J-PARC Center Users Office

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Office hour : Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00
CLOSE: Saturday, Sunday, National holiday,


2013/08/20 自主防災訓練 (地震避難訓練) の実施について



平成25年9月5日(木) 13:30 - 15:00

構内放送(緊急地震速報 (試験放送) を合図にスタートし,以下を実施します。
避難場所への避難 (低地の施設に居る人は津波避難場所 (高温工学特研わき (J-PARCセンター避難場所地図 F4) まで)

0)準備 : 自分の滞在している施設や建家の避難場所を確認しておく
避難時に持ち出すもの (鍵,貴重品,防寒具,頭部を保護する物等) を避難時にすぐ持ち出せるようにしておく
1)放送を合図に訓練開始。揺れが収まった後 (今回は10秒後とする) に徒歩 (駆け足) にて避難場所まで避難 (低地の施設にあっては津波避難場所まで)
3)点呼が完了したセクションの皆様は訓練終了 (セクションリーダー等の指示に従い解散)



2013/08/20 An Emergency Drill in Case of Strong Earthquake for Staff, Users and Visitors


We will have an emergency drill on September 5th between 13:30 and 15:00.
Please participate.

In this year, we are going to drill the basic evacuation procedures in case of a strong earthquake (level 6 lower) followed by a tsunami warning.

Basic Procedures:
A Japanese earthquake warning that is followed by the English announcement is broadcasted.
You are to go to the preassigned "Emergency Assembly Area" in case of tsunami
[F4: space between buildings #115 (High-Temperature Engineering Lab) and #158 (HENDEL Building)].
A preassigned J-PARC staff will check each person's safety at each assembly area.

You will be notified of the drill ahead both in Japanese and English.

We strongly suggest you to check the assembly area in the maps before the drill.

If you have any question about this drill, please ask your contact person.
