================================================================ J-PARC Project Newsletter Special issue 30 May 2008 ================================================================ Birth of Pulsed Neutrons in J-PARC We are very pleased to inform you that we have recorded a memorial event of the first neutron production at J-PARC Materials & Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) on May 30th, 2008. At 14:25, a shot of 3GeV protons from RCS (3 GeV synchrotron) was injected to the mercury target at MLF. Pulsed neutron beam extracted from the de-coupled moderator was detected by Li-glass detectors which were incorporated in the Current type Time-Of-Flight (CTOF) technique placed in the beam line of NOBORU (an instrument for neutron source characterization). The first memorial neutron energy spectral intensity derived from the CTOF data is shown in the photograph, which is displayed in http://j-parc.jp/MatLife/1stBeam/PromptReport.JPG . Also, please find there, the incident proton beam profile recorded. Right after the first neutron production event, beams were introduced to four instruments consecutively to test the system performance. It was a very quiet but exciting achievement of important J-PARC landmarks. The spectrum displayed on the monitor screen confirmed our achievement for 7 years challenge. Although the power of accelerator was still low as equivalent to only 4 kW, it was a calm and convincing departure to the J-PARC MW pulsed neutron source. All endeavor done by the MLF neutron team of JAEA and KEK, was rewarded by this historical moment. In coming September, the first muon beam production is scheduled. By the end of October, 2008, more dedicated tests of the instruments are to be performed with more intense proton beam power. The first user experiment is planned to start from December, 15, 2008. To meet this schedule, the first call for proposal will be announced in July 7, 2008. J-PARC Center MLF Division Director Yujiro Ikeda