
Contact E-mail: j-parc2014@j-parc.jp

Registration & Abstract

Registration Fees for the Symposium from July 12 to 15

  Early Bird Late and On-site Banquet
Professional ¥20,000 ¥30,000 ¥7,000
Student ¥15,000 ¥20,000 ¥5,000

Registration Fees, listed in YEN (JPY), include

Registration Fees for the Satellite Workshop on July 16

Workshop Get-together party
free ¥10,000

Online Registration (Closed)

Abstract (Closed)

Publication of Proceedings

All presenters are invited to submit each of their papers to “Proceedings of the J-PARC Symposium 2014 (a tentative title)” as a volume of JPS Conference Proceedings, an open access journal of the Physical Society of Japan. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed.

Submission deadline

October 13, 2014 September 15, 2014

Expected publication date

April 2015

Manuscript preparation

Please follow the instruction on the journal web site. Authors must prepare their manuscripts using the LaTeX or Word template which can be downloaded from the web site, and then convert these to PDF format for submission. Since the PDF files generated from final versions of files submitted by the authors will be published without reediting, please make sure to use the specified templates.

Page limits

12 pages for plenary speakers
8 pages for invited speakers
6 pages for general contributors of both oral and poster presentations

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts must be submitted via the web site
Please go through the following steps :

  1. Access the web site.
  2. Click “register here” to create your account.
  3. Log in with your registered e-mail address and password.
  4. Press “Submit a New Paper” button to move to your submission page.
  5. Input the required information and upload your manuscript in PDF format.
    Note that the program numbers are numbers like AL-xx-PM1-x (oral presentations) or P-xxxx (poster presentations).
  6. After confirming your input, submit!

Presentation Guidelines

Please prepare all presentation materials in English.

Oral Presentations:

A 15 min presentation includes 3 min discussion. Except this, the discussion time is uniformly 5 min.

We also set up a laptop computer with 'Windows 7" ("Mac" is also available by an advanced request.) at each conference hall/room for oral presentations. If you plan to use our laptop or your own laptop for your presentation, please make sure whether your presentation file works prior to your session with using a necessary device at each hall/room.

We strongly suggest you to bring an adapter for a projector with you when you plan to use your own laptop.

Poster Presentations:

A suggested poster size is 80-85 cm (W) x 120-150 cm (H) whereas a panel size is 90 cm (W) x 210 (H) including metal frame. Pins or tapes to display a poster will be provided at a venue.