J-PARC Center Users Office

(at symbol instead of (at))
* Attachment files are up to 4MB.
Office hour : Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00
CLOSE: Saturday, Sunday, National holiday,


2012/01/11 J-PARC地区電話一時不通について (2月22日(水)〜24日(金))


[実施日] : 2月22日(水)〜2月24日(金)


2012/01/11 Disruptions of Telephone Service at J-PARC site between February22 (Wed) and 24(Fri)

Due to the telephone-system maintenance at the J-PARC site, there will be temporal disruptions in the telephone service,
including PHS, during the following period:

[Date]: Between February 22 (Wed) and 24 (Fri)

[Time and subject areas]:Please click here for the details.
