Hadron Experimental Hall (Central vacuum box) (April 11, 2008) |
Injection section of 50GeV (April 16, 2008) |
MLF Experimental Hall #2 (J-PARC Ture for JAEA OPEN HOUSE) (April 20, 2008) |
Neutrino Monitor pit Assembly work of the T2K-ND280 magnet york (May 2, 2008) |
Neutrino Experimental Facility Downstream Decay Volume (DV) (May 27, 2008) |
Hadron Experimental Facility Guard Hut (May 27, 2008) |
MLF Setting of electromagnets for Muon 2nd beam-line (May 27, 2008) |
Hitachinaka Port (May 28, 2008) |
Sean for land goods from a ship (Hitachinaka Port) (May 28, 2008) |
MLF Experimental Hall #1 (May 30, 2008) |
MLF Experimental Hall #2 (May 30, 2008) |
Setting of detector for neutron spectram measurement MLF BL-03 (May 31, 2008) |
Transportation of T2K-ND280 magnet coil (Hitachinaka Port) (June 2, 2008) |
T2K-ND280 magnet coil from CERN (Neutrino Monitor Pit) (June 3, 2008) |
Neutrino Experimental Facility Target Station Building (June 4, 2008) |
Neutrino Experimental Facility Target Station Building (June 4, 2008) |
Neutrino Experimental Facility Downstream Decay Volume (DV) (June 4, 2008) |
Neutrino Experimental Facility T2K-ND280 magnet coil (June 5, 2008) |
Neutrino Experimental Facility T2K-ND280 magnet yoke Installed in neutrino monitor pit (June 5, 2008) |
Neutrino Monitor pit Assembly work of the T2K-ND280 magnet york (June 6, 2008) |
Superconducting electromagnet (Neutrino) (June 11, 2008) |
Hadron Experimental Hall (June 11, 2008) |
Five kicker magnets for fast extraction (September 22, 2008) |
1st Horn carried nutrino target station building (September 22, 2008) |
Building a hadron absorber core (September 30, 2008) |
Vacuume chamber for cold neutron chopper instrument(BL14) (September 30, 2008) |
Opposite field septum magnete for fast extraction section of 50GeV (Octorber 16, 2008) |
Hadron absorber (Beam dump) (Octorber 18, 2008) |
Electric septum for slow extraction section of 50GeV (Octorber 22, 2008) |