J-PARC Publication List 2003

J-PARC Publication List 2003

J-PARC 03 J-PARC 04-06 J-PARC 07-09 J-PARC 10-12 J-PARC 13-15 J-PARC 16-18 J-PARC 19-23




J-PARC 03-1

Published as
JAERI-Tech 2003-044
KEK Report 2002-13
"Accelerator Technical Design Report for High-Intensity Proton Accelerator Facility Project, J-PARC"

Accelerator Group, JAERI/KEK Joint Project Team

J-PARC 03-2 "Presentations for the 1st Neutron Source Technical Advisory Committee Meeting"

Material & Life Sciences Experimental Facility Group (MLFG), J-PARC JAERI/KEK Joint Project Team (January, 2003)

Contact: Y. Ikeda ( ikeda[at]cens.tokai.jaeri.go.jp )
J-PARC 03-3

Published as
JAERI-Tech 2003-010
"3-Dimensional Shielding Design for a Spallation Neutron Source Facility in the High-Intensity Proton Accelerator Project"

Tamura et al.

Contact: F. Maekawa ( fujio[at]cens.tokai.jaeri.go.jp )
J-PARC 03-4

Published as
JAERI-Tech 2003-019
"Basic Design of Shield Blocks for a Spallation Neutron Source under the High-Intensity Proton Accelerator Project"

Yoshida et al.

Contact: F. Maekawa ( fujio[at]cens.tokai.jaeri.go.jp )
J-PARC 03-5

Published as
JAERI-Tech 2003-026
"Structural Design Study of a Proton Beam Window for a 1-MW Spallation Neutron Source"

Teraoku et al.

Contact: F. Maekawa ( fujio[at]cens.tokai.jaeri.go.jp )
J-PARC 03-6 "Letters of Intent for Nuclear and particle Physics Experiments at the J-PARC"

The J-PARC Project Office ( February, 2003)

Contact: T. Nagae (tomofumi.nagae[at]kek.jp)
J-PARC 03-7

Published as
KEK Proceedig 2002-28
"Presentations For the 1st Muon Science Experimental Facility Advisory Committee Meeting (MuSAC)"

Ed. Y. Miyake

Contact: Y. Miyake ( yasuhiro.miyake[at]kek.jp )
J-PARC 03-8

Published as
JAERI-Research 2003-005
"Off-Line Tests On Pitting Damage in Mercury Target"

Futakawa et al.

Contact: M. Futakawa (futakawa[at]popsvr.tokai.jaeri.go.jp)
J-PARC 03-9

Published as
KEK Proceedig
"2nd Workshop on the Muon Science Explored by JAERI-KEK Joint Project"

R. Kadono and S. Kambe

Contact: R. Kadono ( ryosuke.kadono[at]kek.jp )
J-PARC 03-10

Published as
JAERI-Tech 2003-054
"Design of 1MW Spallation Neutron Source under the High-intensity Proton Accelerator Project - Design of Helium Vessel -"

S.Honmura, et al.

Contact: F. Maekawa (fujio[at]cens.tokai.jaeri.go.jp)
J-PARC 03-11

Published as
JAERI-Data/Code 2003-015
"Radiation Resistivity Polymeric Materials with Data Tables" (in Japanese)

Planning group, Center for Proton Accelerator Facilities, JAERI

Contact: J. Kusano (joek[at]linac.tokai.jaeri.go.jp )
J-PARC 03-12 "Report on Working Group for J-PARC Radioactive Components Storage in Tokai-site Facilities" (in Japanese)

Working Group for J-PARC Radioactive Components Storage in Tokai-site Facilities

Contact: F. Maekawa (fujio[at]cens.tokai.jaeri.go.jp)

* Please replace "[at]" with "@"