
Construction photos in Jan.-Mar. 2008

Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility
(Entrance side)
(February 4, 2008)
Monuments of JSNS in front of MLF entrance
(February 4, 2008)
Super High Resolution Powder Diffractometer (BL8,~100m length)
(January 16, 2008)
Mock up test of exchange proton-beam window for MLF
(January 18, 2008)
Mock up test of exchange proton-beam window for MLF
(January 18, 2008)
Remote operational test of mercury target for MLF
(January 24, 2008)
MLF Experimental Hall #2
(February 4, 2008)
IBARAKI materials design diffractometer of BL20 for MLF
(February 4, 2008)
Guidetube of Neutron beam for BL20
(January 16, 2008)
Proton beam transport line (3-50BT)
(February 5, 2008)
Injection section of 50GeV
(February 5, 2008)
Installation of septum magnet for Injection section of 50GeV
(February 5, 2008)
Kicker magnet for injection section of 50GeV
(February 5, 2008)
Beam collimator for injection section of 50GeV
(February 5, 2008)
Dump Kicker magnet for injection section of 50GeV
(February 5, 2008)
Straight section of 50GeV near Slow Extraction scheme
(February 5, 2008)
Muon beam line of MLF Experimental Hall #2
(January 24, 2008)
Muon Science Experimental Facility without concrete shield
(January 18, 2008)
Mock up test of remote operational for muon target
(January 18, 2008)
Muon Science Experimental Facility for MLF
(January 18, 2008)
Muon target
(January 18, 2008)
Setting of Concrete shield for Muon Science Experimental Facility
(February 1, 2008)
Neutron-nucleus reaction instrument of BL04 for MLF
(February 1, 2008)
Neutrino Target station Building
(February 4, 2008)
Arc-section for the tunnel of Neutrino Facility
(February 5, 2008)
Decay volume for Neutrino Facility
(February 4, 2008)
The downstream of Decay volume for Neutrino Facility
(January 31, 2008)
Assembled hadron absorber core module #1 for the neutrino facility
(January 28, 2008)
Neutrino Monitor (NM) pit
(February 1, 2008)
Neutrino Monitor pit
(~20m inside dia. and ~37m deep)
(February 1, 2008)
Floor construction for Neutrino Monitor pit
(February 1, 2008)
Hadron Experimental Hall
(Beam line)
(January 31, 2008)
Primary beam line
(February 1, 2008)
Hadron Experimental Hall
(North floor)
(February 1, 2008)
Transported concrete shielding blocks from KEK-PS
(January 10, 2008)
Clearance iron blocks imported from U.S.A
(February 1, 2008)
Hadron Experimental Hall
(Beam line)
(January 31, 2008)
Neutrino Facility
Neutrino Monitor pit
(February 1, 2008)
Central vacuum box
(Popular name: Pentagon)
(March 7, 2008)
Neutrino Facility
Installation of Decay pipe
(March 7, 2008)
MLF Experimental Hall #1
(March 8, 2008)
Neutrino Monitor pit
(March 11, 2008)