Hadron Experimental Hall (South floor) KL Experimental aria (July 1st, 2009) |
Hadron Experimental Hall (North floor) K1.8 Experimental aria (July 1st, 2009) |
Assembly work of Vertical INGRID Detector (J-PARC Linac Building) (July 1st, 2009) |
TPC(Time Projection Chamber) Assembly Hall for Neutrino Experimental Facility (July 14, 2009) |
Hadron Experimental Hall (South Side) (July 14, 2009) |
Hadron Experimental Facility (July 14, 2009) |
Experimental Hall #1 for MLF (July 16, 2009) |
Experimental Hall #1 for MLF (July 16, 2009) |
Neutrino Monitor Pit (Service Stage) Horizontal INGRID detector (July 21, 2009) |
Neutrino Monitor Pit (Service Stage) Horizontal INGRID detector (July 21, 2009) |
Arc-part tunnel for Neutrino Experimental Facility Superconducting electromagnet (August 1st, 2009) |
Magnet for Final forcus part of proton Beam (August 1st, 2009) |
Vacuume chamber for High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer (BL12) (Hitachinaka Port) (August 4, 2009) |
Vacuume chamber for High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer(BL12) (August 4, 2009) |
TPC(Time Projection Chamber) Assembly hall for Neutrino Experiment Facility (August 4, 2009) |
Neutrino Monitor Pit (B2) Vertical INGRID Detector Unit#1 (August 4, 2009) |
UA1 Electricmagnet (August 4, 2009) |
Vacuume chamber for High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer(BL12) (August 5, 2009) |
Instration for Vacuume chamber for High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer(BL12) (August 5, 2009) |
Instrasion for 3rd Electromagnetic Horn (August 6, 2009) |
Instrasion for 3rd Electromagnetic Horn (August 6, 2009) |
Instrated 3rd Electromagnetic Horn (August 6, 2009) |
Vertical INGRID detector (Service Stage) (August 18, 2009) |
FGD(Fine-Grained Detector) Assembly holl for Neutrino Experimental Facility (August 18, 2009) |
Hadron Experimental Facility KL Experimental aria (August 18, 2009) |
Experimental Hall #1 for MLF (August 18, 2009) |
Experimental Hall #2 for MLF Engineering Materials Diffractometer(BL19) (August 18, 2009) |
Ionization chamber of Muon-monitor for Neutrino Beam Line (August 21, 2009) |
Silicon PIN photodiode of Muon-monitor for Neutrino Beam Line (August 21, 2009) |
Hadron Experimental Facility Superconducting electromagnet for K1.8 (August 24, 2009) |
Neutrino Monitor Pit UA�P magnet & Vertical INGRID detector (August 24, 2009) |