
Construction photos in Jul.-Aug. 2009

Hadron Experimental Hall
(South floor) KL Experimental aria
(July 1st, 2009)
Hadron Experimental Hall
(North floor) K1.8 Experimental aria
(July 1st, 2009)
Assembly work of Vertical
INGRID Detector
(J-PARC Linac Building)
(July 1st, 2009)
TPC(Time Projection Chamber)
Assembly Hall for Neutrino Experimental Facility
(July 14, 2009)
Hadron Experimental Hall
(South Side)
(July 14, 2009)
Hadron Experimental Facility
(July 14, 2009)
Experimental Hall #1 for MLF
(July 16, 2009)
Experimental Hall #1 for MLF
(July 16, 2009)
Neutrino Monitor Pit (Service Stage)
Horizontal INGRID detector
(July 21, 2009)
Neutrino Monitor Pit (Service Stage)
Horizontal INGRID detector
(July 21, 2009)
Arc-part tunnel for Neutrino Experimental Facility
Superconducting electromagnet
(August 1st, 2009)
Magnet for Final forcus part of proton Beam
(August 1st, 2009)
Vacuume chamber for High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer
(BL12) (Hitachinaka Port)
(August 4, 2009)
Vacuume chamber for High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer(BL12)
(August 4, 2009)
TPC(Time Projection Chamber)
Assembly hall for Neutrino Experiment Facility
(August 4, 2009)
Neutrino Monitor Pit (B2)
Vertical INGRID Detector Unit#1
(August 4, 2009)
UA1 Electricmagnet
(August 4, 2009)
Vacuume chamber for High Resolution Chopper
(August 5, 2009)
Instration for Vacuume chamber for High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer(BL12)
(August 5, 2009)
Instrasion for 3rd Electromagnetic Horn
(August 6, 2009)
Instrasion for 3rd Electromagnetic Horn
(August 6, 2009)
Instrated 3rd Electromagnetic Horn
(August 6, 2009)
Vertical INGRID detector
(Service Stage)
(August 18, 2009)
FGD(Fine-Grained Detector)
Assembly holl for Neutrino Experimental Facility
(August 18, 2009)
Hadron Experimental Facility
KL Experimental aria
(August 18, 2009)
Experimental Hall #1 for MLF
(August 18, 2009)
Experimental Hall #2 for MLF
Engineering Materials Diffractometer(BL19)
(August 18, 2009)
Ionization chamber of
Muon-monitor for Neutrino
Beam Line
(August 21, 2009)
Silicon PIN photodiode of
Muon-monitor for Neutrino
Beam Line
(August 21, 2009)
Hadron Experimental Facility
Superconducting electromagnet
for K1.8
(August 24, 2009)
Neutrino Monitor Pit
UA�P magnet & Vertical
INGRID detector
(August 24, 2009)