J-PARC News - August 2017 (Issue #148)
- "CP (Charge-Parity) symmetry violation" of neutrinos; growing possibility (August 4th, press conference)
- A path for a solar cell design using a new semiconductor (August 10th, press conference)
- First in the world! Successfully obtaining highly accurate atomic images of materials for the first time, including a very small amount of light elements, using a white neutron beam. (August 19, press conference)
- 14th Annual Meeting of the Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (August 1 to 3, Hokkaido University)
- J-PARC open house 2017 (August 20, J-PARC)
- 7th J-PARC Hello Science "A story of a superconductivity: an advanced technology supporting stupendous scientific experiments" (July 28, Tokai-village Industry and Information Plaza "iVil")
- J-PARC Center outreach activities
- Summer break science lab "Nothing is there, but something is there! The science of vacuum" (July 31, August 9 and 28, Tokai-village Industry and Information Plaza "iVil")
- FY 2017 "Children's Tour Day in Kasumigaseki" (August 2 to 3, the former building of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT))
- "Let's make a kaleidoscope of light!" (August 5, Oarai Waku-Waku Science Museum)

J-PARC News - Jury 2017 (Issue #146)
- Electron: Rotation wobble will cause irregularity in the Orbital - Correlation between electron spin wobble and electron orbital was revealed- (June 19, press release)
- Mr. Ikuji Ikeda, president and CEO of Sumitomo Rubber Industries, LTD, visited J-PARC (June 12, J-PARC)
- Research Collaboration Meeting between SNS and J-PARC on spallation neutron source (June 6-9, J-PARC research building etc.)
- Success in its first acceptance of neutron beam by POLANO spectrometer (June 9, J-PARC)
- Inspection of the Hadron Experimental Facility was implemented (May 31, J-PARC)
- Ibaraki University "KEK Day - Tour of Quantum Beam Science by Most Advanced Accelerator - " (June 7, J-PARC)
- The 5th J-PARC Hello Science "Reduce Wastes from Nuclear Power Plant with the use of Accelerator - Partitioning and Transmutation Technology for Spent Nuclear Fuel- " (May 26, Tokai Industry and Information Plaza "iVill")
- J-PARC Hello Science Experimental Session at Nakamaru Elementary School (June 21, Tokai village)
- The 14th Muon g-2/EDM Collaboration Meeting (June 7-9, J-PARC Research building, etc.)

J-PARC News - April 2017 (Issue #144)
- Commendation for Science and Technology for the FY 2017 announced by the MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) : prize in Science and Technology - Advanced tire development completed by Sumitomo Rubber Industries, LTD., in liaison with the SPring-8 (Large-Scale Synchrotron Radiation Facility), J-PARC, and K Computer (supercomputer) facilities -
- The 49th Atomic Energy Society of Japan Award winner was announced (March 28th, Tokai University Shonan campus). - Paper on the development of a bubble generator for the reduction of pressure waves at the mercury target -
- Hiraishi and Okabe awarded the Encouragement Prizes of FY 2017 by the Society of Muon and Meson Science of Japan (March 19, Japanese Society for Neutron Science).
- Development of an analysis method for crystal structures of new materials, using mathematical graph analysis (April 20th, press conference)
- T2K to finish experiment Run8, achieving a total proton irradiation of 2.25 × 1021.
- The 22nd International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources "ICANS XXII" (March 27-31, Oxford, United Kingdom)
- J-PARC Workshop : "Neutron Biology for Next Generation" (March 22, IQBRC)
- The 58th Science and Technology Week with "Beauty" of science and technology panel exhibition (April 17-28, Tokyo)
- J-PARC "Hello Science" in Nishitokyo City (March 29, Nishitokyo City)

J-PARC News - February 2017 (Issue #142)
- 4th Accelerator Facility Safety Symposium (January 26-27, Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center (IQBRC))
- Study Meeting on Diagnosis Systems for Trouble and Presage (January 25, J-PARC)
- The 19th CROSSroads Workshop Series - Neutrons and Muons for Interface Investigation- (February 13, IQBRC)
- Held 23rd J-PARC PAC (January 11-13, J-PARC)
- Exhibited Booth at American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (February 16-20, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.)
- Held Flower Arrangement Class (January 23, Advanced Science Research Center, Nuclear Science Research Institute)
- Workshop for Making Keychains with Chirimen Cloth (February 10, KEK Tokai Dormitory)
- J-PARC Visit by Minerva 21 (February 21)
- Facility Situation
Past J-PARC News in English
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012