J-PARC Publication List 2010-2012

J-PARC Publication List 2010-2012

J-PARC 03 J-PARC 04-06 J-PARC 07-09 J-PARC 10-12 J-PARC 13-15 J-PARC 16-18 J-PARC 19-23




J-PARC 10-01 Presentations for the 8th Muon Science Experimental Facility Advisory Committee Meeting (MuSAC)

Y. Miyake and R. Kadono

Contact: Y. Miyake (yasuhiro.miyake[at]kek.jp)
J-PARC 10-02 Report of J-PARC Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility Future Planning Task (in Japanese)

Materials and Life Science Division, J-PARC Center

Contact: F. Maekawa (maekawa.fujio[at]jaea.go.jp)
J-PARC 10-03

Published as
JAEA-Technology 2010-047
Technical Report on the Korea-Japan Software Collaboration

Yasuhiro Inamura, Ji-Yong So, Kenji Nakajima, Jiro Suzuki, Takeshi Nakatani, Ryoichi Kajimoto, Toshiya Otomo, Myung-Kook Moon, Chang-Hee Lee, Yoshiji Yasu, Kazuo Nakayoshi, Hiroshi Sendai, Uk-Won Nam, Je-Geun Park, Masatoshi Arai

Contact: Y.Inamura (inamura.yasuhiro[at]jaea.go.jp)
J-PARC 10-04

To be published as
JAEA-Review report
Proceedings of the Workshops on "JAEA Project Researches at J-PARC/MLF"

Ryoichi KAJIMOTO, Fujio MAEKAWA, Hiroshi ARIMA, Shizuka YOSHINARI, and Masatoshi ARAI

Contact: R. Kajimoto (ryoichi.kajimoto[at]j-parc.jp)
J-PARC 10-05 MLF Annual Report 2009

Materials and Life Science Division, J-PARC Center

Contact: S. Meigo (meigo.shinichiro[at]jaea.go.jp)


J-PARC 11-01

To be published as
JAEA-Review report
Report of Workshop on the sample environments for High-Magnetic Field and High-Pressure neutron experiments at J-PARC MLF

Kenji NAKAJIMA, Takanori HATTORI, and Ryoichi KAJIMOTO

Contact: K. Nakajima (kenji.nakajima[at]j-parc.jp)
J-PARC 11-02 Presentations for the Muon Science Advisory Committee (and the 9th Muon Science Experimental Facility Advisory Committee) (MuSAC)

R. Kadono and Y. Miyake

Contact: Y. Miyake (yasuhiro.miyake[at]kek.jp)
J-PARC 11-03

Published as
KEK Progress Report 2011-4
MLF Annual Report 2010

Materials and Life Science Division, J-PARC Center

Contact: T. Yokoo (tetuya.yokoo[at]kek.jp)


J-PARC 12-01

Published as
KEK Proceedings 2012-4
Presentations for the Muon Science Advisory Committee (and the 10th Muon Science Experimental Facility Advisory Committee) (MuSAC)

R. Kadono and Y. Miyake

Contact: Y. Miyake (yasuhiro.miyake[at]kek.jp)

* Please replace "[at]" with "@"