Program Advisory Committee (PAC) for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments at the 50 GeV proton synchrotoron
regulations on the committee [pdf file in Japanese; a translation into English]
Committee members [pdf file in English | Japanese]
13th PAC meeting, Fri13 - Sun 15 January, 2012
- Proposals for the 13th PAC meeting
- documents submitted to PAC
- Conceptual Design Report for The Measurement of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment g − 2 and Electric Dipole Moment at J-PARC
- A Run Plan of J-PARC E05
- A Revised Run Plan of J-PARC E13 “Gamma-ray spectroscopy of light hypernuclei”
- Report on the Circumstances of E18 with regards to the Beamline and SPS spectrimeter: Coincidence Measurement of the Weak Decay of Λ12C and The Three-Body Weak Initeraction Process
- Addendum II to Proposal P36: Systematic Error Analysis of the Measurement of
Γ (K+ → e+ ν) / Γ (K+ → μ + ν)
- Internal Document
- Short-term RUN plan at K1.8 Beam Line
- E15 first-stage plan and the current status
- Status and plan of the J-PARC E16 experiment as of the end of 2011
- Status Report on P41
- Precision spectroscopy of Kaonic Helium 3 3d → 2p X-rays (E17) Status and run plans
- Progress Report of Experimental Search for Lepton Flavor Violating μ - → e- Conversion
at Sensitivity of 10-16 with a Slow-Extracted Bunched Proton Beam (COMET)