Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (Entrance side) (February 4, 2008) |
Monuments of JSNS in front of MLF entrance (February 4, 2008) |
Super High Resolution Powder Diffractometer (BL8,~100m length) (January 16, 2008) |
Mock up test of exchange proton-beam window for MLF (January 18, 2008) |
Mock up test of exchange proton-beam window for MLF (January 18, 2008) |
Remote operational test of mercury target for MLF (January 24, 2008) |
MLF Experimental Hall #2 (February 4, 2008) |
IBARAKI materials design diffractometer of BL20 for MLF (February 4, 2008) |
Guidetube of Neutron beam for BL20 (January 16, 2008) |
Proton beam transport line (3-50BT) (February 5, 2008) |
Injection section of 50GeV (February 5, 2008) |
Installation of septum magnet for Injection section of 50GeV (February 5, 2008) |
Kicker magnet for injection section of 50GeV (February 5, 2008) |
Beam collimator for injection section of 50GeV (February 5, 2008) |
Dump Kicker magnet for injection section of 50GeV (February 5, 2008) |
Straight section of 50GeV near Slow Extraction scheme (February 5, 2008) |
Muon beam line of MLF Experimental Hall #2 (January 24, 2008) |
Muon Science Experimental Facility without concrete shield (January 18, 2008) |
Mock up test of remote operational for muon target (January 18, 2008) |
Muon Science Experimental Facility for MLF (January 18, 2008) |
Muon target (January 18, 2008) |
Setting of Concrete shield for Muon Science Experimental Facility (February 1, 2008) |
Neutron-nucleus reaction instrument of BL04 for MLF (February 1, 2008) |
Neutrino Target station Building (February 4, 2008) |
Arc-section for the tunnel of Neutrino Facility (February 5, 2008) |
Decay volume for Neutrino Facility (February 4, 2008) |
The downstream of Decay volume for Neutrino Facility (January 31, 2008) |
Assembled hadron absorber core module #1 for the neutrino facility (January 28, 2008) |
Neutrino Monitor (NM) pit (February 1, 2008) |
Neutrino Monitor pit (~20m inside dia. and ~37m deep) (February 1, 2008) |
Floor construction for Neutrino Monitor pit (February 1, 2008) |
Hadron Experimental Hall (Beam line) (January 31, 2008) |
Primary beam line (magnets,chimney,etc.) (February 1, 2008) |
Hadron Experimental Hall (North floor) (February 1, 2008) |
Transported concrete shielding blocks from KEK-PS (January 10, 2008) |
Clearance iron blocks imported from U.S.A (February 1, 2008) |
Hadron Experimental Hall (Beam line) (January 31, 2008) |
Neutrino Facility Neutrino Monitor pit (February 1, 2008) |
Central vacuum box (Popular name: Pentagon) (March 7, 2008) |
Neutrino Facility Installation of Decay pipe (March 7, 2008) |
MLF Experimental Hall #1 (March 8, 2008) |
Neutrino Monitor pit (March 11, 2008) |