J-PARC Center Users Office

(at symbol instead of (at))
* Attachment files are up to 4MB.
Office hour : Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00
CLOSE: Saturday, Sunday, National holiday,


2013/12/20 原科研正門でのより確実な身分証確認のための車両速度減速帯の設置について


(車両速度減速帯: 幅35p、高さ5p)

開始は、2013年12月21 (土)から



2013/12/20 Placing Bump at JAEA main gate to slow down vehicles for more exact ID check


Bump (35p in width, 5p in height) will be placed at JAEA main gate to slow down vehicles for more exact ID check from Dec 21 (Sat), 2013.

Please click here for the details.

