================================================================ J-PARC Project Newsletter No.35, February 2009 Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under construction jointly by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html ================================================================ HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. [Overview] TWO MAJOR MILESTONES ACHIEVED BUDGET FOR THE NEXT YEAR NEW SCHEME FOR THE OPERATION OF THE NEUTRON FACILITY PLANS BY THE USERS CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE ADVANCED J-PARC SEMINAR WAS HELD IN BEIJING NTT RESEARCH BUILDING IS NOW CONVERTED TO J-PARC USERS AND OTHERS MAJOR EVENTS 2. [Accelerator Division] SUCCESS OF 30 GEV ACCELERATION AND EXTRACTION IN MR 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] FIRST BEAM SOON TO THE HADRON EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY CONSTRUCTION OF NEUTRINO FACILITY THE FIRST T-VIOLATION EXPERIMENT HAS BEEN PERFORMED AT TOKAI RADIOACTIVE ION ACCELERATOR COMPLEX (TRIAC) 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] PROGRAM REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR BOTH NEUTRON AND MUON HAVE BEEN HELD TO SELECT THE PROGRAM AMONG PROPOSALS SUBMITTED BEAM TEST WITH 100kW PROTON BEAM CONDUCTED SUCCESSFULLY OPERATION FOR THE FIRST USER PROGRAM STARTED ON 23 DECEMBER 2008 THE CALL FOR PROPOSAL OF FY 2009 IS NOW ANNOUNCED 5. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] ADS TECHNOLOGY REVIEWED 6. [Safety Division] THE SAFETY INSPECTION OF 50GeV MR, HADRON AND MLF EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCTED BY NUSTEC 7. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] 8. [Editorial Note] ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. [Overview] by Shoji NAGAMIYA ----------------------------------------------------------- TWO MAJOR MILESTONES ACHIEVED On December 23 two major milestones were achieved. One was to open the 3 GeV MLF facilities to the neutron and muon users. After receiving proposals for the first time, we selected the proposals and waited for this time. Exactly on schedule, we finally opened the neutron and muon facilities to users. On the same day, we achieved another major milestone. This is the first success of the 30 GeV acceleration at the Main Ring. By now we can run 3 GeV and 50 GeV independently. Without any disturbance to the 3 GeV users, the test of the 50 GeV was performed. After we experienced a long effort to attain a stability of the electric power during the past few months, the stability was significantly improved. In addition, the RF power was very smooth. Furthermore, the success is due to an imaginary gamma lattice, where we designed our magnet configuration to avoid any transition energies at which the beam has a strong divergence. As a synchrotron, this is the first trial to adopt this imaginary gamma lattice for magnets. By having this success, the next milestone is an extraction of the beam to the hadron beamline in February of 2009 and also an extraction to the neutrino beamline in April of 2009. BUDGET FOR THE NEXT YEAR The budget for the next fiscal year of 2009 has been announced at the end of December. For operations, the JAEA and KEK obtained approximately 60 Oku Yen for JAEA and 65 Oku Yen for KEK. In addition, JAEA obtained another 18 Oku Yen for the energy recovery of the Linac. Furthermore, a new scheme of funding (see below) allows 5 Oku Yen, as the first year funding, of the two neutron instruments. In addition, another supplemental budget will come, and it will soon be released officially. NEW SCHEME FOR THE OPERATION OF THE NEUTRON FACILITY As described in the previous Newsletter, a new scheme to allow funding for operation of neutron programs is now entering into the final stage of discussion inside the Government. If this new scheme comes in, then, the entire neutron facility together with the entire operation of Linac and 3 GeV will be guaranteed by the Government directly and not by the JAEA. Furthermore, many neutron instruments will be constructed by the Government directly. It is anticipated that this new law will be discussed in the Diet from January or February of 2009. Then, if everything goes smoothly, a new funding scheme for the instrument will start in JFY2009 and a new scheme for the operation will start in JFY2011. This new scheme can be applied only for the JAEA budget. We have to invent another new scheme for the KEK budget, since the total operational budget remains almost flat these days. PLANS BY THE USERS CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE ADVANCED The J-PARC major upgrade plans are now under a serious discussion among six user communities at the Users Consultative Committee. The 6 communities are: particle physics, nuclear physics, neutron science, muon science, nuclear transformation, and industry. They are now preparing a document in which priorities are also included. The final goal of the document creation is March of 2009. J-PARC SEMINAR WAS HELD IN BEIJING The Asian Science Seminar on High Intensity Proton Accelerator was held in Beijing on October 19 through October 25. Participants included China 102, Japan 86, Korea 13, Taiwan 3 and USA 3. Many young people (about 70) attended this conference. NTT RESEARCH BUILDING IS NOW CONVERTED TO J-PARC USERS AND OTHERS Since December 16 a new office space has been available for J-PARC users. The Users Office of the J-PARC opened also. They are located outside the main campus which was previously used for the NTT Research Center. Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center can now accommodate Ibaraki Prefecture, Tokai Village, U. Tokyo, Ibaraki Univ., and J-PARC. MAJOR EVENTS The J-PARC Ceremony for the completion of the project will be scheduled for July 6. We invite all the related persons, including major people, foreign guests, industries that contributed to us, and our participants. The total number of guests will be about 800. Preceding the above, we had a ceremony to celebrate the opening of the MLF facility together with the opening of the NTT facility called the Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center on December 16. ----------------------------------------------------------- 2. [Accelerator Division] by Ainosuke ANDO ----------------------------------------------------------- SUCCESS OF 30 GEV ACCELERATION AND EXTRACTION IN MR The proton beam was successfully accelerated to 30 GeV in the Main Ring (MR) and extracted to the abort dump at 17:34 on 23rd December, 2008, through the precise tuning of the acceleration frequency with the constant RF voltage of 160 kV by four cavities and without any beam feedback. The acceleration time is 2.5 seconds with two parabolas of 0.4 seconds duration in both starting and ending region of acceleration although the designed values of these figures are 1.9 and 0.1 seconds, respectively. The longer durations than the designed ones are selected to secure reliable current tracking because the power supplies cannot show demanded performances. Tuning toward beam extraction to the hadron beam line is now in eager work to achieve by the end of next February. The beam of RCS for MLF is normally supplied in 25 Hz operation and the beam for MR tuning is subtracted from the output beam line of RCS by a pulsed bending magnet according to the one shot demand at any time or periodical demand of every six seconds. The beam subtraction to MR by the pulse bend is originally designed such that four successive batches of RCS acceleration are directed to MR without any effects on beams to MLF in every 3 ~ 4 seconds. But the present scheme is that eight successive batches are dedicated to MR and only the third batch is filled with protons (the others are vacant) in every 6 seconds because the tuning time is very limited but beam to MLF must be stably served. This scheme physically assures that there are no effects of the pulse bend on MLF beams. The RFQ could not recover after an RF discharge on 27th, September, 2008. The scheduled beam commissioning in October was changed for a careful conditioning and this was continued through November. The recovery seemed to be almost complete at the beginning of the commissioning run in December and the 0.6 ms beam of the LINAC was served to RCS. After almost 2 weeks operation, the frequency of discharge abruptly increased and finally the RFQ could not recover. Then the careful conditioning was restarted in about 5 days and the operation with the beam pulse width of 0.1 ms was employed as the present standard. Also from these experiences, a careful recovery procedure was established by the accelerator division, not only by persons in charge. The output beam power of RCS is expected to reach few tens of kW by increasing the peak current of LINAC and the beam length in RCS. Though it is essential to widen the beam of the RFQ to obtain more beam power, the available power will be decided according to the achieved level of the RFQ conditioning for the remainder of this fiscal year. ----------------------------------------------------------- 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] by J. Imazato, T.Tsukamoto, H.Miyatake ----------------------------------------------------------- FIRST BEAM SOON TO THE HADRON EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY (by J. Imazato) Expecting the first slow extracted beam soon within this month the Hadron Hall is now experiencing its busiest final stage of construction. The primary proton beamline has already been installed with chimney magnets down to the beam dump. All the magnets were successfully tested with full excitation. The vacuum system with the beam pipes, the T1-downstream pentagon vessel and pillow-seal flanges etc. have also been commissioned successfully. The Ti target is now sitting in position waiting for the beam. The first-commissioned secondary line K1.8-BR has also been installed with the electrostatic separator, which is now under conditioning. The crane operation is now devoting itself to the last stage of piling up shielding blocks at the top of the beamlines. Most of the concrete blocks were transferred from KEK-PS in Tsukuba. Thus, the Hadron Hall is almost ready to accept the beam. As the first experiment E15 "kaonic nuclear spectroscopy" is now setting up the detector in the K1.8-BR area together with the data taking system in the counting house outside the hall aiming for the first Hadron Hall experiment in this spring. A "workshop celebrating the first beam at the Hadron Hall" is planned on May 25 and 26 on site. Physics prospects in the Hadron Hall will be discussed both from theory and experiments. For details please refer to the web site "hadws09@nexus.kek.jp". CONSTRUCTION OF NEUTRINO FACILITY (by T. Tsukamoto) The vacuum system of the neutrino beam line such as beam pipes and beam position/profile monitors etc. has been installed and tested. The system will be completed in March. Excitation test of normal magnets for the neutrino beam line has been performed successfully. The cryogenic system for the superconducting magnets has been constructed and its performance tests are being carried out. The second horn test at KEK was finished and it was transported to J-PARC. The first horn test in TS (Target Station) building at J-PARC was performed successfully and others will be tested in January 2009. OTR(Optical Transition Radiation detector) to monitor the beam position in front of the graphite target was installed in parallel with construction of the TS helium vessel. The BD(Beam Dump) was installed in the pit sitting at the end of the neutrino beam line tunnel and piping work in the pit is being carried out. MUMON (Muon Monitor) sitting at the downstream end of the neutrino beam line tunnel will be installed in February 2009. The neutrino beam line DAQ(Data Acquisition) system is being constructed and tested step by step. The DAQ system was tested during 50 GeV ring commissioning at the end of December 2008 using beam timing signals delivered from the accelerator system. Electronic noise caused by accelerator operation and beam backgrounds caused by beam halos/tails at upstream beam loss monitors were measured. The construction of all scintillator planes of the on-axis neutrino detector (INGRID) was completed in December 2008. The assembly of the INGRID module with the iron structure will begin in February 2009. THE FIRST T-VIOLATION EXPERIMENT HAS BEEN PERFORMED AT TOKAI RADIOACTIVE ION ACCELERATOR COMPLEX (TRIAC) (by H.Miyatake) The R-correlation in beta-decays of polarized 8Li was for the first time measured with a drift chamber (DC) type electron polarimeter by applying the Mott scattering. The result shows a high performance of the DC polarimeter. THE 6TH JAPAN-ITALY SYMPOSIUM ON HEAVY-ION PHYSICS WAS HELD The 6th Japan-Italy symposium on Heavy-Ion Physics was held on November 11-15 at Tokai, cosponsored by KEK, 6 internal facilities and Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) with 90 participants. The present status and the future prospects of heavy-ion nuclear physics were discussed. ----------------------------------------------------------- 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] by Yujiro IKEDA ----------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR BOTH NEUTRON AND MUON HAVE BEEN HELD TO SELECT THE PROGRAM AMONG PROPOSALS SUBMITTED BEAM TEST WITH 100kW PROTON BEAM CONDUCTED SUCCESSFULLY OPERATION FOR THE FIRST USER PROGRAM STARTED ON 23 DECEMBER 2008 1. Beam Transport and Neutron Source The 3-GeV proton beam transport line (3NBT) has been studied for obtaining the basic parameters of beam optics. The beam line components were carefully tuned and the proton beam of 100 kW was successfully transported to the mercury target without any significant beam loss in December 2008. In the 100 kW beam injection, the temperature of flowing mercury in the target vessel was measured and almost coincident to the estimated value in the target design. Also, the pressure waves were measured and are being analyzed to understand the time responses of the target vessel. Ancillary systems were operated stably for MLF beam operation at 100 kW. Radiation dose levels due to residual radioactivity in the mercury circulation system at the hot cell were measured in November. Based on the measured data, we are reconsidering the maintenance procedure because of the higher than expected radiation dose. Maintenance work for the primary cooling water piping was exercised, and many lessons have been given to reduce tritium contamination. 2. Neutron Science As of last September, seven neutron instruments have been under commissioning: 4D Space Access Neutron Spectrometer 4SEASONS (BL#01), IBARAKI Biological Crystal Diffractometer iBIX (BL#03), Neutron-Nucleus Reaction Instrument NNRI (BL#04), Super High Resolution Powder Diffractometer S-HRPD (BL#08), NeutrOn Beam-line for Observation & Research Use NOBORU (BL#10), Engineering Materials Diffractometer TAKUMI (BL#19) and IBARAKI Materials Design Diffractometer iMATERIA (BL#20). From December, 2008, an additional 5 instruments, i.e., Neutron Optics and Fundamental Physics Beam Line NOP (BL#05), High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer HRC (BL#12), High-Performance Neutron Reflectometer with a Horizontal Sample Geometry H-REF (BL#16) and High Intensity Total diffractometer NOVA (BL#21) have been joined. Mainly, machine studies and trial measurements for actual usage on user programs have been carried out on each instrument. On iBIX, they have succeeded in observing diffraction from a protein crystal (volume: 13 mm3) for the first time. Commissioning on HRC and H-REF were started with old instruments transferred from the KENS facility, KEK and trial measurements have been successfully carried out. Especially, on H-REF, reflection from a standard sample of Ni layer was clearly observed in the range of the reflectivity of 3 orders of magnitude, which is expected to be improved soon after taking countermeasures for background in the further commission work. On NOVA, although the most of components of the spectrometer were not yet ready, they have tried the performance test of a new GEM beam monitor, which will be used for this instrument. On S-HRPD, temperature dependence of the crystal structure of Multi-Ferroic materials was measured by a group of KEK and SungKyunKwan University (Korea). On NOBORU, Hokkaido University group carried out imaging measurements on alloys and welded materials. The first user beam time was the period of only 3 days. So, we are expecting more full-fledged user program activity from this coming January and February. The 2nd International Advisory Committee was held in 11-12 November, 2008 for reviewing the project of DNA, Biomolecular Dynamics Spectrometer. The 3rd International Workshop on Chopper Software was held in 8-9 December, 2008 at Fukuroda, Ibaraki. This workshop is for discussing software for chopper spectrometers especially from the practical view points and was held approximately once per 6 months so far. 3. Detector Development Commissioning test on 2-d compact scintillation detectors with wavelength shifting fiber read out ( first and second one) for the biomaterial single crystal diffractometer "iBIX" and 1-d scintillation detectors with "ISIS-type" fiber coded method for the engineering diffractometer "TAKUMI" (first and second one) have been performed successfully. 4. Muon Science The superconducting solenoid was successfully ramped to a current of 600A and pions from the muon production target were injected into the solenoid. The pions decay into muons in-flight and were extracted and transported into the D2 experimental area. Positive or negative decay muons can be obtained by adjusting the polarity of the bending and focusing magnets. We were able to observe the muonic X-rays from an aluminum target. The successful application of using negative muons for nondestructive element analysis was shown by observing the Au and Ag muonic X-rays from a Kobann (old japanese gold coin). In the D1 area, a mSR experiment with 128 segmented detectors was installed and tested by obtaining the spin rotation spectra of muons under a 2mT field and muonium under a 0.5mT field. They are currently ready to run an experiment using surface muons (4Mev positive muons). 5. User Program The first Proposal Review Committee (PRC) meetings of neutron and muon were held in October 30, and November 12, respectively. In this FY 2008, 32 days were subjected to the user beam time. 27 proposals out of 42 proposed were approved to be conducted through reviews by the committees. As we have adopted the system to meet the requirement of an international user facility, the language was English. In the neutron PRC, we invited 4 international scientists. We started the user operation from December 23, 2008. The proton beam power, however, was very low of 4kW at the beginning because of needs for RFQ conditioning. Hopefully several tens kW power will be available in the next cycle which will start in January, 2009. ----------------------------------------------------------- 5. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] by Kenji KIKUCHI ----------------------------------------------------------- ADS TECHNOLOGY REVIEW The Atomic Energy Commission of Japan reviewed the achievement of accelerator driven system, ADS, at the Review Session on Partitioning and Transmutation Technology last December. The summary report is to be discussed soon. ----------------------------------------------------------- 6. [Safety Division] by Minoru TAKASAKI, Taichi MIURA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ----------------------------------------------------------- THE SAFETY INSPECTION OF 50GeV MR, HADRON AND MLF EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCTED BY NUSTEC During the shutdown period, the inspections of the 50GeV proton synchrotron (MR), the Materials and Life Science Facility (MLF), and Nuclear and Particle Physics Facility (HD) were conducted on December 1, 2008, by the Nuclear Safety Technology Center (NUSTEC): the inspection items were working conditions of emergency and interlock signals, shielding structures and radiation signs posted around the radiation controlled areas. All items shown in the documents for the application were confirmed on December 8 and the operation of these facilities was authorized. The shielding structures in the HD are scheduled to be inspected in January, 2009. The 5th Radiation Safety Committee of J-PARC (the 11th Safety Deliberative Committee on Radiation Safety of J-PARC) met on October 6, 2008, to discuss the application of Linac, 3GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS), MLF, MR, and the neutrino facilities: the neutrino facility was the only new construction facility and other items were for changes of current facilities. Before these committees, the 6th and the final Expert Committee on the safety of the J-PARC neutrino production target was held and the summary report presented to these committees was discussed. The 7th Expert Committee of J-PARC on the Interlock System met on December 3, 2008, and mainly deliberated the interlock system of the three secondary beam lines in HD: K1.8, K1.8BR and KL beam lines. The application form for the new construction of the radiation measurement laboratory was discussed with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on November 4 and the hearing is expected to continue several times till the final submission of the application form. An educational video about the general safety of the neutrino facility for experimental users was completed and the user's office is ready to use it as a part of education. The Expert Committee of J-PARC on the laser was established and met to discuss about the manual for the safe handling of laser equipment and future action policies. ----------------------------------------------------------- 7. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] ----------------------------------------------------------- 1) The 6th Japan-Italy symposium on Heavy-Ion Physics, November 11-15 at Tokai 2) The 2nd International Advisory Committee reviewing the project of DNA, Biomolecular Dynamics Spectrometer was held in 11-12 November, 2008 3) The 3rd International Workshop on Chopper Software was held in 8-9 December, 2008 at Fukuroda, Ibaraki 4) Ceremony of the opening of the MLF facility the Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center, December 16, 2008, Tokai 5) Workshop celebrating the first beam at the Hadron Hall May 25 and 26; hadws09@nexus.kek.jp 6) The J-PARC Ceremony for the completion of the project, July 6 in Tokyo ----------------------------------------------------------- 8. [Editorial Note] ----------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Editorial Board: Masatoshi ARAI (chair): masatoshi.arai@j-parc.jp Yujiro IKEDA: ikeda.yujiro@jaea.go.jp Nobuo OUCHI: ouchi.nobuo@jaea.go.jp Shinya SAWADA: shinya.sawada@kek.jp Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO: toshifumi.tsukamoto@kek.jp English Editor: Dick MISCHKE mischke@triumf.ca Secretary: Chikako KAIBARA kaibara.chikako@jaea.go.jp ++++++++++++++++End of Letter+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++