Regulations on Experimental Equipment Safety

It is indispensable to keep the facilities safe for users to conduct experiments without incident. Some instruments at MLF have potential risks. Those risks should be evaluated and counter-measures considered beforehand. To mitigate such risks, MLF has safety regulations for instruments, and these are also applicable to experimental equipment users bring in.

Equipment Safety - Regulations

High-Temperature Furnaces
Electrical safety

High-Temperature Furnaces

A furnace capable of generating temperatures of 100℃ and above.

1. Prior Test of Operation (Safety Inspection)

When users wish to use a high-temperature furnace for experiments at MLF, the safe operation of the furnace should be confirmed under the same condition and temperature that will be used in the experiments. It is preferable to conduct the prior test operation outside MLF. In the cases where testing need to be conducted inside MLF, it should be done outside of the beamline experimental areas, such as in the Sample Conditioning Area or Laboratories. The presence of three parties; equipment owner (in most cases PI), a member of the MLF Instrumental Safety Team and an instrument scientist, is required at the test.

2. Confirmation of Sample Soundness

When conducting high temperature experiments, researchers should be aware of the risks incurred by pressure increases in the sample container caused by the generation of gas from the sample or by the alteration of the chemical properties of the sample caused by the high temperatures, as well as the risks associated with the operation of the high-temperature furnace itself. When conducting a high temperature experiment at MLF, the PI should ensure the soundness of the sample at the intended measurement temperature and report it to Chemical Safety Team.

3. Monitoring

Generally, whenever a high-temperature furnace is in operation, the user and/or staff should be present at all times to monitor the equipment for abnormal behavior or faults; however, there are cases when such monitoring is not necessary. The necessity of constant monitoring is judged considering the risk assessment of the equipment, safety measures taken, and the past performance of the furnace at MLF.

Electrical safety

When conducting experiments at MLF, users should follow the MLF Electrical Safety Rules as well as J-PARC and JAEA Rules.

1. MLF Regulations

(1) Act concerning Construction etc. of Government and Other Public Office Facilities
(2) Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS)
(3) Japan Electrical Standards Committee Standard (JEC)
(4) Japan Electrical Manufacture (JEM)
(5) Japan Electrical Manufacture (JEM)
(6) Guide book of electrical equipment
(7) Extension regulations (JEAC8001)
(8) J-PARC Electrical Safety Rules & J-PARC bylaws
(9) Other related regulations /standards

The following related ordinances should also be observed.
・Electricity Business Act
・Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act
・Electrical Engineers Act
・Electric Construction Law
・JAEA Electrical Safety Rules

2. Specific rules to be aware of

・Bringing in electric equipment whose rated capacity is 7.5kW and over or whose rated current is 30A and over may require the submission of an additional application form. Contact the User Support System promptly after receiving the proposal approval notice.