====================================================================== J-PARC Project Newsletter No. 47, Jan. 2012 Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under operation jointly by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html ====================================================================== HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. [Overview] MOST RECENT STATUS OF J-PARC. BUDGET FOR JFY2012. J-PARC REVIEW TO BE HELD FROM JANUARY OR FEBRUARY. 2. [Accelerator Division] MAGNIFICENT RECOVERY FROM THE EARTHQUAKE 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] RECOVERY FROM EARTHQUAKE DAMAGES AND PREPARATION FOR BEAM IN FEBRUARY. T2K STATUS: RECOVERY FROM EARTHQUAKE DAMAGES AND NEUTRINO BEAM LINE COMMISSIONING. 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] REPLACEMENT WITH A NEW TARGET VESSEL. THE FIRST NEUTRON BEAM AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE WAS OBTAINED. RECOVERY OF MLF INSTRUMENTS HAS BEEN NEARLY COMPLETED. 1ST AOCNS WAS HELD ON NOV. 20-24 AT TSUKUBA, JAPAN. AN ON-LINE REFRIGERATION SYSTEM FOR THE MUON D-LINE WAS RECOVERED FINALLY. 5. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] MEETING REPORT 6. [Safety Division] APPLICATION FOR LICENSES OF THE OPERATION OF THE WHOLE FACILITIES WERE GRANTED BY MEXT. 7. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] 8. [Editorial Note] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. [Overview] by Shoji NAGAMIYA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MOST RECENT STATUS OF J-PARC In May, 2011 we planned to restore beams at J-PARC by the end of December, 2011. Since then, all the J-PARC people have worked day and night and even for weekends. Finally, on December 9th the switch for the Linac was turned on, and the first proton beam after the earthquake was produced. After the beam restoration in the Linac, beams were injected to the 3 GeV synchrotron on the 17th, and then extracted to the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility on the 22nd. On the same day, the beams were also injected to the 50 GeV synchrotron, and on the 24th beams were extracted to the Neutrino Experimental Facility. The beam current at 3 GeV reached up to 300 kW, but we started to take beams at 100 kW for the neutron Hg target due to a safety reason. After the confirmation of a newly installed bubbler function for the Hg target we will inject 300 kW beams. Note that we injected 200 kW beams before the earthquake. The beam tests at the 50 GeV were conducted at up to 60 kW in December 2011. We will gradually increase the intensity for the 50 GeV this year. Meanwhile, the third supplemental budgets to J-PARC were approved at the end of November as follows: Supplemental for JAEA: 14.2 Oku Yen Supplemental for KEK: 73.4 Oku Yen (building repair 2.6 Oku included) The budget to JAEA will be for us. By using this money we start to repair roads, cranes, walls, doors, etc. in addition to improvement of equipments. Last of all, we would like to express appreciation to many members at JAEA and KEK for their constant supports to us. For example, while electric supply has been very restricted in Japan after the earthquake, the 55 MW electric usage at J-PARC was allowed by TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) because of incredible efforts of our parent institutions. BUDGET FOR JFY2012 Our funding agency, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, and Technology (MEXT), informed us the final approved budgets for the next fiscal year of 2012 on December 24th. These budgets are now waiting for the final Diet approval (but usually no change occurs). According to MEXT, the budget summary for J-PARC is as follows: Operational to JAEA: 83.50 Oku Yen (JAEA = 5.29 + Gov Direct = 78.21) Operational to KEK: 66.17 Oku Yen Equipment to JAEA: 14.90 Oku Yen (Linac Upgrade 14.5 + Neutron 0.4) Improvement of Linac + 3 GeV: 16.92 Oku Yen (three-year fund, last year) To CROSS (neutron): 7.02 Oku Yen Among these, the Operational budget for JAEA allows 8-cycles operation whereas the Operational for KEK allows 6-cycles operation, where 9-cycles corresponds to a full 200-day operation. Practically, by squeezing some budgets, we will try to run as much as a full cycle of operation with these funds. Concerning the equipment budgets, the fund for the Linac Upgrade to 400 MeV is the final year in JFY2012 out of the four-year fund. On the other hand, the equipment fund for the neutron facility of 0.4 Oku Yen is the first year out of the three-years fund of a total of 16 Oku Yen. We will do our best to provide beams to the J-PARC users as much as possible based on the approved budgets. J-PARC REVIEW TO BE HELD FROM JANUARY OR FEBRUARY The selection of the review committee members has been recently completed, and the members will be officially appointed by the Government in the near future. It is most likely the review will start at the end of January or in February. The review issues will be: 1) past achievements, 2) effects from the earthquake, 3) a roadmap toward power-up to 1 MW, 4) future plans, 5) organization for operations, etc. as informed in the previous Newsletter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. [Accelerator Division] by Kazuo HASEGAWA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGNIFICENT RECOVERY FROM THE EARTHQUAKE The complex was extensively damaged by the earthquake. We had many items of concern to meet the beam test schedule in December for each accelerator, for example, repair of air conditioning system and inspection of the fire hydrants at the linac, healthiness of the main magnet power lines at the 3 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS), and commissioning of the new injection kicker at the Main Ring synchrotron (MR). The restoration work was accomplished on schedule or slightly ahead of the schedule thanks to the effort of staff members and support. We started beam tuning at the linac on the 9th of December, which was 3 days ahead of the announced schedule. The beam was injected to the RCS on 17th. The 3 GeV acceleration was confirmed on the 20th. The 3 GeV beam was injected to the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) and the MR on the 22nd. On the same day, acceleration to 30 GeV and fast extraction to the beam dump were successfully carried out. The MR delivered beam to the neutrino hall on the 24th. A full beam test was successfully completed by the morning of the 27th. We successfully accelerated the beam current almost the same as before the earthquake: the peak current of 15 mA and the pulse length of 500 micro-seconds at the linac. Several issues, however, have been revealed. The beam loss level and trip rate at the linac acceleration cavities are higher than those before the earthquake. There are still a lot of repairs at the linac building in particular. Some work will be carried out in parallel to user operation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. [Nuclear and Particle Physics Division] by Y.SATO & T.TSUKAMOTO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOVERY FROM EARTHQUAKE DAMAGES AND PREPARATION FOR BEAM IN FEBRUARY (by Y.SATO) Recovery work from the earthquake damages in the Hadron Experimental Facility is now at the final stage. Realignment and a full excitation test of primary beam line magnets in the beam- switching yard had been completed before the Main Ring (50-GeV synchrotron) started the beam commissioning on December 22nd. In the Hadron Hall, realignment of all secondary beam lines (K1.8BR, K1.8, and KL) except for K1.1BR is almost completed. A full-excitation test of primary and secondary beam line magnets is planned early in January. Enclosing the primary beam line in the Hadron Hall will be completed by the end of January.After recovery work, the Hadron Hall will be ready for 50 kW beam. Experimental groups are also working hard for recovery of equipments and preparation for the next beam time. At the K1.8 area, the Superconducting Kaon Spectrometer (SKS) was successfully cooled down and a full-excitation test up to 2.45 Tesla was successfully completed on November 16th. Detectors around SKS have been reconstructed. At the K1.8BR area, a system check of the liquid 3He target and reconstruction of detectors are ongoing after shielding blocks in the area were cleaned up from the experimental area. At the KL area, the KOTO group has finished realignment of the neutral kaon beam line. They are preparing detectors toward the engineering run in the next beam time. The first beam after the earthquake for Hadron Experimental Facility is scheduled in February. J-PARC Hadron Hall User's Association (HUA) workshop on the future of the Hadron Hall was held at KEK Tsukuba campus on October 23rd. The midterm plans to carry out the experiments in the present Hadron Hall and the future plan for the extension of the Hadron Hall werediscussed. Please visit the web site below for details. http://kds.kek.jp/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=8237 T2K STATUS: RECOVERY FROM EARTHQUAKE DAMAGES AND NEUTRINO BEAM LINE COMMISSIONING (by T.TSUKAMOTO) The repair work of the J-PARC neutrino facility was completed by the middle of December to be ready for the neutrino beam line commissioning from December 24, 2011. P0D (pi-zero detector) electronics in the T2K off-axis near detector ND280 was repaired and ND280 became ready for commissioning. Proton beam extraction to the neutrino beam line was started from December 24 and commissioning work was continued until the early morning of December 27. Various studies with beam for monitors were carried out and then beam tuning was done. There was no difficulty for stable 30kW operation with 4.7 x 10^12 ppb (protons per bunch) x 4 bunch and 7.6 x 10^16 protons are exposed to the target in this commissioning. The running conditions such as beam loss along the beamline and beam orbit are quite well reproduced with respect to the situation before the earthquake. On -axis near detector INGRID observed 197 neutrino events which is consistent with expectations. Unfortunately, a serious trouble in the horn power supply arose on December 22 during final operation test. Switching devices called IGBTs in the horn power supply were broken. Therefore commissioning was carried out without horn operation. During January we plan to take beam with the horn off in order to make beam studies for high power operation and various systematic studies using the near neutrino detectors. We are working to recover the power supply and aim to restart the full experiment with the horn operation from March. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] by Masatoshi ARAI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REPLACEMENT WITH A NEW TARGET VESSEL. THE FIRST NEUTRON BEAM AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE WAS OBTAINED. 1. Neutron Source PIE (Post Irradiation Examination) specimens with a diameter of 50 mm were cut out from the first mercury target vessel successfully. Some spots likely related to the pitting damage were recognized by visual inspection. A newly designed target vessel with a bubbling mechanism was successfully installed for the first time by remote handling operation in 7 days. The magnets and the beam monitors in the proton beam transport line have been realigned precisely, whose positions were substantially affected by the quake. The conventional facilities resumed continuous operation without any serious problems and the interlock systems were examined thoroughly for beam operation. The cryogenic hydrogen circulation system has been operated successfully at the 20 K operation condition, after recovering from the earthquake damage. The structural integrity of complex pipelines of moderators was confirmed under thermal loading condition. On December 22, the first proton beam after the earthquake was successfully delivered to the mercury target in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF). On December 23, the spectral flux and its spatial distribution in the neutron beam of BL10 (NOBORU) in a 1 Hz operation were confirmed. No obvious effect of the earthquake was observed. RECOVERY OF MLF INSTRUMENTS HAS BEEN NEARLY COMPLETED. 1ST ASIA-OCEANIA CONFERENCE ON NEUTRON SCATTERING (AOCNS) WAS HELD ON NOV. 20-24 AT TSUKUBA, JAPAN. 2. Neutron Science Many of beamline front shields have been brought out, realigned and brought back before the first proton beam was delivered on December 22. Most of the shielding and instruments taken away from the 'west' annex building were brought back after the sunken floor was elevated by the concrete injection method. In the two 'east' annex buildings, some amount of concrete was also injected to fill the earthquake-origin void space under the buildings. Installation of supermirror guide tubes of BL19 (TAKUMI) and BL08 (SuperHRPD) is continuing. The call for proposals of the 2012A period was closed, and 123 neutron proposals have been submitted. The submitted proposals will be reviewed by the Neutron Science Proposal Review Committee, and adoption or rejection of each proposal will be informed to the applicant by the end of the fiscal year. The 1st AOCNS was held on Nov. 20-24, 2011 at Tsukuba, Japan. A total of 587 scientists from 17 countries took part in the conference, and it was really successful to show the power of neutron researches in the Asia-Oceania region and the future directions. The 2nd AOCNS will be held in Sydney, Australia, 2015. http://j-parc.jp/MatLife/en/meetings/1stAOCNS Prof. Hiroshi Ohmoto, NASA Astrobiology Institute & Pennsylvania State University, visited on Dec. 15, and talked about astrobiology. AN ON-LINE REFRIGERATION SYSTEM FOR THE MUON D-LINE WAS RECOVERED FINALLY. 3. Muon Science Facility (MUSE) The superconducting solenoid magnet associated with an online He refrigerator system is one of the most important beamline components for the J-PARC MUSE Decay-Surface Muon Line (D-line). Since the on- line refrigerator system was damaged seriously, due to a settlement of about 10 cm around at 1.5 m outside the MLF building, we have not had any operation for 9 months. After fixing the system by the end of October, we tried to restart it. Unexpectedly, we failed to start it, due to a trouble of the level meter of the liquid He. However, we finally succeeded to have a stable operation of the He online system in the middle of December, anticipating the muon beam operation at the D-line. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] by Hiroyuki OIGAWA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MEETING REPORT The 9th International Workshop on Asian Network for Accelerator- Driven System (ADS) and Nuclear Transmutation Technology was held at Hengyang, P.R.China, on Dec.5-7, 2011. The number of participants was 46 including 9 overseas researchers from 3 countries (Japan, Korea, Russia). In the workshop, there were 21 oral presentations concerning research topics on innovative nuclear systems including ADS, reactor physics, nuclear data, lead-bismuth technology, and proton accelerators. At the workshop, the decision was made to exchange information concerning the promotion of the ADS technology among representatives of participating countries continuously. The next workshop will be held at the Research Reactor Institute of Kyoto University in the late autumn of 2012. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. [Safety Division] by Taichi MIURA and Hiroshi NAKASHIMA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION FOR LICENSES OF THE OPERATION OF THE WHOLE FACILITIES WERE GRANTED BY MEXT. The application for the operation of all the facilities was granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on Nov. 25. The main topics are the new secondary beamline in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF). The 12th Radiation Safety Committee of J-PARC met on Dec. 2 and inspected the status of the equipments on the secondary beam lines of the experimental facilities (MLF, Hadron Experimental Facility (HD)). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. [Announcement of Symposia and Meetings] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) 3rd MLF Symposium, Jan. 19-20, 2012, Tokai, Ibaraki (Language: Japanese) http://j-parc.jp/MatLife/ja/meetings/MLFsympo/index.html 2) Neutron Advisory Committee (NAC-2012), Feb. 8-10, 2012, Tokai, Ibaraki (Language: English) http://j-parc.jp/MatLife/en/index.html# 3) Nikko Joint Conference between 10th International Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering (QENS 2012) & 5th Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers (WINS 2012), Sep. 30 - Oct. 4, 2012, Nikko, Japan (Language: English)