== WIDER J-PARC NETWORK (JLAN) CONNECTION BETWEEN TOKAI AND TSUKUBA SUPPORTS J-PARC ACTIVITIES In the last October, by adopting the L2 VPN technology to the JLAN (J-PARC intra network)-SINET3 (http://www.sinet.ad.jp/) network connection which was started since July 2005, the network bandwidth of JLAN between Tokai and Tsukuba area was increased 10 times wider from 100Mbps to 1Gbps. This speed-up is expected to contribute smoother human and data communication between J-PARC Tokai area and KEK Tsukuba site. ===================================================================== 8. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] ===================================================================== Neutron Target Technology Advisory Committee (NTAC) 27-29 February 2008 International Advisory Committee (IAC) 3-4 March 2008 International Advisory meeting for DNA spectrometer 27- 29 February 2008 Contact: K.Shibata shibata.kaoru@jaea.go.jp The First J-PARC International Symposium International Symposium on Pulsed Neutron and Muon Sciences (IPS 08) 5-7 March 2008 (http://www.ips08.com) Contact: H Takada, K Nakajima e-mail: IPS08@ml.j-parc.jp ===================================================================== 9. [Editorial Note] ===================================================================== In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Editorial Board: Masatoshi ARAI (chair): masatoshi.arai@j-parc.jp Yujiro IKEDA: yujiro.ikeda@jaea.go.jp Nobuo OUCHI: nobuo.ouchi@jaea.go.jp Shinya SAWADA: shinya.sawada@kek.jp Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO toshifumi.tsukamoto@kek.jp English Editor: Dick MISCHKE mischke@triumf.ca Secretary: Chikako KAIBARA kaibara.chikako@jaea.go.jp *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* End of Letter -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-