J-PARC Center Users Office

(at symbol instead of (at))
* Attachment files are up to 4MB.
Office hour : Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00
CLOSE: Saturday, Sunday, National holiday,


2013/07/11 2013年夏期休業のお知らせ

8月14日(水)〜16日(金) はJ-PARCの一斉休業8月5日(月)〜7日(水)はKEKつくばキャンパスの一斉休業となるため、

また、8月14日(水)〜19日(月) にJ-PARCへ入構する必要のある方は、8月9日(金)までに、

事前にご連絡をいただいた方につきましては、入構に必要なJ-PARC User ID カード等を、


2013/07/11 Summer holiday '13


The Users Office will be closed and the User Support System will be shutdown associated with J-PARC Center and KEK summer holiday.
Please click here for detailed schedule.

J-PARC Center holiday (including the Users Office): August 14 (Wed), 15 (Thu) and 16 (Fri), 2013
KEK Tsukuba Campus holiday: August 5 (Mon), 6 (Tue) and 7 (Wed), 2013

Users who would come to J-PARC during the period from August 14 (Wed) to 19 (Mon) are requested either to complete visiting procedures beforehand to work at J-PARC via the User Support System or to inform the Users Office via e-mail by August 9 (Fri).

J-PARC user ID card and other items for entering J-PARC would be ready at main gate of JAEA.

Please ask your contact person about the details of entering permission of each facility during the above period.

