J-PARC Center Users Office

(at symbol instead of (at))
* Attachment files are up to 4MB.
Office hour : Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00
CLOSE: Saturday, Sunday, National holiday,


2012/09/27 JAEA創立記念日に伴うJAEA運行バス、売店、ATMの休業について(10月5日)



* JAEA運行のバスは全て運休します。(JR東海駅-JAEA間シャトルバス、朝夕の出退勤バス、構内循環シャトルバス)
* 東海駅とIQBRCを結ぶバスは運休ですので、他の交通手段(タクシー等)をご利用ください。


※ 東海ドミトリーは通常通り営業します。チェックイン/アウト時刻に変更はありません。

2012/09/27 Special Situations on Friday, October 5th, 2012 regarding JAEA anniversary

October 5 (Fri) is the JAEA anniversary.
JAEA will be closed. And JAEA bus, grocery stores and ATM in JAEA will not be available.
However, Users Office (UO) will be opening as usual. So UO-service will be available.

The details are as follows.

1.Cafeteria, Grocery stores (Yamazaki store and J-Lounge (Refreshment Room)), ATM and lunch box service will not be available.

2. All JAEA bus services (Commute and shuttle bus between the JR Tokai station and the JAEA Tokai site, Loop bus within the Tokai site) will not be available. So please use public transportation such as taxi between JR Tokai station and IQBRC.


※Bus services between KEK and J-PARC will be available as usual.
※Tokai Dormitory will be available and there are no changes in checking-in and/or -out procedures.
