2010/06/11 電話交換機工事に伴う電話回線の不通について


日時: 7月24日(土) 9:00-7月25日(日) 18:00
影響範囲: J-PARC地区、いばらき量子ビーム研究センター、KEK東海1号館
対象: (1) 以下の内線電話番号は、発信、受信ともに不通となります。

(2) (1)の内線電話番号以外でも、影響範囲内において不通となる可能性があります。


2010/06/11 Normal telephone and PHS line will be disconnected

Time and date: between July 24th (Sat) 9:00 and 25th (Sun) 18:00
Affected area: J-PARC area, Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center, KEK Tokai campus 1 go-kan

Subject extension numbers:
(1) Following extension numbers will be unusable.
  3100 through 3399
  4000 through 4999
  9100 through 9299

(2) For non subject extension numbers may possibly be unusable in the affected area.

Remarks: It maybe connectable even while the works, but it is temporary phenomenon, so please do not try to call. Thank you.
