ユーザーズオフィスからのお知らせ Announcement from Users Office
2023/5/1 2023年5月8日からのコロナ対策変更について
従来J-PARCにおいては新型コロナウィルス感染症予防としてユーザーの方々へ、「J-PARCセンターにおける新型コロナウィルス感染症防止対策について」 において感染対策をお願いしてきましたが、2023年5月8日より新型コロナウィルス感染症の感染症法上の位置付けが緩和されるに伴い、上記の取り扱いを休止します。
- 建屋等への立ち入り時は、手洗い又は手指消毒の励行
- マスク着用は個人の判断に委ねるが、室内で人が多く集まる場合はマスク着用を推奨
- 研究会やイベントを開催する場合は、換気の徹底
2023/5/1 COVID Measures changing on/after May 8th 2023
Dear J-PARC users,
J-PARC Center have taken many measures to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus infection disease (COVID-19) and have requested all users who visit our facility the following actions.[ Measures against COVID-19 at J-PARC ]
From May 8th, the classification of the new coronavirus infection under the Infectious Disease Law will be eased and the above measures will also be end.
On/after May 8th, only the following three points are recommended to take measures.
- Enforcement of hand washing or hand disinfection inside the buildings
- Wearing masks will be left up to the personal decision. *Highly recommended to wearing a mask indoors when people are gathering.
- Thoroughly ventilate the room at workshop or event getting-together.
Each person can take other necessary measures by one's decision.
For your own infection control, please use the following website as a reference.[ Ibaraki Prefecture's Information of COVID-19 ]
Our guidelines and forms will end on May 7th.
- Submission of declaration form ' Health Questionnaire'
- Guidelines for handling of novel coronavirus
- Measures at dormitory and operation policy when the guest is expected to be infected with COVID (Guideline)
Thank you very much for your attention.J-PARC Users Office