8. mermaid#

mermaid は フローチャートなど各種の図を作成するためのツールです。 JavaScriptで開発されています。

  • フローチャート

  • シークエンス図

  • ガントチャート

  • クラス図

  • Gitグラフ

  • ER図

  • C4 Diagrams (in development, C4-PlantUMLがベース)

  • User Journey Diagram:作業進捗図?

  • Qudrant Chart 4分割配置図

  • XYグラフ (beta)

  • パイチャート

  • マインドマップ

  • 時系列図

  • ZenUML

  • Sankey (?)(beta)

  • ブロック図(beta)

  • パケット図(beta)

  • アーキテクチャ図(beta)

  • その他


文法はMarkdownを参考にしているらしく、GitHub, GitLabではMermaid の図形をMarkdown ファイル中に埋め込むことが可能です。 GFM APIを使うことで、様々な環境にGFMとmermaidを 使った文書を作成するためのPluginsが開発されています。

JupyterLabtのJupyter Notebook 7 では markdown中にmermaidを埋め込むことができる。 これはSphinx経由なのか、直接なのかは不明です。ただ、つかえるのはmermaid version 9.4.3 で最新版(11.3.0)の機能は使えませんでした。

8.1. フローチャート#

graph LR A["$$x^2$$"] -->|"$$\sqrt{x+3}$$"| B("$$\frac{1}{2}$$") A -->|"$$\overbrace{a+b+c}^{\text{note}}$$"| C("$$\pi r^2$$") B --> D("$$x = \begin{cases} a &\text{if } b \\ c &\text{if } d \end{cases}$$") C --> E("$$x(t)=c_1\begin{bmatrix}-\cos{t}+\sin{t}\\ 2\cos{t} \end{bmatrix}e^{2t}$$")
``` mermaid
flowchart LR
A[Jupyter Notebook] --> C
B[MyST Markdown] --> C
C(mystmd) --> D{AST}
D <--> E[LaTeX]
E --> F[PDF]
D --> G[Word]
D --> H[React]
D --> I[HTML]
D <--> J[JATS]

Mermaid Live Editor を使ってソフトウェアのインストールなしで、作図することも可能です。

flowchart LR A[Jupyter Notebook] --> C B[MyST Markdown] --> C C(mystmd) --> D{AST} D <--> E[LaTeX] E --> F[PDF] D --> G[Word] D --> H[React] D --> I[HTML] D <--> J[JATS]
sequenceDiagram Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? John-->>Alice: Great! Alice-)John: See you later!
--- title: Animal example --- classDiagram note "From Duck till Zebra" Animal <|-- Duck note for Duck "can fly\ncan swim\ncan dive\ncan help in debugging" Animal <|-- Fish Animal <|-- Zebra Animal : +int age Animal : +String gender Animal: +isMammal() Animal: +mate() class Duck{ +String beakColor +swim() +quack() } class Fish{ -int sizeInFeet -canEat() } class Zebra{ +bool is_wild +run() }
stateDiagram [*] --> Still Still --> [*] Still --> Moving Moving --> Still Moving --> Crash Crash --> [*]

8.2. ER図#

--- title: Order example --- erDiagram CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places ORDER ||--|{ LINE-ITEM : contains CUSTOMER }|..|{ DELIVERY-ADDRESS : uses institute ||--o{ cource : opens_in institute ||--o{ student : belongs cource ||--o{ student : takes

8.3. user journey図#

journey title My working day section Go to work Make tea: 5: Me Go upstairs: 3: Me Do work: 1: Me, Cat section Go home Go downstairs: 5: Me Sit down: 5: Me

8.4. ガントチャート(mermaid)#

gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD title Adding GANTT diagram functionality to mermaid excludes weekends %% (`excludes` accepts specific dates in YYYY-MM-DD format, days of the week ("sunday") or "weekends", but not the word "weekdays".) section A section Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08 Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d Future task : des3, after des2, 5d Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d section Critical tasks Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h Implement parser and jison :crit, done, after des1, 2d Create tests for parser :crit, active, 3d Future task in critical line :crit, 5d Create tests for renderer :2d Add to mermaid :until isadded Functionality added :milestone, isadded, 2014-01-25, 0d section Documentation Describe gantt syntax :active, a1, after des1, 3d Add gantt diagram to demo page :after a1 , 20h Add another diagram to demo page :doc1, after a1 , 48h section Last section Describe gantt syntax :after doc1, 3d Addg antt diagram to demo page :20h Add another diagram to demo page :48h

8.5. X-Y 図#

xychart-beta title "Sales Revenue" x-axis [jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec] y-axis "Revenue (in $)" 4000 --> 11000 bar [5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000] line [5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000]

8.6. パケット図#

--- title: "TCP Packet" --- packet-beta 0-15: "Source Port" 16-31: "Destination Port" 32-63: "Sequence Number" 64-95: "Acknowledgment Number" 96-99: "Data Offset" 100-105: "Reserved" 106: "URG" 107: "ACK" 108: "PSH" 109: "RST" 110: "SYN" 111: "FIN" 112-127: "Window" 128-143: "Checksum" 144-159: "Urgent Pointer" 160-191: "(Options and Padding)" 192-255: "Data (variable length)"

8.7. Gitのブランチ図#

gitGraph: commit "Ashish" branch newbranch checkout newbranch commit id:"1111" commit tag:"test" checkout main commit type: HIGHLIGHT commit merge newbranch commit branch b2 commit

8.8. Sankey diagram (v10.3.0+)の一例#

--- config: sankey: showValues: false --- sankey-beta Agricultural 'waste',Bio-conversion,124.729 Bio-conversion,Liquid,0.597 Bio-conversion,Losses,26.862 Bio-conversion,Solid,280.322 Bio-conversion,Gas,81.144 Biofuel imports,Liquid,35 Biomass imports,Solid,35 Coal imports,Coal,11.606 Coal reserves,Coal,63.965 Coal,Solid,75.571 District heating,Industry,10.639 District heating,Heating and cooling - commercial,22.505 District heating,Heating and cooling - homes,46.184 Electricity grid,Over generation / exports,104.453 Electricity grid,Heating and cooling - homes,113.726 Electricity grid,H2 conversion,27.14 Electricity grid,Industry,342.165 Electricity grid,Road transport,37.797 Electricity grid,Agriculture,4.412 Electricity grid,Heating and cooling - commercial,40.858 Electricity grid,Losses,56.691 Electricity grid,Rail transport,7.863 Electricity grid,Lighting & appliances - commercial,90.008 Electricity grid,Lighting & appliances - homes,93.494 Gas imports,Ngas,40.719 Gas reserves,Ngas,82.233 Gas,Heating and cooling - commercial,0.129 Gas,Losses,1.401 Gas,Thermal generation,151.891 Gas,Agriculture,2.096 Gas,Industry,48.58 Geothermal,Electricity grid,7.013 H2 conversion,H2,20.897 H2 conversion,Losses,6.242 H2,Road transport,20.897 Hydro,Electricity grid,6.995 Liquid,Industry,121.066 Liquid,International shipping,128.69 Liquid,Road transport,135.835 Liquid,Domestic aviation,14.458 Liquid,International aviation,206.267 Liquid,Agriculture,3.64 Liquid,National navigation,33.218 Liquid,Rail transport,4.413 Marine algae,Bio-conversion,4.375 Ngas,Gas,122.952 Nuclear,Thermal generation,839.978 Oil imports,Oil,504.287 Oil reserves,Oil,107.703 Oil,Liquid,611.99 Other waste,Solid,56.587 Other waste,Bio-conversion,77.81 Pumped heat,Heating and cooling - homes,193.026 Pumped heat,Heating and cooling - commercial,70.672 Solar PV,Electricity grid,59.901 Solar Thermal,Heating and cooling - homes,19.263 Solar,Solar Thermal,19.263 Solar,Solar PV,59.901 Solid,Agriculture,0.882 Solid,Thermal generation,400.12 Solid,Industry,46.477 Thermal generation,Electricity grid,525.531 Thermal generation,Losses,787.129 Thermal generation,District heating,79.329 Tidal,Electricity grid,9.452 UK land based bioenergy,Bio-conversion,182.01 Wave,Electricity grid,19.013 Wind,Electricity grid,289.366