6. High-Output Light Sources

Users should confirm the classification of the laser to be used. The classifications listed below are JIS standard laser classifications.

6.1 lasers

6.1.1 Class 3B, 4

Safety Review by the J-PARC Laser Safety Committee is required. As it takes time to review, it is advisable to consult with the instrument scientist before the proposal submission. If this is not possible, you should contact the instrument scientist through the Users Office promptly after approval of your proposal.

6.1.2 Class 3R, 3B and 4

After receiving a proposal approval notice, please submit the “List of experimental equipment to be carried into MLF” with details of the lasers to be used as soon as possible.

User Support system:https://jrs.j-parc.jp/usjparc/ui/

Before installing the laser at the beam line, submittal of a “Laser Installation Declaration” to the J-PARC Laser Safety Committee is required, and will be handled by the instrument scientist.

6.1.3 Class 1, 1M, 2, 2M

After receiving a proposal approval notice, please submit “List of experimental equipment to be carried into MLF” with the details of the lasers to be used.

User Support system:https://jrs.j-parc.jp/usjparc/ui/

For these classes, there is no obligation to submit the “Laser Installation Declaration” or to undertake the Safety Review described above.

6.2 Other High-Output Light Sources (Xenon Light Source, Mercury Vapor Lamp Source)

The following items will be checked in the Safety Review:
-Operational procedure should include measures for avoiding damage to eyesight.
-When generation of Ozone by ultraviolet radiation is anticipated, a ventilation system must be used.
-When there is a possibility of ignition due to heat generation, proper counter-measures should be taken.
-When the light source is used as a heater, it is screened as a high-temp furnace.
-Soundness of the grounding and cables should fulfill the requirements for electrical equipment.