================================================================ J-PARC Project Newsletter No.34, October 2008 Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under construction jointly by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html ================================================================ HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. [Overview] ANOTHER MILESTONE MARKED IN SEPTEMBER J-PARC OPEN HOUSE MANY APPLICATIONS FOR THE USAGE OF MLF FACILITY NEW SCHEME FOR THE OPERATION OF THE NEUTRON FACILITY CEREMONY FOR MLF AND NEW BUILDING FOR USERS NOBEL PRIZES AWARDED TO THREE JAPANESE PHYSICISTS 2. [Accelerator Division] RCS GENERATED A BEAM POWER OF 210 KW AND DEMONSTRATED THE 352-KW OPERATION 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] HADRON HALL IS APPROACHING THE FIRST BEAM DELIVERY CONSTRUCTION OF NEUTRINO FACILITY 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] NEUTRON BEAM COMMISSIONING AGAIN STARTED WITH TWO ADDITIONAL INSTRUMENTS: 4SEASONS(HIGH INTENSITY CHOPPER) AND TAKUMI(HIGH INTENSITY ENGINEERING DIFFRACTOMETER) THE FIRST MUON BEAM WAS SUCCESSFULLY EXTRACTED ON SEPTEMBER 26 AT THE J-PARC MUON SCIENCE FACILITY (MUSE) 5. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY TO BE REALIZED IN PHASE II? LEAD BISMUTH TARGET DEVELOPMENT 6. [Safety Division] THE SAFETY INSPECTION OF MLF SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCTED BY NUSTEC 7. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] 8. [Editorial Note] ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. [Overview] by Shoji NAGAMIYA ----------------------------------------------------------- ANOTHER MILESTONE MARKED IN SEPTEMBER On September 26 of 2008, another milestone was achieved by having muon beams in an experimental area. Details will be described later in this Newsletter. The group succeeded in measuring the 2.2 micro-second lifetime together with a clean signal of muon spin rotation in a magnetic field. The muon group will open their facility to users from December of this year; the neutron group will also open its facilities to users. As reported in a special issue of the Newsletter at the end of September, beam intensities higher than expected were attained. This fact will boost up the muon program from December, similarly for the neutron program. J-PARC OPEN HOUSE On August 10th, the entire J-PARC facilities were shown to the public by having a special Open House Day. An anticipated number of visitors was less than 1,000, whereas the actual number of visitors was 2,600. Over 500 came from outside the Ibaraki-Prefecture; most of them are from Tokyo. Once a year (most likely in early August) we plan to have an Open House, since the previous one was well received by the public. MANY APPLICATIONS FOR THE USAGE OF MLF FACILITY At the end of August the first-round of applications for the usage of MLF (Materials and Life Science Experimental Facilities) was closed. Many research groups applied for both neutron and muon programs, exceeding what we can provide within this fiscal year by approximately a factor of two. The Committee was formed and it is examining the proposed programs. NEW SCHEME FOR THE OPERATION OF THE NEUTRON FACILITY As described in the previous Newsletter, a new scheme to allow funding for the operation of the neutron programs is now under serious discussion inside the Government. A first draft for the new law was created and it is being discussed. Also, both KEK and JAEA started to discuss rather seriously the operating system of this portion of the fund. It is anticipated that this new law will be discussed in the Diet from January or February of 2009. CEREMONY FOR MLF AND NEW BUILDING FOR USERS On December 16th a ceremony is scheduled in Tokai to celebrate the opening of the MLF facilities to public users and to celebrate the opening of a new building that is owned by the Ibaraki Prefecture. It is anticipated that J-PARC users can use office space in this new building. NOBEL PRIZES AWARDED TO THREE JAPANESE PHYSICISTS The J-PARC members would like to congratulate Professors Y. Nambu, M.Kobayashi and T. Maskawa for the extraordinary prize. The J-PARC plans to study the origin of the nucleon mass in the Hadron Experimental Hall by the study of the mechanism of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking, which was predicted by Professor Nambu over 40 years ago. An expansion of the Kobayashi-Maskawa Theory from the quark sector to the lepton sector implies a mixing among leptons. The neutrino program at J-PARC is encouraged very much by the prize this year. In addition, a precise measurement of CP violation in the kaon sector is also planned at J-PARC. In addition to the relevance of the J-PARC physics to the work done by three eminent physicists, the J-PARC has many personal relations to the three Nobel Laureates this year. Again, congratulations from all of us to the three Laureates. ----------------------------------------------------------- 2. [Accelerator Division] by Ainosuke ANDO ----------------------------------------------------------- RCS GENERATED A BEAM POWER OF 210 KW AND DEMONSTRATED THE 352-KW OPERATION At 11:00am on September 18th, the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) generated the beam power of 210 kW (1.77E13 protons per pulse) to the 3-GeV beam dump at 25-Hz operation for a period of 70 seconds, which is limited by the 4-kW capacity of the dump. Although the beam loss amounted to 3%, the loss was concentrated at the 181-MeV injection and also at the collimators. This operation was done without transverse or longitudinal painting at injection. The longitudinal painting at injection was performed by controlling or scanning both the injection timing of the chopped beam from the LINAC and the RF frequency. This was very powerful for high intensity. A pulse of 2.6E13 protons was extracted to the 3-GeV dump with the beam loss less than 1%. This intensity corresponds to 315 kW if operated at 25 Hz. A pulse of 2.93E13 protons which corresponds to 352 kW was also extracted but the beam loss near the middle of acceleration curve amounted to about 3%. This agrees with the estimation from the present RF power. The number of RF cavities must be increased from 10 to at least 12 to realize 300 kW output with 181-MeV injection. There are some problems in the transverse painting at injection caused by nonlinear resonances. The “150 pi mm-mr. painting“ ( which means the final emittance of 150 pi mm-mr.) was successfully performed by the careful selection of transverse tunes. The ionization profiles showed that there was good agreement in profiles between the painted beam and the high power beam without painting. That is, our method is natural. In MR (50 GeV Synchrotron), the 30-GeV acceleration and extraction is scheduled from this December, and the preparations proceed as scheduled. ----------------------------------------------------------- 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] by J. Imazato, T. Tsukamoto ----------------------------------------------------------- HADRON HALL IS APPROACHING THE FIRST BEAM DELIVERY Towards the delivery of the first slow-extracted proton beam soon, the Hadron Hall is almost over the peak of equipment installation. In the large vacuum vessel just downstream of the T1 target, the front elements of the secondary beam line, K1.8 and the collimator with overhead shielding now sit. The construction of the beam dump has been completed. The primary line magnets with the chimney structure were all installed and have been tested with full currents. The T1 target is being placed in position after the final tuning in the factory. The beam line has been equipped with the vacuum system and beam monitors. The preparation of the secondary beamline is proceeding in parallel. The K1.8BR beam line, which is due to be the first secondary beam, is now in the final phase of magnet installation. The new ES (Electro-Static) separator was transported from Tsukuba after the HV testing there, and it has been conditioned in Tokai and will be installed soon. The experimental area used for the Day-1 experiment is now being arranged with necessary installations. The experimental group started the preparation of detector installation aiming for using the first secondary beam early next year. The next experimental area to be provided with the secondary beam is K1.8 where a series of hypernuclear experiments are planned. The SKS spectrometer has recently been transported in parts from the KEK-PS counter experimental hall in Tsukuba. Waiting for the modification of the super-conducting He cooling system with small GM refrigerators in a factory, the total system will be reconstructed next year to be ready for the experiments at K1.8. CONSTRUCTION OF NEUTRINO FACILITY The NU2(Neutrino Utility building 2) and TS(Target Station) became available following NU1 for equipment installation at the beginning of September. Magnet power supplies are being installed in NU1 and NU2. In TS many installation projects are being carried out such as the first horn system, concrete blocks for the service pit shield and helium vessel piping. All the magnets for the neutrino beam line have been installed in the neutrino beam tunnel. Connection of cables and pipes, surveys and other checks are being carried out. Beam monitors are being installed, which will be finished in October. Construction of NU3, the pit for the BD(Beam Dump) and MUMON (Muon Monitor) and NM(Neutrino Monitor) is being carried out well. BD assembly is being done and BD will be installed in the pit by the end of October. The second horn was delivered from the United States in July and is being tested at KEK as was done for the first and third horns. The test will be finished in October, then the second horn will be transported to J-PARC for installation. The on-axis neutrino detector(INGRID) construction was started in August. Scintillator bars are being glued to be planes which will be interleaved by iron planes to make an INGRID module. The first batch of INRGID detector structure is scheduled to be delivered from France in February 2009. then the scintillator planes will be installed into the iron structure to make a module. ----------------------------------------------------------- 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] by Yujiro IKEDA ----------------------------------------------------------- NEUTRON BEAM COMMISSIONING AGAIN STARTED WITH TWO ADDITIONAL INSTRUMENTS: 4SEASONS(HIGH INTENSITY CHOPPER) AND TAKUMI(HIGH INTENSITY ENGINEERING DIFFRACTOMETER) THE FIRST MUON BEAM WAS SUCCESSFULLY EXTRACTED ON SEPTEMBER 26 AT THE J-PARC MUON SCIENCE FACILITY (MUSE). 1. Neutron Source During the summer shutdown period in July and August, thermal insulation performance of a pair of hydrogen pumps in the cryogenic hydrogen circulation system was improved to enhance the system redundancy. As a result,the system now can be operated with a single pump even at the rated 1-MW power of JSNS. The general control system of MLF (MLF-GCS) was improved based on the results of the commissioning tests and modified for the muon target system operation that is beginning in September. Demonstration tests of the cutting machine for irradiated components were performed using the mockups of the moderator vessels and the proton beam window. The cutting machine will be modified according to these results. The magnets in the proton beam transport line were surveyed in terms of alignment. Most of the magnets were found to have sunk since July 2007, when the magnets and the beam monitors were aligned the last time. The maximal amount of subsidence was ~7 mm near the construction site of the neutrino facility. The magnets and the beam monitors were aligned again with the accuracy of ~0.1 mm. The bid of the second mercury target vessel was awarded to a vendor and the fabrication will be finished by the end of 2009. The design of a new generation target vessel is now going on. The target vessel will be separated into two parts, i.e. the forward and the rear parts, to reduce the waste volume at the target vessel. The vibration of the target vessel due to proton beam injection was measured using a laser Doppler vibrometer. The sound velocity of pressure waves in mercury was evaluated. 2. Neutron Science Since the last commissioning in June, two more instruments joined in the commissioning suite in September. These are a high intensity chopper instrument, 4SEASONS, and an engineering diffractometer,TAKUMI. Although most of components are aligned, 4SEASONS is waiting for the delivery of a chopper system from the SKF company in mid-October. TAKUMI has started a test on a new scintillation detector system developed under a collaboration with ISIS. Now seven instruments were under commissioning altogether in September. In the beam time in September further commissioning activities were intensively performed on detector, chopper, data- acquisition system/software, etc. Meanwhile, we encountered a trouble in the neutron shutter system of the beam line 20 (BL20,Ibaraki powder diffractometer), which will be sorted out before the next beam time in October. 3. Muon Science The vacuum connections and the installation of radiation shields for the decay muon beam line were finished the day before the first proton beam was delivered to MLF after the long summer shut down. A muon production target was inserted into the target position of the proton beam line in the afternoon of September 19. After commissioning the beam line magnets, which include the superconducting solenoids, the DC-separator, quadrupoles and bending magnets, the background-free muon beam was successfully delivered through the D1 beamline at 12:10pm on September 26, 2008 (JST). Positive muons with a momentum of 29 MeV/c were stopped in an aluminum plate placed at the heart of the muSR spectrometer (brought from KEK-MSL after refurbishment), and the positron events were recorded by a brand-new data acquisition system to monitor the asymmetry. The build-up of events and associated sharpening of the precession signal under a weak transverse field was witnessed by some one hundred audience members gathered at the experimental area, and celebrated the re-birth of the pulsed muon beam and the achievements made by the J-PARC Muon Team. 4. User program for MLF use 98 experimental proposals have been received for the MLF user program from December 17, 2008 to February 28, 2009. The first program review committee meeting for both neutron and muon uses are to be carried out very soon. ----------------------------------------------------------- 5. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] by Kenji KIKUCHI ----------------------------------------------------------- EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY TO BE REALIZED IN PHASE II? The Atomic Energy Commission of Japan commenced the check and review on the nuclear transmutation technology at the Review Session on Partitioning and Transmutation Technology and the first meeting was held on September 19, 2008. The Review Session plans to investigate the present status and the future prospects on the nuclear transmutation technology by the end of this year, and then will make a report after several meetings. This is an important step for recognizing scientific value of basic experiments on accelerator driven nuclear transmutation in the entire nuclear energy policy at the Transmutation Experimental Facility proposed in the phase II construction of J-PARC. LEAD BISMUTH TARGET DEVELOPMENT The international collaboration on the Megawatt Pilot Target Experiment plans to conduct a post irradiation experiment (PIE) in order to learn the materials quality after four months of lead bismuth target operation under 580MeV proton beam injection in 2006. A PIE meeting was held on 24th September to arrange an acquisition system of mechanical test data at each of the participating institutes. ----------------------------------------------------------- 6. [Safety Division] by Minoru TAKASAKI, Taichi MIURA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ----------------------------------------------------------- THE SAFETY INSPECTION OF MLF SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCTED BY NUSTEC The inspection of secondary beam lines in the experimental area of the Materials and Life Science Facility (MLF) was successfully conducted by the Nuclear Safety Technology Center (NUSTEC) on September 4 and 24, 2008, before and during the operation, respectively. Now several beam lines in the MLF experimental area can be officially provided to users for beam experiments. The application for a license towards the operation of the Nuclear and Particle Physics Facility (HD) was submitted to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on July 25. Before the submission, several hearings were held about the safe handling of the experimental area. Through the discussion, mesons and muons produced by the nuclear interaction of 30 GeV protons were also defined as radiation to evaluate the radiation safety; in the radiation protection law (the Law concerning the Prevention from Radiation Hazards due to Radioisotopes, etc.), these radiations are not included in the definition of radiation. On July 22 and 24, the changes in the handling of mesons and muons were explained to the Ibaraki prefecture government and the Tokai-mura municipal government. The advisory committee established for the HD facility met on July 29 at the J-PARC site and visited the HD facility to conduct the field investigation. The application for the operation license of the neutrino facility is currently underway; on September 30, the radiation safety review meeting of the neutrino facility, consisting of members of the J-PARC staff, discussed the safety items presented by the facility group and approved them; the 6th and the final expert committee on the safety of the J-PARC neutrino production target is going to meetin the morning of October 6 to discuss the summary report; then,the 5th Radiation Safety Committee of J-PARC (the 11th Safety Deliberative Committee on Radiation Safety of J-PARC) is going to meet in the afternoon of October 6 to discuss the overall safety aspects of the neutrino facility. Assuming a larger 6 quake on the Japanese earthquake scale, a voluntary emergency drill was carried out at 13:30 on September 18; in the evacuation area, a roll call was made and the communication exercises using telephone and FAX were conducted. On September 30, the Ibaraki prefecture emergency drill was carried out assuming an accident had occurred at the 2nd nuclear power plant of Tokai atomic power station; the J-PARC Center participated in the drill and a roll call was made at the evacuation area. ----------------------------------------------------------- 7. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] ----------------------------------------------------------- 9th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technologyあら (IWSMT9) will be held in 19th-24th October, in Sapporo. Opening ceremony of MLF facilities to public users will be held on Dec.16th, 2008 in Tokai. ----------------------------------------------------------- 8. [Editorial Note] ----------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Editorial Board: Masatoshi ARAI (chair): masatoshi.arai@j-parc.jp Yujiro IKEDA: ikeda.yujiro@jaea.go.jp Nobuo OUCHI: ouchi.nobuo@jaea.go.jp Shinya SAWADA: shinya.sawada@kek.jp Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO: toshifumi.tsukamoto@kek.jp English Editor: Dick MISCHKE mischke@triumf.ca Secretary: Chikako KAIBARA kaibara.chikako@jaea.go.jp ++++++++++++++++End of Letter+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++