J-PARC Center2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, JapanWebmaster:<web-staff@j-parc.jp>

J-PARC News - October 2016 (Issue #138)
- Awards Received for Experimental Results Using J-PARC
- Measurement System Research Meeting 2016 (October 13-14, Tokai Campus, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
- 3rd RaDIATE Collaboration Meeting (September 7-9, PNNL, U.S.)
- FY2016 Users' Meeting on the TAKUMI Engineering Materials Diffractometer (October 20, Shinagawa, Tokyo)
- Delegation from Sweden Visits J-PARC (October 4, J-PARC Research Building)
- Facility Updates (summer maintenance)
- Ozora Marche at the Daijingu Shrine and Muramatsu-san Kokuzodo Temple (October 8, Tokai Village)
- KEK Science Cafe "The Extraordinary Power of Waves" (October 7, 14, 21, 28, BiVi Tsukuba)
- 2nd Class to Experience Chigiri-e, Images Made with Torn Japanese Paper (September 30, KEK Tokai Dormitory)
J-PARC News - September 2016 (Issue #137)
- Elucidation of the Specific Structure of Ice Containing Large Amounts of Salt (August 26, Press Release)
- Third International Workshop on Technology and Components of Accelerator-Driven Systems (September 6-9, Hotel Terrace The Garden Mito, Mito city)
- Symposium on Science Explored by Ultra Slow Muon, Innovative Area Conference (August 26-27, IQBRC)
- 3rd Symposium on Complementary Use of Large Experimental Facilities and Super Computers for State-of-the-Art Battery Materials (September 1, Akihabara, Tokyo)
- Science Lecture: A Trip through Space-Time Featuring the Neutrino Elementary Particle (September 3 and 17, Tokai-mura Industry and Information Plaza "iVil")
- Class to Experience Chigiri-e, Images Made with Torn Japanese Paper (September 8, Advanced Science Research Center Building, Nuclear Science Research Institute)
- Class to Experience Flower Arrangement (September 15, Nuclear Science Research Institute)

J-PARC News - July 2016 (Issue #135)
- Lecture by Professor Takaaki Kajita Commemorating his Nobel Prize in Physics "Neutrinos : The Link Between Space and Elementary Particles" (July 16, Tokai Culture Center)
- Successful Analysis of the Internal Behavior of Charging and Discharging Lithium Ion Batteries (June 30, Press Release) - Non-Destructive, Real-Time Observation using Neutron Beams -
- Discovery of a New Ordered State in High-Pressure Ice - Solving One of the Five Great Unsolved Problems of Ice - (July 4, Press Release)
- Successful Laser Charge Conversion Testing of 3MeV Beam from Initial Stage Accelerator (June 28, Linac Building)
- 12th Collaboration Meeting on Muon g-2/EDM (June 29 - July 2, J-PARC Research Building)
- 2nd Liaison Committee on Safety and Health for Contractors at J-PARC (July 6, Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center (IQBRC))
- J-PARC Hello Science (June 22, Muramatsu Elementary School, July 7, Shirakata Elementary School, Tokai Village)
- TIA Flower Arrangement Class (July 7, Nuclear Science Research Institute)

J-PARC News - June 2016 (Issue #134)
- New Material Development Technology, ADVANCED 4D NANO DESIGN, Receives 28th Society of Rubber Science and Technology Award (May 19, 2016 annual meeting of the Society of Rubber Science and Technology, Japan)
- First Observation in Terms of Spin Motion of the Quantum Mechanical Phase of the Electron State using the Metallic Ferromagnet SrRuO3 (June 8, Press Release)
- SEI Layer Affects Battery Characteristics - Development of Techniques to Close in on the Layer's True Nature - (May 13, featured on the KEK home page)
- Intensity of Proton Beam at MR (50 GeV Synchrotron) Reaches 425 kW (May 26)
- The 3rd International Meeting for Large Neutrino Infrastructures (May 30-June 1, Kobayashi Hall, KEK)
- T2K Neutrino Collaboration Meeting (May 23-28, Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center (IQBRC) )
- J-PARC-ESS Collaboration Workshop (June 1-2, J-PARC Research Building)
- 2nd Sumi-e Painting Lesson (May 27, KEK Tokai Dormitory)
J-PARC News - May 2016 (Issue #133)
- FY2016 Workshop 5. 23 for Fostering Safety Culture at J-PARC (May 20, Auditorium, Nuclear Science Research Institute)
- "Investigating Neutrons at J-PARC" (article featured in June issue of Nikkei Science)
- KEK-PIP Advisory Committee (May 22-23, KEK Tsukuba)
- J-PARC Neutron Life Science Research Meeting (May 17-18, J-PARC Research Building, other locations) "The Current State and Future of Neutron Use in Life Science"
- Exhibition at the G7 Science & Technology Ministers' Meeting in Tsukuba, Ibaraki(May 15-21, Tsukuba International Congress Center)
- Facility Updates
- Science Cafe for Science and Technology Week (April 24, Science Museum in Kitanomaru Park, Tokyo) "Neutrinos Transform Themselves!? - The Nobel Prize-Winning Research that has Changed the World -"
- Sumi-E Painting (April 28, Advanced Science Research Center Building)
- Looking for participants to attend "Neutrinos: The Link between Space and Elementary Particles," a lecture meeting in commemoration of Prof. Takaaki Kajita's Nobel Prize in Physics. (Application period: May 16 to June 15)

J-PARC News - March 2016 (Issue #131)
- Discovery of Hydride Ion "H-" Conductor (March 18, Press Release) - Potential for Developing Innovative Energy Devices Using Hydrogen Energy -
- Discovery of Superionic Conductor and Development of All-Solid Ceramic Battery (March 22, Press Release) - A Leading Candidate for High-Output, High-Capacity Next-Generation Electricity Storage Devices -
- International Advisory Committees (IAC 2016) (February 29 - March 1, J-PARC Research Building)
- Neutron Advisory Committee (NAC) (February 23-24, J-PARC Research Building)
- Accelerator Technical Advisory Committee (A-TAC) (February 25-27, J-PARC Research Building)
- 1st ANSTO-J-PARC International Research Collaboration Workshop (March 2-3, J-PARC Research Building)
- International Workshop on Physics at the Expanded Hadron Experimental Facility (March 5-6, KEK Tokai Building No. 1)
- FY 2015 Quantum Beam Science Festa (7th MLF Symposium) (March 15-16, Epochal Tsukuba)
- MOU Signing Ceremony on Establishing a J-PARC Branch Office (March 18, J-PARC)
- Science Cafe : "Does Ibaraki Prefecture Really Rank Lowest in of Attractiveness!? - The Appeal of Ibaraki, using Neutrons to Examine Everything from the Riddle of Life to Food Culture"(March 19, Tokai-Mura Industry and Information Plaza)

J-PARC News - February 2016 (Issue #130)
- Toward Development of Next-Generation All-Solid Lithium Ion Batteries (January 20, featured on J-PARC home page) - Elucidating the Movement of Lithium Ions in Battery Materials -
- Speech Commemorating Receipt of the 2016 Breakthrough Prize by Koichiro Nishikawa, Professor Emeritus of KEK (January 29, IQBRC)
- Symposium on the Master Plan for "Large Facility and Large-Scale Research Projects" in the Field of Particle and Atomic Physics (February 12, Auditorium, Science Council of Japan, Tokyo)
- J-PARC Muon Advisory Committee (MAC) (February 14-15, KEK Tokai Bldg. No. 1)
- Mercury Target Vessel International Review Committee (February 22, J-PARC Research Building)
- Second Meeting of FY2015 on Nuclear Power for Local Residents (February 9, J-PARC Research Building)
- SAT Technology Showcase 2016 Exhibited by J-PARC (February 4, Tsukuba)
- International Symposium on Present Status and Future Perspective for Reducing Radioactive Wastes (February 17, Seiryo-Kaikan, Tokyo)
- Eric D. Zimmerman Winner of Best Photo in J-PARC FY2015 Photo Contest (January 29, KEK Tokai Dormitory)
- Held Origami Class (January 29, KEK Tokai Dormitory)
J-PARC News - January 2016 (Issue #129)
- 3rd Accelerator Facility Safety Symposium (January 27-28, Advanced Science Research Center, Nuclear Science Research Institute of Japan Atomic Energy Agency )
- Held 21st J-PARC PAC (January 13-15, J-PARC Research Building)
- 15th Korea-Japan Meeting on Neutron Science (January 6-8, Busan, South Korea)
- MEXT Elements Strategy Initiative: Collaborative Symposium for Large Research Facilities (Second Symposium, January 21-22, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo)
- Facility Update
- First Meeting of FY2015 on Nuclear Power for Local Residents (January 19, J-PARC Research Building)
- Flower Arrangement Class on New Year's Decorations (December 18, Nuclear Science Research Institute)
- Held J-PARC "Hello Science" Event at Christmas Festival of Ibaraki Science Museum of Atomic Energy (December 23, Tokai Village)
- Held J-PARC "Hello Science" Event at Science Club of Muramatsu Elementary School, Tokai Village (January 20, Muramatsu Elementary School, Tokai Village)
Past J-PARC News in English
2016 2015 2014 2013 2012