
Contact E-mail: j-parc2014@j-parc.jp


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Oral Presentations

"*" mark indicates invited talk.

Sunday 13 July 2014

 Opening Session - Main Convention Hall (9:30-10:30)
 Chair: SUMIYOSHI, Takayuki
  9:30Opening Remarks (20) IKEDA, Yujiro (J-PARC)
  9:50Addresses from Guests (40)  
 Plenary Session I: Science Overview (PL1-13-AM2) - Main Convention Hall (10:45-12:15)
 Chair: SAITO, Naohito
  10:45Particle and Nuclear physics* (45) MURAYAMA, Hitoshi (Kavli IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo / UC Berkeley)
  11:30Spin Current in Spintronics* (45) MAEKAWA, Sadamichi (JAEA)
 Accelerator : Linac (AL-13-PM1) - Conference Room 101 (14:00-15:30)
 Chair: NAITO, Fujio
  14:00High-power proton linear accelerator technology at CERN* (25) GERIGK, Frank (CERN)
  14:25Heavy Ion Linacs for Synchrotron Injectors* (25) DROBA, Martin (Goethe Univ.)
  14:50One-Year Operation of KOMAC Proton Linac (20) KIM, Hansung (KAERI / KOMAC)
  15:10Upgrade and Operation of J-PARC Linac (20) HASEGAWA, Kazuo (J-PARC/JAEA)
 MLF: MLF Session 1 (MJ-13-PM1) - Main Convention Hall (14:00-15:30)
 Chair: KANAYA, Toshiji
  14:00Current Status of J-PARC MLF* (40) ARAI, Masatoshi (J-PARC Center)
  14:40Frontier of Materials, Life and Particle Science Explored by Ultra Slow Muon Microscope* (25) TORIKAI, Eiko (Univ. of Yamanashi)
  15:10Australia-Japan Collaboration in Neutron Scattering: Past, Present and Future* (25) ROBINSON, Robert A. (ANSTO)
 Particle and Nuclear Physics: Joint 1-Physics at J-PARC (PJ-13-PM1) - Convention Hall 200 (14:00-15:30)
 Chair: KOMATSUBARA, Takeshi
  14:00Strangeness Nuclear Physics at J-PARC* (15) TANIDA, Kiyoshi (Seoul National Univ.)
  14:15Hadron Physics at J-PARC* (15) OHNISHI, Hiroaki (RIKEN / Osaka Univ.)
  14:30Neutrino Experiments at J-PARC* (15) FRIEND, Megan (KEK)
  14:45Kaon Decay Experiments at J-PARC* (15) NANJO, Hajime (Kyoto Univ.)
  15:00Muon Physics at J-PARC* (15) NATORI, Hiroaki (KEK)
  15:15Fundamental Physics with Cold Neutrons at J-PARC* (15) KITAGUCHI, Masaaki (Nagoya Univ.)
 Accelerator: Synchrotron (AS-13-PM2) - Conference Room 101 (16:00-17:30)
 Chair: KINSHO, Michikazu
  16:00KEK Digital Accelerator and its Brother* (25) TAKAYAMA, Ken (KEK / Tokyo Tech)
  16:25Status of CSNS Project* (25) ZHANG, Jing (IHEP)
  16:50Beam commissioning results of the J-PARC 3-GeV RCS injection for the upgraded 400 MeV beam (20) SAHA, Pranab Kumar (J-PARC Center)
  17:10High Temperature muSR Experiments for Accelerator Developments (20) OHMORI, Chihiro (J-PARC Center / KEK)
 MLF: MLF Session 2 (MJ-13-PM2) - Main Convention Hall (16:00-17:40)
 Chair: FUJII, Yasuhiko
  16:00High Resolution Spectroscopy, Quasiparticle Lifetimes, and Thermal Properties of Materials* (25) TENNANT, Alan (ORNL)
  16:25Bipartite Magnetic Parent Phases in the Iron Oxypnictide Superconductor* (25) KOJIMA , Kenji M. (J-PARC Center / KEK)
  16:50Recent Progress in Soft Interface Characterization by Quantum Beam and What We Expect for J-PARC* (25) TAKAHARA, Atsushi (Kyushu Univ.)
  17:15Protein Dynamics and Structure Studied by Neutron Scattering * (25) KATAOKA, Mikio (NAIST)
 Particle and Nuclear Physics: Strangeness & Hadron-1 (PHS-13-PM2) - Conference Room 102 (16:00-17:30)
 Chair: NOUMI, Hiroyuki
  16:00Recent experimental study of Λ hypernulei with electron beams* (30) NAKAMURA, Satoshi N. (Tohoku Univ.)
  16:30J-PARC E19 experiment: Pentaquark Theta+ search in hadronic reaction at J-PARC (15) TAKAHASHI, Tomonori (Osaka Univ.)
  16:45Search for 6ΛH hypernucleus by the (π-, K, K+) reaction at pπ=1.2GeV/c (15) SUGIMURA, Hitoshi (JAEA)
  17:00J-PARC E27 experiment to search for a K-pp bound state (15) ICHIKAWA, Yudai (Kyoto Univ.)
  17:15Experimental search for K-pp deeply bound state via in-flight 3He(K-, n) reaction in K1.8BR (15) KAWASAKI, Shingo (Osaka Univ.)
 Particle and Nuclear Physics: Kaon & Muon_Muon-1 (PM-13-PM2) - Conference Room 406 (16:00-17:30)
 Chair: FUKAO, Yoshinori
  16:00Physics with Muon ~ Theoretical Aspects* (30) SATO, Joe (Saitama Univ.)
  16:30The Muon-to-Electron Conversion Search Experiment (COMET) at the J-PARC (20) SAKAMOTO, Hideyuki (Osaka Univ.)
  16:50The Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab (20) BERNSTEIN, Robert (Fermilab)
  17:10Search for Muon-Electron Conversion in Nuclear Field by using High-Purity High-Power Pulsed Proton Beam from J-PARC RCS (20) AOKI, Masaharu (Osaka Univ.)
 Particle and Nuclear Physics: Neutrino-1 (PN-13-PM2) - Convention Hall 200 (16:00-17:30)
 Chair: ICHIKAWA, Atsuko
  16:00Origins of tiny neutrino mass & large flavor mixings* (35) HABA, Naoyuki (Shimane Univ.)
  16:35Beam and Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillation Measurements and Prospects with MINOS, NOvA and Super-K* (25) COAN, Thomas E. (Southern Methodist Univ.)
  17:00Review of reactor neutrino Experiments* (25) KIM, Soo-Bong (Seoul Naional Univ.)
 Particle and Nuclear Physics: Neutron-nEDM (PFN-13-PM2) - Conference Room 303 (16:00-17:30)
 Chair: KIRCH, Klaus
  16:00A nEDM measurement with a He-II spallation UCN source (25) MASUDA, Yasuhiko (KEK)
  16:25PSI's ultracold neutron source and the search for an electric dipole moment of the neutron.* (25) LAUSS, Bernhard (PSI)
  16:50The neutron EDM experiment based at TU Munich* (25) LINS, Tobias (Technische Universitat Munchen)
 Symposium Banquet at Hotel Shinonome (18:30-20:30)

Monday 14 July 2014

 Plenary Session II: Intensity Frontier I (PL2-14-AM1) - Main Convention Hall (9:00-10:30)
 Chair: KATO, Takashi
  9:00The MYRRHA project* (30) SCHYNS, Marc (BNRC, Belgium)
  9:30Proton accelerators for the Intensity Frontier of Particle Physics* (30) TSCHIRHART, Robert S. (Fermilab)
  10:00J-PARC Accelerator Complex* (30) KOSEKI, Tadashi (J-PARC Center)
 Plenary Session III: Intensity Frontier II(PL3-14-AM2) - Main Convention Hall (10:45-12:15)
 Chair:KIYANAGI, Yoshiaki
  10:45Targetry Overview* (30) FUTAKAWA, Masatoshi (J-PARC Center)
  11:15Strategic Plan for Neutron Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory* (30) MCQUEENEY, Robert J. (ORNL)
  11:45Physics with Hadrons* (30) HATSUDA, Tetsuo (Nishina Center, RIKEN)
  Cryogenics - (C-14-PM1) - Conference Room 102 (14:00-15:30)
 Chair:Ogitsu, Toru
  14:00The ESS Cryogenic System* (20) WEISEND , John G. (ESS)
  14:20J-PARC Cryogenic Systems* (20) KATO, Takashi (JAEA)
  14:40Solenoid Magnet System for the Fermilab Mu2e Experiment* (20) LAMM, Michael J. (Fermilab)
  15:00Superconducting Magnet System for the COMET experiment (20) YOSHIDA, Makoto (J-PARC / KEK)
 MLF: Softmatter, Bio-material and Liquids (MS-14-PM1) - Conference Room 101 (14:00-15:30
 Chair: SETO, Hideki
  14:00Quasielastic Neutron Scattering Study of Human α-Synuclein -Implication for Propensity for Amyloid Fibril Formation-α* (25) FUJIWARA, Satoru (JAEA)
  14:25The interfacial properties of polystyrene thin films as revealed by neutron reflectivity (20) KANAYA, Toshiji (Kyoto Univ.)
  14:45Depth-resolved Glass Transition below the Free Surface of a Polymer* (25) PRATT, Francis (ISIS)
  15:10Probing the structure of the deuterated protein adsorption layer on modified surfaces with neutron reflection* (25) SFERRAZZA, Michele (ULB)
 MLF: Frontier Science 1 (MF1-14-PM1) - Convention Hall 300 (14:00-15:30)
 Chair: MCQUEENEY, Robert
  14:00The experimental evidence of the liquid-liquid phase transition in confined water* (25) YAMAGUCHI, Toshio (Fukuoka Univ.)
  14:25Neutron aided battery analysis: status and prospects* (25) ARAI, Hajime (Kyoto Univ.)
  14:50Inelastic neutron scattering studies on low-energy molecular lattice dynamics in organic conductors* (25) SASAKI, Takahiko (Tohoku Univ.)
  15:15Photo-excited μSR technique under high longitudinal B-fields (20) YOKOYAMA, Koji (QMUL)
 Nuclear Transmutation: (NT-14_PM1) - Conference Room 303 (14:00-15:30)
 Chair: SASA, Toshinobu
    14:00 ADS Roadmap in Japan* (25)   IWASAKI, Tomohiko (Tohoku Univ.)
  14:25Experimental Study on Accelerator-Driven System at Kyoto University Critical Assembly (25) PYEON, Cheol Ho (KURRI)
  14:50Study on Beam Behavior in Beam Transport Line for Accelerator Driven System (20) AIZAWA, Naoto (Tohoku Univ.)
  15:10Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurement of 241Am Using an NAI(Tl) Spectrometer at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI (20) KATABUCHI, Tatsuya (Tokyo Tech)
  Particle and Nuclear Physics: Instrumentation (PI-14-PM1) - Convention Hall 200 (14:00-15:30)
 Chair: MIBE, Tsutomu
  14:00Development of the Hype-Kamiokande detector* (15) NISHIMURA, Yasuhiro (ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo)
  14:15Liquid-Argon TPC neutrino detector* (15) SAKASHITA, Ken (KEK)
  14:30The Performance Of The KOTO CsI Calorimeter (15) SATO, Kazufumi (Osaka Univ.)
  14:45Measurement of 3-body hadronic reactions with HypTPC at J-PARC (15) HWANG, Sanghoon (JAEA)
  15:00Fast online reconstruction: the key to rare observables in CBM* (15) STURM, Christian (GSI)
  15:15 Development of the StrECal system for COMET experiment at J-PARC (15) UENO, Kazuki (KEK)
 Particle and Nuclear Physics: Strangeness & Hadron-2 (PHS-14-PM1) - Conference Room 406 (14:00-15:30)
 Chair: NARUKI, Megumi
  14:00Baryon-baryon interaction from lattice QCD* (30) ISHII, Noriyoshi (RCNP, Osak Univ.)
  14:30Study of ΛN interaction via the gamma-ray spectroscopy of 4ΛHe and 19ΛF (E13-1st) (15) YAMAMOTO, Takeshi O. (Tohoku Univ.)
  14:45Experimental progress to study double strangeness systems (15) NAKAZAWA, Kazuma (Gifu Univ.)
  15:00Spectroscopic study of S=-2 Hypernuclei with a new spectrometer S-2S (15) KANATSUKI, Shunsuke (Kyoto Univ.)
  15:15Experimental determination of the proton-induced, Non Mesonic Weak Decay width for p-shell Λ-Hypernuclei (15) FELICIELLO, Alessandro (INFN)
  Particle and Nuclear Physics: Neutron-UCN- (PFN-14-PM1) - Conference Room 405 (14:00-15:05)
 Chair: ABELE, Hartmut
  14:00 Science Program at LANL UCN Source* (25) ITO, Takeyasu (LANL)
  14:25New infrastructures for ultracold neutron production at the ILL* (25) ZIMMER, Oliver (ILL)
Development of Neutron Doppler Shifter and UCN Accelerator (15) IMAJO, Sohei (Kyoto Univ.)
 Poster Session - Concourse on 2nd Floor and Conference Rooms 201 & 202 (16:00-18:00)

Tuesday 15 July 2014

 Plenary Session IV: Future Science & Other Facilities (PL4-15-AM1) - Main Convention Hall (9:00-10:30)
 Chair: ARAI, Masatoshi
  9:00Integrated Optimisation of Instrument Performance, Target Neutronics and Target Engineering at ESS* (30) ANDERSEN, Ken (ESS)
  9:30The Virtue of Precision Particle Physics* (30) KIRCH, Klaus (PSI)
  10:00Hadron, nuclei and nuclear matters at FAIR* (30) SAITO, Takehiko (GSI)
 MLF: Magnetism and Strongly Correlated Electron System (MM-15-AM2) - Conventional Hall 300 (10:45-12:15)
 Chair: TENNANT, Alan
  10:45Two dimensional magnetism and magnon decay in RMnO3* (25) PARK, Je-Geun (Seoul National Univ.)
  11:10MuSR in MnSi: First order versus second order quantum evolutions, and detection of static and dynamic effects of Skyrmions* (25) UEMURA, Yasutomo (Columbia Univ.)
  11:35Novel Coexistence of Superconductinity with Short-Range Magnetic Order in Electron-Doped high-Tc T'-Cuprates (20) ADACHI, Tadashi (Sophia Univ.)
  11:55Low-Energy Magnetic Excitations and Their Relation to Superconductivity in Ni- and Cu-Doped Fe(Te,Se) (20) SCHNEELOCH, John A. (Stony Brook Univ.)
 MLF: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE-15-AM2) - Conference Room 101 (10:45-12:15)
 Chair: HARJO, Stefanus
  10:45Elasto-Plastic Deformation Behavior of Ploycrystalline Steels* (25) TOMOTA, Yo (Ibaraki Univ.)
  11:10High Temperature Deformation Studies of Metals* (25) LISS, Klaus-Dieter (ANSTO)
  11:35Measuring Strain Distribution along Rebar embedded Concrete using Neutron Diffraction (20) SUZUKI, Hiroshi (JAEA)
  11:55Canted spin moment at the ferromagnetic Ni / antiferromagnetic FeMn interface revealed by the depth-resolved X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and polarized neutron reflectivity (20) AMEMIYA, Kenta (KEK)
 Particle and Nuclear Physics: Strangeness & Hadron-3 (PHS-15-AM2) - Conference Room 202 (10:45-12:15)
 Chair: OZAWA, Kyoichiro
  10:45FAIR - Cosmic Matter in the Laboratory* (30) STOCKER, Horst (GSI)
  11:15Exploring nuclear matter at neutron star core densities* (15) SENGER, Peter T. (GSI)
  11:30The Silicon Tracking System of the CBM experiment at FAIR* (15) HEUSER, Johann M. (GSI)
  11:45Future Heavy Ion Program at J-PARC (15) SAKO, Hiroyuki (JAEA)
  12:00Study of strong interaction with strangeness ? from kaonic hydrogen at DAFNE to kaonic deuterium at J-PARC (15) ZMESKAL, Johann (SMI)
 Particle and Nuclear Physics: Neutrino 2 (PN-15-AM2) - Conventional Hall 200 (10:45-12:15)
 Chair: YOKOYAMA, Masashi
  10:45MicroBooNE* (25) TERAO, Kazu (Columbia Univ.)
  11:10A Search for Sterile Neutrino at J-PARC Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (20) FURUTA, Hisataka (Tohoku Univ.)
  11:30Water/CH Neutrino Cross Section Measurement・at J-PARC (20) KOGA, Taichiro (Univ. of Tokyo)
  11:50A test experiment to develop a neutrino detector with emulsions for neutrino-nucleus cross section measurements at J-PARC (20) SHIBUYA, Hiroshi (Toho Univ.)
  12:10The nuPRISM detector: An Experimental Solution to the Neutrino Energy Measurement Problem (20) HARTZ, Mark P. (Kavli IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo / TRIUMF)
 Particle and Nuclear Physics: Kaon & Muon -Kaon (PK-15-AM2) - Conference Room 406 (10:45-12:15)
 Chair: TSCHIRHART, Robert S.
  10:45Kaon - theoretical overview* (20) GOTO, Tohru (KEK)
  11:05Status of the KOTO experiment (20) LIM, GeiYoub (KEK)
  11:25Precision Measurement of Gamma(Ke2)/Gamma(Kmu2) Ratio Using Stopped Positive Kaons at J-PARC (20) SHIMIZU, Suguru (Osaka Univ.)
  11:45Review of Kaon physics at CERN and in Europe* (30) ANZIVINO, Giuseppina (Univ. of Perugia)
 Particle and Nuclear Physics: Neutron- beta decay (PFN-15-AM2) - Conference Room 405 (10:45-12:15)
 Chair: ZIMMER, Oliver
  10:45High Precision Experiments with Cold and Ultra-Cold Neutrons* (25) ABELE, Hartmut (TU Wien)
  11:10Fundamental Physics with Low Energy Neutrons* (25) SNOW, William M. (Indiana Univ.)
  11:35Precise measurement of neutron lifetime with pulsed neutron beam at J-PARC (20) YAMADA, Takahito (Univ. of Tokyo)
  11:55Measurement of neutron capture reaction of Be-9 at J-PARC / MLF / ANNRI (20) MAKII, Hiroyuki (JAEA)
 Target: (T-15-AM2) - Conference Room 102 (10:45-12:15)
 Chair: Soyama, Kazuhiko
  10:45Spallation-Driven Ultracold Neutron Sources : Concepts for a Next Generation Source* (20) YOUNG, Albert R. (NC State Univ.)
  11:05Present Status of Muon Production Target at J-PARC/MUSE* (20) MAKIMURA, Shunsuke (J-PARC Center / KEK)
  11:25Ultra-precision Fabrication Process for Neutron Focusing Device* (20) YAMAMURA, Kazuya (Osaka Univ.)
  11:45Development of Scintillator Detectors and Gas-based Detectors at J-PARC/MLF* (20) SAKASAI, Kaoru (J-PARC Center / JAEA)
 General Meeting of MLF Users Society - Conventional Hall 300 (12:45-14:00)
 Accelerater & Neutrino (AN-15_PM1) - Convention Hall 200 (14:00-15:30)
 Chair: KOBAYASHI, Takashi
  14:00Accelerator Concepts for the Beam Power of Multi-MW with J-PARC MR (25) IGARASHI, Susumu (KEK)
  14:25Design Study on the 9 GeV Proton Linac at KEKB Tunnel for the Next Generation Neutrino Experiment (20) MARUTA, Tomofumi (KEK)
  14:45Operational Status and Power Upgrade Prospects of the Neutrino Experimental Facility at J-PARC* (20) ISHIDA, Taku (J-PARC Center/KEK)
  15:05Future long baseline neutrino experiment by J-PARC and Hyper-Kamiokande* (20) KOSHIO, Yusuke (Okayama Univ.)
 MLF: Frontier Science 2 (MF2-15-PM1) - Convention Hall 300 (14:00-15:30)
 Chair: PARK, Je-Geun
  14:00Neutron inelastic scattering study on the spin-1/2 fluoride kagome antiferromagnets* (25) SATO, Taku J. (Tohoku Univ.)
  14:25Construction of the energy-resolved neutron imaging system "RADEN" at J-PARC* (20) SHINOHARA, Takenao (J-PARC Center)
  14:45Non-destructive elemental analyis of bulk object interiors using muonic X-ray* (20) KUBO, Kenya (ICU)
  15:05Aggregation States of Polymers at Non-solvent Interfaces by Neutron Reflectivity* (25) TANAKA, Keiji (Kyushu Univ.)
 MLF: Energy Science and Industrial Applications (ME-15-PM1) - Conference Room 101 (14:00-15:30)
 Chair: Kamiyama, Takashi
  14:00Confined Water in Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (25) ABE, Hiroshi (NDA)
  14:25μ+SR study on olivine-type Na0.7FePO4* (25) SUGIYAMA, Jun (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.)
  14:50Toward Difficult Phonon Measurements using Inelastic X-Ray Scattering: The Example of YBa2Cu3O7-δ (20) BARON, Alfred Q.R. (SPring-8 Center, RIKEN)
  15:10Change in Local Structure of V10Ti35Cr55D200 upon Cyclic Hydrogenation (15) SAKAKI, Kouji (AIST)
 Particle and Nuclear Physics: Strangeness & Hadron 4 (PHS-15-PM1) - Conference Room 202 (14:00-15:30)
 Chair: IMAI, Kenichi
  14:00Dilepton and Strangeness Measurements with HADES* (30) STROTH, Joachim (Goethe Univ. / GSI)
  14:30Measurement of vector meson decays in nuclei at J-PARC (15) MORINO, Yuhei (RIKEN)
  14:45Charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at J-PARC (15) SHIROTORI, Kotaro (Osaka Univ.)
  15:00Strange baryons and antibaryons in nuclei: unique opportunities for PANDA@FAIR (15) POCHODZALLA, Josef (Univ. Mainz)
  15:15Searching for the H-Dibaryon in J-PARC with a Large Acceptance Hyperon Spectrometer (15) HAN, Yuncheng (Univ. of New Mexico)
  Particle and Nuclear Physics: Kaon & Muon -Muon 2 (PM-15-PM1) - Conference Room 406 (14:00-15:30)
 Chair: ITAHASHI, Takahisa
  14:00Search for R-parity violation from COMET and LHC (15) YAMANAKA, Masato (Nagoya Univ.)
  14:15The HLbL contributions to the muon g-2 (20) PAUK, Vladyslav (JGU Mainz)
  14:35Status of the muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC (E34) (20) OTANI, Masashi (KEK)
  14:55Precise Measurement of Muonium HFS in J-PARC MUSE (20) TORII, Hiroyuki A. (Univ. of Tokyo)
  15:15Laser spectroscopy of the ground-state hyperfine splitting energy of muonic hydrogen (15) SATO, Masaharu (RIKEN)
 Particle and Nuclear Physics: Neutron Symmetry (PFN-15-PM1) - Conference Room 405 (14:00-14:55)
  Chair: MASUDA, Yasuhiro
  14:00Time-Reversal Invariance Violation in Neutron Nuclei Interactions at Spallation Neutron Sources* (25) GUDKOV, Vladimir V. (Univ. of South Carolina )
  14:25Measurement of Angular Distribution of Prompt Gamma rays from Compound Neutron Resonance (15) HIROTA, Katsuya (Nagoya Univ.)
  14:40Reaction Cross-section of 89Y at Average Neutron Energies of 15-36 MeV (15) KIM, Guinyun (Kyungpook National Univ.)
 Safety: (S-15-PM1) - Conference Room 102 (14:00-15:30)
 Chair: ISHII, Tetsuro
  14:00Radioactivity Leak Accident at the Hadron Experimental Facility in J-PARC* (40) BABA, Mamoru (J-PARC Center)
  14:40Investigation on radionuclides released in the accident at J-PARC hadron experimental facility* (25) HAGIWARA, Masayuki (J-PARC Center)
  15:05Radioactivity in Aerosols Formed in Accelrator Facilities* (25) OKI, Yuichi (Kyoto Univ.)
 Plenary 5: Concluding Session (PL5-15-PM2) - Main Convention Hall
 Chair: IKEDA, Yujir
  16:00My Personal Comments on J-PARC (30) NAGAMIYA, Shoji (RIKEN)
  16:30Outlook for Science at J-PARC (30) POUTISSOU, Jean-Michel (TRIUMF)

Poster Presentations

1-1_Acc: Linac
 101Beam Monitors for the Commissioning of Energy Upgraded LinacMIURA, Akihiko (J-PARC Center /JAEA) 
 102Bunch Shape Measurement of 181 MeV Beam in J-PARC LinacMIURA, Akihiko (J-PARC Center /JAEA) 
 103Studies on muon induction acceleration and an objective lens design for transmission muon microscopeARTIKOVA, Sayyora (KEK) 
 104Properties of the Vertical Deformation of the J-PARC Linac TunnelMORISHITA, Takatoshi (JAEA) 
 105Beam Simulator for KOMAC 100 MeV proton linacPARK, Sungkyun (KAERI / KOMAC) 
 106Development of EPICS Control System for the KOMAC 100-MeV Proton LinacSONG, Younggi (KAERI / KOMAC) 
 107Improvement of Vacuum Pressure of Annular-ring Coupled Structures for the J-PARC LinacAO, Hiroyuki (JAEA) 
 108Investigation of the Long-Term Performance of the 324MHz Klystrons for Achieving the Efficient Operation of the Linac at J-PARCHORI, Toshihiko (JAEA) 
 109Beam study results for J-PARC linac energy upgradeLIU, Yong (KEK) 
 110ACS Installation for Beam Energy Upgrade in J-PARC LinacTAMURA, Jun (JAEA) 
 111High Power Conditioning of the SDTL16 for J-PARCITO, Takashi (J-PARC Center) 
 112Development Status of the Ion Source in J-PARC Linac Test StandYAMAZAKI, Saishun (J-PARC Center) 
 113972MHz high power RF system in J-PARC LinacCHISHIRO, etsuji (JAEA) 
 114Performance of RF Amplitude and Phase at LinacFUTATSUKAWA, Kenta (KEK) 
 115Improvements of Low Level RF Control Systems for J-PARC LINAC 400-MeV UpgradeFANG, Zhigao (KEK) 
 116Operation Status of the J-PARC Ion SourceOGURI, Hidetomo (JAEA) 
 117  Canceled 
 118Beam Monitoring and Interlock System for Front-end Upgrade of J-PARC LINACMIYAO, Tomoaki (KEK) 
 119  moved to P-316 
1-2_Acc: Synchrotrons
 2011-MW Beam Operation Scenarios in J-PARC 3-GeV RCSHOTCHI, Hideaki (J-PARC Center /JAEA) 
 202  Canceled 
 203Introduction of an 8-GeV Booster Synchrotron between RCS and MR: One Possible Option toward a Multi-MW Output Beam Power from J-PARC MRHOTCHI, Hideaki (J-PARC Center /JAEA) 
 204Measurement system of the background proton in DeeMe experiment at J-PARCYAMAMOTO, Kazami (J-PARC Center /JAEA) 
 205A Phase Space Monitoring of Injected Beam of J-PARC MRHATAKEYAMA, Shuichiro (J-PARC Center) 
 206Measurements and PHITS Monte Carlo estimations of residual activities in the injection area at J-PARC RCS ringYAMAKAWA, Emi (Univ. of London) 
 207Development of intra-bunch feedback system in J-PARC MRNAKAMURA, Keigo (Kyoto Univ.) 
 208Optics Tuning in the J-PARC 3-50 Beam Transport Line for Beam CollimationHARADA, Hiroyuki (J-PARC Center /JAEA) 
 209The Residual Gas Ionization Profile Monitor in the J-PARC 3-GeV Rapid Cycling SynchrotronHARADA, Hiroyuki (J-PARC Center /JAEA) 
 210Design of Injection and Extraction at an 8-GeV Booster Ring and the J-PARC Main Ring for Multi-MW Output Beam PowerHARADA, Hiroyuki (J-PARC Center /JAEA) 
 211Simulation of phase modulation for longitudinal emittance blow-up in J-PARC MRYAMAMOTO, Masanobu (J-PARC Center /JAEA) 
 212The realignment of the beamline for J-PARC 3GeV RCSTANI, Norio (J-PARC Center /JAEA) 
 213Analytical Estimation of Field Modulation at the Injection Area of the 3GeV RCS in J-PARCSHOBUDA, Yoshihiro (JAEA) 
 214The Evaluation of the Suppressed Residual Dose caused by the Large Angle Foil Scattering Beam Loss for the High Intensity Beam Operation in the J-PARC RCSKATO, Shinichi (Tohoku Univ.) 
 215Performance Studies of the Vibration Wire Monitor on the Test Stand with Low Energy Electron BeamOKABE, Kota (J-PARC Center) 
 216An Empirical Formula of the Residual Dose Rate of the Collimator Section of the J-PARC MRSATOU, Kenichirou (KEK / J-PARC Center) 
 217Linear Coupling Resonance Correction of the J-PARC Main RingTAKANO, Junpei (KEK / J-PARC Center) 
 218Residual Field Correction of Pulsed Bending MagnetTAKANO, Junpei (KEK / J-PARC Center) 
 219 Canceled 
 220A High Power Test Method for Pattern Magnet Power Supplies with Capacitor BanksKURIMOTO, Yoshinori (KEK) 
 221Tuning of the 3-50BT of J-PARC for operationsSATO, Yoichi (KEK/J-PARC) 
 222Application of Trigger Counter Board for Synchronized DataTAKAHASHI, Hiroki (JAEA) 
 223Extraction Aperture and 8 GeV-Beam Size for ??-e Conversion Experiment in J-PARCTOMIZAWA, Masahito (KEK) 
 224Improvement of the Spill Control System For the J-PARC Slow ExtractionKIMURA, Takuro (J-PARC Center) 
 225Test demonstration of magnet power supply with the floating capacitor methodSHIMOGAWA, Tetsushi (KEK) 
 226Development of J-PARC MR Main Magnets Power Supplies for High Repetition Rate OperationMORITA, Yuichi (KEK) 
2-1_PN: Strangeness Nuclear Physics
 301Theoretical study of a prototype system of kaonic nuclei “K-pp”DOTE, Akinobu (KEK) 
 302Photoproduction of K+ Lambda and K0 Lambda on the deuteronKANDA, Hiroki (Tohoku Univ.) 
 303Double hypernuclei experiment with hybrid emulsion method at J-PARCEKAWA, Hiroyuki (Kyoto Univ.) 
 304High resolution Lambda hypernuclear spectroscopy with electron beamGOGAMI, Toshiyuki (Tohoku Univ.) 
 305Development of Single-sided Silicon Detectors in the Emulsion-Hybrid System at J-PARCLEE, Jaeyong (Seoul Nat'l Univ.) 
 306Progress of the hypernuclear decay pion spectroscopy program at MAMI-CNAGAO, Sho (Tohoku Univ.) 
 307Spectroscopic study of hyperon resonances below KbarN threshold via the (K^-,n) reaction on DeuteronYAMAGA, Takumi (Osaka Univ.) 
 308Isotope Identification in Nuclear Emulsion PlateKINBARA, Shinji (Gifu Univ.) 
 309Event Analysis in Nuclear Emulsion for the E07 ExperimentSOE, Myint (Gifu Univ.) 
 310Overall Scanning Method for the J-PARC E07 ExperimentYOSHIDA, Junya (Gifu Univ.) 
 311Track following of ??- hyperons in nuclear emulsion for the E07 experimentMISHINA, Akihiro (Gifu Univ.) 
 312Development of automatic alpha-decay track measurementKOBAYASHI, Hidetaka (Gifu Univ.) 
 313Performance of Hyperball-J from the commissioning beam time at the J-PARC K1.8 beam lineYAMAMOTO, Yasutaka (Tohoku Univ.) 
 314Mass production of the large-size nuclear plate for J-PARC E07ITOH, Hiroki (Gifu Univ.) 
  315 Evaluation of Mass Produced Nuclear Emulsion Plates ENDO, Yoko (Gifu Univ.)  
  316 Single Charged Particle Identification in Nuclear Emulsion using Multiple Coulomb Scattering Method TINT, Khin (Gifu Univ.)  
2-2_PN: Hadron Physics
 401Nucleon-nucleon scattering in the large Nc limitKREJCIRIK, Vojtech (Nishina Center, RIKEN) 
 402Measuring the strangeness content of the nucleon by observing the phi meson mass shift in nuclear matterGUBLER, Philipp (Nishina Center, RIKEN) 
 403  Canceled 
 404Progress in Development of Silica Aerogel for Particle and Nuclear Physics Experiments at J-PARCTABATA, Makoto (Chiba Univ.) 
 405Internal structure of exotic hadrons by high-energy exclusive reactionsKUMANO, Shunzo (KEK) 
 406Determination of compositeness of hadronic resonances: The L(1405) radiative decay and the a0(980)-f0(980) mixingSEKIHARA, Takayasu (Osaka Univ.) 
 407Measure of the ?? spin-flip B(M1) value in hypernucleiSASAKI, Yuki (Tohoku Univ.) 
2-3_PN: Neutrino Physics
 501Study of Anti-Neutrino beam with Muon Monitor in the T2K experimentHIRAKI, Takahiro (Kyoto Univ.) 
 502Measurement of the Energy Dependent Numu Charged Current Inclusive Cross Section on Iron with the T2K INGRID DetectorSUZUKI, Kento (Kyoto Univ.) 
 503Simulation studies for anti-neutrino interactions on iron target using the T2K INGRID moduleWAKAMATSU, Keiju (Osaka City Univ.) 
 504Temperature dependence measurement of a hybrid photo-detector for Hyper-KamiokandeJIANG, Miao (Kyoto Univ.) 
 505Measurement of T2K Anti-neutrino Beam Properties Using the INGRID On-axis Near DetectorHAYASHINO, Tatsuya (Kyoto Univ.) 
 506Performance test of detector components of a 3D grid-like neutrino detector for measurement of a water to hydrocarbon cross section ratioYOSHIDA, Kento (Kyoto Univ.) 
2-4_PN: Kaon Physics
 601Evaluation of the inefficiency of a charged particle detector for KOTO experimentNAITO, Daichi (Kyoto Univ.) 
 602Development of Amplifier and Shaper for High-Rate MWPCKAMIJI, Ichinori (Kyoto Univ.) 
 603Gas wire chamber for in-beam charged particle detector in KOTO experimentNAKAGIRI, Kota (Kyoto Univ.) 
 604Halo neutron measurement for KOTO experimentKAWASAKI, Naoki (Kyoto Univ.) 
 605Pulse Identification method for overlapped pulsesSUGIYAMA, Yasuyuki (Osaka Univ.) 
 606Assembly and Bench Testing of a Spiral Fiber Tracker for the J-PARC TREK/E36 ExperimentTABATA, Makoto (Chiba Univ.) 
 607Particle indentification performance for G(Ke2)/G(Km2) measurement at J-PARC SHIMIZU, Suguru (Osaka univ.) 
2-5_PN: Fundamental Physics with Muon
 701Design of the J-PARC MUSE H-line for the g-2/EDM experiment (E34)OTANI, Masashi (KEK) 
 702Design of the positron tracking detector for the muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARCNISHIMURA, Shoichiro (Univ. of Tokyo) 
 703Studies on monism production from silica aerogel with sub-structure for the muon g-2/EDM experimentKITAMURA, Ryo (Univ. of Tokyo) 
 704Silicon Carbide Target for a Muon-Electron Conversion Search at J-PARC MLFNAKATSUGAWA, Yohei (KEK) 
 705Precision measurement of muonium hyperfine splitting at J-PARC; Integrated detector system for high-intensity pulsed muon beam experimentKANDA, Sohtaro (KEK) 
 706Development of a micro-cell MWPC for a muon-electron conversion search experiment at MLF H-line, DeeMeNATORI, Hiroaki (KEK) 
 707Development of an Elemental Analysis System using Negative Muon BeamOSAWA, Takahito (JAEA) 
 708Precision measurement of muonium hyperfine splitting at J-PARC; development of the chamber and the cavity.TANAKA, Kazuo (Univ. of Tokyo) 
 709Development of a DC-to-DC converter for the J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experimentLEE, Soohyung (Korea Univ.) 
 710Development of a Cerenkov Trigger Detector for the COMET ExperimentNAKAI, Yuki (Kyushu Univ.) 
 711Development of Cylindrical Drift Chamber for the J-PARC Coherent Muon to Electron Transition ExperimentWU, Chen (Nanjing Univ.) 
 712Development of Electromagnetic Calorimeter Using GSO and LYSO Crystals for the J-PARC Muon-to-Electron Conversion Search ExperimentOISHI, Kou (Kyushu Univ.) 
 713Performance Evaluation of readout electronics board for the COMET Straw Tube TrackerYAMAGUCHI, Hiroshi (Kyushu Univ.) 
 714Low energy muon apparatus for true muonium formationITAHASHI, Takahisa (Osaka Univ. ) 
 715Construction Status of the COMET Experimental FacilityFUKAO, Yoshinori (KEK) 
 716Development of a straw tracker system for COMET experiment at J-PARCUENO, Kazuki (KEK) 
2-6_PN: Fundamental Physics with Neutron
 801   moved to PFN-13-PM2-1 
 802Simulation study for systematic uncertainty suppression in nEDM experiment assuming various surfaces roughnessKATAYAMA, Ryo (Univ. of Tokyo) 
 803Experimental Study on Neutron Diffuse Reflection due to Surface Roughness for nEDM measurementSEKI, Yoshichika (RIKEN) 
 804  Canceled 
3-1_MLF: Materials Science and Engineering
 901Two Low-Energy Excitations in Superionic Conductor RbAg4I5TAHARA, Shuta (Univ. of the Ryukyus) 
 902Large Lattice Deformation in Fe3Pt under Compressive StressYAMAGUCHI, Takashi (Osaka Univ.) 
 903Hydrogen dynamics during a desorption reaction of hydrogen storage materialsUMEGAKI, Izumi (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc) 
 904Wide Relaxation Time Distributions of Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering in relaxor ferroelectricsMATSUURA, Masato (CROSS) 
 905-1A combination of anomalous x-ray scattering and neutron diffraction for structural characterizations of Zr63Cu25Al12 metallic glassHOSOKAWA, Shinya (Kumamoto Univ.) 
 905-2A combination of anomalous x-ray scattering and neutron diffraction for structural characterizations of Zr45Cu45Ag10 metallic glassHOSOKAWA, Shinya (Kumamoto Univ.) 
 906In-situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of photochromic dibenzobarrelene derivative.OKABE, Shihomi (Ibaraki Univ.) 
 907Local structures and electrochemical properties of Li2S?SiS2 superionic glassesFURUTA, Kozo (Kyoto Univ.) 
 908  Canceled 
 909Neutron Diffraction Study of Isotope Enriched Glassy Sm4Ti9O24MARUYAMA, Kenji (Niigata Univ.) 
 910Phase Transformation in Sn Single CrystalTAKAHASHI, Miwako (Univ. of Tsukuba) 
 911Local structures and conduction pathways of Li ions for Li3xLa2/3?xTiO3 synthesized by rapid coolingMORI, Kzuhiro (Kyoto Univ.) 
 912Crystal-local structure analyses of cathode materials for LIB LiNi1-xCoxO2 studied by neutron diffractionADIPRANOTO, Dyah (Kyoto Univ.) 
 913Structure and conductivity of Na-P-S superionic conducting glasses studied by neutron and X-ray diffractionONODERA, Yohei (Kyoto Univ.) 
 914Pulsed neutron imagingKIYANAGI, Yoshiaki (Nagoya Univ.) 
 915Transient measurement for photo-induced changes in J-PARC - time-resolved neutron reflectivity measurement for silver photo-diffusion into Ge-chalcogenide films-SAKAGUCHI, Yoshifumi (CROSS) 
 916Structural Study of Fe80B20 Amorphous Alloy by Anomalous X-ray Scattering Coupled with Neutron DiffractionARIMA, Hiroshi (Tohoku Univ.) 
 917Strength of Materials and Related Engineering with TAKUMI of J-PARCHARJO, Stefanus (J-PARC Center /JAEA) 
 918Thermal Strain in Superconducting Nb3Sn Strand at Cryogenic TemperatureHARJO, Stefanus (J-PARC Center /JAEA) 
 919Metastable Austenitic Steel Deformation at Low TemperatureHARJO, Stefanus (J-PARC Center /JAEA) 
 920Application of the J-PARC neutron beam on the transmission measurement for a Li ion battery during charge and dischargeKINO, Koichi (Hokkaido Univ.) 
 921Thermal expansion properties of Ag2O crystal structure by powder neutron diffractionISHIKAWA, Yoshihisa (J-PARC Center) 
 922Advanced SiC/SiC Rotating Target for “DeeMe” by NITE MethodHAYASAKA, Daisuke (Muroran Inst. of Tech.) 
 923In-situ neutron diffraction study under compressive stress combined with AE measurement of extruded AZ31 alloyAIZAWA, Kazuya (J-PARC Center / JAEA) 
 924Present Status of SiC Component R & D for “DeeMe” Rotating TargetKANDA, Chisato (Muroran Inst. of Tech.) 
 925Identification of Doped Nitrogen in Photocatalytic TiO2YAMAGUCHI, Daisuke (JAEA) 
 926Dislocation characteristics of martensitic steel studied by in-situ neutron diffraction experimentKAWASAKI, Takuro (JAEA) 
 927Phase transition and internal crystal structure of spuerprotonic conductor, Rb3-xKxH(SeO4)2KIYANAGI, Ryoji (JAEA / J-PARC Center) 
 928Microstructure and residual strain distribution in cast duplex stainless steel studied by neutron imagingSU, Yuhua (JAEA) 
 929Local Structure of Layered Li1.2Mn0.567Ni0.166Co0.067O2 Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion BatteriesKIM, Hyunjeong (NIAIST) 
 930Orientation Distribution and Microstructure Change of Cold Rolled Aluminum Alloys Before and After AnnealingXU, Pingguang (JAEA) 
 931Influence of Microwave Irradiation on Magnetic Oxide CompactTAKAYAMA, Sadatsugu (NIFS) 
3-2_MLF: Energy Science
 1001Structure analysis of propane hydratesHOSHIKAWA, Akinori (Ibaraki Univ.) 
 1002Isotope labeling method for depth profiling by neutron diffractionMITSUI, Akio (Toyota Motor Co.) 
 1003Development of in situ Technique for Battery Study using Special Environment Neutron Powder Diffractometer, SPICAYONEMURA, Masao (KEK) 
 1004Analysis of Average and Electronic Structure and Nuclear Densities for LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 during Charge Process Using Neutron and Synchrotron X-ray DiffractionsISHIDA, Naoya (Tokyo Univ. of Science) 
3-3_MLF: Soft Matter, Biomaterials and Liquids
 1101Relationship between Hydration Induced DNA Dynamical Transition and DNA-sequence Dependent DeformabilityNAKAGAWA, Hiroshi (JAEA) 
 1102Towards direct observation of electron transfer due to enzymatic reaction in trypsin by muSRKOBAYASHI, Masayoshi (Ibaraki Univ.) 
 1103Development of in-situ water gas injection system for DNA back scattering spectrometer at MLF J-ParcYAMADA, Takeshi (CROSS) 
 1104Neutron scattering study of Static structure of Double-Network polymersTOMINAGA, Taiki (CROSS) 
 1105SANS and SAXS Studies on Aggregation Properties of Gemini-Type Amphiphilic Dendrimers in Aqueous SolutionIWASE, Hiroki (CROSS) 
 1106Structural Study of Au-GEMA Nanoparticle by SANS, SAXS, TEM, and XAFS TechniquesAKUTSU, Kazuhiro (CROSS) 
 1107Elemental Analysis by Muonic X-ray Spectroscopy for Japanese Bronze CoinsNINOMIYA, Kazuhiko (Osaka Univ.) 
 1108Neutron scattering study on dynamics of hydration water around muscle contractile proteinsMATSUO, Tatsuhito (JAEA) 
 1109Muonic atom formation on low pressure carbon oxide samples by using low energy negative muon beamYOSHIDA, Go (Osaka Univ.) 
 1110Neutron crystallographic analysis of Ribonuclease A by using iBIX at J-PARCKUSAKA, Katsuhiro (Ibaraki Univ.) 
 1111Muon Capture Processes for Carbon Atoms in C6H6 and C6H12 through the Muon Transfer ProcessesINAGAKI, Makoto (Osaka Univ.) 
 1112ATP-binding and hydration state analyses in DAPK towards neutron protein crystallographyYAMAGUCHI, Atsushi (Ibaraki Univ.) 
 1113A Crafty Utilization of Intermediate-angle Neutron Scattering and Contrast Variation by Water-Exchange to Study the Microstructure of Microbial CelluloseZHAO, Yue (JAEA) 
 1114Optimization of dynamic nuclear polarization system for contrast variation in small angle neutron scatteringNODA, Yohei (JAEA) 
 1115Preparation of large-volume crystals for structure analysis of human casein kinase-2 by neutron crystallographySHIBAZAKI, Chie (JAEA) 
 1116Preliminary Neutron Diffraction Studies of NADH-Cytochrome b5 Reductase at J-PARCTAMADA, Taro (JAEA) 
 1117Preliminary neutron diffraction study of high-potential iron-sulfur protein at J-PARCHIRANO, Yu (JAEA) 
 1118Preparation and Crystallization of Perdeuterated T4 Phage Lysozyme for Neutron DiffractionHIROMOTO, Takeshi (JAEA) 
 1119Temporal Change of Component Depth Distribution in Binary Polystyrene Blend Thin Films during Thermal AnnealingTORIKAI, Naoya (Mie Univ.) 
 1120Structure and Dynamics of Protein in Solution Investigated by Neutron ScatteringENDO, Hitoshi (KEK) 
 1121Structural and Functional Differentiation of Each Subunit in Dimeric HIV-1 Protease by Single-Chain DerivatizationADACHI, Motoyasu ( JAEA) 
 1122Off-Specular Neutron Scattering of Nano-imprinted Polymer SurfaceKOBAYASHI, Motoyasu (Kogakuin Univ.) 
 1123Changes in the Dynamics of Protein during Amyloid Fibril Formation Detected by Neutron ScatteringFUJIWARA, Satoru (JAEA) 
 1124 Canceled 
 1125Neutron Diffraction Analysis of Dehydrated State of Disodium Inosine 5'-monophosphate HydrateYAMAMURA, Shigefumi (Kitasato Univ.) 
 1126Structure and Properties of Ferroelectric Ice in the UniverseFUKAZAWA, Hiroshi (JAEA) 
 1127Dynamic Correlation Functions of CuI Superionic MeltKAWAKITA, Yukinobu (J-PARC Center / JAEA) 
 1128Investigation of electron transfer in proteins monitored by muSRSUGAWARA, Yoko (Kitasato Univ.) 
 1129Neutron Diffraction Study of HydrogelsSEKINE, Yurina (JAEA) 
3-4_MLF: Magnetism and Strongly Correlated Electron Sy
 1201 Canceled 
 1202Magnetic neutron diffraction study on antiferromagnetic order in highly H-doped LaFeAsOHIRAKA, Haruhiro (KEK) 
 1203Elementary Excitations in an S=1/2 Antiferromagnetic Chain KCuGaF6TANAKA, Hidekazu (Tokyo Tech) 
 1204Magnetic Ground State in Highly hydrogen doped LaFeAsO1-xHxHIRAISHI, Masatoshi (KEK) 
 1205Impurity-Induced Development of the Spin Correlation in Iron-Chalcogenide Superconductors Observed by MuSRADACHI, Tadashi (Sophia Univ.) 
 1206Science from the initial operation of HRCITOH, Shinichi (KEK) 
 1207Relationship between crystallographic and magnetic chiralities in chiral heilmagnet CsCuCl3OHISHI, Kazuki (CROSS) 
 1208Neutron Diffraction in Pulsed Magnetic FieldsNOJIRI, Hiroyuki (Tohoku Univ.) 
 1209Structural and Magnetic Depth Profile Analysis of L10 FeNi Film by Polarized Neutron ReflectometryUENO, Tetsuro (NIMS) 
 1210A muSR and X-ray diffraction study on the layered-perovskite vanadium oxide Sr2VO4YAMAUCHI, Ichihiro (KEK) 
 1211Time of flight neutron diffraction on NiOLEE, Sanghyun (KEK) 
 1212  Canceled 
 1213Magnetic-phase transitions in a frustrated two-leg spin ladderSUGIMOTO, Takanori (Tokyo Univ. of Science) 
 1214Coincident disappearance of the stripe order and the superconductivity in La2-xSrxCu1-yMyO4 (M = Fe, Al)SUZUKI, Kensuke (Tohoku Univ.) 
 1215Crystal Structure of Fe1-xSr2YCu2+xO6+d Magnetic SuperconductorMOCHIKU, Takashi (NIMS) 
 1216Pressure Effect of Low Dimensional Nickelate and RuthenateUEHARA, masatomo (Yokohama Nat'l Univ.) 
 1217Low Energy Magnetic Excitations and Phonons in ChromiumFUKUDA, Tatsuo (JAEA / SPring-8) 
 1218Neutron Diffraction Study of Antiferromagnetic Na and K Nanoclusters Incorporated into SodaliteNAKANO, Takehito (Osaka Univ.) 
 1219Magnetic Form factor of detwinned single crystal of BaFe2As2KODAMA, Katsuaki (JAEA) 
 1220Local Lattice Distortion Caused by Short-range Charge Ordering in Transition Metal OxidesKODAMA, Katsuaki (JAEA) 
 1221Spin dynamics in heavy-fermion pyrochlore compound YMn2Zn20-xInxMIYAZAKI, Masanori (KEK-IMSS) 
 1222Phase Diagram of Multi-ferroic MnWO_4 determined by Neutron Diffraction in 40 T Pulsed Magnetic FieldsKIHARA, Takumi (Tohoku Univ.) 
 1223Neutron Diffraction Study of 1D Quantum Spin System Li2ZrCuO4 with Incommensurate Magnetic StructureYASUI, Yukio (Meiji Univ.) 
 1224Magnetic frustration in iridium spinel compound CuIr2S4KADONO, Ryosuke (KEK) 
 1225Slow dynamics in Heisenberg spin glasses and spontaneous restoration of the spin configuration existing beforeMAMIYA, Hiroaki (NIMS) 
 1226Contrasting magnetic ground state in isoelectronic compound EuX4 (X=Al, Ga)KANEKO, Koji (JAEA) 
 1227Possible magnon-phonon coupling in La2-xSrxCuO4 studied by 4D mapping of dynamical structure factor using 4SEASONSWAKIMOTO, Shuichi (JAEA) 
 1228Inelastic neutron scattering on Fe-chalcogenide superconductor Fe(Te,Se) to discriminate the origin of magnetic resonance mode" by Q-dependent $\chi$”(E) spectra"ISHIKADO, Motoyuki (CROSS) 
 1229Magnetic and crystal structures of the ferromagnetic phase in Sr3YCo4O10.5NAKAO, Akiko (CROSS) 
 1230Proposal for muSR- detection of spin-locking in the surface of topological insulatorsMATSUI, Kazuki (Sophia Univ.) 
 1231Magnetic Structure Analysis of Permanent MagnetsSAITO, Kotaro (KEK) 
 1232Phonon Modes in a Molecular Dimer-Mott Insulator β’-(BEDT-TTF)2ICl2 Studied by Inelastic Neutron ScatteringOHIRA-KAWAMURA, Seiko (J-PARC Center) 
3-5_MLF: Industrial Applications
 1301Development of AC magnetic field imaging technique using polarized pulsed neutrons at J-PARCHIROI, Kosuke (J-PARC Center / JAEA) 
 1302Na diffusive behavior in NaxCoO2 detected by QENSNOZAKI, Hiroshi (Toyota Cent'l R&D Lab, Inc.,) 
 1303Inner observation of canning Cadmium by energy-selective neutron imaging at NOBORUHARADA, Masahide (JAEA) 
3-6_MLF: Instrumentation
 1401A Custom-made Shutter Block for the Imaging Instrument “RADEN” at J-PARCOIKAWA, Kenichi (JAEA) 
 1402Development of sample environments of SOFIA reflectometer for seconds-order time slicing measurementYAMADA, Norifumi (KEK) 
 1403Visualization of magnetic field around the core of an electric motor by polarized pulsed neutron imagingSHINOHARA, Takenao (JAEA) 
 1404Development of compact laser optics for an in-situ spin-exchange optical pumping 3He neutron spin filterOKU, Takayuki (J-Parc Center, JAEA) 
 1405Muon Beam Imaging at J-PARC MUSE using a Gated Image IntensifierITO, Takashi ( JAEA) 
 1406H line; a New Beam Line for Fundamental Physics in MLFKAWAMURA, Naritoshi (KEK/J-PARC) 
 1407The Current Status of iMATERIA, neutron powder diffractometer in J-PARC - A trial neutron diffraction measurement for small quantities samples and large neutron absorption samples -ISHIGAKI, Toru (Ibaraki Univ.) 
 1408Development of a neutron polarizing system for VIN ROSE at BL06 at J-PARC/MLFHINO, Masahiro (Kyoto Univ.) 
 1409Performance Upgrade of 40m Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument at HANAROHAN, Young Soo (KAERI) 
 1410Current Status of an Extreme Environment Single Crystal Neutron Diffractometer SENJU at J-PARCOHHARA, Takashi ( J-PARC Center / JAEA) 
 1411Development and demonstration of a 3He nuclear spin flip system for the in-situ SEOP 3He neutron spin filterHAYASHIDA, Hirotoshi (CROSS) 
 1412Optimization of Radial Collimators for a Powder Diffractometer SPICASUZUKI, Norihito (Nippon Light Metal Co. Ltd.) 
 1413Characteristics of the neutron guide tubes at BL06 at J-PARC MLFODA, Tatsuro (Kyoto Univ.) 
 1414Development Status of NMR System for Polarized 3He Neutron Spin Filter in MLF at J-PARCSAKAI, Kenji (JAEA ) 
 1415Straw-based Large Area Neutron Imaging Detector as an Alternative to 3He: Performance EvaluationLACY, Jeffrey (Proportional Technologies, Inc.) 
 1416Polarised Neutron Spectrometer POLANO in J-PARCOHOYAMA, Kenji ( Tohoku Univ.) 
 1417A Neutron Imaging Detector Based on the ??PIC Micro-Pixel Chamber and Its Application to Time-Resolved Measurement Techniques at the J-PARC MLFPARKER, Joseph (CROSS) 
 1418Background Caused by High-Energy Neutrons on the Chopper-Type Neutron Spectrometer 4SEASONSKAJIMOTO, Ryoichi (J-PARC Center) 
 1419Development of a 3D Pulsed Neutron Imaging System using a High-speed Video Camera at J-PARCSEGAWA, mariko (JAEA) 
 1420Software development for in-situ neutron diffraction measurements during fatigue testsITO, Takayoshi (CROSS) 
 1421Oscillating Radial Collimators for the Chopper Spectrometers at MLF in J-PARCNAKAMURA, Mitsutaka (J-PARC Center) 
 1422R&D on 3He nuclear polarization for neutron scatteringINO, Takashi (KEK) 
 1423Attenuation correction for multi-anvil high-pressure apparatusABE, Jun (CROSS) 
 1424Data acquisition monitoring system with Manyo Library at MLF, J-PARCINAMURA, Yasuhiro (J-PARC Center / JAEA) 
 1425The control software framework of the web baseNAKATANI, Takeshi (J-PARC Center) 
 14265 Years of a Cold-Neutron Disk-Chopper Spectrometer, AMATERASNAKAJIMA, Kenji (J-PARC Center) 
 1427Selected area diffraction using nano-electron-beam for NiC/Ti multilayersSOYAMA, Kazuhiko (JAEA) 
 1428A Demonstration Study of Small Angle Polarized Neutron Scattering Using a Polarized 3He Neutron Spin FilterKIRA, Hiroshi (CROSS) 
 1429Development of Z-Code, the Powder Diffraction Analysis SuiteYONEMURA, Masao (KEK) 
 1430Design of a new single-crystal neutron time-of-flight diffractometer in J-PARC/MLF to realize large biomacromolecular structure analysesTOMOYORI, Katsuaki (JAEA) 
 1431The Small and Wide Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument TAIKAN of J-PARCSUZUKI, Jun-ichi (CROSS) 
 1432Data Analysis of the Small and Wide Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument TAIKAN at J-PARCTAKATA, Shin-ichi (J-PARC / JAEA) 
 1433New Neutron Beam Monitor Based on GEMOHSHITA, Hidetoshi (KEK) 
 1434Current Status of the New Polarized Neutron Reflectometer SHARAKU at Material Life Science Facility (MLF)TAKEDA, Masayasu (JAEA) 
 1435Super-resolution processing for pulsed neutron imaging system using a high-speed cameraISHIZUKA, Ken (Tokyo City Univ.) 
 1436Upgraded of Monitor and Operation System for the MLF-GCS based on EPICS and CSSOOI, Motoki (JAEA) 
 1437Diffraction Detectors on the Si Crystal Analyzer TOF near Backscattering Spectrometer DNA in MLF, J-PARCSHIBATA, Kaoru (J-PARC Center / JAEA) 
 1438Tuning of Ultra-Slow muon transport systemADACHI, Taihei (KEK) 
 1439Weak and Annoying Backgrounds on AMATERASKIKUCHI, Tatsuya (J-PARC Center) 
 1440High Intensity Total Scattering for Hydrogen in MaterialsOTOMO, Toshiya (KEK) 
 1441Non-Destructive Analysis Study with Negative Muon Beam toward Spot Scanning imaging at JPARC MUSETAMPO, Motonobu (KEK) 
 1442New mSR spectrometer installed at D1 area of J-PARC MUSE based on Kalliope detectorsKOJIMA, Kenji (KEK) 
4-1_ADS: Nuclear Transmutation
 1501Conceptual design of beam dividing system for J-PARC Transmutation Experimental FacilityYOSHIMOTO, Masahiro (J-PARC Center) 
 1502Estimation of the beam-trip frequency of ADS accelerator based on the operational data of J-PARC LinacTAKEI, Hayanori (J-PARC Center) 
 1503Spallation Target design for
J-PARC Transmutation Experimental Facility
OBAYASHI, Hironari (J-PARC Center) 
 1504J-PARC Transmutation Experimental Facility ProgramSASA, Toshinobu (J-PARC Center) 
5-1_Safety & Tech: Detector, Targetry, and Cryogenic Apparatus
 1601Development of the Techniques to Mitigate the Cavitation Damages in the J-PARC Mercury TargetHAGA, Katsuhiro (JAEA) 
 1602Laser Interlock System and its Safety at MUSE / J-PARCNAKAMURA, Jumpei (KEK) 
 1603Removal of spallation products in water by ion-exchange methodKITAGAWA, Jun-ichi (KEK) 
 1604Production of radionuclides in the cooling water for electomagnetic horns at the J-PARC neutrino experimental facilityBESSHO, Kotaro (J-PARC Center) 
 1605Improvement of measurement of neutron spectral intensity at JSNS/J-PARCHARADA, Masahide (JAEA) 
 1606Development and Experimental Performance Evaluation of N2-gas Neutron Beam MonitorTAKATA, Shin-ichi (J-PARC / JAEA) 
 1607Signal from a single neutron from a current-biased kinetic inductance detector made of superconducting Nb nanowireNARUKAMI, Yoshito (Osaka Prefecture Univ.) 
 1608Time-Dependent Flux from Pulsed Neutrons Revealed by Superconducting Nb Current-Biased Kinetic Inductance Detector with 10B Converter Operated at 4 KMIYAJIMA, Shigeyuki (Osaka Prefecture Univ.) 
 1609Development of a 2012 model for the 6Li time analyzer (LiTA12) detector systemSATOH, Setsuo (KEK)