13. 応用例: Grpahviz等で家系図を#

13.1. 仮想敵な一族の家系図#

13.1.1. blockdaig#

blockdiagでの仮想的な一族の家系図を作成してみます。グループと婚姻関係を表すコンポーネントを 導入しています。

図 13.1 blockdiag での家系図#


graph FT { layout=dot { rank= same 父方祖父 父方祖母 F1 [label="", shape="circle", width=0, height=0]; 父方祖父 -- F1 -- 父方祖母 }; { edge [dir=forward, arrwohed=normal]; F1 -- 叔父 F1 -- 父 } { rank = same; 母方祖父; 母方祖母; F2 [label="", shape="circle", width=0, height=0]; 母方祖父 -- F2 -- 母方祖母 ; }; { edge [dir=forward, arrwohed=normal]; F2 -- 伯母; F2 -- 母; } { rank=same; 父; 母; F3 [label="", shape="circle", width=0, height=0]; 父 -- F3 -- 母; }; { rank=same; 母再婚相手; F4 [label="", shape="circle", width=0, height=0]; 母 -- F4 -- 母再婚相手 } { edge [dir=forward, arrwohed=normal]; F3 -- 姉; F3 -- 自分; F3 -- 弟; F4 -- 義妹 } }

図 13.2 graphviz例#

digraph FT { layout=neato { rank = same; 母方祖母; 母方祖父; F2 [label="", shape="circle", width=0, height=0]; 母方祖父 -> F2; 母方祖母 -> F2; }; { edge [dir=forward, arrwohed=normal]; F2 -> 母; F2 -> 伯母; } { rank= same 父方祖母 父方祖父 F1 [label="", shape="circle", width=0, height=0]; 父方祖父 -> F1 ; 父方祖母 -> F1 ; }; { edge [dir=forward, arrwohed=normal]; F1 -> 父 F1 -> 叔父 } { rank=same; 父; 母; F3 [label="", shape="circle", width=0, height=0]; 母 -> F3; 父 -> F3; 母再婚相手; 母; F4 [label="", shape="circle", width=0, height=0]; 母 -> F4 ; 母再婚相手 -> F4; }; { edge [dir=forward, arrwohed=normal]; F3 -> 姉; F3 -> 自分; F3 -> 弟; F4 -> 義妹 } }

図 13.3 graphviz例(digraph and neato)#

PlantUMLのコンポーネント図(あるいは配置図?)を使った作例です。 婚姻関係を表現するために、rectangle を導入しています。夫婦と婚姻関係を表現するために、 表示ラベルが空白(" ")のインタフェースコンポーネントを導入しています。

'to to down direction
'lelft to right direction

rectangle "父方" as b2 {
   interface F1  as " " #black

rectangle b1 as "母方" {
   interface F2 as " " #black

rectangle b3 as "我が家" {
   interface F3 as " " #black
   interface F4 as " " #black

"父方祖父" -> F1
F1 <- "父方祖母"

F1 --> "父"
F1 --> "叔父"

"母方祖父" -> F2
F2 <- "母方祖母"

F2 --> "母"
F2 --> "伯母"

"父" -> F3
F3 -> "母"

"母" -> F4
F4-> "母再婚相手"

F3 --> "姉"
F3 --> "自分"
F3 --> "弟"

F4 --> "義妹"

図 13.4 plantUMLによる作例#

13.2. Caroline Bouvier Kennedyの家系図#

Graphviz ギャラリー:家系図 にある 家系図の一例。 婚姻関係に rank=same の条件を追加しました。

graph G { label="ancestor graph from Caroline Bouvier Kennedy" layout = dot fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] I5 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Caroline Bouvier Kennedy\nb. 27.11.1957 New York",image="_static/165px-Caroline_Kennedy.png",labelloc=b]; I1 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="John Fitzgerald Kennedy\nb. 29.5.1917 Brookline\nd. 22.11.1963 Dallas",image="_static/kennedyface.png",labelloc=b]; I6 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr.\nb. 25.11.1960 Washington\nd. 16.7.1999 over the Atlantic Ocean, near Aquinnah, MA, USA",image="_static/180px-JFKJr2.png",labelloc=b]; I7 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="Patrick Bouvier Kennedy\nb. 7.8.1963\nd. 9.8.1963"]; I2 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Jaqueline Lee Bouvier\nb. 28.7.1929 Southampton\nd. 19.5.1994 New York City",image="_static/jacqueline-kennedy-onassis.png",labelloc=b]; I8 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="Joseph Patrick Kennedy\nb. 6.9.1888 East Boston\nd. 16.11.1969 Hyannis Port",image="_static/1025901671.png",labelloc=b]; I10 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr\nb. 1915\nd. 1944"]; I11 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Rosemary Kennedy\nb. 13.9.1918\nd. 7.1.2005",image="_static/rosemary.png",labelloc=b]; I12 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Kathleen Kennedy\nb. 1920\nd. 1948"]; I13 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Eunice Mary Kennedy\nb. 10.7.1921 Brookline"]; I9 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald\nb. 22.7.1890 Boston\nd. 22.1.1995 Hyannis Port",image="_static/Rose_kennedy.jpeg",labelloc=b]; I15 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="Aristotle Onassis"]; I3 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="John Vernou Bouvier III\nb. 1891\nd. 1957",image="_static/BE037819.png",labelloc=b]; I4 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Janet Norton Lee\nb. 2.10.1877\nd. 3.1.1968",image="_static/n48862003257_1275276_1366.png",labelloc=b]; {rank=same I1 I2 I15} {rank=same I3 I4 } {rank=same I8 I9 } I1 -- I5 [style=bold,color=blue]; I1 -- I6 [style=bold,color=blue]; I2 -- I6 [style=bold,color=red]; I1 -- I7 [style=bold,color=blue]; I2 -- I7 [style=bold,color=red]; I1 -- I2 [style=bold,color=green]; I8 -- I1 [style=bold,color=blue ]; I9 -- I1 [style=bold,color=red]; I8 -- I10 [style=bold,color=blue]; I9 -- I10 [style=bold,color=red]; I8 -- I11 [style=bold,color=blue]; I9 -- I11 [style=bold,color=red]; I8 -- I12 [style=bold,color=blue]; I9 -- I12 [style=bold,color=red]; I8 -- I13 [style=bold,color=blue]; I9 -- I13 [style=bold,color=red]; I8 -- I9 [style=bold,color=green]; I2 -- I5 [style=bold,color=red]; I2 -- I15 [style=bold,color=violet]; I3 -- I2 [style=bold,color=blue]; I4 -- I2 [style=bold,color=red]; I3 -- I4 [style=bold,color=green]; }

図 13.5 Colors and forms symbolize following * Blue box - man * Red ellipse - woman * Blue line - Father/Child relation * Red line - Mother/Child relation * Green line - Spouse relation * Orange line - Ancestors (other) children * Violet line - (other) spouse#

13.2.1. neato#

同じグラフをレイアウトエンジンを neato として描いてみます。

graph G { label="ancestor graph from Caroline Bouvier Kennedy" layout = neato overlap=false splines=true sep = 0.05 center=true normalize=true mode="major" model="circuit" fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif",fontsize=10 ] edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif",fontsize=10 , len=1.00] I5 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold, label="Caroline Bouvier Kennedy\nb. 27.11.1957 New York",image="_static/165px-Caroline_Kennedy.png",labelloc=b]; I1 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="John Fitzgerald Kennedy\nb. 29.5.1917 Brookline\nd. 22.11.1963 Dallas",image="_static/kennedyface.png",labelloc=b]; I6 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr.\nb. 25.11.1960 Washington\nd. 16.7.1999 over the Atlantic Ocean, near Aquinnah, MA, USA",image="_static/180px-JFKJr2.png",labelloc=b]; I7 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="Patrick Bouvier Kennedy\nb. 7.8.1963\nd. 9.8.1963"]; I2 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Jaqueline Lee Bouvier\nb. 28.7.1929 Southampton\nd. 19.5.1994 New York City",image="_static/jacqueline-kennedy-onassis.png",labelloc=b]; I8 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="Joseph Patrick Kennedy\nb. 6.9.1888 East Boston\nd. 16.11.1969 Hyannis Port",image="_static/1025901671.png",labelloc=b]; I10 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr\nb. 1915\nd. 1944"]; I11 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Rosemary Kennedy\nb. 13.9.1918\nd. 7.1.2005",image="_static/rosemary.png",labelloc=b]; I12 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Kathleen Kennedy\nb. 1920\nd. 1948"]; I13 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Eunice Mary Kennedy\nb. 10.7.1921 Brookline"]; I9 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald\nb. 22.7.1890 Boston\nd. 22.1.1995 Hyannis Port",image="_static/Rose_kennedy.png",labelloc=b]; I15 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="Aristotle Onassis"]; I3 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="John Vernou Bouvier III\nb. 1891\nd. 1957",image="_static/BE037819.png",labelloc=b]; I4 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Janet Norton Lee\nb. 2.10.1877\nd. 3.1.1968",image="_static/n48862003257_1275276_1366.png",labelloc=b]; {rank=same I2 I1 I15 } {rank=same I3 I4 } {rank=same I8 I9 } I1 -- I5 [style=bold,color=blue, len=6.00]; I1 -- I6 [style=bold,color=blue, len=6.00]; I2 -- I6 [style=bold,color=red, len=6.00]; I1 -- I7 [style=bold,color=blue, len=6.00]; I2 -- I7 [style=bold,color=red, len=6.00]; I1 -- I2 [style=bold,color=green, len=4.00]; I8 -- I1 [style=bold,color=blue , len=6.00]; I9 -- I1 [style=bold,color=red, len=6.00]; I8 -- I10 [style=bold,color=blue, len=6.00]; I9 -- I10 [style=bold,color=red, len=6.00]; I8 -- I11 [style=bold,color=blue, len=6.00]; I9 -- I11 [style=bold,color=red, len=6.00]; I8 -- I12 [style=bold,color=blue, len=6.00]; I9 -- I12 [style=bold,color=red, len=6.00]; I8 -- I13 [style=bold,color=blue, len=6.00]; I9 -- I13 [style=bold,color=red, len=6.00]; I8 -- I9 [style=bold,color=green, len=4.00]; I2 -- I5 [style=bold,color=red, len=6.00]; I2 -- I15 [style=bold,color=violet, len=4.00]; I3 -- I2 [style=bold,color=blue, len=6.00]; I4 -- I2 [style=bold,color=red, len=6.00]; I3 -- I4 [style=bold,color=green, len=4.00]; }

図 13.6 Colors and forms symbolize following#


   'skinparam linetype ortho

   'left to right direction
   top to bottom direction

   person I5 #pink;line:red [
          Caroline Bouvier Kennedy
          b. 27.11.1957 New York
   person I6 #cyan;line:blue [
          John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr.
          b. 25.11.1960 Washington
          d. 16.7.1999
             over the Atlantic Ocean,
             near Aquinnah, MA, USA

   person I7 #cyan;line:blue [
          Patrick Bouvier Kennedy
          b. 7.8.1963
          d. 9.8.1963
   rectangle B89 as " "{
          person I8  #cyan;line:blue [Joseph Patrick Kennedy
             b. 6.9.1888 East Boston
             d. 16.11.1969 Hyannis Port
          () F89 as " "  #green
          person I9  #pink;line:red [
            "Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald
            b. 22.7.1890 Boston
            d. 22.1.1995 Hyannis Port
   person I10  #cyan;line:blue [Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr
          b. 1915
          d. 1944
   person I11  #pink;line:red ["Rosemary Kennedy
          b. 13.9.1918
          d. 7.1.2005
   person I12  #pink;line:red ["Kathleen Kennedy
          b. 1920
          d. 1948
   person I13  #pink;line:red ["Eunice Mary Kennedy
          b. 10.7.1921 Brookline
   person I15  #cyan;line:blue [
          Aristotle Onassis

   rectangle B34 as " " {
          person I3 #cyan;line:blue [
          John Vernou Bouvier III
          b. 1891
          d. 1957
          () F34 as " " #green
          person I4  #pink;line:red [
          Janet Norton Lee
          b. 2.10.1877
          d. 3.1.1968

   rectangle B12 as " " {
          person I1 #cyan;line:blue [
          John Fitzgerald Kennedy
          b. 29.5.1917 Brookline
          d. 22.11.1963 Dallas
          () F12 as " "  #green
          person I2  #pink;line:red [
          Jaqueline Lee Bouvier
          b. 28.7.1929 Southampton
          d. 19.5.1994 New York City

   I1 -right[#green,thickness=4]- F12
   F12 -right[#green,thickness=4]- I2
   F12 -[#purple]-- I5
   F12 -[#purple]-- I6
   F12 -[#purple]-- I7
   I2 -right[#violet,thickness=4]- I15

   I8 -right[#green,thickness=4]- F89
   F89 -right[#green,thickness=4]- I9
   F89 -[#purple]-- I1
   F89 -[#purple]-- I11
   F89 -[#purple]-- I10
   F89 -[#purple]-- I12
   F89 -[#purple]-- I13

   I3 -right[#green,thickness=4]- F34
   F34 -right[#green,thickness=4]- I4
   F34 -[#purple]-- I2


図 13.7 ケネディ家の家系図(using PlantUML)#

13.3. UNIX Family 'Tree'#

13.3.1. オリジナル(Graphviz)のUnix Family Tree#

digraph unix { label="courtesy Ian Darwin and Geoff Collyer, Softquad Inc." fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] node [color=lightblue2, style=filled]; "5th Edition" -> "6th Edition"; "5th Edition" -> "PWB 1.0"; "6th Edition" -> "LSX"; "6th Edition" -> "1 BSD"; "6th Edition" -> "Mini Unix"; "6th Edition" -> "Wollongong"; "6th Edition" -> "Interdata"; "Interdata" -> "Unix/TS 3.0"; "Interdata" -> "PWB 2.0"; "Interdata" -> "7th Edition"; "7th Edition" -> "8th Edition"; "7th Edition" -> "32V"; "7th Edition" -> "V7M"; "7th Edition" -> "Ultrix-11"; "7th Edition" -> "Xenix"; "7th Edition" -> "UniPlus+"; "V7M" -> "Ultrix-11"; "8th Edition" -> "9th Edition"; "1 BSD" -> "2 BSD"; "2 BSD" -> "2.8 BSD"; "2.8 BSD" -> "Ultrix-11"; "2.8 BSD" -> "2.9 BSD"; "32V" -> "3 BSD"; "3 BSD" -> "4 BSD"; "4 BSD" -> "4.1 BSD"; "4.1 BSD" -> "4.2 BSD"; "4.1 BSD" -> "2.8 BSD"; "4.1 BSD" -> "8th Edition"; "4.2 BSD" -> "4.3 BSD"; "4.2 BSD" -> "Ultrix-32"; "PWB 1.0" -> "PWB 1.2"; "PWB 1.0" -> "USG 1.0"; "PWB 1.2" -> "PWB 2.0"; "USG 1.0" -> "CB Unix 1"; "USG 1.0" -> "USG 2.0"; "CB Unix 1" -> "CB Unix 2"; "CB Unix 2" -> "CB Unix 3"; "CB Unix 3" -> "Unix/TS++"; "CB Unix 3" -> "PDP-11 Sys V"; "USG 2.0" -> "USG 3.0"; "USG 3.0" -> "Unix/TS 3.0"; "PWB 2.0" -> "Unix/TS 3.0"; "Unix/TS 1.0" -> "Unix/TS 3.0"; "Unix/TS 3.0" -> "TS 4.0"; "Unix/TS++" -> "TS 4.0"; "CB Unix 3" -> "TS 4.0"; "TS 4.0" -> "System V.0"; "System V.0" -> "System V.2"; "System V.2" -> "System V.3"; }

13.3.2. PlantUMLでのUnix Tree 図#

'left to right direction
'top to bottom direction
scale 2.0

'skinparam componentStyle rectangle
'skinparam componentBackgroundColor lightblue

skinparam component{
          Style rectangle
          BackgroundColor lightblue
          text red

["5th Edition"] --> ["6th Edition"]
["5th Edition"] --> ["PWB 1.0"]

["PWB 1.0"] --> ["PWB 1.2"]
["PWB 1.0"] --> ["USG 1.0"]
["PWB 1.2"] --> ["PWB 2.0"]
["PWB 2.0"] --> ["Unix/TS 3.0"]

["6th Edition"] --> ["LSX"]
["6th Edition"] --> ["1 BSD"]
["6th Edition"] --> ["Mini Unix"]
["6th Edition"] --> ["Wollongong"]
["6th Edition"] --> ["Interdata"]

["1 BSD"] --> ["2 BSD"]
["2 BSD"] --> ["2.8 BSD"]

["Interdata"] --> ["Unix/TS 3.0"]
["Interdata"] --> ["PWB 2.0"]
["Interdata"] --> ["7th Edition"]

["7th Edition"] --> ["8th Edition"]
["7th Edition"] --> ["32V"]
["7th Edition"] --> ["V7M"]
["7th Edition"] --> ["Ultrix-11"]
["7th Edition"] --> ["Xenix"]
["7th Edition"] --> ["UniPlus+"]

["8th Edition"] --> ["9th Edition"]
["32V"] --> ["3 BSD"]
["V7M"] --> ["Ultrix-11"]

["2.8 BSD"] --> ["Ultrix-11"]
["2.8 BSD"] --> ["2.9 BSD"]
["3 BSD"] --> ["4 BSD"]
["4 BSD"] --> ["4.1 BSD"]

["4.1 BSD"] --> ["4.2 BSD"]
["4.1 BSD"] --> ["2.8 BSD"]
["4.1 BSD"] --> ["8th Edition"]

["4.2 BSD"] --> ["4.3 BSD"]
["4.2 BSD"] --> ["Ultrix-32"]

["USG 1.0"] --> ["CB Unix 1"]
["USG 1.0"] --> ["USG 2.0"]

["CB Unix 1"] --> ["CB Unix 2"]
["CB Unix 2"] --> ["CB Unix 3"]
["CB Unix 3"] --> ["Unix/TS++"]
["CB Unix 3"] --> ["PDP-11 Sys V"]

["USG 2.0"] --> ["USG 3.0"]
["USG 3.0"] --> ["Unix/TS 3.0"]
["Unix/TS 1.0"] --> ["Unix/TS 3.0"]

["Unix/TS 3.0"] --> ["TS 4.0"]
["Unix/TS++"] --> ["TS 4.0"]
["CB Unix 3"] --> ["TS 4.0"]

["TS 4.0"] --> ["System V.0"]
["System V.0"] --> ["System V.2"]
["System V.2"] --> ["System V.3"]


図 13.8 "courtesy Ian Darwin and Geoff Collyer, Softquad Inc."#

13.4. Other Example#

stack overflow: Family tree layout with Dot/GraphViz の回答からの例。 graphvizの処理系によって結果が異なる。

digraph simpsons { edge [dir=none]; subgraph Generation0 { rank = same Abraham [shape = box, color = blue] Mona [shape = box, color = pink] AbrahamAndMona [shape = point] Abraham -> AbrahamAndMona -> Mona [dir = none] Clancy [shape = box, color = blue] Jackeline [shape = box, color = pink] ClancyAndJackeline [shape = point] Clancy -> ClancyAndJackeline -> Jackeline [dir = none] } subgraph Generation0Sons { rank = same HerbSon [shape = point] AbrahamAndMonaSons [shape = point] HomerSon [shape = point] HerbSon -> AbrahamAndMonaSons [dir = none] HomerSon -> AbrahamAndMonaSons [dir = none] MargeSon [shape = point] PattySon [shape = point] SelmaSon [shape = point] MargeSon -> PattySon [dir = none] PattySon -> SelmaSon [dir = none] } AbrahamAndMona -> AbrahamAndMonaSons [dir = none] ClancyAndJackeline -> PattySon [dir = none] subgraph Generation1 { rank = same Herb [shape = box, color = blue] Homer [shape = box, color = blue] Marge [shape = box, color = pink] Patty [shape = box, color = pink] Selma [shape = box, color = pink] HomerAndMarge [shape = point] Homer -> HomerAndMarge [dir = none] Marge -> HomerAndMarge [dir = none] } HerbSon -> Herb [dir = none] HomerSon -> Homer [dir = none] MargeSon -> Marge [dir = none] PattySon -> Patty [dir = none] SelmaSon -> Selma [dir = none] subgraph Generation1Sons { rank = same BartSon [shape = point] LisaSon [shape = point] MaggieSon [shape = point] BartSon -> LisaSon [dir = none] LisaSon -> MaggieSon [dir = none] } HomerAndMarge -> LisaSon [dir = none] subgraph Generation2 { rank = same Bart [shape = box, color = blue] Lisa [shape = box, color = pink] Maggie [shape = box, color = pink] Ling [shape = box, color = blue] } Selma -> Ling [dir = none] BartSon -> Bart [dir = none] LisaSon -> Lisa [dir = none] MaggieSon -> Maggie [dir = none] }

図 13.9 original#


graph simpsons { Herb [shape = box, color = blue] Homer [shape = box, color = blue] Marge [shape = box, color = pink] Patty [shape = box, color = pink] Selma [shape = box, color = pink] Abraham [shape = box, color = blue] Mona [shape = box, color = pink] Clancy [shape = box, color = blue] Jackeline [shape = box, color = pink] Bart [shape = box, color = blue] Lisa [shape = box, color = pink] Maggie [shape = box, color = pink] Ling [shape = box, color = blue] HomerAndMarge [shape = point] SelmaChildren [shape = point] AbrahamAndMona [shape = point] ClancyAndJackeline [shape = point] HerbSon [shape = point] AbrahamAndMonaSons [shape = point] HomerSon [shape = point] MargeSon [shape = point] PattySon [shape = point] SelmaSon [shape = point] subgraph Generation00 { rank = same Abraham -- AbrahamAndMona [dir = none] AbrahamAndMona -- Mona [dir = none] Clancy -- ClancyAndJackeline [dir = none] ClancyAndJackeline -- Jackeline [dir = none] } subgraph Generation00Sons { rank = same HerbSon -- AbrahamAndMonaSons [dir = none] AbrahamAndMonaSons -- HomerSon [dir = none] } subgraph Generation01 { rank = same } subgraph Generation01Sons { rank = same MargeSon -- PattySon [dir = none] PattySon -- SelmaSon [dir = none] } AbrahamAndMona -- AbrahamAndMonaSons [dir = none] ClancyAndJackeline -- PattySon [dir = none] HerbSon -- Herb [dir = none] subgraph Generation10 { rank = same Homer -- HomerAndMarge [dir = none] HomerAndMarge -- Marge [dir = none] } HomerSon -- Homer [dir = none] {rank=same; Herb;Homer; Marge;Patty;Selma; } MargeSon -- Marge [dir = none] PattySon -- Patty [dir = none] SelmaSon -- Selma [dir = none] subgraph Generation1Sons { rank = same BartSon [shape = point] LisaSon [shape = point] MaggieSon [shape = point] BartSon -- LisaSon [dir = none] LisaSon -- MaggieSon [dir = none] } HomerAndMarge -- LisaSon [dir = none] subgraph Generation2 { rank = same Bart;Lisa;Maggie; } BartSon -- Bart [dir = none] LisaSon -- Lisa [dir = none] MaggieSon -- Maggie [dir = none] Selma -- SelmaChildren SelmaChildren -- Ling [dir = none] }

図 13.10 変更版#

digraph G { edge [dir=none]; node [regular=1]; "Herb" [shape=box, color="blue"] ; "Homer" [shape=box, color="blue"] ; "Marge" [shape=circle, color="pink"] ; "Clancy" [shape=box, color="blue"] ; "Jackeline" [shape=circle, color="pink"] ; "Abraham" [shape=box, color="blue"] ; "Mona" [shape=circle, color="pink"] ; "Patty" [shape=circle, color="pink"] ; "Selma" [shape=circle, color="pink"] ; "Bart" [shape=box, color="blue"] ; "Lisa" [shape=circle, color="pink"] ; "Maggie" [shape=circle, color="pink"] ; "Ling" [shape=box, color="blue"] ; a1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01]; b1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01]; b2 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01]; b3 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01]; {rank=same; Abraham -> a1 -> Mona}; {rank=same; b1 -> b2 -> b3}; {rank=same; Herb; Homer}; a1 -> b2 b1 -> Herb b3 -> Homer p1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01]; q1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01]; q2 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01]; q3 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01]; {rank=same; Homer -> p1 -> Marge}; {rank=same; q1 -> q2 -> q3}; {rank=same; Bart; Lisa; Maggie}; p1 -> q2; q1 -> Bart; q2 -> Lisa; q3 -> Maggie; x1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01]; y1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01]; y2 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01]; y3 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01]; {rank=same; Clancy -> x1 -> Jackeline}; {rank=same; y1 -> y2 -> y3}; {rank=same; Marge; Patty; Selma}; {rank=same; Bart; Ling} x1 -> y2; y1 -> Marge; y2 -> Patty; y3 -> Selma; Selma -> Ling; }

図 13.11 ネットで提案された改善例#


skinparam componentStyle rectangle
' skinparam linetype ortho

rectangle  Generation00 as " " {
          [Abraham] #cyan
          [Mona] #pink
          () AbrahamAndMona as " " #black

          Abraham -r- AbrahamAndMona
          AbrahamAndMona -r- Mona


rectangle Generation01 as " " {
          [Clancy] #cyan
          ()ClancyAndJackeline as " " #black
          [Jackeline] #pink

          Clancy -r- ClancyAndJackeline
          ClancyAndJackeline -r- Jackeline

[Herb] #cyan

rectangle Generation10  as " "{

          [Homer] #cyan
          ()HomerAndMarge as " " #black
          [Marge] $pink

          Homer -r- HomerAndMarge
          HomerAndMarge -r- Marge

   AbrahamAndMona -- Herb
   AbrahamAndMona -- Homer

   [Patty] #pink
   [Selma] #pink

   ClancyAndJackeline -- Marge
   ClancyAndJackeline -- Patty
   ClancyAndJackeline -- Selma

   [Bart] #cyan
   [Lisa] #pink
   [Maggie] #pink

   HomerAndMarge -- Bart
   HomerAndMarge -- Lisa
   HomerAndMarge -- Maggie

   [Ling] #cyan
   Selma -- Ling


図 13.12 PlantUML版#

   skinparam componentStyle rectangle
   skinparam linetype ortho

   skinparam component {
          BackgroundColor<<Male>> lightblue
          BackgroundColor<<Female>> pink
          BorderColor<<Male>> blue
          BorderColor<<Female>> red
   skinparam interface{
          BackgroundColor black
          FontSize 1

   [Abraham] <<Male>>
   [Mona]    <<Female>>

   [Herb]    <<Male>>
   [Homer]   <<Male>>

   [Clancy]    <<Male>>
   [Jackeline] <<Female>>

   [Marge]      <<Female>>
   [Patty]     <<Female>>
   [Selma]     <<Female>>

   [Bart]      <<Male>>
   [Lisa]      <<Female>>
   [Maggie]    <<Female>>

   [Ling]  <<Male>>

   ()a1 as " "
   ()b1  as " "
   ()b2  as " "
   ()b3  as " "

   Abraham -r- a1
   a1 -r- Mona
   Mona -r[hidden]- Clancy

   a1 -- b2

   b1 -r- b2
   b2 -r- b3

   b1 -- Herb
   b3 -- Homer
   Herb -r[hidden]- Homer

   ()p1 as " "
   ()q1 as " "
   ()q2 as " "
   ()q3 as " "

   Homer -r- p1
   p1 -r- Marge

   p1 -- q2

   q1 -r- q2
   q2 -r- q3

   q1 -- Bart
   q2 -- Lisa
   q3 -- Maggie

   ()x1 as " "
   ()y1 as " "
   ()y2 as " "
   ()y3 as " "

   Clancy -r- x1
   x1 -r- Jackeline
   b3 -r[hidden]- y1
   x1 -- y2
   y1 -r- y2
   y2 -r- y3
   y1 -- Marge
   y2 -- Patty
   y3 -- Selma
   Marge -r[hidden]- Patty
   Patty -r[hidden]- Selma
   Selma --- Ling

図 13.13 ネットで提案された改善例をPlantUMLで書き直す。#

13.5. KEKの組織図 in PlantUML#


KEKの組織図は、https://www.kek.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/orgchart_ja_20240401.pdf に掲載されている。 PlantUMLのWBSのような上から下へのトップダウンとはなっておらず、経営協議会/教育研究評議会/研究所運営会議とかどう取り扱って いいかわからない。 日本的組織とはそういうもんかとも思います。


結局PlantUMLではコンポーネント図/配置図をベースにして、調整することができました。組織図も家系図の例のように、色々な手段を弄してなるべく近いものにしてみます。 (現状の組織を論理的な図にしてみることで、現状の組織の問題点が浮かびでるということもあるかとおもいます。)



scale 0.7
   left to right direction
   'top to bottom  direction 
   'skinparam linextype ortho
   skinparam component{
	     Style rectangle
   component [役員会]  {
      [機構長] -l- [理事]
   [監事] -r- [機構長]
   [経営協議会] -d-- [機構長]
   [教育研究評議会] -d-- [機構長]
   component [素粒子原子核研究所] {

   [役員会] -d- [素粒子原子核研究所]
   [素粒子原子核研究所所長] -r-  [素粒子原子核研究所副所長]
   [素粒子原子核研究所所長] -l-  [素粒子原子核研究所技術調整役]
   [素粒子原子核研究所所長] -d-- [各研究グループ]
   [素粒子原子核研究所所長] -d-- [和光原子核科学センタ]
   [素粒子原子核研究所所長] -d-- [理論センタ]
   [素粒子原子核研究所所長] -d-- [測定器開発センタ]
   component [物質構造科学研究所]{
      [役員会] -d-  [物質構造科学研究所]
      [物質構造科学研究所所長] -r-  [物質構造科学研究所副所長]
      [物質構造科学研究所所長] -l-  [物質構造科学研究所技術調整役]
      [物質構造科学研究所所長] -d-- [放射光科学第⼀研究系]
      [物質構造科学研究所所長] -d-- [放射光科学第⼆研究系]
      [物質構造科学研究所所長] -d-- [中性⼦科学研究系]
      [物質構造科学研究所所長] -d-- [ミュオン科学研究系]
      [物質構造科学研究所所長] -d-- [放射光実験施設]
      [物質構造科学研究所所長] -d-- [低速陽電⼦実験施設]
      [物質構造科学研究所所長] -d-- [構造⽣物学研究センター]
      [物質構造科学研究所所長] -d-- [量⼦ビーム連携研究センター]
      [物質構造科学研究所所長] -d-- [新領域開拓室]

   component [加速器研究施設] {
   [加速器研究施設長] -r- [加速器研究施設技術調整役]
   [役員会] -d-  [加速器研究施設]
   [加速器研究施設長] -d-- [加速器第一研究系]
   [加速器研究施設長] -d-- [加速器第二研究系]
   [加速器研究施設長] -d-- [加速器第三研究系]      
   [加速器研究施設長] -d-- [加速器第四研究系]
   [加速器研究施設長] -d-- [加速器第五研究系]
   [加速器研究施設長] -d-- [加速器第六研究系]
   [加速器研究施設長] -d-- [応用超伝導加速器イノベーションセンタ]


   component [加速器・共通基盤研究施設運営会議]

   component [J-PARCセンタ] {
   [役員会] -d- [J-PARCセンタ]
   [J-PARCセンタ長] -r- [副センタ長]
   [J-PARCセンタ長] -d-- [安全ディビジョン]
   [J-PARCセンタ長] -d-- [加速器ディビジョン]
   [J-PARCセンタ長] -d-- [物質・⽣命科学ディビジョン]
   [J-PARCセンタ長] -d-- [素粒⼦原⼦核ディビジョン]
   [J-PARCセンタ長] -d-- [核変換ディビジョン]
   [J-PARCセンタ長] -d-- [業務・運営⽀援ディビジョン]
   component [量⼦場計測システム国際拠点] {
   [役員会] -d- [量⼦場計測システム国際拠点]
   [量⼦場計測システム国際拠点⻑] -r- [副拠点⻑]
   [量⼦場計測システム国際拠点⻑] -l- [事務部⾨⻑]

   [量⼦場計測システム国際拠点⻑] -d-- [研究コア]
   [量⼦場計測システム国際拠点⻑] -d-- [システモロジー⽀援セクション]
   [量⼦場計測システム国際拠点⻑] -d-- [QUP戦略室]
   [量⼦場計測システム国際拠点⻑] -d-- [QUP事務室]

   [役員会] -d--- [広報室]
   [広報室] -r- [史料室]
   [役員会] -d--- [図書室]
   [役員会] -d--- [IR推進室]
   [役員会] -d--- [環境安全管理室]
   [役員会] -d--- [監査室]

	()itemp as " " #black
	[役員会] -d-- itemp
	itemp	-d-- [男⼥共同参画推進室(東海)]
	itemp -d-- [男⼥共同参画推進室(つくば)] 
	itemp  -d-- [男⼥共同参画推進者]

   [役員会] -d--- [ILC推進準備室]
   [役員会] -d--- [不正防⽌計画推進室]
   [役員会] -d--- [DX推進室]
   [役員会] -d--- [加速器科学⽀援センタ]

component [管理局]{
	[役員会] -d-- [管理局]
	[管理局長] -d-- [総務部]

	[総務部] -d-- [総務課] 
	[総務部] -d-- [⼈事・職員課]
	[総務部] -d-- [情報基盤管理課]
	[管理局長] -d-- [財務部]
	[財務部] -d-- [財務企画課]
	[財務部] -d-- [経理課]
	[財務部] -d-- [契約課]
	[財務部] -d-- [東海契約課]
	[管理局長] -d-- [研究協⼒部]
	[研究協⼒部] -d-- [研究協⼒課]
	[研究協⼒部] -d-- [連携推進課]
	[研究協⼒部] -d-- [共同利⽤⽀援課]
	[研究協⼒部] -d-- [QUP業務推進室]
	[研究協⼒部] -d-- [国際企画課]
	[研究協⼒部] -d-- [国際プロジェクト推進室]

	[管理局長] -d-- [参事役]
	[管理局長] -d-- [施設部]
	[施設部] -d-- [施設企画課]
	[施設部] -d-- [資産マネジメント課]
	[施設部] -d-- [整備管理課]


図 13.14 PlantUMLのコンポーネント図を使い、KEKの組織図を書くことに挑戦#