==================================================================== J-PARC Project Newsletter No. 53, January 2014 Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex under operation jointly by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html ===================================================================== HEADLINES AND CONTENTS 1. [Overview] Q3 2013. 2. [Accelerator Division] LINAC STARTED BEAM COMMISSIONING WITH NEWLY INSTALLED ANNULAR-RING COUPLED STRUCTURE (ACS) SYSTEMS. 3. [Particle and Nuclear Physics Division] THE OBSERVATION OF THE GOLD TARGET. T2K STATUS: THE OBSERVATION OF ELECTRON NEUTRINO TRANSFORMATION, SUWA AWARD TO J-PARC NEUTRINO BEAM GROUP, MAINTENANCE WORK. CONSTRUCTION OF SUPER-CONDUCTING MAGNET SYSTEM FOR THE MU-E CONVERSION SEARCH EXPERIMENT IS AT THE STARTING POINT. PREPARATION OF A PRECISE MEASUREMENT OF MUON MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC DIPOLE MOMENTS IS IN PROGRESS. THE 17TH PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS EXPERIMENTS AT J-PARC WAS HELD. 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] PROTON BEAM WINDOW WAS REPLACED FOR THE FIRST TIME. COMPONENTS OF MERCURY CIRCULATION LOOP HAD BEEN REPLACED TO MITIGATE PITTING DAMAGE ON THE MERCURY TARGET MORE EFFECTIVELY. SIXTY-SEVEN GENERAL NEUTRON PROPOSALS FOR SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS WERE APPROVED FOR 2013B PERIOD. CONSTRUCTING A NEW SURFACE MUON BEAMLINE CALLED THE S-LINE, AS A DEDICATED BEAMLINE FOR THE MATERIAL SCIENCES. 5. [Exotic Nuclear Science Group] THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ORIGIN OF MATTER AND EVOLUTION OF GAXIES (OMEG12) WAS HELD. KEK ISOTOPE SEPARATION SYSTEM (KISS) GOES TO FIND RADIOACTIVITIES OF NEUTRON-RICH NUCLIDES PRODUCED VIA THE TRANSFER REACTIONS OF HEAVY REACTION SYSTEMS. 6. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] NATIONAL REVIEW: MOVE FORWARD TOWARD THE NEXT STAGE OF TEF R&D. 7. [Safety Division] THE 16TH & 17TH RADIATION SAFETY COMMITTEES OF J-PARC MET IN OCTOBER. APPLICATION FOR LICENSES OF THE OPERATION WAS GRANTED BY THE NUCLEAR REGULATION AUTHORITY (NRA). THE SAFETY INSPECTION OF NEW RFQ AT LINAC WERE SUCCESSFULLY,CONDUCTED BY THE NUCLEAR SAFETY TECHNOLOGY CENTER (NUSTEC). 8. [Editorial Note] --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. [Overview] by Yujiro IKEDA --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q3 2013 More than 7 months have passed since the radiation material leak accident at the Hadron Experimental Facility (hereafter the Hadron accident). This period was a very tough time for us. However, I think, we were just able to reach a key stage to resume the user operations at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (i.e., MLF). I would like to express my deepest appreciation to not only staff members of J-PARC but also everyone who supported our activities to enhance the safety in J-PARC. There will be several issues that we have to overcome, but a prospect for resuming operations becomes clear now. Here are milestones so far we had in the 2013 Q3 period. 1. The report on preventive measures against a reoccurrence of a similar accident was submitted to the minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on September 26, 2013. In this report we summarized all actions that we have taken and will take to recover the confidence from the society as well as science/user communities and to enhance the safety at J-PARC, along with JAEA and KEK. 2. On October 1, a reorganization of the J-PARC center, particularly from a safety point of view, was implemented. The reorganization includes creation of a new deputy director position to take full-time responsibility for all aspects of safety throughout J-PARC and establishment of two new sections (i.e., Neutrino and Hadron) under the Particle and Nuclear Physics Division. 3. On November 1, 2013, the revised "J-PARC radiation protection rules" have become effective. According to this revision reporting, procedures of emergency situations, and all operation manuals were also revised. 4. Ibaraki Prefecture organized an experts committee to assess preventive measures against a reoccurrence of a similar accident, which were developed by the J-PARC center. Based on the assessment, the committee concluded that our measures were appropriate and reported this conclusion to the governor of Ibaraki Prefecture at the end of December. Accordingly, the governor agreed with our plan to resume the user operations at MLF in February 2014. 5. Throughout the Q3 period, we tried our best to implement preventive measures in J-PARC that were developed based on integration of discussions at meetings of the task force team for renewing the J-PARC center. The PDCA(Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle was maintained efficiently, and ties among the team members was strengthened significantly. 6. Whereas our original plan for the Q3 was to upgrade the linac energy from 181 MeV to 400 MeV, we have completed installation of new ACS cavities as planned, which was essential for the power upgrade toward the J-PARC intensity goal of 1 MW. Furthermore we have started testing the performance of newly installed components using a proton beam since December 16, 2013. 7. Regarding the FY 2014 budget, we were unofficially notified that the total budget might be ‾96 Oku Yen, which corresponded to 8.5 cycles of MLF user operations and much less than 8 cycles for the MR operation that delivers beams to hadron and neutrino experiments. As this budget cut is very serious to allocate requested beam times, we will need a critical adjustment of the budget in order to maximize the beam time. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. [Accelerator Division] by Tadashi KOSEKI --------------------------------------------------------------------- LINAC STARTED BEAM COMMISSIONING WITH NEWLY INSTALLED ANNULAR-RING COUPLED STRUCTURE (ACS) SYSTEMS 1. Linac In order to achieve designed beam intensity of 1 MW at the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) and 0.75 MW at the Main Ring (MR), both an energy increase and an intensity upgrade of the linac are definitively required. During the shutdown period in 2013, a new accelerating structure system, the ACS linac was installed to increase the beam energy from 181 MeV to the full energy of 400 MeV. The ACS system has 21 accelerating modules, two bunchers and two debuncher modules. The resonant frequency of the ACS is 972 MHz, three times higher than that of the Separated-type Drift Tube Linac (SDTL) system. The two bunchers are installed in the section between the SDTL and the ACS linac for longitudinal matching. Two debunchers are installed in the Linac to 3 GeV Synchrotron Beam Transport (L3BT) section to decrease the energy spread of the beam to less than the energy acceptance of the RCS. The beam commissioning of the linac with the ACS system was started on December 16th, 2013. For the intensity upgrade, a cesium-seeded rf-driven negative hydrogen ion source and a Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) linac for the beam acceleration of designed peak current 50 mA are planned to be installed in the 2014 summer shutdown period. The beam test of the new ion source and RFQ is now in progress in a newly constructed test stand to confirm the stability through long-term continuous beam operation. 2. RCS Due to the Great East Japan Earthquake, a large displacement of the magnets, 10 mm peak-to-peak in maximum, increased beam loss in the collimator section and the 1st arc section of the RCS. In the 2013 shutdown period, re-alignment of all of the RCS magnets and the rf cavities was performed together with the magnets in the beam transport lines from the RCS to the neutron target (3NBT) and to the MR (3-50BT). All of the RCS magnets were re-aligned within error of +- 0.1 mm, which is the same level just after the initial installation. For the beam injection at 400 MeV, all of the power supply of the four shift-bump magnets was replaced with newly-manufactured one in the shutdown period. The new system has 16 capacitor banks in parallel and generates a trapezoidal current pattern. The maximum output current and output voltage are 32 kA and 14.4 kV, respectively, to obtain fast rise and fall time of 150 microseconds. The beam commissioning of the RCS for 400 MeV beam injection is planned to start on January 25, 2014. 3. MR The main subjects of the improvements performed in the shutdown period are an upgrade of ring collimator system and replacement of a part of the beam duct. Four additional collimator units and additional iron shield walls were manufactured and transported to the J-PARC site by the end of 2013. They will be installed in the downstream area of the beam injection section of the MR by the end of February 2014 to increase the beam loss capacity of the collimator system from the present value of 2 kW to 3.5 kW. A part of the quadrupole and sextupole beam ducts made of stainless steel were replaced with new ones, which were made of titanium, to reduce residual radiation dose for near future intensity upgrade. A total 105 ducts in the injection straight section, half of the upstream ones at the first arc section, and the horizontal dispersion peak positions of all the arc sections were replaced. 4. Cause of malfunction of Extraction Quadrupole (EQ) power supply and preventive measures The accident of the radioactive material leakage at the Hadron Experimental Facility (HD facility) was triggered by a malfunction of EQ magnets for the MR slow extraction system. As a result of the malfunction, 2e13 protons were extracted in a very short period of five milliseconds, whereas 3e13 protons should have been slowly extracted over two seconds in a normal operation. After the accident, the J-PARC center has investigated the cause of the malfunction of EQ magnets in cooperation with the manufacturer of the EQ power supply. As a result of the investigation, it was identified that a primary failure occurred in part of the data transmission system of the power supply, not correctly transferring the input current value as follows: The failure was resulted from voltage drop in a circuit board of the voltage power supply that supplies a fixed voltage of 5V to a circuit board of an interface that converts an external input signal. The EQ power supply had been operated without a failure since 2009. However, a circuit board of the relevant power supply was suffering aging degradation due to insufficient preventive measures against overheating in a three-terminal regulator and it led to the malfunction this time. To avoid having a recurrence of the aging degradation, we will change the configuration of the circuit board of the power supply. On the other hand, the most important point is to have sufficient measures against malfunction of the system. The EQ system will be improved as follows: 1) to stop the operation if anomalous current deviation is detected, 2) to shorten the time of shutdown when abnormality occurrence is detected, 3) to decrease the maximum setting of the current value of the power supply from 340 A to 120 A, which is sufficient for routine users operation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. [Particle and Nuclear Physics Division] by K. OZAWA, T. TSUKAMOTO, S. MIHARA, T. KOMATSUBARA --------------------------------------------------------------------- THE OBSERVATION OF THE GOLD TARGET (by K. OZAWA) The gold target at the Hadron Experimental Facility was observed using a fiberscope on December 12 and 13. The purpose of the observation was to see the present status of the target and know what really occurred during the accident. The fiberscope was inserted into the target chamber from the downstream side. The target itself was observed for the first time after the accident. We verified the damage of the target and the influence on it. Observed phenomena are consistent with our simulation results. We confirmed that an accidental injection of large amount of protons for a very short period (i.e. 5 micro sec.) raised the temperature of the gold target, and the temperature partially exceeded the melting and further vaporizing points. Then, the melted gold was pushed outward due to a rapid volume expansion from vaporization of the melted gold. After the observation, radiation shields around the target were set back to the normal position by the end of December 2013. Now, we proceed to work on countermeasures. Details and photographs of the target observation are found on the web page. (http://j-parc.jp/en/topics/HDAccident20131217.pdf) T2K STATUS: THE OBSERVATION OF ELECTRON NEUTRINO TRANSFORMATION, SUWA AWARD TO J-PARC NEUTRINO BEAM GROUP, MAINTENANCE WORK (by T. TSUKAMOTO) The T2K collaboration announced definitive observations of muon neutrino to electron neutrino transformation on July 19 at the 2013 European Physical Society conference on High Energy Physics in Stockholm, Sweden (http://eps-hep2013.eu/), as reported by J-PARC Project Newsletter Special Issue, July 2013. All collected data before the summer shutdown was analyzed after the summer conference. A total of 28 electron neutrino events were detected with an energy distribution consistent with an appearance signal, corresponding to a significance of 7.3 sigma when compared to 4.92+-0.55 expected background events. It gives constraints on parameters such as mixing angles, mass differences and CP phase. The result will be published in Physical Review Letters. (http://arxiv.org/abs/1311.4750) This T2K discovery was selected as one of the top 100 science stories of 2013. (http://j-parc.jp/en/topics/2013/top100-e.html) The 17th J-PARC PAC meeting was held in September 2013. (http://j-parc.jp/researcher/Hadron/en/PACmeeting_1309_e.html) T2K status and future plans were presented at the meeting (http://www.t2k.org/docs/pub/015) and the plan was strongly supported by the PAC as shown in the minutes. (http://j-parc.jp/researcher/Hadron/en/pac_1309/PAC17thMinutes_final_draft.pdf ) The J-PARC neutrino beam group received the 2013 Suwa award in recognition of their contribution to the development of High Energy Accelerator Science by realizing the world's highest intensity neutrino beam facility and the discovery of the "Electron Neutrino Appearance Phenomenon". Information about this award: http://www.heas.jp/award/jusyo.html (in Japanese) http://www.heas.jp/award/hosyo-seitei.html (in Japanese) http://j-parc.jp/en/topics/2013/SUWA_award131216.html (in English) There are many maintenance items of the neutrino beam line facility which were planned for the 2013 summer shutdown period. One big maintenance work is the replacement of magnetic horns in the target station (TS). Magnetic horns are operated with extremely high pulsed current and that results in shortening of the horn lifetime due to metal fatigue, and so they should be replaced with spares after a few years operation. Three magnetic horns are equipped in TS. One horn was replaced by the end of Dec. 2013 and the others will be replaced by Apr. 2014. CONSTRUCTION OF SUPER-CONDUCTING MAGNET SYSTEM FOR THE MU-E CONVERSION SEARCH EXPERIMENT IS AT THE STARTING POINT. PREPARATION OF A PRECISE MEASUREMENT OF MUON MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC DIPOLE MOMENTS IS IN PROGRESS (by S.MIHARA) Mu-e conversion is a process in which the charged lepton in the 2nd generation (muon) converts to the charged lepton in the 1st generation (electron) without emitting any neutral lepton (neutrino) under the field of nucleus. The lepton-flavor number conservation is violated in this process and thus it is strictly forbidden in the standard model (SM). The COherent Muon to Electron Transition (COMET) experiment aims at searching for this phenomenon with a target sensitivity of 10^{-14} in Phase I and 10^{-16} in Phase II by using the J-PARC high-power proton beam. In this experiment, a long chain of super-conducting solenoid magnets will be used to collect pions/muons and transport muons to the experimental area. Construction of system components was successfully started in 2013 and has continued in 2014. Detailed engineering design of detector components is also in progress; detector construction will be carried out in the framework of the international collaboration comprising of about 130 researchers from 12 countries. Preparation of the muon magnetic and electric dipole moments measurement is also in progress. Precise measurement of these properties of muons is considered to be an important clue to investigate the physics beyond the SM. Recently an innovative method to produce a muon beam with extremely small emittance, which is an important ingredient of these measurements, has been tested at TRIUMF. Further R&D using J-PARC muon beam is anticipated in 2014. COMET collaboration meeting was held in January 2014 at Kyushu University. Muon g-2/EDM collaboration had a collaboration meeting at KEK in December 2013. The COMET collaboration will have two international review panels in January 2014: one for physics detector and feasibility and the other for the magnet system. A joint workshop of the silicon detector application for muon physics will be held in France in February. THE 17TH PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING FOR NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS EXPERIMENTS AT J-PARC WAS HELD (by T. KOMATSUBARA) From September 25(Wed) to 27(Fri), 2013, the 17th J-PARC Program Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting was held at KEK Tsukuba Campus with the participation of 12 committee members (10 members from outside KEK, including six from abroad). The PAC is the committee to evaluate and assess joint-usage proposals for the experiments at the J-PARC Main Ring as well as important issues to advance the research program. The committee is chaired by Junji Haba, Professor of the KEK Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (IPNS). Following opening remarks by Masanori Yamauchi, Director of KEK-IPNS, there were reports: 1) the status and plan of the accelerator complex, 2) status of the experiments (the long-baseline neutrino experiment as well as, in the Hadron Experimental Facility, nuclear and hadron experiments at the K1.8 and K1.8BR beamlines and a kaon decay experiment at the KL beamline), and 3) progress in the R&D of experiments in preparation. Also one new proposal and two proposals under consideration by the PAC were presented this time. The committee commented on the reports and evaluated the proposals, and summarized the outputs as the meeting minutes. The draft, to be approved in the next PAC meeting from May 14 (Wed) to 16(Fri), 2014 is available on the web page. http://j-parc.jp/researcher/Hadron/en/PAC_for_NuclPart_e.html --> http://j-parc.jp/researcher/Hadron/en/PACmeeting_1309_e.html. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. [Materials and Life Science Division] by Masatoshi ARAI --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTON BEAM WINDOW WAS REPLACED FOR THE FIRST TIME COMPONENTS OF MERCURY CIRCULATION LOOP HAD BEEN REPLACED TO MITIGATE PITTING DAMAGE ON THE MERCURY TARGET MORE EFFECTIVELY 1) Neutron Source Various maintenances have been carried out during the long shut down period: In the 3-GeV proton beam transport line, two octupole magnets were newly installed to make the proton beam profile flatter so that it could suppress the pressure wave generated in the mercury target. All magnets and beam line components were realigned. The proton beam window was replaced with a new one using remote handling devices successfully for the first time. Installation of a gas-liquid separator, replacement of a helium gas supplying device and pressure gauges with a shielding box are underway at the mercury circulation system to improve flow rate of gas-micro bubbles for mitigating pitting damage on the mercury target vessel. A compact accumulator having a bellows structure with enough pressure tightness against the design pressure of 2 MPa was manufactured and installed into the cryogenic hydrogen loop. As for the spare components, fabrication of a coupled moderator and a reflector has been started. SIXTY-SEVEN GENERAL NEUTRON PROPOSALS FOR SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS WERE APPROVED FOR 2013B PERIOD. 2) Neutron Instruments and Science User operation for the 2013A period (the first half of FY2013) was stopped on May 23 due to the accident in the Hadron Experimental Facility. Then the general proposals for the next user operation period between February and March, 2014 (2013B) was called for seventeen instruments, and 247 proposals were submitted. Those proposals were reviewed by the Neutron Science Proposal Review Committee, and finally 67 general neutron proposals were approved by the MLF advisory board. Due to the short available beam time, total competition rate (requested/available beam time) is as high as 4.7 times. CONSTRUCTING A NEW SURFACE MUON BEAMLINE CALLED THE S-LINE, AS A DEDICATED BEAMLINE FOR THE MATERIAL SCIENCES 3) Muon Science Facility (MUSE) We are constructing a new surface muon beamline, called the S-Line, as a dedicated beamline for the material sciences. We are planning to construct eventually four experimental areas, S1, S2, S3, and S4 areas. We are funded for the construction of the beamline to the S1 area during this fiscal year. It consists of 1) a large acceptance quadrupole triplet magnet made of mineral insulation cables (MIC) as a front-end in the vicinity of the muon target, 2) four sets of normal quadrupole triplet magnets and three bending magnets, and 3) an electrical kicker system, associated with a 250 kV DC separator. Recently, we managed to complete installation of a four-story power-supply station, two users cabins, a dedicated cat-walk, and beamline shielding blocks. During the shut-down period until the middle of February 2014, we are planning to complete the installation of the key components of the S-Line for the beam commissioning in the next summer. ----------------------------------------------------------- 5. [Exotic Nuclear Science Group] by Hiroari MIYATAKE ----------------------------------------------------------- THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ORIGIN OF MATTER AND EVOLUTION OF GAXIES (OMEG12) WAS HELD (by H.MIYATAKE) OMEG12 was held on November 18-22, 2013 at the International Congress Center, EPOCAL TSUKUBA. A hundred sixteen participants (from 15 countries) primarily in the field of physics, astronomy, cosmochemistry, and geosciences got together to discuss the subjects of nuclear astrophysics and related fields. There were two special sessions relevant to the "nuclear physics in r-process" and "exotic nuclear matter in neutron stars". Each of experiments in the KEK RNB group and in the hadron group of J-PARC was presented in the session. The public session entitled "The Cosmos and Element Genesis" was also held during this meeting for both graduate and undergraduate students by inviting the distinguished researchers, Prof. Alessandro Melchiorri of the PLANCK collaboration and Prof. Grant J. Mathews of the Center for Astrophysics at Notre Dame University. OMEG12 was hosted by KEK and co-hosted by Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo (CNS), RIKEN Nishina Center (RNC), National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAO), Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University (RCNP), Tsukuba University, Tohoku University, Rare Isotope Science Project, Institute for Basic Science (RISP,IBS, Korea), and China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE, China). It was also supported by Grant-in-aid for scientific research on innovative areas, "Nuclear matter in neutron stars investigated by experiments and astronomical observations", and the Commemorative Organization for the Japan World Exposition ('70). The next meeting in 2015 will be held at CIAE, China. KEK ISOTOPE SEPARATION SYSTEM (KISS) GOES TO FIND RADIOACTIVITIES OF NEUTRON-RICH NUCLIDES PRODUCED VIA THE TRANSFER REACTIONS OF HEAVY REACTION SYSTEMS (by H.MIYATAKE) KISS is being constructed at RIKEN for measuring unknown neutron-rich heavy radioactive isotopes with nuclear astrophysical interest. This device consists of an argon gas-catcher cell, a laser system for resonant ionization, and an electromagnetic mass separator. Unknown radioactive isotopes produced by the transfer reaction stopped in the gas cell and are ionized by the laser. Then ions of specific elements are extracted and transported to the electromagnetic mass separator followed by the detection system. It has been developed from FY2011 and the performance has been investigated with iron and xenon beams from accelerators of the RIKEN Nishina center. After the beam test, reasonable extraction efficiency of the gas cell was established for ions of resonant laser ionization with good purity. As a next step, we will observe radioactivity as an overall performance test of the KISS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. [Nuclear Transmutation Section] by Toshinobu SASA --------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL REVIEW: MOVE FORWARD TOWARD THE NEXT STAGE OF TEF R&D Last summer a national review committee for partitioning and transmutation (P-T) studies using Accelerator-driven System (ADS) was launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan (MEXT). The committee aimed at reviewing the state-of-the-art P-T, feasibility of the construction of J-PARC Transmutation Experimental Facility (TEF), and cost and benefit of cooperation with the European MYRRHA project. Five meetings were held during August to October, 2013 and an interim report was issued on the website of MEXT in November, 2013. The committee summarized the review and decided on a roadmap to realize an ADS based P-T cycle. The committee agreed that the preparation of a facility should be required to handle a certain amount of minor actinides and the plan to establish facilities should be continued. As for the construction of J-PARC TEF, a step from current basic study stage to the next stage is noted as "suitable". It is also noted, a detailed technical review should be held before initiating construction. As for the participation in the MYRRHA project, it is proper to start negotiations with Belgium on comprehensive cooperation not only by JAEA but also by universities and commercial sectors. The committee continues the review work of P-T technology including the status of the TEF project and negotiations concerning the MYRRHA project. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. [Safety Division] by Tetsuro ISHII --------------------------------------------------------------------- THE 16TH & 17TH RADIATION SAFETY COMMITTEES OF J-PARC MET IN OCTOBER The 16th Radiation Safety Committee of J-PARC met on Oct. 3 and discussed the alterative application of J-PARC facilities. The main topics were the applications on the energy increase to 400 MeV at the LINAC facility and the new secondary beam lines of muon and BL06 in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF). The 17th Radiation Safety Committee of J-PARC met on Oct. 24 and discussed the revised regulations on prevention from radiation hazards, which reflects the reorganized structure of J-PARC Center and the revised Laws Concerning the Prevention from Radiation Hazards with activation products generated in accelerators. The revised regulations contain the following items: 1) the appointment of a new deputy director for the safety management, 2) clarification of roles and responsibilities of a division head or a section leader in emergency situations, 3) reorganization of committees for radiation safety review, 4) reinforcement of education and training, 5) definition of the procedure in abnormal condition, 6) clarification of criteria and procedures for report, and so on. APPLICATION FOR LICENSES OF THE OPERATION WAS GRANTED BY THE NUCLEAR REGULATION AUTHORITY (NRA) The application for licenses of the operation of the whole facility except the Hadron Experimental Facility was granted by NRA on Dec. 6. The main topics were the energy increase to 400 MeV at the LINAC facility and the new secondary beam lines of muon and BL06 in MLF. THE SAFETY INSPECTION OF NEW RFQ AT LINAC WERE SUCCESSFULLY,NDUCTED BY THE NUCLEAR SAFETY TECHNOLOGY CENTER (NUSTEC) The safety inspection was conducted by NUSTEC at the LINAC facility on Dec. 12. The inspection item was the installation of the test bench for the new Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) in the LINAC facility, which is designed to allow the higher current beam and will be replaced in the accelerator tunnel. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. [Editorial Note] --------------------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in the future, please send an email to news-l-ctl@ml.j-parc.jp and simply write one sentence in the body of the message as unsubscribe. If you wish to receive, write one sentence in the body of the message as subscribe. You can get a help with a sentence of "help" in the body. Information on the project can be also obtained at the web site: http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Editorial Board: Toshifumi TSUKAMOTO (Chair): toshifumi.tsukamoto@kek.jp Kaoru SHIBATA: shibata.kaoru@ jaea.go.jp Takashi ITO: itou.takashi@jaea.go.jp Dick MISCHKE (English Editor): mischke@triumf.ca Junko BEANBLOSSOM (Secretary): beanblossom.junko@jaea.go.jp ++++++++++++++++End of Letter++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++