
Construction photos in Apr.-Oct. 2008

Hadron Experimental Hall
(Central vacuum box)
(April 11, 2008)
Injection section of 50GeV
(April 16, 2008)
MLF Experimental Hall #2
(April 20, 2008)
Neutrino Monitor pit
Assembly work of the T2K-ND280 magnet york
(May 2, 2008)
Neutrino Experimental Facility
Downstream Decay Volume (DV)
(May 27, 2008)
Hadron Experimental Facility
Guard Hut
(May 27, 2008)
MLF Setting of electromagnets for Muon 2nd beam-line
(May 27, 2008)
Hitachinaka Port
(May 28, 2008)
Sean for land goods from a ship
(Hitachinaka Port)
(May 28, 2008)
MLF Experimental Hall #1
(May 30, 2008)
MLF Experimental Hall #2
(May 30, 2008)
Setting of detector for neutron spectram measurement MLF BL-03
(May 31, 2008)
Transportation of T2K-ND280 magnet coil (Hitachinaka Port)
(June 2, 2008)
T2K-ND280 magnet coil from CERN
(Neutrino Monitor Pit)
(June 3, 2008)
Neutrino Experimental Facility
Target Station Building
(June 4, 2008)
Neutrino Experimental Facility
Target Station Building
(June 4, 2008)
Neutrino Experimental Facility
Downstream Decay Volume (DV)
(June 4, 2008)
Neutrino Experimental Facility
T2K-ND280 magnet coil
(June 5, 2008)
Neutrino Experimental Facility
T2K-ND280 magnet yoke Installed in neutrino monitor pit
(June 5, 2008)
Neutrino Monitor pit Assembly work of the T2K-ND280 magnet york
(June 6, 2008)
Superconducting electromagnet
(June 11, 2008)
Hadron Experimental Hall
(June 11, 2008)
Five kicker magnets for fast extraction
(September 22, 2008)
1st Horn carried nutrino target station building
(September 22, 2008)
Building a hadron absorber core
(September 30, 2008)
Vacuume chamber for cold neutron chopper instrument(BL14)
(September 30, 2008)
Opposite field septum magnete for fast extraction section of 50GeV
(Octorber 16, 2008)
Hadron absorber
(Beam dump)
(Octorber 18, 2008)
Electric septum for slow extraction section of 50GeV
(Octorber 22, 2008)