The 6th AONSA Neutron School is cancelled.

All of the activities of the 6th AONSA Neutron School have been CANCELLED because of J-PARC radiation contamination accident occurred 23 May, 2013. We sincerely apologize for your inconvenience.

Please see Announcemet from AONSA School Office for details about reimbursement.

News & Updates

Announcemet from AONSA School Office
Please Cancel your Air Tickets, and send AONSA School office the following evidence by 4 June, 2013
- Receipt of cancellation charge, or
- Voucher or E-ticket receipt if the tickets were non-refundable
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Cancellation of AOSNA Neutron School

28 May 2013

Dear AONSA Neutron School Registrants and Lecturers,

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, I would like to thank you all for your interest and agreement to participate in the 6th AONSA Neutron School.

It is with regret that I am writing to inform you that due to unfortunate circumstances beyond our control, we have been forced to cancel the School and all activities associated with it.

On 23 May, 2013, a radioactive contamination accident occurred at the Hadron Experimental Facility of J-PARC. The Hadron Experimental Facility is located very near to and shares accelerator capabilities with J-PARC MLF – the planned venue for the 6th AONSA Neutron School.

As a result, all the accelerators and experimental facilities at J-PARC have been shut down until further notice. J-PARC is currently working closely with other JAEA and KEK staff and stakeholder organizations to determine the cause or causes of this accident. Please refer to the message from the Director of J-PARC Center at

It is unclear at this time when operations at J-PARC will resume.

In addition to the severe limitations imposed by the facility shutdown, the staff of the MLF are now engaged in investigating the circumstances surrounding the accident and responding to the consequences. We have concluded that for these reasons, it would be impossible to hold the School as scheduled.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, disruption and disappointment that this decision will cause. Please note that we will make every effort to reimburse your expenses and hope to be able to hold a School in the future.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Dr. Kenji Nakajima

Thank-you for your understanding.

Best regards,

Mitsuhiro Shibayama
6th AONSA Neutron School

Announcemet from AONSA School Office

Dear AONSA Neutron School Registrants,

Please Cancel your Air Tickets, and send AONSA School office the following evidence by 4 June, 2013.
- Receipt of cancellation charge, or
- Voucher or E-ticket receipt if the tickets were non-refundable

Please note that it'll be considered as follows if we have not heard from you by 4th of June;
- No tickets have been purchased or
- Flight cancellations have been accepted without any charges, and
- You don't require us any reimbursement for your flights
If there are any problems, please let us know by that date.

Reimbursement will automatically apply to your registration fee.

Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.

Kenji Nakajima
Secretary of AONSA School 2013

The 6th AONSA School is sponsored by:

Asia-Oceania Neutron Scattering Association (AONSA)
The Japanese Society for Neutron Science (JSNS)
The Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (J-PARC MLF)
Comprehensive Research Organisation for Science and Society (CROSS)
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
The University of Tokyo, The Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP)
Ibaraki Prefecture
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

and supported by:
Tokai Village

AONSA JSNS J-PARC MLF CROSS tokai JAEA KEK ISSP Ibaraki prefecture Tokai village IAEA