Facilities at J-PARC

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At J-PARC, a proton beam is accelerated to a world-class high-energy beam by a series of accelerators, which consists of

  • A 400 MeV linear accelerator (LINAC)
  • A 3 GeV rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS)
  • A 50 GeV (currently 30 GeV) main ring (MR)

The high-energy beam is delivered to three different experimental facilities for conducting cutting-edge research in the fields of materials and life science, and particle and nuclear physics.


Drift Tube Linac(DTL)


Nuclear and Particle Physics Facility

At the 50GeV Synchrotron, nuclear and particle physics experiments are performed using high-intensity beams such as the kaon beam, pion beam, neutrino beam as well as the primary proton beam.

In these research fields one looks for answers to the very fundamental questions such as; " What are the extreme constituents of matter? ", " What are the fundamental interactions or forces acting between particles? " In order to study these questions, the experiments with high precision, with very new phenomena or with exotic states will be pursued using high-intensity beams.

SKS detector and Hyperball-J

SKS detector and Hyperball-J

Image of T2K experiment

Image of T2K experiment


Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility

Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) aims at promoting materials science and life science using the world highest intensity pulsed neutron and muon beams produced by using 3 GeV protons with a current of 333 micro-amps and a repetition rate of 25 Hz.

MLF hole

MLF Hole


Nuclear Transmutation Research

Nuclear transmutation is a physical phenomenon where a target nuclide transmutes to another one by a nuclear reaction.

In the present fuel cycle system for commercial nuclear power plants, the reprocessing of the spent fuels produces High-Level Nuclear Wastes (HLWs) including long-lived nuclides.

If the long-lived nuclides can be converted to short-lived or stable ones by the transmutation technique, the management period for geological disposal of HLWs could be much shorter than expected, and this leads to a reduction of the burden of geological disposal.

J-PARC plans the Transmutation Experimental Facility(TEF) for the basic study of radioactive waste management.

J-PARC will contribute to basic research and development of transmutation technique.

Photo taken at High-Temperature Engineering Laboratory

Liquid lead-bismuth target mockup loop