ユーザーズオフィスからのお知らせ Announcement from Users Office
2017/06/28 松くい虫防除薬剤散布作業の実施について(J-PARC地区)
散布日時: 平成29年7月1日(土) 午前3:30-正午頃 ( 雨天時は7月2日(日)に延期 )
散布方法: 地上散布 散布エリア(PDF)
注意事項: 薬剤散布時間帯の構内への立入には十分注意して下さい。
2017/06/28 Insecticide spray on pine trees at J-PARC area
Insecticide will be sprayed on pine trees in JAEA/J-PARC and Masago dormitory area.
・July 1(Sat) 3:30 a.m. - around noon
Should it rain, the spray will be postponed to July 2(Sun).
・Ground-based spray Map (PDF)
- Please do not leave cars in the area, because once it adherer to the surface of cars, it may be hard to remove chemical spray.
- It would be advisable not to go into the area during the period, if possible.
We ask for your kind understanding and cooperation.